Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 501 Counterattacks everywhere

Chapter 501 Counterattacks everywhere

"One two, pull! One two, pull!"


The entire block has become a sea of ​​​​fire, forcing everyone here to leave, but it also isolates the confrontation between the two sides. Father Mikhail and a group of people are trying to pull down a bamboo building. Misha put on a rope and went to help pull out the burning house over there.

Not far away, Guo Kang was lying on the ground. A priest took off the armor from his arm and inspected the wound. Then, he held his arm and pressed it carefully, then picked up a piece of cloth and tied two wooden blocks to his arm.

"We can only do this first." After finishing the treatment, he raised his head and said to Guo Ponu on the opposite side: "The enemy's blow just now was too powerful, and the armor could not protect it, so the bones were injured. We can only wait until victory. , let’s find a doctor to take care of it properly.”

Hearing this, Guo Ponu nodded silently, supported Guo Kang's head and let him rest on his lap.

"Don't move, take a rest." She whispered to Guo Kang: "Shi Huizhen has led people around the fire scene and headed south. The enemy won't be able to get through here for a while."

"No, the fight is not over yet." Guo Kang insisted: "I see someone from the east has entered to help them defend. Is it someone from the Shi family? Just look at it and I'll tell you, there must be more than one family and more than one group involved in this matter. People involved."

"We still have problems. We didn't take down this house in one fell swoop. Once they have more trusted servants, it will be even harder to fight."

"No, we have already won." Guo Ponu shook his head and said: "At this point, the wise enemy should quickly find a way to escape from the city instead of fighting here. What's the use of having more servants? There is a city. How many troops are there outside?"

"Besides, since we have been here for so long, my parents will definitely go to understand the situation and eliminate the thieves. None of the Wang family's trash can survive two rounds under their hands. These servants can help them live for an extra hour. What?"

"Just lie down well. If necessary, we will take you to transfer. As long as we are alive, there is nothing they can do." She seemed to have already planned: "It's very chaotic here now, and there are people everywhere. Run, there are places of fighting and fires everywhere. Most of them are so big, even if men, women, old and young from the Wang family and the Shi family go together, what will they find? Now, nothing they can do is of any use."

However, Guo Kang thought about it and refused.

"The more results we achieve now, the better conditions we can negotiate later." He sat up and said.

"But I think the damage will be too great if we fight now." Guo Ponu pointed to the side. There was a row of people sitting on the street with their clothes on. Some of them were bringing water to help them wash their wounds. Not far away, there were several people lying motionless on the ground. It was not known whether they were still alive.

"It's not an exaggeration to say that our people here are just a mob. Although we can defeat them with the help of many people, I feel sad just looking at this loss." She shook her head and said, "We captured several manors. Yes, one more and one less will not have much impact on the results. It is better to reduce the losses as much as possible. Only by training well in the future can we play a greater role."

After hearing her words, Guo Kang raised his head and looked around.

There were a few familiar faces on Father Mikhail's side, but no one in the group of people resting around him knew him.

None of the "soldiers" he had hurriedly organized and awarded the mark could be found. But there was a strange middle-aged man, without a helmet, with the band he had given out to others tied directly on his head, sitting opposite.

Guo Kang was curious for a moment, stretched out his hand to greet him, and asked: "Sir, who are you? Where did you get this sign?"

"Ah, ah..." The middle-aged man hurriedly got up: "Master, I am Dmitri. Ivan died in the battle before. When he was dying, he gave this to me."

Guo Kang actually couldn't distinguish these names. He felt that all these Russians were called Ivan or something. But he still replied: "May he rest in peace. You are the new captain. However, since you have joined the army, don't call me master, just call me captain."

He looked around again and asked: "We should not be the only ones here. How are the others now? Can they still fight?"

"I think it's okay." Dmitri thought for a while and said seriously: "Everyone is still very motivated."

Guo Kang nodded, turned to Guo Ponu and whispered in a low voice: "To be honest, I think it's a miracle that they can persist until now. And they have reached this point, but they can't stop. You are right. , they are indeed just like a mob, they are all holding on with one breath. If this breath leaks, I am afraid they will collapse directly. "

"Then let's just waste it like this." Guo Ponu suggested: "Don't continue to die at the gate of that manor. We can organize everyone to continuously launch small-scale attacks, rotate into battle, and maintain this momentum. That's it."

Guo Kang thought it made sense and nodded. After thinking for a while, he turned around and asked the middle-aged man: "Captain Dmitry, tell me, how many more people can you find who can attack? Can everyone continue to fight?"

"I don't know how many people there are, captain." Dmitri also looked dazed: "There are about twenty or thirty people in my group, right? In addition to here, there are a few people across the street. But how many people are there specifically? ,I really do not know."

"I ran with them for about two hours...but I can't tell clearly. No one told the time tonight. I guessed it by looking at the moon." He calculated it and said: "Back and forth, we I attacked three times, but they were all dispersed. Another time when I was calling for people to assemble, I was beaten out by people from the village and dispersed once. Oh, I was stupid myself and got lost once."

"Every time they are dispersed, many people will disappear, but there will also be others who come from unknown sources and join in. In the end, I don't know how many people are left."

"Three times, how many?" Guo Kang recalled it and found that it didn't seem right: "We just attacked twice here."

"I don't know..." Dmitri still looked a little afraid of him. Seeing his denial, he timidly said, "I just followed the priest. The priest rushed forward, and I followed him. Later, the priest was injured. The legs were carried back by everyone, and Ivan called us to rush together. But then we failed to rush them, and Ivan died, so I led everyone to find this way."

He said it a little confusingly, but Guo Kang probably understood what he meant. In fact, he didn't know the chain of command here at all, and he couldn't even receive orders to charge and retreat. Throughout the entire battle, they fought in such a confused manner.

However, it seems that there is no point in worrying about this now. Although Guo Kang had ordered to stop the attack and temporarily repair and wait for the road to open, he could only order dozens of people. Outside, shouts of killing and sounds of weapons fighting could be heard from time to time. Most of the battlefield has been out of his control.

Guo Kang had no idea how many people were fighting now. He kept calling people all the way, calling on everyone to follow him to attack. At first, he didn't think much about it. He just felt that with more helpers, his advantage would be greater. But the previous attacks were indeed successful, which encouraged everyone. The news spread like this, making many people who were still waiting and watching excited, and took the initiative to join the battle.

The house in front of you may be a more important place, as there are many members of the Wang family in it. Moreover, maybe because the battle situation has become fierce, preparations have been made over there and a lot of support has been received. Therefore, Guo Kang's first round of attack basically failed completely. Not only did he fail to break into the wall, but he was also dispersed. Many of his church knights and guards were missing, and the priests were driven everywhere. When Guo Kang was fighting with someone, he was hit on the arm in order to block. Guo Ponu and Father Mikhail dragged him away so that no one could take the opportunity to kill him.

But in turn, it also gives them an opportunity.

The city area is very large, and there are not many enemies, but people who want to kill them are everywhere. Guo Kang and his entourage were wandering around the city, gathering up those who had escaped before and looking for opportunities to fight back.

Wang's private soldiers tried to pursue him, but Guo Ponu was very experienced in this. She stayed behind the team and used the messy buildings in the slums to constantly attack the pursuing enemies. Under her intentional harassment, the enemy would lose one person every time they advanced. Soon they could no longer bear it and fled back again. Guo Kang, on the other hand, immediately led the gathered people and bit them back, preventing them from retreating in peace.

Of course, Guo Kang actually didn't know much about how to direct, and he couldn't always grasp the timing to keep up. In addition, his group of people had poor discipline and slow reaction. They let the enemy go several times when they tried to counterattack. The last time I chased him, but I chased him too fast and was chased away again by someone turning his head and hitting me.

However, Guo Kang gradually got used to it and was not discouraged. The resilience of these poor Rus people in the city exceeded his expectations. These people are not even afraid of death. Even if they are driven around, as long as the enemy leaves, they can gather again after a while.

Those who were dispersed were running around, but more resentful residents in the city also learned that the little war commander was leading everyone to seek justice - and he was really on it now. Many people came here because of this, causing the number of participants to increase rapidly.

Although most people failed to find Guo Kang, they still gathered together and prepared to cause trouble for the old man. Like what happened to Dmitry before, it was obvious at a glance that without formal command, the priests over there were probably commanding their own affairs - they might not even be commanding. He is simply asking everyone to follow him as one body.

Therefore, Guo Kang reacted quickly.

"By the way, after Ivan, why are you asked to take command?" He sorted out his thoughts and turned around and asked.

"Ivan is my nephew." Dmitri said: "I will not escape until I kill the enemy who killed him. They probably trust me and let me be responsible for pulling people."

"That's it..." Guo Kang sighed, thought of something again, and asked, "Just in time, I have a question and I want to ask your opinion."

"Now, we can charge again to see if we can completely destroy them by our own strength; or should we just leave it alone and wait until our support comes? I can't tell now which ones are Which of my soldiers are here to help my citizens, so you can choose on your own, I won't care."

However, no one made any movement. They just whispered and told him that they were just here to kill thieves, so it didn't matter. Dmitri simply said that if he couldn't kill the enemy with his own hands, there was no need for him to take the risk.

Guo Kang was silent for a moment.

"That's it." He stood up, grabbed his helmet, wiped his sweat, and said to everyone: "If you are willing, just do it again. As for myself - you should know my purpose."

"In that house, there are not only the elders, but also their sons and grandsons. I have come into contact with people like the Wang family. But I actually don't like to play with them. My sister also knows very well that I can't play with them since I was a child. Come together.”

"I have no interest in many things in the world. They like wine, horses, and women, but I have no feelings for these. I think people should always pursue something more noble."

"It's a pity that they don't think so." Guo Kang shook his head: "Some people seem to be unable to live if they don't bully others. I can't understand it, and I don't intend to understand it. So, I teach that person every day I want to help them study mechanical equipment instead of fooling around with these people. So some people think that I am just an autistic nerd. But I don’t mind it - anyway, they can’t understand me, and I can’t understand them. ,right."

"But today, I finally understand. Thanks to your recognition, I no longer have to feel inferior because I am different from them, because I am sure that my pursuit is the right one. One person does not need to step on another person's head , can you have your own value; and you don’t need a huge amount of material enjoyment to reflect your nobility. All we can compare before our Heavenly Father is our own virtues and good deeds.”

He felt that he had spoken these important principles more than once today. But the Russians in front of him still looked at him with interest.

Guo Kang also didn't think that his current image was suitable for giving a speech: Although it was winter, he was still so hot that he was sweating all over. Coupled with the blood and stains, the hair was hanging down in strands and looked dirty. And his face was covered with ashes from the fire just now, which hadn't been cleaned up yet. There were some bloodshot eyes in his eyes. No matter how you looked at it, he didn't look very energetic.

The shirt on his body was in tatters, and the scratched armor plates were exposed. At this moment, he looked actually quite embarrassed. If it weren't for this armor, he would probably look like a beggar.

But his words seemed to gain huge recognition from the audience. They all looked up at Guo Kang. Many of their faces no longer had the usual numbness, but instead had a hint of piety and determination.

Behind him, the burning city block illuminated the place, reflecting the firelight in a pair of bright eyes.

Guo Kang didn't care so much. Since their spirit is still there, they can continue to act.

"Some brothers have proven themselves today. Through heroic and righteous actions, they have proven that they will enjoy incomparable glory. And those of us -" he put on his helmet and looked around at everyone: "Now, it is our turn to continue to correct people. There are still mistakes in the world!”

"Everyone who can still move, please stand up. It's time to go!" he shouted.

 It seems that after I finish writing and adding paragraphs, I will receive comments...

  After polishing that description of the environment, a bunch of comments disappeared, which was strange...



(End of this chapter)

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