Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 516: Roar loudly and pounce on Tuohuan!

Chapter 516: With a loud roar, he pounced on Tuohuan!

"What happened outside the east gate?"

When Guodawu and several officials entered the palace through the audience passage, he curiously asked Tuohuan: "Why is everyone going there?"


Tuo Huan hesitated for a long time and decided to take him to see it himself.

After Guo Ponu and Theodora quarreled, he quickly ran away. As expected, as soon as he ran away, the two men started fighting.

The officials around him didn't dare to persuade him, so they could only stay away. Even the group of Russians realized that something was not right and fled in all directions. There were no people in the small square over there now, but on the balcony and the corridor on the first floor, many people stopped and started to watch the two of them fighting.

"We have been fighting for a quarter of an hour." Tuohuan whispered: "Sister Ponu is actually better in martial arts, but Hulu can endure the fight without using any effort, and it is not a loss at all when fighting with bare hands. I think the two of them can continue fighting like this until noon. .”

"What is it?" Guo Dawus hesitated for a moment, seeming to have some guesses, but still confirmed it first.

"Sister Ponu suddenly said that she was going to marry Guo Kanganda, which shocked us all." Tuohuan said, "It happened that Hulu Buhua came back. When he saw a group of people over there, he wanted to go up and ask about the situation. I couldn't stop him. I couldn't stop it. As expected, the two of them got into a fight and then started fighting."

Having no choice but to escape from the scene, he gritted his teeth and came to the gate again, followed by a group of guards and walked around there.

When Tuo Huan thought about what Shi Ke said just now, she felt something was wrong. But since she ran over on her own and caused a commotion, we could only temporarily aggrieve her, hold her back, and look back to see what happened.

"Why are you running here!"

Tuo Huan didn't think much, and immediately told everyone to stay calm, and then called guard Qixue to go out to meet her.

After that, he didn't give Tu Huan time to react. He loudly said that he wanted to meet the Khan to report the emergency situation, and ran away in a hurry.

Looking carefully, these two people are quite energetic.

"Hey, my parents are still busy inside, and grandma also went out to do errands just now. When they fight, no one on our side dares to intervene - neither do I." He shook his head and said, "Shibo, hurry up and say Just give it a try!”

"They have been fighting with each other all night, how come they still have extra energy to worry about..." Tuohuan muttered, not knowing what to do.

Tuo Huan always felt that she was the second most powerful person in Rome after Guodaus. This kind of person doesn't want to be a bitch, but hides in the palace and plays tricks with the Greeks. No matter how you look at it, it's a big loss... As the saying goes, one force can defeat ten. With this foundation, she is not afraid of Guo Po. slave.

"I...I'm not good at taking care of this either. These two girls are having a relationship dispute..." He muttered and prevaricated: "By the way, my wife is right behind. She went to see the Queen Mother first. She should be there soon. Just come and let her take care of it, she’s good at this.”

It's definitely possible to force the two of them apart. These two are not ignorant of the overall situation, and they have helped a lot before, so it is impossible for them to really delay the business. But the problem is that the ancients all knew that it was difficult for an upright official to settle household affairs, let alone two women competing for their lover. I am afraid there is no "reason" for judgment at all. When encountering such trivial matters, I'm afraid Bao Gong would have to go around.

Moreover, Tuo Huan was a relative of Theodora and a friend of the Guo family. If he helps Theodora, Guo Ponu will blame him for being partial; if he helps Guo Ponu, the ones who get beaten by Theodora next time may not be Guo Ponu and Guo Kang. What should I do?...

Everyone was quite shocked.

"The rebel leader is here!"

However, Theodora did not give in at all. Although she hangs out in the palace every day, her grandmother has been dragging her to practice martial arts every day since she was a child. Her martial arts skills are definitely not as good as those of "street runners" like Guo Ponu and Shi Huizhen, but her physical fitness is superior. Not only is she taller, her internal strength talent is also amazing.


As he said before, Guo Ponu's martial arts is very good. Under the guidance of a group of famous masters and knights, the basic skills are very solid, and the movements of fists and kicks are smooth and flowing, with almost no redundancy, which makes people feel relaxed and happy. Moreover, she has often been exposed to various martial arts from all over the world and has traveled several times. She is familiar with all kinds of moves. Even if the opponent's kung fu is rare and weird, she will not suffer a loss at the first meeting.

But at this moment, someone else walked in outside the wall. The guards at the door also ran inside. Tuo Huan hurriedly went to look and saw Shi Huizhen walking in swaggeringly holding a wine bottle and drinking.

However, Guodawus also hesitated.

Regardless of her foundation, hard work, or knowledge, it can be said that she is a first-class existence. No wonder she complains every day, thinking that she is her father's heir.

Although her moves seemed to be passive, she was not greatly affected. Unarmed kung fu is no better than a sword on the battlefield. People with strong resistance to strikes will indeed have an advantage, let alone her level. Therefore, despite being beaten many times, Theodora became more and more frustrated and courageous, and even started to chase Guo Ponu.

Shi Huizhen had a very good intuition about battle formations. When she saw Tuo Huan and his men coming over, she seemed to feel something was not right. However, she never thought about it so much, and everyone accompanying her was waiting outside, so she just continued to move forward.

Tuo Huan ordered Qie Xue to control her first, and Shi Huizhen finally fully reacted, shouting loudly: "I'm here to see the princess, what are you going to do!" while punching and kicking her, and resisting with all her strength.

Qixue is the elite of the Khanate, and all of them have extraordinary skills, but this woman's brute strength is too great, even a few strong men can't hold her down...

Tuohuan originally planned to tell her the various accusations others had made against her after she got control of her. Otherwise, she might just run away. However, before he could announce the situation, Shi Huizhen broke free from Qie Xue's restraints, roared, and rushed towards Tuohuan.

Shi Huizhen had practiced martial arts and was a crazy fighter. Once she pounced and injured Taiji, it would be okay. Tuo Huan has been on the battlefield for a long time, and has often faced various assassins with malicious intentions. He is very experienced and can run far away with a swish. Shi Huizhen exerted all her strength, but the attack was in vain. She fell to the ground with a thud and was chewed up by a dog. The cowards hurriedly swarmed up and held her down.

Considering that other important suspects are either dead or still being arrested, this is her first one. Everyone didn't dare to slack off, so they tied her up quickly and went to report to the Khan.

Shi Huizhen was still shouting there in confusion. Guo Ponu and Theodora noticed the movement and couldn't fight anymore for a while, so they hurriedly came over to see what was going on.

They said that Shi Huizhen had been with Guo Kang and others to fight against the rebels. However, Tuo Huan truthfully pointed out that everyone was accusing Shi Huizhen of taking the lead in the rebellion. He had no idea what the situation was and could only arrest him first. Besides, they had been fighting before, and no one had told him about it.

Taking advantage of this time, Tuohuan also picked up her wine bottle.

"I guess this wine was stolen from me last time." He smelled it and muttered: "If you don't believe it, let's go to her house and search. We will definitely find the wine from last time."

Theodora and Guo Ponu had no choice but to follow Tuehuan's threat, stop fighting, and go to the palace first to explain the situation clearly to each other.

Tu Huan himself, after thinking about it, returned to the palace first and decided that he must tell his parents about the situation.

He came to the reception room on the second floor again. This time, the Roman officials had left one after another, and several foreign envoys were waiting at the door. The door opened, and the people filed in. The queen in the room also saw the contemplative figure outside, and stretched out her hand to wave him in.

This was not a serious meeting, but those few people saw the commotion in the city and quickly came to ask what happened. However, as for the Purple Horde Khanate, they haven't figured out the matter yet, so naturally they can't explain it. But the normal diplomatic process still has to go through. Who made such a big commotion in his own family? Therefore, both parties still followed the routine and treated each other politely before talking.

Several other people saw that there was no news here, so they just let it go. But the envoy from Venice had something to say.

"In the morning, I got some news here." He asked thoughtfully: "Before, some Italians had formed a trading guild, including our merchants. Last night, their side seemed to be affected. But the situation there is very chaotic, and my servant didn’t ask about the situation there.”

"As an envoy of the Republic, I hope to learn about the losses there and the reasons for the incident as soon as possible. It is my duty to protect the interests of our businessmen as best as possible. I hope your Majesty can understand."

"We understand your request." The queen also replied slowly: "However, the incident happened in a hurry. Although the situation has been controlled as soon as possible, we are still chasing the fleeing thieves, extinguishing the fire, and restoring order in the city. At present, we have no understanding We cannot jump to conclusions based on the full picture of the matter. Otherwise, it would be irresponsible for the friendly relations between our two countries."

The Venetian envoy thought for a moment, and probably felt that he really couldn't ask anything now, and just expressing his attitude was enough.

"Then please allow me to wait humbly. I hope your country can get through this extraordinary period as soon as possible and return to normal." He said skillfully.

"If there is news about the Venetian merchants, I will ask the Ministry of Etiquette to inform you as soon as possible." The Queen nodded: "Do you have any questions?"

"I'm a little curious about what you just said." The Venetian didn't hide it and asked directly: "You just said that the people being hunted were thieves. But after I was waiting just now, I heard others saying that they were rebels. Excuse me What was the level of what happened last night?"

"This is not because we deliberately want to ask for secrets." He looked at the envoys next to him and explained: "It's just that for our businessmen, there is a big difference between being attacked by thieves and being attacked by rebels. . The Republic will also respond in different ways."

"The former is a very common accident during business. Although the Constantinople Trading Post is in the city, we are all familiar with the security of big cities. If these merchants and chambers of commerce have participated in mutual aid for unexpected situations Organizations, or have signed relevant contracts, we will help them issue corresponding certificates so that they can receive compensation. Otherwise, these risks should naturally be borne by these businessmen themselves."

"But being attacked by rebels is another matter. If the rebels establish their own organization with specific claims and leaders, then we will treat it as a self-reliant regime. We will treat the losses caused. Come forward and make a claim. Now that they have caused damage to our businessmen, we can already intervene in this matter." He stated in a serious and serious manner.

"This is an important city in your country. We have no armed forces here and cannot provide relevant help. However, we can pursue the property of the enemy leader in accordance with the law and seize his land, ships and goods overseas. If he If we have business dealings with the Republic, we will also freeze the corresponding part of the wealth as compensation."

"The Constantinople Trading Post is very large, and the amount of money involved is estimated to be quite large. I suspect that it will affect the interests of many merchants afterwards, and they will definitely put pressure on the government of the Republic, and I am afraid they will have to bother them again in the future." The envoy said sincerely: "As a special envoy, I still need to apologize to your majesties in advance."

Although he spoke very candidly, the Queen seemed to be a veteran and still said unhurriedly: "We are not interested in your trade rules and have no intention to interfere. Now all investigations and results must be summarized in accordance with Rome's regulations." Rules proceed.”

"We thank you for your sincerity. We have always respected the interests of friendly countries and will do our best to provide assistance to friendly countries within our capabilities." She finally said: "After the matter is settled, you can directly contact Yousi, and they will follow the law. Provide you with the necessary documents and procedures.”

At this point, that’s basically all. The Venetian envoy bowed and thanked him, and several other envoys followed suit.

Tuohuan estimates that the Venetians actually want to see the specific characterization of the incident. However, the Purple Horde Khanate itself must consider this matter carefully. Fortunately, his mother was very experienced and managed to get over it without much effort.

Even if the Venetian people really don't understand the style and insist on asking, they probably won't be able to get this "Yousi" to say anything - Tuohuan himself doesn't even know who this Yousi is this time. Of course, these slick businessmen usually only inquire about information and won't actually make trouble.

After that, the two sides talked about some daily cooperation topics, including Guo Kang's previous proposal to attract investment from Italian businessmen. However, these things are relatively simple. They just confirm each other's attitudes. The specific details can only wait for the executors to negotiate in detail.

After all the topics were over, the leading Venetian asked seemingly casually: "We were in the corridor just now and heard many people say that Her Highness the Princess was thinking about marriage. The marriage of the Roman Princess has great influence on the international community. It’s a big deal. Has your country made a decision on this?”

"Not yet." The queen looked at Bai Saihan and then shook her head.

Tuohuan became curious and became interested, wanting to see what this person had in mind.

(End of this chapter)

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