Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 52 Can the Dayuan Kobold Defeat the Wild Boar 4 Prince?

Chapter 52 Can the Great Yuan Kobold Defeat the Fourth Wild Boar Prince? (over)
The ministers have many doubts about the passage to the north.

If this channel is really reliable, then it can be discussed whether to use such a low profile to contact the Ming Dynasty.The goal of the Purple Horde Khanate is very simple, which is to obtain materials from the East.If there is a competitor, it can be bargained.

But if Zhu Yuan was not so powerful, and did not control large areas of fur and pearl production areas as they boasted, and could not transfer things over, then it would be meaningless for the Purple Horde Khanate.

Unlike these countries, the Purple Horde Khanate is neither a descendant of Kublai Khan, nor does it need the Yuan Dynasty's claim, and has no affection for them.Therefore, how to choose this matter depends purely on the specific feasibility.

"I still think that we should remain skeptical - there are so many legendary monsters in the classical era, and no one has conclusively proved it so far. This story is probably just a myth." Otrifoss struggled.

"But if it's true..." He looked back and forth at the people next to him: "This kobold sounds very fierce. Is there a more specific description in the story?"

"No more." Da Lama Wang said, "Actually, it's hard to say how powerful the dog kingdom is. The explorers probably didn't seriously investigate this issue."

"That's hard to say." Papadopoulos reminded: "No matter where our trade routes pass, the Ming Dynasty, which is closer, can also pass through. So the point is not how remote it is, but how remote it is. On the land, can the local people resist the Ming Dynasty with the help of the terrain? Although these kobolds have surrendered to the Yuan Dynasty, if they still cannot defeat the Ming army, then it is meaningless for us to detour here."

"Indeed." Borjan and others also agreed.

"The probability of this story being misrepresented is indeed very high." Cao Jian also pointed out: "Using animals to describe other countries is a very common way, and we have seen it before."

"When the Ming Dynasty had a falling out with Timur, Timur was so angry that he called the Ming emperor 'Emperor Taogos'. This is typical."

"What does that mean?" Shi Ke asked.

"This is Turkic, which means pig." Zhao Liang said, "It should be to retaliate against the envoys of the Ming Dynasty and deliberately scold Emperor Zhu."

"It may also be in Turkic. Taohuashi and Taogesi have similar pronunciations in Turkic, so they called Emperor Zhu the emperor of the pig country." Wang Dalai added: "Of course, it is more likely that the two There are both, and they said so on purpose.”

"Uncle Timur can play homophonic stalks, and he is bilingual..." Guo Kang had never heard of it before, so he was quite surprised.

"What are you playing?" Li Xuanying asked.

"It's nothing." Guo Kang waved his hand: "I feel like I underestimated his cultural level before..."

"Whether it's swearing or not depends on the cultural environment." Zhao Liang said: "Tauges should be pronounced by the Turkic people in Central Asia. The Turkic-speaking tribes here in Liaoyang Province pronounce 'Tungus'. They use this word to call The local Jurchen-speaking tribe. This is actually not a derogatory term, because in the local culture, the wild boar is a symbol of bravery and belongs to boasting others.”

"Oh, by the way, this happens to be an example." He thought for a while and said.

"The custom of pigs has a long history here. Although they didn't record it themselves, the Central Plains people know it very well, because the exchanges between the two sides were very early." Zhao Liang thought for a while, and said: "When the Zhou Dynasty was first established, the local Su Shen People paid tribute to King Wu of the Zhou Dynasty, which were birch shafts and stone arrowheads. The bows and arrows they used were very large, and the arrowheads were more than one foot long, which was very iconic. The emperor believed that it was auspicious for people from afar to pay tribute. Therefore, it is specially recorded."

"This is the farthest tribe that paid tribute to the Zhou Dynasty. Therefore, Zhou people have always regarded Sushen as their extreme northern border. Whoever allows Sushen people to come to the court is a sign of the country's prestige. It became a cultural concept and is still used today.”

"It is said that the Yilou people after Sushenhe didn't raise cattle and sheep very much, but liked to raise pigs. These people ate pork, wore pig skin, and used pigs for sacrifices. This also impressed the historians of the Central Plains deeply."

"Sushen, Zhulizhen, Zhushen, and Jurchen are probably all one word, pronounced in different dialects in different times. Until now, many Jurchens do still have this custom, which can be verified and identified. Therefore, others It’s not surprising to call them that,” he concluded.

"You are also very clear about the things in the ancient books." Cao Jian was a little surprised.

"To tell you the truth, I have also read books." Zhao Liang said somewhat complacently: "Although we live in a wild land, our family has always attached great importance to educating our children. We have learned a thing or two about ancient books and calligraphy."

"That's it." Cao Jian praised, "Then you can continue."

"Okay." Zhao Liang cupped his hands: "In short, whether it is the ancient books of the Central Plains or the surrounding Turkic-speaking tribes, they are all impressed by their pigs. But the Turks call them 'Tungus', not to say that these people are wild boar monsters, but Describe their way of life, and the animal symbols they worshiped."

"I think this dog country may be similar." He compared it: "I think it may be that there are too many dogs and dogs in life, so people call them the dog country. This is the same as the Liao people. A country of dogs should be an ethnic group with similar customs, not to say that they are really kobolds."

"I see." Everyone expressed their understanding.

"Then Timur called Emperor Zhu Emperor Tungus, but he was wrong?" Borzhan asked, "In Tungus language, pigs are not called Tungus."

"It's really not called that. But there are many people with pigs in their names, which are common names." Zhao Liang replied: "For example, 'pigskin', Nurhachi, any name is fine, and it can be regarded as auspicious name."

"What are you talking about? I'm getting dizzy." Sitting behind him, Tuotuo Buhua was puzzled and said, "What do you mean? Timur's nickname is not right. Emperor Zhu is actually called Nurhachi, right? ?”

"Okay, okay, don't talk too far." Lama Wang hurriedly stopped them, and tapped the map with his whisk: "In short, we have already introduced the local tribes that can be used. Now, the main problem is to meet them. right threat."

"The emperor of the Ming Dynasty entrusted more than a dozen kings in the north and ordered them to lead their Ulus to compete with the Mongols for the grassland." He introduced: "In the northeast direction, there are mainly four, among which the fourth prince Best at fighting."

"The focus of this commercial route is in the northern part of Liaoyang Province, but it is said that the Yanwang Department is very mobile, and it is likely to move forward on its own initiative, pass through the eastern edge of the grassland, and cut off here before entering Liaoyang." He gestured: "I think , the main threat is here."

"That is to say, it depends on whether the kobolds of Dayuan can defeat the fourth prince Tungus Zhu." Tuotuobuhua judged.

"Tutuobuhua!" On the throne, the queen seemed to be unable to bear it anymore: "You are not allowed to speak at this meeting!"

"Hey, eh?!"

 The division of chapters has not been very good... that's it...

(End of this chapter)

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