Chapter 522 Romans, know yourself!

"Master Guo is awake, Master Guo is awake!"

Amidst the excited shouts of the Qixue guards on guard, Tuo Huan and others rushed into the house where he was resting.

Guo Kang had already sat up and was drinking the soup brought by the guard. Tuohuan rushed in with Shi Ke, Li Xuanying and others. Soon, relevant personnel who reported work in other palaces and were waiting to meet with him also heard about it. Qiao Feng, Cao Jian, and even several people from the church quickly came over.

"What happened?" Guo Kang was more surprised than them: "How long have I been sleeping?"

"It didn't take long, just most of the day." Tuohuan told him: "You recovered quite quickly. Hu Lubuhua and your sister are still sleeping soundly. My mother asked them to rest, but it turned out that I just slept until now and haven’t gotten up yet.”

"The two of them have played a few extra games, so they will definitely be more tired." Someone laughed.

Everyone laughed along with him.

"It's just a joke." Shi Ke said, "Your recovery ability is indeed quite impressive. Those two people looked tired, but they were far less injured than you. It's really not easy for you to recover so quickly."

Of course everyone knows this. Therefore, after laughing for a while about the complicated relationship between Guo Kang and others, we started to talk about business.

"You can sleep comfortably now. I will help you clean up the aftermath, but you are very busy." Shi Kexian said: "Fortunately, there is nothing major now. The city has almost stabilized."

"This is also a good thing." Li Xuanying said.

"Needless to say, she must be jealous again." Tuo Huan didn't look too surprised: "I woke up late and didn't see her, but I guess it's almost the same."

"Is there anything else?" Father Peter, who was holding medicine beside the bed, asked: "Just now, Taiji asked the Patriarch to organize manpower to help the victims, but the monk who came to report told us that someone has already started taking action. . It seems that this girl Joanna arranged her men, used her own property, gathered all the displaced people, and hired them to build the trestle bridge."

"My sister started to get jealous of Sister Ponu out of nowhere, and I couldn't stop her. She couldn't beat her, and there was no result after trying for a long time. Then she ran to fight with that Persian girl, and was teased again. . I guess he was holding his anger in his heart and saw that your sister was easy to bully, so he went to mess with her."

"Then let her go." Guo Kang said quickly: "I can guarantee her. Her previous actions were basically directed by me. Even if there is anything out of the ordinary, it is a problem of my poor command."

"Yeah." Shi Ke said, and started to mutter again: "By the way, our trestle has also been trampled to pieces. It just so happens that it can be completely repaired this time..."

"Ah? Why?" Li Xuanying asked: "Even if it is dealt with according to the law, it is not a big deal for her. Just bail her out."

"Stop talking about your trestle, let's see what's going on first." Li Xuanying said helplessly.

Everyone looked at each other in shock, and finally could only skip this matter.

"No. I didn't know the situation before. After asking clearly, I also support locking her up first." Shi Ke waved his hands repeatedly: "You know the law, but I know my sister. The city is not stable yet, so let her out. Oh, who knows what will happen."

"After she came back, she was arrested by the princess." Qiao Feng redressed her injustice: "She insisted on following you to the palace. I thought nothing happened, so I left her alone and went to help Her Majesty the Queen Mother's nuns clean up. At the end of the game, I was doing notes and stuff. It turned out that after the team was closed, I found out that the princess had detained her, so I hurriedly came here to ask for permission. I had just explained the situation to a few others, but they were not present at the time. , so I came to you quickly, hoping you could help me."

"It's the Joanna who took her servants to rescue Mr. Guo." Qiao Feng quickly reminded her when he realized that everyone had forgotten who she was again.

"Then why did you detain her?" Li Xuanying was very puzzled: "Isn't she helping us?"

"Who is your sister?" Shi Ke asked curiously.

"Hey? What happened to her?" Guo Kang asked unexpectedly.

"Is that so?" Shi Ke said in surprise.

"Thank you for your hard work, everyone." Guo Kang thanked everyone, and then asked casually: "By the way, where is your second sister?"

"I kind of understand why so many people are willing to follow you." Shi Ke said with emotion: "However, I think it will take some time to wait until this matter is completely resolved before releasing her."

"Don't worry." Li Xuanying supported from the side: "Mr. Qiao acted bravely and was the first to rush to support. He was faster than us. If you need help, we will support you."

"Mr. Guo, Mr. Guo." Qiao Feng also rushed over: "My sister was also arrested. You were also there at the time, so you know she was there to help. Please be sure to redress my grievances on my behalf!"

"She? She's being held." Shi Ke said helplessly: "A bunch of witnesses we found, no matter which side they were from, all said in unison that she was treasonous. I don't know what she did to stimulate everyone to this... ...But then again, she will definitely cause trouble outside anyway, so she will be locked up..."

"What else could it be like?" Tuohuan said speechlessly, "Forget it, I'll go and release the people later."

"Yes, where is that Persian girl? Every time I went to Guo's house, I could basically see her on the roof. She claimed to be Akang's sister every day." Li Xuanying thought about it: "She is nowhere to be found. ?”

"She said that she had completed the task given by Guo Kanganda, and she was celebrating happily there, but ended up drinking that...fermented grape juice." Tuohuan replied: "She is sleeping soundly now!"

"Ah... that's not his sister, but she looks like your sister..." Li Xuanying muttered.

But beside him, Qiao Feng breathed a sigh of relief and quickly thanked them for a while.

"What about Officer Xiao Zhu?" Shi Ke asked again, "I seem to have met him once before."

"He's begging for food... uh, he's collecting donations!" Tuohuan said quickly, "I'm very busy right now, so I don't have time to come over right now."

"That's it..." Everyone discussed for a while, but before they finished speaking, Cao Jian from behind also hurriedly squeezed in and knelt down in front of Guo Kang's bed: "Brother Guo, this time it's all my fault... "

"Don't be like this, don't be like this." Guo Kang quickly stood up and pulled him back: "In this matter, I have done more to cross the line than you. If you really want to talk about it, I should apologize to everyone."

"You are so presumptuous about yourself." Tuohuan said, looking at everyone: "If you hadn't acted impartially, so many problems would have been covered up for who knows how long. We all have to thank you."

Seeing what he said, even the people who came to watch nodded in agreement.

"I'm serious." Guo Kang pondered for a moment and said: "This time, although I can find a reason for every step, I am not afraid of people saying that I have no virtue and violate the law. But also, it does make many people People find it unexpected and beyond the scope of what they are used to. I know this myself."

"We are all somewhat selfish. As long as this matter does not violate the rules, there will be no problem. Strictly speaking, what Brother Cao did did not violate the rules of the military." Guo Kang shook his head and said, "If it is really serious, I rejected it directly at that time, without thinking about screening it, and there was nothing to do later.”

"To be honest, we do this on a daily basis. Which country has not put people into the army? Even I will definitely be arranged by my elders to go on an expedition. When the time comes, they will definitely assign me a reliable Soldiers, arrange disciples and former officials to assist. We are used to this kind of thing, so everyone just doesn’t take it seriously. "

Everyone was speechless for a moment.

"I'm not against this habit, because in our current situation, this system can actually improve combat effectiveness." Guo Kang continued: "And I think that how the system itself stipulates may be secondary. Some people think We have all seen many examples of seemingly backward systems being able to defeat more advanced enemies. So the crux of the problem is not actually here."

"Then what do you think the key is?" Tuo Huan asked.

"The book of war makes it very clear." Guo Kang replied: "There are five biggest factors that affect victory or defeat: those who can accurately judge whether a war can start can win. What we are talking about here is the overall calculation and test before the war. What’s more is the strategic planning in the court;”

"Those who know how many troops there are on both sides and take countermeasures can win. What we are talking about here is the specific understanding of the situation between the enemy and ourselves before the war. The test is the pre-war reconnaissance and the calculation and planning of the battle by the general and staff;"

"If the whole army in the country has the same will, they can win. What we are talking about here is everyone's enthusiasm to actively participate in the war. What is tested is the cohesion of the country and the fighting will of the soldiers and officers;"

"Being fully prepared to deal with the unprepared can lead to victory. What we are talking about here is the preparation work in terms of personnel, materials, tactical arrangements, etc. The test is the emphasis on war and the vigilance of the war situation;"

"If the general is proficient in military affairs and adept at contingency changes, and the monarch does not interfere, he can achieve victory. What we are talking about here is the general's command ability, and the test is the personal ability, the talent training system and the level of national managers."

"What we are concerned about is the third point here." Guo Kang reminded them: "Our military laws have always been strict. If we put some unqualified people in, as long as they can pass the training, they will not be unable to go to the battlefield in theory. But the third point How to solve this problem? Even if they develop basic combat capabilities, how can they work together with us? Such people, even if they have combat capabilities, will only be a greater disaster. "

"You want to join the army, I have no objection. Even if you didn't say it, I would have cooperated with your family. Whether it is you or your uncle, there are many things to entrust you - the land of Ross is so big, we may It won’t be fully developed in a hundred or even three hundred years, and there are opportunities for everyone.”

"If you have any questions, just give them to me, okay?" He patted Cao Jian and said.

"Yeah, when you think about it carefully, that plan involves too many things." Tuohuan also agreed: "It's not just the construction of water conservancy and land reclamation, but also a lot of things about mining, coal mining, and iron smelting. Kerry There are very few people in the place north of Mia, and we didn’t pay much attention to it before. But after reading what he said, I realized that the resources there are very rich, and the most important thing is that various industries can support each other. If this works , the potential is too great.”

"So, these are not problems. The key is what he said, whether we can have the same desire." He said to Cao Jian: "As long as everyone's overall desire is the same, they all want to make our country strong. , which will help improve combat effectiveness. In this case, everything is negotiable."

Cao Jian held his hand and nodded.

"If we talk about it seriously, I hope that everyone will understand who we are." Seeing this, Guo Kang took advantage of the situation and continued: "There is a sentence engraved on the Delphi Temple, which is called 'Know yourself', Su Grates regarded it as the core of his theory. We all roughly studied these things back then, and we should still have an impression."

"This is a philosophical question. We need to clarify it before we can further understand other issues, such as who are our own people." He said: "So, have you ever thought about how we, as mortals and as members of society, , what role does it play?"

"Tell me, tell me." Li Xuanying urged.

"There are poor people and rich people in society, and there are people who do this kind of work and people who do that kind of work. It can be said that it is very complicated. Therefore, we have to figure out which side we are on, who our foundation is, and what we are for. Who is doing the work?" Guo Kang said.

"Generally speaking, country managers should side with those who have resources. Those local barbarian chiefs have soldiers and manors; those old Greek nobles have literary knowledge and management experience; those Italian merchants have ships, There are sources of goods and sales from distant places. Logically speaking, we should treat them as one of our own and act for their benefit in exchange for their support and help to maintain this country."

"But everyone knows that if we do this, we will be doomed." He spread his hands: "There are too many lessons from the past, and the Greeks have failed several times. We must learn from this and cannot follow this path again. "

Several people were nodding, feeling that this indeed made sense. After all, everyone doesn't like these types of people very much.

"We are different from the barbarian countries, and we are different from the Greeks and Persians." Guo Kang continued to analyze: "We can rise not by the support of tribal chiefs or old nobles, nor even by the whims of most citizens. , or it is a temporary product of legionnaires for a salary increase, but it is made by their own efforts little by little."

"Our ancestors, together with the citizens of that time, worked on weekdays and went to war during war. This has always been the case. No matter how cunning the Greeks are, they cannot shake our foundation, and no matter how ferocious the barbarians are, they cannot destroy us. exist because we and countless people have always had the same wish. They are incapable of defeating so many people and can only be defeated by us."

"This is the reason why Wang suffered such a big loss. We are leaders of citizens and soldiers, not businessmen, gang members, and leaders of cult priests." He emphasized specifically: "If we mix with those people, we can bring down Rome. Is it a good business? This kind of thing should be common sense!"

"That's why I want to say, everyone, even if you are descendants of Taiji and Zhuguo, please know yourselves. Otherwise, similar situations may continue to happen. Our enemies may not give us so many opportunities. ”

"Yes, those few of them have forgotten who they are, and instead of striving for military glory or improving people's livelihood, they are thinking about evil ways!" Tuo Huan also understood and immediately agreed: "We, Rome, are The country of the legions is a country of citizens, not something that these messy people can get involved in. Our leader in Rome is Caesar, not a tribal king, a cult monk, or a merchant governor. I can’t understand this kind of thing, so why should I go there? Lead the Romans?"

"I think many people actually understood this truth before, but Guo Kanganda made it clear again." He turned to everyone and said, "This time it has been so difficult, everyone must remember this lesson. , so it’s not a wasted loss.”

"You continue to rest and change your medicine. There are probably many things you have to worry about these days." He told Guo Kang: "As for this matter now, I will help you settle it."

Everyone agreed, expressed condolences to him, and then, driven by Tuo Huan, left with him.

(End of this chapter)

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