Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 527 Egypt Fela VS Slavic Animals

Chapter 527 Egypt Fela VS Slavic Animals

The other three people were very surprised by Guo Kang's suggestion. Guo Kang had no choice but to explain.

"What we are considering now is to lay a good foundation for Rome." He said: "For this goal, it is necessary to do something that seems shocking."

"At the previous conference, the Great Khan and the elders came to a conclusion. You should have all read the document: The Rus region is to the Qin State what Xirong is to the Qin State. By opening up this area, there will be opportunities to enhance national strength. hope."

"Furthermore, everyone knows that competition between big countries is often not decided by one or two battles, but depends on the competition of national strength between the two sides. Therefore, if conditions permit, the more such places, the better. Even if you can't take it, Once it’s in hand, it can’t be digested by the enemy.”

"Now that the Mamluk regime is declining day by day and civil strife continues, it no longer has the prestige it had when it resisted the Ilkhanate. Moreover, compared to their military strength, the political level of these people is even worse. I don't believe in the local people. People will welcome them.”

"Egypt, like Shu, is a land of abundance. Now their masters can't even defend themselves, and even invite us to intervene and help solve the problem. This is an opportunity given to us by Heavenly Father, how can we give up?"

"I am not opposed to intervening in Egypt." Wang Dalai Lama said: "But intervening in Egypt and organizing the Egyptians to build armies and let them carry out their tasks are two different things."

"Yes." Pronsky also said: "If you mobilize the Slavs, they can also fill the lower front, and there are no supply requirements. If you mobilize the Egyptians... they can only eat military rations."

"I just feel that this is not a problem of people, but a problem of the environment." Guo Kang said truthfully.

"I read the "Biographies of Huo Shi" in Shiji before. There, Tai Shigong wrote a long paragraph to record the customs and customs of various places and describe the character and cultural traditions of the local people. I believe that with his consistent attitude, these remarks None of them are groundless, and they may indeed be people's common views during the Western Han Dynasty. However, looking at it now, those words are just some strange stereotypes, and many of them are completely incorrect."

"So, there is nothing wrong with what you said. According to my opinion, when Heavenly Father created man, how could there be such a big difference among us? The formation of so many ethnic groups in later generations is probably also due to issues of climate. Historical records also say that the Xiongnu People are descendants of the Xia Dynasty, but on the grasslands, they have completely different customs. I think this is not because of people, but also because of environmental changes. The history of the Central Plains is too long and there are too many records, so That’s what makes these patterns so obvious.”

"The Ross area is too poor. Although it is rich in resources, it has not been developed for a long time. We all know this." Cao Jian said, "But that is not the case in Egypt."

"But over in Egypt... how can we change the local soil and water?" He waved his hands helplessly: "The situation over there is just the opposite, right?"

"But you only thought half of it." Cao Jian reminded: "If you bring an Egyptian to Rome and train him in Roman ways from an early age, it is definitely okay. When he grows up, he will probably not be as good as How much weaker were the other Romans. But the problem now is that we are going to Egypt."

"What do you mean?" asked Lama Wang.

"This is the point of view that I agree with." Guo Kang nodded: "In this way, it really shows that these people can be used."

"Because they have such a long history, they have already formed their own culture. I suspect that the civilization of these people may have to be compared with that of the Central Plains, which is far from comparable to that of Europe. How do we educate them? …”

"At least, there is still room for belief." Wang Dalai Lama was a little unwilling: "The Egyptians have changed their beliefs several times in history. Their current religion was only developed hundreds of years ago. Appeared. We can still do something in this regard."

"Their place is so suitable for farming. Since ancient times, those people have begun to settle and farm along the Nile River. I don't know when they arrived there, but they were already living there before the Greeks experienced the Dark Ages. There, build those magnificent and miraculous buildings.”

"But our capabilities are also limited. Some land that can be reclaimed but is not well utilized can be transformed as much as possible with the technology at hand to make it suitable for our production methods and allow us to organize effectively. In this way, we can complete training and form combat effectiveness.”

"The Egyptians didn't become what they are now. They didn't come out of thin air. They lacked fighting ability. I don't think it was because Heavenly Father deliberately didn't give it to them. It's because the land and water will breed such people." He continued. Express your own opinion:

"The ideal situation is of course to allow all our control areas to be adjusted to the best condition. We build water conservancy projects, reclaim farmland, teach local people planting techniques, and bring many areas from Crimea to the west of the Dnieper River. The originally semi-nomadic people have also turned to settled farming. This is also a process of changing the climate - through education and persuasion to farmers, we have created a new way of life on that land, and naturally changed the local people's lifestyle. Organizational form and collective character. The so-called Chineseization and Romanization may be like this."

"Here in Europe, people often put forward some bizarre conjectures, and even assume that there are spiritual differences between people in different regions. However, these theories not only violate the teachings of our universal beliefs, but are also inconsistent with the history recorded by our predecessors. It’s obviously made up by some ignorant people.”

"These are not problems, the key is combat quality." Cao Jian said: "Whether it is the Persians who worship Zoroastrianism, the Greeks who worship polytheism, or the ancient Rome who worships God, until the different dynasties of Tianfang Sect... various religions and various All these sects have ruled there, but look, who dares to let Egyptians serve as soldiers?"

"Of course, but that's the problem." Cao Jian also analyzed: "If you want to say how different people are, I think there may be, but it shouldn't be decisive."

"For example, the Rus area was almost impossible to effectively cultivate hundreds of years ago. Therefore, the various dynasties at that time, even if they could defeat the incoming Rus and other nomadic tribes, or even send expeditions to destroy the nomadic countries there, There is no way to turn that place into the territory of Rome. But now, with more advanced iron smelting technology and richer water conservancy experience, we can solve many previous problems, adjust the local climate, and improve the local people. Enlightened.”

"I think there may be some relationship between combat effectiveness and which religion you believe in, but it's probably not big." He shook his head and said, "No matter what religion it is, the locals still live like that, so the impact won't be big."

What he said is indeed true. Moreover, although Guo Kang knew hundreds of years of "history" more than people of this era, he could not find any refuting examples. Hundreds of years later, no one dares to let Egyptians join the army, and they are indeed the same as before.

"If I remember correctly, the Ptolemaic dynasty even hired Jews as soldiers." Cao Jian hesitated and said, "Forget about hiring Celts, the Jews have become a fighting nation over there. This place..." "I remember that the indigenous people also participated in the battle." Guo Kang thought for a while and said: "During the Fourth Syrian War, the political situation of the Ptolemaic Dynasty was unstable, and many generals were disgusted with the palace conspiracy. Antiochus III defected to the Seleucid dynasty. Therefore, the number of Greek soldiers in the Seleucid army exceeded that of the Ptolemaic side."

"Before this, the Ptolemaic dynasty also strictly followed the previous tradition, recruiting only descendants of Greek colonists or hiring other barbarians, and strictly restricted local ruled people from joining the army. But Antioch's momentum was too great, and Ptolemaic The secret court was frightened, so Ptolemy IV made an exception and conscripted 20,000 Egyptians to train as phalanx infantry.”

"The two sides met at Laphia next to Gaza City. The Seleucid army first defeated the left wing of the Ptolemaic army. Seeing that the army began to waver, Queen Arsinoe, the sister of Ptolemy IV, ran to the queue of soldiers to encourage them. They fought bravely and promised to give them gold as a reward after the battle. The morale of the soldiers was greatly boosted, and they withstood the Seleucid army, and finally succeeded in turning defeat into victory."

"Oh, that's not bad." Pronsky said unexpectedly: "Doesn't this mean that the Egyptians can also fill in the lines? It seems that if they can lead well, maybe they can reach the level of the Slavs? "

"What happened after that? I have never heard of this incident at all." Wang Dalai Lama said frankly: "I don't know what happened to them afterwards. These people don't seem to have any influence, right?"

"It depends on whether you give money or not." Pronsky speculated: "Most people will not really give money to cannon fodder, but if they do, there will definitely be something going on later, and it will not just disappear."

"According to the documents and stone tablets unearthed there, the queen did give money later. However, these soldiers did not play much role later." Guo Kang said:

"The Battle of Lafia was the last successful foreign war of the Ptolemaic Dynasty, but it failed to achieve much results. After the war, Antiochus and others retreated into Gaza City, and the Ptolemaic army was unable to pursue them, so it could only end here .”

"Queen Arsinoe was later killed in a palace coup. Polybius records that she was very popular with the Egyptians, so her death caused riots among the locals. People no longer cared about the king, But she was very sad about it. The Greek nobles who murdered her were quickly killed by the angry people, and the Egyptians who had received military training, as the previous dynasty rulers worried, were indeed taking the lead in making trouble. So after that, There are basically no records of local people participating in the war on a large scale.”

"That's it." Pronsky thought for a while, and finally commented forcefully: "No wonder, I have an indescribable feeling... It seems that the upper limit of the combat power of these Egyptians is the Greek old ladies? Then they are still not as good as us Slavs over here.”

"I have indeed never heard of these things." Lama Wang ignored his words and said to Guo Kang: "If you have any information, you can take a look at it and let us analyze it and see if there is any experience that we can refer to. of."

"You all have those materials. In addition to the narratives of historians, there are also some records in the Book of Maccabees. That book, I remember, is part of the Old Testament recognized by the Catholic Church. The Church of Constantinople and The Kiev Church also lists it as the Apocrypha. You should have an archive, just look through it," Guo Kang said.

"That's an apocrypha, right?" Lama Wang said unexpectedly.

"I remember it was a menstrual period?" Guo Kang scratched his head, thought about it, and asked doubtfully.

"I also remember it's the Apocrypha." Pronsky also agreed: "Hasn't the Patriarch read it?"

"What should I read about heretical books?" Lama Wang quickly argued: "I just need to read the serious scriptures of our church. I don't need to pay attention to all the other nonsense."

"In those books, apart from the parts about strange powers and chaos, the historical stories are still somewhat interesting. I heard that the Jews themselves did not regard the Book of Maccabees as scripture because it was all about resisting foreigners through military struggle. The history of the rulers introduces historical experience, rather than records of God's personal intervention and miracles, so there is no sacredness." Guo Kang said: "Of course, I think this kind of part is more valuable. ”

"Don't worry about him." Wang Da Lama waved his hand and said: "What is the value of Jewish things? Their military experience is just like that. The bragging part is far greater than the actual effect. Jewish mercenaries also participated in the Battle of Lafia. If it is true If you are so powerful, why didn't you break into Gaza City and capture Antioch? I'm afraid I can't seriously believe what they say."

"In that scripture..." Pronsky was about to say that many of the scriptures written by God worshipers were written by Jews. After thinking about it for a while, the church in the Purple Horde Khanate really didn’t believe this.

"Yeah, that's right, people don't seem to like the Jews over there very much..." He muttered, and for a moment he felt that what the Great Lama Wang said was quite reasonable.

"Okay, okay." Cao Jian quickly smoothed things over: "Anyway, what I just said is that the Egyptians are actually worthy of use? It's just that there are foreigners suppressing them, fearing that they will cause trouble, and not allowing them to receive training. Is this what you mean?"

"There is also a problem with this statement." Wang Da Lama still didn't believe it: "It's not like there are no examples of using only one's own tribe and not recruiting local people to join the army. When Wuhu invaded China, many people did this, but the result was still failure? Here we are. During the Song and Yuan Dynasties, it had become the case that whoever could make good use of the local Han people would conquer the world. In this regard, the Song and Jin Dynasties were not as good as Mongolia, so the result can be imagined."

"If the locals are really good at fighting, it's not that the foreigners don't let them serve as soldiers, but they beg them to become soldiers. Every country has internal and external conflicts. If you leave those who can fight unused, what if your opponent uses them? "

"Over in Egypt, the Greek aristocrats back then and the Mamluks today are definitely not monolithic. No matter how close we are, can we have brothers like Kublai Khan and Ali Buge? What will be the result?" He said Spread your hands and give an example.

"That's why I think they still can't do it." Lama Wang finally shook his head.

(End of this chapter)

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