Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 530 Zhu Yuanzhang’s Spear Court

Chapter 530 Zhu Yuanzhang’s Spear Court

After leaving the monastery, everyone followed Zhu Wenkui to the temporary resettlement camp outside the city.

There are many people gathered here, all busy in their own ways. Seeing Zhu Wenkui's return, everyone came to greet him and blocked the door.

"Oh my God, how come you are so popular with the common people?" Tuohuan couldn't get through the door directly, so he could only sigh outside: "I thought Guo Kanganda was outrageous..."

"It's not my ability. It's hers." Zhu Wenkui pointed to a girl wearing a red scarf in the crowd: "I haven't done much in the past few days. I have been cleaning up the ruins of the palace and organizing things in the workshop. . She is responsible for organizing everyone’s patrols and work.”

"Who is this? I've never seen him before?" Tuo Huan asked.

"Oh, that man's name is Tang Sai'er, he was just invited by the church." Guo Kang looked at it and said, "Master Wang met a lot of...religious people when he was traveling around the world in his early years. Someone introduced them here. ”

"Who taught them?" Tuo Huan asked curiously.

"It's from the White Lotus Sect," Guo Kang said.

"Oh..." Tuohuan nodded and said, "That's not an ordinary person. It's not easy to organize so many people."

"Fortunately, she has a team with her. Captain Jessica and others are also here to help." Zhu Wenkui said modestly.

"Yes." Zhu Wenkui said: "We also gave the captured person a spear and allowed him to defend himself. Then we asked everyone to sign up. Whoever has been harmed by this person in daily life and is willing to bet his life to be charged. Each can also receive a spear. After the trial begins, the two sides will engage in a duel, and life and death will depend on the judgment of the Father."

"There was also a spear court in the Ming Dynasty?" Tuohuan looked surprised.

"That's right." Captain Jashka also added: "The discipline of the Ming army is so good, they can actually starve people to death..."

"Ah?" Guo Kang didn't react for a moment.

"After all, this is Ming Dynasty's method, it is easy to use. Everyone is very active." Captain Jessica also said: "You can ask everyone, many people are still not satisfied."

"Moreover, this guy is probably used to being a thief, and he is very arrogant on weekdays. He even set up a court privately to execute the gangsters they caught." Zhu Wenkui continued to say to Tuohuan: "I told her, this kind of thing is terrible No matter how big or small, if someone gets caught, she may not be able to survive here, and she will have to run away with me. It's a pity that she doesn't listen very much, and she still goes her own way."


"Uh..." Guo Kang didn't know how to answer for a while.

"That's really powerful." Zhu Wenkui complained: "Much more powerful than my father. My father thought that Fourth Grandpa was coming to see him, so he was so frightened that he ran away without even meeting him. She even met her..."

"No, what we are dealing with are some lawless elements who have been entrenched at the grassroots level in the city for a long time and have been doing evil all year round." Captain Jashka replied: "These people are indeed not members of the auxiliary army, but the ones we use are not traditional in the German region. The kind where the sinner is allowed to walk through the middle and everyone pokes them as they see fit; but the Ming style, which combines duel elements and is more fair."

"However, the gang leaders here are very angry with the public. Hundreds of people often fight each other. After the duel starts, because there are too many people, people outside often can't squeeze in, so they can only worry. By the end of the fight, everything becomes The corpse was whipped..."

"Then you are underestimating her. This person is really powerful." Guo Kang shook his head and said, "I heard from people that she fought against your fourth grandfather back then. A little girl of this age can run out of a battle formation. , it’s not easy anymore.”

"Look, their army can starve people to death." Captain Jessica said matter-of-factly: "If it were my old employer, the soldiers would definitely rob the surrounding villages. Maybe some people were beaten to death by the villagers, or they deserted. Run away, but it is definitely impossible to starve to death. I have looked for work in many European countries, and I have never seen this kind of army. The discipline of the Ming army is really outrageous. These military households must also be very capable let's hit."

"In the end, that Qianhu didn't fight a hundred spear-wielding soldiers, and was stabbed to death by random spears on the spot. This can only be blamed on his own incompetence, and other nobles can't say anything. To everyone, it doesn't matter. That’s fair.”

Guo Kang could understand his resentment, but he didn't know what to say at the moment.

"Spear Court? I remember it was used by German mercenaries to deal with people who made big mistakes in the army." Guo Kang asked curiously: "Did the gangsters she killed also run away from my place before? There are actually so many more?”

"You also imitated Ming Dynasty and did this?" Tuohuan next to him asked quickly.

"There is a saying." Zhu Wenkui told him: "When my great-grandfather was in power, a thousand households embezzled military pay and starved to death a hundred military households. My great-grandfather was very angry, but because he had merit, he allowed it. He defends himself. Then let him take out a hundred soldiers, also holding spears, to fight with him. Everyone depends on their own ability to decide whether to die or live. "

"No." Captain Jessica, who was next to him, immediately helped to explain: "Miss Tang just set up the Spear Court according to custom. I asked Captain Lucas, and he said that this is the custom among the auxiliary soldiers, and It doesn’t count as violating the law and setting up a lynching. So, it’s not that exaggerated.”

"Since the public's anger is so great, it's good to let them vent." Tuo Huan thought about it and nodded: "However, after the ban is lifted in the city in a few days, you should stop doing it."

"Okay, then we will speed up in the next few days and kill the rest so as not to cause any trouble to you." Zhu Wenkui quickly agreed.

"Go and call Miss Tang over quickly." He said, then turned around and asked someone to call Tang Sai'er.

Soon, Tang Saier and a group of helpers rushed over to greet them.

"How's the deal going? So exciting." Seeing her cheerful look, Guo Kang asked.

"It's not bad. In the past few days, we have captured dozens of thieves who wanted to hide in the crowd, and we have all killed them." Tang Saier said happily: "There is another surprise. The murderer who killed the little boy before , we also found out." "Oh?" Hearing what she said, Guo Kang didn't think of it for a moment: "Isn't Alexander dead long ago?"

"Alexander and his men took action directly; a master of the Wang family protected them. The master's housekeeper provided a place for them. These are all dead, but the priest who organized the cult ritual , and the businessmen who helped them contact each other have all absconded before. Yesterday, I found them." Tang Sai'er said: "I don't know if this is considered to be the end of the arrest."

"Hey, I'm afraid this organization has been running for a long time. There are probably a lot of people." Guo Kang thought for a moment: "There are so many people, each with their own role. I can't tell who really deserves to be killed." The leader."

"Of course they should be killed." Tang Sai'er looked at him in surprise: "Otherwise, can we let him go?"

"Uh..." Guo Kang was speechless for a moment, but he thought it made sense: "Where are they? Take me to see them."

"They are all dead." Tang Sai'er told him: "Everyone was so angry that I couldn't stop them, so I let them go. I also cut out the hearts and livers of those two people to sacrifice the dead brothers and sisters. You If you want to see it, go to the new cemetery. Their hearts should still be hanging on the crosses of those two children."

"I think I've crossed the line a bit, you are more extreme than me..." Guo Kang muttered.

"Oh, I'm a rebellious thief. I haven't learned anything since I was a child. Don't compare with me." Tang Sai'er didn't care at all: "I told your sister yesterday that from now on, just let me do this kind of murder." , you won’t get your hands dirty.”

"Why did she come here again?" Guo Kang asked unexpectedly.

"Uh... I just had a casual chat with us about the aftermath. I didn't say anything." Tang Saier tried to cover it up, but her lying skills were too poor and she couldn't hide it at all.

However, since she was unwilling to say anything anyway, Guo Kang could not continue to ask, so he could only forget it for now.

"To be honest, I have always felt that these gangs are also part of the social order. Their emergence means that the government is unable to maintain order at the grassroots level. Therefore, these gangs themselves have become a supplement to the government." He said with some emotion. , said to everyone: "In this case, gangs should have a certain degree of popular support and foundation among civilians. Because gangs also play a role in maintaining basic order, and even gangs' order is better than no order. "

"It stands to reason that even in order to win people's hearts, the oppression on the people should be appropriately relaxed in some aspects. Many gangs like to create an internal atmosphere of 'loyalty' and 'promise-keeping' in order to show people that they are here to Those who maintain order can protect everyone when things happen."

"But these gangs in our city are too outrageous. They don't pay attention to their roots at all, and they treat the people more harshly than the government." He shook his head: "I really don't know what they think."

"You are talking about the most ideal gang, but it is definitely not the case in reality." Tang Sai'er shook his head: "I heard from my husband back then that the emperor and officials have long known how important the people are, and how important the people are to rebel. How terrible it is. The old masters tell them these great principles every day, and the good emperors and officials in the past often left such stories of exhortation. But you see, they still can't remember it."

"Besides, the government will be corrupt, let alone these gangs. I have also led church members, how can I say..." She shook her head: "When there are few people, it is okay if you can manage it by yourself. But as long as there are more people, You have all the problems of the government."

"When our team only had a few thousand people, there were some people who didn't learn well and took advantage of the fact that they had joined the religion and were supported by others to rob the fellow villagers' things. I killed more than a dozen people to stop them. Those gangs are not as good as us. . Think about it, what they do is not as good as they say."

"I asked the people here before, and according to them, many of these gangs now came into the spotlight and started to rise when your father was in charge of the capital. It has been more than ten years now, and they should have been corrupted long ago; this time they took the lead. Those who caused the rebellion were organized much earlier. When your uncle was reorganizing the city, he was organized by some old gangs squeezed out of the chaotic city at that time. That's why they have so many connections. Tang Saier told Guo Kang: "Look, how can these people do good things?"

"And it's a gang from Ross..." Zhu Wenkui muttered.

"That being said, it is indeed the case." Guo Kang sighed: "I never thought about this before..."

"Just learn more and gain more knowledge." Tang Sai'er said maturely: "I have seen a lot with my own eyes and heard a lot of truths from others. When I see more, I will know how big the gap is between the scriptures and reality. "

"He also told me that his great-grandfather and grandpa would consider the common people." She pointed at Zhu Wenkui: "You have to think about this yourself."

"They... have indeed considered it." Zhu Wenkui defended: "After all, the basis of the imperial court is still the large number of registered households. Even if it is necessary to take care of and appease the nobles and bureaucrats so that people can work, they must be relatively more considerate of the common people. . Otherwise, wouldn’t it be the same as the Yuan Dynasty?”

"Then I am relatively loyal to the court." Tang Sai'er immediately laughed and said: "We are just opposing corrupt officials in the province, why is the court still suppressing them?"


Zhu Wenkui couldn't turn around for a moment and didn't know how to answer.

"Miss Tang, Miss Tang." Captain Jessica said quickly: "As I said before, don't always be 'him' and 'you'. Our prince is also a noble, with a title. Forget it on weekdays, there are so many now Where are the people..."

"I really don't know what to say." Tang Sai'er spread his hands and said, "I'm the one who started his family's fortune, so I can't still call him Prince. But everyone is making a living in Taixi, and they have to work together, not to mention that we are still being The people he hires to do work are not hostile, nor can they shout too unpleasantly. In this case, I don’t know what to call them anymore, so I might as well stop shouting at all.”

"It has nothing to do with me that you rebelled." Zhu Wenkui said immediately: "I was brought here before I was sensible. No matter who persecutes you, I have never done it."

"That's your family too." Tang Sai'er retorted: "Your fourth grandfather came up and slapped me, beating me half to death and almost losing his breath. I haven't settled the account yet, why don't you accompany me too? I'll fight a few times to keep my hands from getting itchy."

"I won't quarrel with a bratty girl like you. My family is probably not good at fighting. Anyway, my father and I are not good at it. Hitting me is not a skill." Zhu Wenkui waved his hand and refused: "And he If you have a son, go fight them. His family likes to fight, so you can fight each other for fun..."

"Okay, okay." Guo Kang and others quickly persuaded. Fortunately, they were just joking and didn't mean to be serious. Soon, the crowd dispersed and everyone entered the camp, preparing to visit Princess Ma and others.

(End of this chapter)

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