Chapter 538 Joanna’s Friend Fee

Guo Kang originally just wanted to ask about the situation, but Joanna was very enthusiastic and kept pulling him to talk.

Of course, she didn't have anything to say. Guo Kang indeed lacks direct understanding of business in this era. The things she stated were still inspiring.

Moreover, Joanna was obviously very enthusiastic about this conversation. According to her, it is rare for her to have this opportunity. Moreover, no one else came to disturb me this time. Guo Kang can also understand. After all, although she has some money now, she is still a city-state businessman. Being able to establish a relationship with her will definitely be of great benefit to her family's business. Other businessmen may not even be able to ask for it.

She also asked Guo Kang where Theodora and others were. Guo Kang explained that everyone is very busy now. While Theodora had to help deal with various matters in the palace, she also had to make frequent appearances with her mother to appease everyone in the government and the public - for the current situation, the latter may be more important. During this period of time, I probably won't be able to get away.

Even a guy like Guo Ponu, who usually has a lot of free time, is now full of things.

After verifying his combat effectiveness in actual combat, Guo Kang was completely at ease. Since Guo Ponu had been making trouble before and wanted to lead troops, he simply left the Russians to her and let her deal with the aftermath and prepare for recruitment and training. Except for those that she had to sign and seal herself, I left everything to her.

Anyway, Guo Ponu also played with him throughout the game, and everyone in Russia recognized her. After she gets all these done, she will go back and prepare for the formal military training. If she does a good job, make her a staff member, and leave everything to her from now on.

In this way, Guo Kang himself got a rare opportunity to rest, walk around and relax. However, if Joanna wants to have a relationship with them, she probably has no chance. Now, I'm afraid they don't have the time or the mood to receive the merchants.

However, Joanna didn't care much about this answer, and instead breathed a sigh of relief. She said that it was okay for her to contact Guo Kang, but she did not have to find those two people. She also hopes to make friends with Guo Kang, so it would be beneficial to chat with him.

Of course, this is not my fault. During this era, Italy's commerce and economy gradually became prosperous, and the status of merchants also improved. The best of them began to transform into new urban aristocrats, taking control of the politics of some city-states. But across Europe, they remain underdogs. The HRE princes from the north went south to enter the pass every day and robbed everywhere. The French from the northwest and even Aragon in the west often come to participate in the grand event.

If a businessman wants to become bigger, he must have connections with the government. He was also impressed by the reputation of the Medici family. With the shrewdness of these people, Joanna's actions must have a clear purpose. Even if she claimed not to, Guo Kang didn't quite believe it.

"Huh?!" Joanna was shocked. She thought about it anxiously for a moment, gritted her teeth and said, "I can also give you some more...but I don't have much cash on hand right now."

The most troublesome thing is that the cities can't unite at all. It would be nice if they don't attack each other. Within the city, they are also locked in vicious battles all year round, attacking and assassinating each other at every turn. Many people look glamorous, but in fact they are precarious.

"'s more than all of you combined." Guo Kang said truthfully.

"Okay, okay, there's no rush." ​​Guo Kang said happily: "Thank you for your support. You are indeed a good friend!"

Theodora told him before that he would slowly start to preside over formal affairs from now on, and he could no longer be as casual as before. Although he himself has always been approachable and has no airs, others would not think so. Some are people who follow the trend and want to please him. Therefore, he must pay more attention to understand other people's true intentions before making a decision. I can no longer be as innocent as before, getting close to everyone and being defenseless.

After all, if a person you didn't know before suddenly jumped up and actively gave a large sum of money, anyone who is not a fool would feel that there is something wrong.

As soon as she said being friends, Guo Kang understood what she meant.

Guo Kang will not be in this world for a long time. But apart from the past, when everyone jokingly asked him to play with Theodora, this was the first time he had seen someone say kiss so bluntly. This incident really surprised him. And expressing the purpose so straightforwardly is probably because the situation is urgent and there is something difficult to say.

"That was the case before. But recently, member Sun from Java has sponsored another huge amount of money. I am also planning to treat him to a banquet to express my gratitude." Guo Kang said: "If my research can be regarded as a fund-raising project, he This one should be considered a big benefactor."

Therefore, Guo Kang can probably guess her goal.

Joanna had been captured by Theodora and taken back to the palace. Later, when Guo Kang took her out of the palace, the Greek lady who was responsible for supervising etiquette and managing the maids asked a few questions curiously. According to the nun, Joanna's outfit looked like that of aristocratic courtesans from Italy and France. Especially her fans and jewelry, her style is very obvious. Such people often move between various palaces and connect the forces that serve them. In fact, they should play the role of eloquent diplomats. I don’t know what she did to make the princess angry.

As for people wanting to fall in love with him, it should be just a means, not a goal. What's more, in Europe, love and marriage have always been regarded as different and independent concepts. It is not too out of the ordinary to use the former as an auxiliary means. And having said that, his biggest financial supporter now is actually not Joanna, but the Javanese billionaire "Sun Shiwan". You can't just say that Sun Shiwan also wants to fall in love with him...

"How much did he give?" Joanna asked quickly.

Of course, considering that Joanna has given him a lot of support, he may have to use her to find Italians for financing in the future. Guo Kang feels that maintaining a relationship with her is also a good choice - of course, if she can pay more Some, the better.

Previously, Joanna's brother Qiao Feng had told Guo Kang in private that the girl was in love with Guo Kang. He couldn't help much, he just hoped that Guo Kang could provide some opportunities to get along with each other. As for whether it could happen...he could only help so much.

"I am very interested in your thoughts, and you are also a charming person. I really want to have more contact with you..." Joanna still looked very unskilled, and said a little clumsily: "Say Come on, I should be the one who sponsors the most, right? If you get along with me more, the princess and the others shouldn't be able to say anything."

"However, other Italian chambers of commerce have suffered heavy losses in this incident. If they want to resume business and are not completely driven out of this huge source of profit, they will probably come to me for help. I can get some money from them, and I should It can be made up for.”

The local forces in Italy have tried various solutions, but none have worked well. Compared with the kings who took the money and wanted to kill the creditors, the Romans took the money and at least did something for him. In this case, it is normal to hope to get more support from here.

Thinking of this, Guo Kang said: "Of course, the more friends the better. I have received a lot of support from everyone before, and I have always been grateful."

Joanna also breathed a sigh of relief, leaned a little closer to Guo Kang, and grabbed his arm. Considering that she had just promised to make up for the friend fee, Guo Kang felt that it was better to encourage her and not pour cold water on others, so he had no objection. The two of them just walked around the camp and visited.

Along the way, Joanna gave him a supplementary introduction to the situation here. Soon, they came to the place where porridge and rice were distributed. And here, someone seems to be arguing. Guo Kang stepped forward and asked what happened.

The two parties involved in the dispute were the chef distributing food on one side and a group of strong men holding bowls on the other. The group of people asked the chef to give them more food, but the chef was not willing to give it, so they started fighting.

Seeing Guo Kang approaching, both parties stopped arguing and turned to look at him. Although he had not been here before, looking at Joanna's gorgeous dress next to him and their actions with each other, everyone seemed to already understand that he was a person of some status.

"What's going on?" Guo Kang asked. "These people, after finishing one bowl, mingled with the crowd and wanted to come back for another bowl." The chef said first, "I don't want to deduct food, but these are extraordinary times. This small ration is still the hard work of our princes." Get it and distribute it to everyone for free. The quantity is originally limited. Give them all to eat, what can so many people eat?"

"We don't want to eat more, but we really can't get enough to eat." On the opposite side, the leading middle-aged man with a beard also complained: "The King of Wu asked us to come here and said that everyone should work hard to protect their palace. Do great things, and everyone will have a good future in the future. But I have been here for two days and I can't even eat enough. What should I do?"

"This is where relief is distributed to the victims. You should go to the retainers." Guo Kang pointed to the location inside the camp.

"The retainers eat the same food as the victims." The middle-aged man replied: "Besides, his retainers are all Bohemian Hussites. They don't look good on us because we are Germans. Those people seem to have just performed meritorious deeds, and we can't compete with them, so we can only come here."

"Look, you know that people also eat so much." The chef immediately accused: "I think you have too many things."

"We have to work a lot." The middle-aged man argued: "Looking back, we still have to go on patrol. King Wu has strict rules here, and we still want to keep our jobs."

"Bohemians work hard every day." The chef retorted: "Everyone knows that King Wu's soldiers are very disciplined and approachable. Aren't you doing so many things to smear my reputation?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Is it wrong to be a soldier and want to have enough to eat?"

"We are different from those fanatic believers. They don't eat, so we have to eat!"

The group of strong men immediately became unhappy and started making noises loudly. But the chef is also very determined and is not willing to give in.

Seeing the movement here, the soldiers patrolling around also rushed over and asked about the situation. Guo Kang quickly stepped forward and asked them to separate.

"This is not a big deal, don't worry." He comforted: "As you know, this is a special situation here, and it will definitely not be like this on ordinary days. This time it is a special matter, and I will help you solve it."

"By the way, what should I call you?" He turned to ask the leading middle-aged man.

"I am Johannes from the town of Richtenauer. Just call me Hans." Seeing that he wanted to help, the other party was more polite, took off his hat and bowed.

"These dozen or so people are all my students." He introduced: "I am a mercenary. I pick up business everywhere and make some money to live on, while collecting swordsmanship skills from various places. When we were traveling before, we met King Wu was recruiting people. He said that Constantinople is very prosperous now, people from all over the world gather here, there are many opportunities, and there are people here to respond. We followed his recommendation and came here. "

"That's it..." Guo Kang probably understood.

The organization and discipline of the Hussites were unprecedented in Europe. Especially the old brothers around Captain Jessica have some religious sentiments. They have followed Zhu Wenkui for a relatively long time, and have even experienced life-and-death battles together. Therefore, they can bear even the requirements of famous generals in ancient times.

But these newcomers had only traveled around Europe before. The mercenaries in those places have always been famous for their roughness and cruelty. It's already good that they can reason with each other here instead of fighting directly. On the one hand, it was due to strict management, and on the other hand, it was probably explained to King Wu first when he was recruiting.

However, the premise is that there is enough trust for people to endure hardship together. These people have never met Zhu Wenkui and others a few times, and they have neither enjoyed various benefits nor understood their atmosphere and tradition of sharing weal and woe. If you ask others to suffer poverty together, some people will definitely be dissatisfied.

Guo Kang thought for a while and came up with a solution.

"We here will definitely not treat those who are capable." He said: "Otherwise, you can show your skills. If you are really good, this meal, even if I... uh, she Please.”

He pointed to Joanna next to him and said.


"Our teacher is a famous swordsman, and he is even more powerful."

"We will definitely not be worse than them."

Everyone agreed.

Guo Kang originally wanted to try it himself, but after hearing what they said, he felt like forgetting it. He called the captain of the patrol and said, "Is there enough room for martial arts here? Find two more wooden sticks and you can try it with them."

The Russian captain was also a little eager to try it, and quickly asked someone to find some sticks to try it himself. The group of newcomers discussed it and finally let the leader, Old Hans, go into battle in person. The two sides took up positions on this open space and prepared to start training.

However, as soon as the two sides fought, Old Hans knocked the wooden stick out of the opponent's hand with one blow. The other party hadn't figured out the situation yet and wanted to do it again. However, this time, as soon as they made contact, he was hit on the leg and fell down on the spot.

"Okay, okay." Guo Kang said quickly: "Then you just come with us. We'll pay for the food and drink these days. I'll tell your prince alone later."

"You did the right thing." He said to the chef: "It is right to follow the rules, but next time you encounter this kind of situation, remember to tell us in time."

Everyone thanked him, but the patrol captain still looked surprised and didn't understand what happened just now. Guo Kang stepped forward, pulled him up, and gave him two silver coins as a reward for his help. Then, he took Joanna and the large group of people outside the camp.

(End of this chapter)

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