Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 555 The saint is actually myself

Chapter 555 The saint is actually myself

"Then what do you think are the options?" Eudocia didn't say much, but Theodora asked with interest.

"That's too much. Just find yourself some work." Guo Kang said without thinking.

"She just said that the core tasks of the Romans were farming and war. But in people's lives, besides these two, there are a lot of other tasks. The legions are busy doing these two things every day, and they must have spent a lot of thought. Then you can organize people to do other things.”

"I have been busy with various things before." Theodora said unwillingly: "Probably the most important job for my mother and I is to deal with various figures inside and outside the court and coordinate the relationships between them. Or just like Just like the previous charity fund-raising, I organized various activities. This is also essential work and requires a lot of energy, but people don’t pay much attention to the effects of this kind of work. It seems that I have done nothing.”

"That's because you are doing things in the wrong direction." Guo Kang retorted: "Do you think that the little money raised from donations can make Heavenly Father happy and bless you? It's not that simple."

"Heavenly Father is the supreme being of goodness, the most benevolent and righteous. He loves the people more than his own son, so he would rather let his son come down to earth and endure the sufferings of the world, but also take this opportunity to enlighten and teach the world and save everyone. "Spring and Autumn" said, "The people are the masters of God." The benevolence and righteousness of the Heavenly Father has reached such an extent that it cannot benefit the people. It is just to deal with the Heavenly Father. Is it possible?"

"Even if it is a fundraiser, the prince and Miss Tang must have raised much more than you. It is just a formality and will not be of any real help to the country."

"You are exactly what Miss Tang said." Theodora thought for a moment, maybe she had been persuaded once, and did not refute: "She also said at that time that the nunneries opened by my grandmother were the only ones that could Do you all think this way?"

"Of course. You have to think carefully about the source of power." Guo Kang said bluntly: "Power and responsibility go hand in hand, and only when you do things can you have the corresponding power. Otherwise, even if you have identity and status, it will take a long time." Anyone who has some common sense should be able to understand this."

"I am the princess of the Roman Emperor's court, and I am no longer one of my own?" Theodora found it difficult to accept this statement.

"So, you should learn from Her Majesty the Queen Mother and go among the people, among the poor." He shook his head and said, "Look at the example just now, isn't it very clear? The poor are the people with the least resources in society. Although There may be many reasons, but on the whole, they should be on the fringes of the organization that holds real power, or even outside the organization.”

"Her Majesty the Queen Mother chooses orphans, and I choose Russians, all based on this logic. These people are the soil with the greatest potential. If you can organize them through your own efforts, the court will definitely be happy to give you formal power."

"Just do the opposite and perform your duties first." Guo Kang was a little helpless and simply took himself as an example: "Look at me, although I haven't served yet, I have already done a lot of work in the church and produced a lot of things. . Therefore, when my father was preparing for my expedition, the church leaders agreed to directly send a large number of priests and monks to give priority to support my troops. I did not have a teaching position in the church, and I was not even a serious priest, but I could. Being recognized and able to direct church people and mobilize church resources is what I achieved.”

Guo Kang didn't answer for a while, feeling that he was too impressed by the hunger. He scratched his head and comforted: "Don't worry too much, no one has ever been down and out. And after that, even though you had no actual power, you still did a lot of things."


"By joining the military, foreigners can also qualify for citizenship. But for citizens who have not joined the military, their citizenship rights are incomplete." He pointed out: "According to law and some practices, many rights and benefits are limited to veterans. Women, children, and men who have never served in the military cannot enjoy it. In fact, they can only be regarded as half citizens. "

"Then..." Theodora seemed to understand, but she was still a little unwilling, staring at him, speechless for a moment.

"Also, isn't he the same?" He pointed at Zhu Wenkui: "We don't need to be too particular about it, we can just say it - from the beginning, his family actually only had an empty name, and the situation was worse than yours. The title of King Wu is indeed real, and theoretically there should be corresponding authority, but they have no responsibilities here, and the Ming Dynasty is too far away, so this kind of power is empty. What they can get is that they can get enough to eat without going hungry."

"So, it is wrong to think of using various methods to gain authority and then perform functions." He said: "That method is only useful for people who have been accepted by organizations with real power. . And you are not that kind of person.”

"It's really not about birth and blood." Guo Kang explained: "According to our current laws, citizenship seems to be hereditary. The children of a citizen are automatically citizens. But in fact, everyone knows that True citizenship comes from service.”

"If you ask me, if you really want power, don't stay in the palace - what's the future of hanging out with those ladies every day? They are marginalized themselves, how can they help you. In a place like that No matter how good the interpersonal relationships are, no matter how great the influence on the court is, this kind of voice will collapse as long as the people with real power no longer support it. "

"Whether it's helping to organize workshops or settling disaster victims, this is actual management work. So, although they don't have additional titles now, they are now in the state of 'opening the government', with stable retainers and scope of authority. In fact, they have stable retainers and scope of authority. , is already our guest." Guo Kang said: "Compare these two examples, it will be very clear."

"Yes. My family is really what he said, a negative example of the source of power. It can be said to tell everyone how power is lost." Zhu Wenkui did not shy away and said with a wry smile: "Princess, what Brother Kang said is indeed the truth. Oh. , there is something wrong - in fact, I was hungry at that time..."

"We just said repeatedly that the essence of Rome is the legion. If you can't join the legion, then of course you are not one of our own." Guo Kang shook his head and said:
"Look, even if we are children of the Zhu Kingdom, our families will definitely let us join the army and fight on the battlefield. This is because our elders have never fought in a war and don't know how terrible the battlefield is. Anyone can die? Obviously not. Ah. It's just because, if you want to maintain the dignity of the family, even a male heir must join the legion and become his own person within this system. So, even if you say so much, you can't change the basic situation. "

"If you can't find anything good to do, help me promote my invention. The church has already done some work. You rely on your status and wealth to ask them to help and promote it. Is this the head office? "He thought for a while and suggested.

"What inventions are they?" Before Theodora could ask, Zhu Wenkui answered curiously: "My workshop also needs to be rebuilt, and the newly recruited apprentices also have to work. Please give me more orders."

"It's the loom and the disinfection room." After Guo Kang answered, he scratched his head: "But I feel that if you want to implement it, the main thing is to organize people to do things, and the tools are relatively simple. I really don't know, what to use How many iron parts..."

"Then I... can give it a try." Theodora hesitated and nodded. "If you can do a good job, you will definitely gain a lot, and many people will be grateful to you. The direct beneficiaries of these plans are women. But these women who can benefit are the wives, daughters, and children of our citizens. Mother, not those messy Greek women who are involved. Less deaths and more money are very simple and straightforward benefits, and they can be welcomed by everyone. "Guo Kang said, "Don't worry, everyone is sure. I will be grateful to you. Not to mention that there must be someone who appreciates and admires you. You can definitely get real respect for yourself and not for your position as a princess."

She didn’t know which part of it appealed to her, but Theodora seemed to be a little moved. However, Guo Kang himself seemed a little unhappy. He shook his head, sighed, and complained to Theodora: "Look, if you think about it for a moment, there are not many places to start with. Although we have been building accounts in Rome for decades, there are still some missing areas. There's a lot more. I didn't expect you to be so smart in this regard. This can't be called wise."

When Theodora heard this, she rarely looked discouraged and said nothing.

Tuo Huan, on the other hand, looked at her very proudly. He cast an encouraging look at Guo Kang.

In fact, one of the aspects they were worried about before was that Guo Kang's character was too kind and gentle, and they should not be manipulated by Theodora, causing her to lose control and expand her power too much. However, judging from his recent performance, Guo Kang is actually very assertive. He always has a clear goal and a tenacious will. He will not change casually. Even if he is surrounded by enemies and faced with the threat of weapons, he has not wavered. . He usually looks calm and not very outgoing, but sometimes, he can even be a little too enthusiastic.

Therefore, there is no need to worry that Theodora can control him or even use Guo's power. On the contrary, he has become increasingly unable to restrain himself from complaining about his desires, and even mocks Theodora from time to time. At present, it seems that Theodora can only control him physically...

"Then I support it." Tuo Huan agreed decisively: "If she can really do this well, I will be very happy if someone can admire her. It means that my family's education was not in vain, and I did not raise a person who can only do bad things. "

"You-" Theodora was fine just now, but now she was extremely angry.

"Don't tell me, I remember that some people really worshiped our lamp." Zhu Wenkui, who participated in the project, promptly changed the topic: "I looked at the icon painting over there, it seems to be a saint named Mercury Lamp or something. I don’t know how it came about. Some people associate this with the worship of the Virgin, saying that it is another state of the Virgin Mary.”

"I feel a little bit at a loss. It was obviously you who invented it, so why does it count as... the saint or the Virgin?" He shook his head and started to fight against the injustice.

"Someone under my command also brought that icon painting and uploaded it. How did it come about?" Shi Ke was also surprised and said to Guo Kang, "That mercury lamp saint is actually you?"

"What? I am the saint?" Guo Kang was also shocked: "No, it can't be calculated like this, right?"

"Isn't that what you made? That lamp was given to them by you, and the person holding the lamp was actually you, right?" Shi Ke made a gesture of holding a lamp and said: "To be honest, I also think it's weird. , whose idea was this..."

"What are you talking about?" Theodora couldn't bear it anymore and interrupted: "Stop talking nonsense. I think you all need to make up for your literature and theology classes."

Guo Kang shook his head and did not continue. He turned to Eudocia and asked: "What about you, do you understand that you made a mistake? Do you know where you made the mistake?"

"I understand." At this point, Eudocia no longer struggled and admitted simply: "My vision is too narrow and I have ignored too many important things..."

"Hey, you are not stupid, and you have read so many books, how could you be like this?" Guo Kang sighed helplessly: "I think I have to learn these lessons when I teach people in the future."

"Then please write down these lessons and don't let others repeat them." Eudocia said: "I think that when educating, we must tell everyone the simple but fundamental knowledge. Otherwise, Maybe, like a wild person like me, I wasted too many opportunities and ended up messing around.”

"Then do you regret it? Are you willing to repent for this?" Unexpectedly, the divorce suddenly went so smoothly, so he also asked.

But this time, Eudocia hesitated and shook her head.

"If I do it again, I might still have to go this way." She said calmly.

"Why?" Guo Kang asked.

"In my earliest years, I didn't think about so many issues, because the biggest challenge I faced at that time was that I probably wouldn't survive." Eudocia answered:
"I am a daughter born in the troupe. After my father died, my mother showed no intention of letting me stay away from the troupe. Therefore, my mission was doomed."

"In Dadu, some rich people are... not only interested in mature women. Therefore, people like us have to start training very early in order to give full play to our value. My luck is relatively good. My mother and When several uncles were competing for the troupe, a friend of my father stepped in to save me. Otherwise, it’s hard to say whether I would have survived until the age of 16 based on the common methods of those people.”

"Even if I know the future, my most important task at that time is to survive this stage until I meet Xuanying. I'm afraid I really don't have the energy to do anything more."

"Ah?" Guo Kang frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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