Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 563 Alexander enters Guan Guan School

Chapter 563 Alexander enters Guan Guan School

At the entrance of Guo's family temple, everyone gathered again, preparing to go in and worship first. There were more people coming this time, and local welcoming officials were also nearby. Everyone had to greet each other, and it was quite lively for a while.

Taking advantage of this time, Guo Ponu also appeared in the family temple.

It turned out that she had broken away from the team and ran over by herself before. However, the crowd was so noisy that they didn't notice him. While others were busy socializing, she had already gone to the family temple and started chatting with the old priest who managed the family temple.

"I'm not young anymore. It's not like I was when I was underage." Guo Ponu asked the old priest: "According to the rules, can I still go in to offer sacrifices?"

"You're not married yet, miss." The old priest replied without hesitation: "According to the rules of our God-worshiping religion, until you get married, you are all members of your own family. You are still the daughter of the Guo family, so naturally you can go with us to worship your ancestors."

"That's it. I didn't pay attention to it before. This year I took a closer look and found that many families in Dadu have not allowed their daughters to worship together since they were young." Guo Ponu said.

"That's because they are more influenced by the Greeks." The old priest seemed to understand this very well: "Sacrifice is the communication between future generations and ancestors. The ancestors who have made meritorious deeds are in heaven and share the same relationship with their heavenly father. "The descendants are closest to their ancestors, both in body and soul. Therefore, the ancestors can also transmit the blessings of Heavenly Father to the world and provide encouragement and enlightenment to their descendants."

"However, in the eyes of many Greeks, women do not have a complete soul. This leads to two results: First, they sacrifice their ancestors instead of their ancestors. Because from a spiritual perspective, their abilities are limited. Even if they ascend to heaven, female ancestors cannot complete the task of conveying the blessings of the Heavenly Father and guiding the souls of future generations, so there is no need for special sacrifices in the ceremony.”

"Secondly, because the soul is incomplete, women cannot correctly perceive their heavenly father and ancestors. Letting women intervene in the ceremony will have no positive effect on them, but will confuse such a serious and important matter. It is better not to bring them along ”

"This can all be explained..." Guo Ponu was very surprised.

"Really?" Guo Ponu said in surprise, "I've never heard of it."

"What case?" Guo Ponu asked.

"The Greeks have indeed always had a strange understanding of doctrine. According to their point of view, they wish that their ancestors and descendants were all men, so that they would be the most perfect." He shook his head: "I don't think we need to worry about them. We in Henan don't like this either. set."

"Even when worshiping ancestors, the female relatives who stayed outside suddenly went crazy and even started fighting with other people." The old priest replied: "This kind of thing seems to have happened in Thessaloniki and Athens. The local priest believed that , This is the result of the soul being unable to withstand this kind of divine washing.”

"Now, I heard that there are new theories." He thought for a moment and said, "And, according to them, there are actual cases."

"To be honest, I haven't seen it either. Besides, I don't know the specific situation, but they all say so." The old priest replied.

"This is just one of the opinions. Some people think that because women are not as physically and mentally sound as men, they are not suitable to communicate with Heavenly Father and ancestors because they cannot bear this kind of mental pressure. In short, there are many ways to explain it. "It's enough." The old priest said: "When I went to Dadu to study various rituals, I heard them say this more than 20 years ago."

"No wonder. I have been here before, and I have always participated." Guo Ponu said after recalling it.

"It stands to reason that more people should participate in the ceremony of worshiping ancestors. Because this is the purpose of sacrifice." The old priest became serious: "The ceremony of worshiping ancestors is to remember the achievements of ancestors and remember what they left to future generations. People’s contributions and learning from their noble behaviors. In these processes, we can cleanse our hearts and strengthen our people’s will. Let everyone know why such people can receive the protection of Heavenly Father and thus have a clear belief code and action goal. ”

"In this way, everyone can unite and stick to the right path. We worship God's religion and the church. The reason why it is called 'religion' is also because the main purpose is to undertake these educational functions."

"How glorious is the glory of Heavenly Father! How great are the achievements of our ancestors! When our descendants live in this world, every porridge and meal we enjoy are all creations of Heavenly Father; every hoe and wisp we take over are our ancestors' The Heavenly Father came to Rome to spread this manifest virtue throughout the world, commanding the Romans to be an example to all nations and to carry forward the cause of their ancestors, so that barbarians from all over the world would obey. The rising smoke is the resonance between us mortals and the Kingdom of Heaven; the chanting of the sacrificial inscriptions is our reward to our Heavenly Father and ancestors. We report our achievements to them now. If we persist in virtue and work hard to create merits, we will join in the future. The procession of these sacrificed ancestors listens to the reports of their descendants in the Kingdom of Heaven.”

"The men and women who founded the Great Qin Ulusi are all watching us in heaven, and our descendants will also take over our business in the future. This sense of mission is impossible for those who have not been educated. "The old priest warned: "We are surrounded by barbarians, and we cannot relax. Otherwise, how can we maintain morality and morality?

"The counter-example is the barbarians. These days, there are too many people who claim to believe in the Heavenly Father. But those barbarian believers only know how to shout a few slogans and recite a few verses from the scriptures, and then they become moved, as if they have obtained The favor of the Heavenly Father is like a living saint, but they don’t know what this kind of faith is or how they should do it. What’s more serious is that their believers and priests don’t even have the will to understand. ”

"As a result, they can only cause trouble aimlessly, using the banner of Heavenly Father, but humiliating Heavenly Father with their ignorant behavior. In the end, it really leads to the collapse of the sect, and heresies emerge one after another, because they themselves are the biggest heretics. "The old priest said bluntly.

"We mortals have a very short life span. Even those who claim to live a long life are only a moment compared to our entire civilization. However, Heavenly Father is eternal, and Rome is also eternal - how can such a short-lived person? How to recognize and understand eternal things and then integrate into them? This is a question we need to study and educate.”

"However, the barbarians lack this understanding. Because of the lack of etiquette and music education, they do not have much understanding of concepts such as history, ancestors, and the rise and fall of civilizations. This is a very serious problem, which makes the barbarians actually unable to understand transcendence. The value of a single person makes them like noisy bugs in the summer, unable to form a complete understanding of the year. "

"Since then, they can only say 'so great, my heavenly Father' over and over again. As for what the greatness of the heavenly Father looks like, they cannot understand it; they cannot tell in which aspect it is great. Such people, I don’t want to call them believers in Heavenly Father, because they don’t deserve to be called the same as us.”

"As for the Greeks, I suspect that they don't understand the profound meaning here." He speculated: "Maybe it's because the contact time is not as long as that of us, so the thinking of the problem is still too blunt, and many things are not thought too clearly. ”

"The Greeks may not really understand our etiquette." Guo Ponu thought about it and felt it made sense.

"After all, we have long been accustomed to it." The old priest said: "My own ancestors can be traced back to Li Ling in the Han Dynasty. Li Ling failed to get reinforcements and fell into the Huns. He was named King Jiankun by the Chanyu. Jiankun, It was the Xijiasi in the Tang Dynasty. All the nobles in their country were descendants of Li Ling."

"Therefore, the Qyghas Khanate was one of the few countries that did not seek peace with the Tang Dynasty. Later, the Qyghas defeated the Uighurs and found the princess sent by the Tang Dynasty for marriage, and said, 'We have the same surname as the Tang Dynasty. According to the "Intermarriage is not allowed according to the etiquette," and the nobles were sent to send her back. Later, after the collapse of the Hugas, some people followed other Turkic-speaking tribes and moved westward, blending into our family."

"And the Greeks, to put it bluntly, were just barbarians on the Persian border, and their ritual and music culture relied on the influence of other civilized areas. At that time, Greece was divided into three major tribes: Achaeans, Ionians and Dorians , each had a series of small states that were not subordinate to each other, and were conquered by Persia. Later, Macedonia, which had not been well-known before, unified the three major kingdoms, invaded Persia with brute force, established Greek colonies in various places, and moved its population to monitor the local areas. This made them rich and their influence spread, and they began to pay attention to some politeness and decency in front of more barbaric people, and began to sing dramas and so on. But in truth, these Greeks did not understand etiquette like our ancestors. ah."

"That's it...then don't care what they said." Guo Ponu thought it was just right, so he continued to ask: "But what I just said was before marriage, what about after marriage?"

"You can go back to Ning if you want, but this is the business of the two families. In fact, there are no strict rules on etiquette here." The old priest told her: "Of course, after marriage, the husband's family will be the main one. If it’s such an important holiday, you should focus on your husband’s family first.”

"That's it..." Guo Ponu thought for a moment: "But I really don't want to leave here and run around with other people..."

"Oh, it's normal. Who wants to leave their hometown, but this is the law of nature." The old priest comforted him.

"Then if I marry the person adopted by my family, can I avoid this conflict?" Guo Ponu took advantage of the situation and asked: "In this way, the husband's family is the adopted son of the father's family, so there will be no conflict and no need for back and forth between the two sides. Are you convinced? Our customs and etiquette should support this more convenient situation. "


For ethics, this kind of thing seems a bit out of line. The old priest was immediately confused and did not answer for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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