Chapter 584 Wu Mu’s Art of War
After trying them on personally, Guo Kang was quite satisfied with the condition of these armors. He asked his men to receive the armor and called Joanna over.

At this moment, Joanna and Theodora seemed to have been chatting a lot. Guo Kang had been thinking about the armor and didn't care what they were talking about. When he saw the two walking together, he was a little curious and asked: "You two have reconciled again? So soon..."

"It was a misunderstanding." Theodora said first, "I was too nervous, anxious and tired that day, so I lost my composure."

"Is that so?" Guo Kang always felt something was wrong, but he turned to look at Joanna and found that she didn't say anything, so he gave up. It was the bag in Joanna's hand that aroused his interest.

"I saw that when you were loading just now, the bullets and projectiles were loaded and arranged in the bag. How did you come up with this method?" He asked curiously.

"I packed it myself." Joanna didn't seem to feel any surprise and replied: "I heard from other ladies that I should carry two kinds of medicine in the bag I carry with me: one is to attract men. "

"However, I think this is a bit too complicated. I have been observing here for a long time, and the men's favorite drug is obviously gunpowder. Every time a cannon is tested in the workshop, the men nearby, old and young, Rich and poor, they all came to watch the fun - I have never seen any noble lady as popular as cannon. Moreover, when it comes to getting rid of enemies, gunpowder is obviously more effective than poison. Therefore, these two types of drugs are actually more effective. It’s the same thing!”

"That's it..." Guo Kang felt that it made sense.

"After that, I sewed some small bags to put these things in. Later, I improved it several times. Now this medicine bag is very convenient." She said, and took out one and showed it to Guo Kang: "If you If you’re interested, I’ll give you a few more next time and we’ll play together.”

Guo Kang did seem interested. He nodded and praised: "As expected of Mr. Qiao's sister, she is indeed different from ordinary people."

"Well, actually I should have known you earlier than my brother..."

"What's going on over there?" Guo Kang asked curiously.

"Others are waiting too. Don't just chat with her." Theodora said.

"Yes, this result has exceeded everyone's expectations." Flag bearer Ma Wanjun reminded: "Master, according to custom, after this kind of ceremony, all troops need to be rewarded. We have already arranged the reward, but those who participated in the training It’s really not easy for our recruits and coaches to achieve this level. I wonder if we can give them some extra rewards, especially the coaches.”

"Is there anything else?" he asked Theodora as he walked away.

"oh oh……"

"Is that so?"

The two exchanged a few words, but Guo Kang had a lot of things to do today and didn't have time to elaborate with her. He wrote this down, and happened to see Theodora also approaching, as if she had something to say, so he waved goodbye to Joanna.

"As for the newly recruited Russian soldiers, they have been practicing their basic skills for more than a month. Although they still have trouble walking in line, according to his observation, they can at least stand in line. At least they can stand there and cheer."

"In the past two days, I have contacted everyone." Chief Baihu Lu Yougong reported first: "The veterans from Henan have been in battle for a long time and are familiar with various rules in the army. They don't need to spend too much money. Just tell them that there will be a ceremony today, and they will go on their own.”

Guo Kang nodded and agreed.

After the situation here was dealt with, several other subordinates also reported to him the preparations in turn.

"That's okay." Guo Kang nodded.

In the military system, there is a set of conventional feedback methods. The first hundred households not only hold command responsibilities, but also represent lower-level officers. In the same way, the flag bearer is generally a representative of the soldiers. If the lower-level officers and soldiers have any requests, if the matter is not major, they will coordinate and solve it themselves; if they need to be responded to by mid-level and senior officers, they will be asked to mention it to their superiors during meetings and the like.

These are all "informal" processes and will basically have no impact. Because under normal circumstances, only special "good things" such as reporting for military merit or recommending talents with special skills to superiors will go through formal channels. If there is content asking for money in the official documents and complaints, there is a high probability that something serious has happened. So in most cases, everyone will only make insinuations and try to avoid doing it openly.

Therefore, Guo Kang was still prepared to take a serious look at their suggestions. If it is really necessary, more rewards should be given. Anyway, he is not short of money now - compared with the savings of the wealthy businessman's family, the soldiers' requirements are not very high. "Everyone is too tired during this period." Ma Wanjun said: "Regular recruits have generally gone through basic military training before joining the army, and some of them have mastered it well. But these recruits have a very poor foundation and can only continue for days. I’ve been training late at night. I’ve been practicing every day for half a month, and I haven’t had much proper rest.”

"Okay, just count the number of extra exercises and I'll reissue some." Guo Kang nodded.

In the army, drills and drills are two different arrangements. Regular soldiers must practice basic martial arts and skills every day in the military camp. Many times, people who have not joined the military need to practice regularly. This is what is called training.

Carrying out concentrated training on a large scale, practicing formations, formations, flag and drum command, etc. under a large organization is called "drilling". Because it is a large-scale operation, the cost is higher, and it also requires soldiers to have certain basic skills. Looking around the world, regular armies with good combat effectiveness can basically teach and practice every day, but very few can perform drills every day. Even the Ming Dynasty's army only conducted exercises seven times a month. This group of people practiced every day and persisted for half a month, which was considered very hard. Therefore, it is understandable to give more subsidies.

Moreover, there are actually some "chains of contempt" within the army of the Purple Horde Khanate. Soldiers from Henan and Hebei in the heartland areas looked down on people from other places and felt that they were not good at fighting. As for Rose's new recruits, they are simply not included in this chain of contempt. Being able to have these representatives speak for them shows that these recruits have integrated well, which is a good thing.

Therefore, Guo Kang immediately agreed and prepared to pay for it himself.

"Just give me the list of coaches and the dates of duty." He ordered: "It's not a problem to spend more money, as long as the training is done well. In recent times, no one in the world has trained more soldiers than Yue Wumu We may not have the ability to fully learn from him, but there is still hope in training a model army based on his experience.”

"I heard my father talk about him, but we don't seem to have any books introducing his military training methods." Lu Yougong said, "Does the young master know how he trained?"

"I'm not familiar with those military training techniques. If you ask me to lead the troops in training, I will definitely not be as good as you. But I know what the most basic aspects are." Guo Kang replied.

"The strength and reputation of the Yue Family Army are rare in ancient times. Their treatment is also rare in ancient times. Without the support of food and salary, military discipline cannot be maintained. I have done calculations before: the army has changed a lot throughout the ages. , but food supply is the most basic. The amount of food people eat has not changed much, so just use this as a reference."

"If the army's combat effectiveness is to reach a reliable level, we can refer to the Han Dynasty. At that time, almost all the people in the country were soldiers, similar to us now. Most people have to participate in training and serve in the army. These soldiers are not the elite in the army, but they are enough to undertake various military tasks. In order to maintain an ordinary garrison soldier, the court's average annual expenditure, not counting weapons and equipment, etc., just various expenses and salaries, is 2000 to 2400 kilograms of food today; a team leader of five or ten people must have five or six thousand kilograms. I think this is the lower limit of a qualified army." He calculated and said.

"And Yue Wumu's soldiers are much more abundant than this. The maintenance cost of soldiers for a year reaches as much as four thousand catties. The equipment of the main soldiers is worth one hundred taels of silver. It can be said that this kind of army , it’s just hard money piled up.”

"The performance of their army is worthy of these investments. Their discipline stipulates that any soldier who takes away a piece of flax from the people to bundle fodder must be beheaded in public. The soldiers camped in the village at night, and the people opened the door to let them enter the house to rest. No one People agreed and slept on the road directly. When Yue Wumu went on the Northern Expedition, there were crowds of people all the way to the Taihang Mountains in the north, because everyone thought they were the ones who saved the people."

"The route of the Northern Expedition started from the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. Although this road is easy to walk, there are no barriers on all sides, and it is easy to be surrounded and attacked by the enemy's mobile forces. However, the Yue Family Army advanced all the way without being harassed and restrained by the enemies on the inside because it could be mobilized The main force of the Jin soldiers was completely wiped out by them, and they had no ability to contain them. The Jin people's control area was also on fire. The situation was almost out of control, and they couldn't care less about these operations. The advantage was so exaggerated. "

"I have always said before that our strategic mission is not to compete with the barbarians for money and land, nor is our goal to destroy the country and dominate it. In fact, the mission of the Roman army, like Yue Wumu, should always be to regain its homeland. Compared with that As Song people at that time, we had lost our homeland for a longer period of time. The people in some places had suffered for thousands of years under the barbarian rule, and they might not recognize us. But precisely because of this, we had to fight like the Yue family army. Master Wang’s reputation comes.”

"Here in the Mediterranean, the enemy is more brutal than the Jin people, but they don't have the combat effectiveness of the Jin soldiers. Therefore, our pressure is less. Even if we can't be perfect for the time being, it won't delay the overall situation. Even if we learn Yue Wumu's art of war, If you don’t get home, as long as you understand his thoughts, it will definitely be enough.”

"I will try my best to provide you with sufficient support during this expedition. If you need anything, just let me know. You must also strictly maintain discipline, train and restrain the soldiers. We have a reputation, and the officers and soldiers have a better reputation." Once the local people realize this, they will be willing to help us and even join us. Mencius said that those who are enlightened will help us more. I think this is how it works. "

After he finished speaking, several other people were very moved and said they would tell other officers and soldiers. On the side, Theodora took out a bag of sugar.

"This time we go to Egypt, there will definitely be a lot of additional requirements. Some of the trophies that can be obtained, and even the military merits that can be obtained, may have to be temporarily given up due to big strategic goals." She warned the officers: "I know, let everyone It will definitely be difficult to make this kind of choice; it will also be difficult for you to convince others. Therefore, I decided to give you some compensation in advance; if the war goes well, when you come back, in addition to the rewards from the court, I will also use my own money. In the name of giving you extra bonuses.”

"Our sugar manor has recently made a technological breakthrough. If you are knowledgeable, you should be able to see the value of this bag of sugar at a glance." She opened the bag and handed it to everyone to see.

The few people tasted it curiously and showed surprised expressions. Theodora took advantage of the situation and assured her, "Just don't worry. Although Captain Guo likes to talk about great principles, what he says also has practical significance. Moreover, even if it is just simple principles, with me here, It will also become a reality.”

"From now on, you will have to worry more about things on the battlefield." She finally said after teasing Guo Kang.

Everyone expressed their gratitude one after another and accepted the work.

(End of this chapter)

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