Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 586 The Ten Thousand Years War between Civilization and Barbarism

Chapter 586 The Ten Thousand Years War between Civilization and Barbarism
Although these trivial things are not big, they also consume a lot of energy. And upon closer inspection, for an army, these daily things are the part that truly determines its combat effectiveness. Efforts in this area must also be taken seriously. Therefore, Guo Kang agreed without much hesitation and decided to increase the rewards for relevant personnel to give everyone a good feedback signal.

"Our team hasn't been officially established yet, so it's a bit troublesome to record merits now." Guo Kang thought for a while and said, "Most of the coaches don't have a system now..."

"Captain Lucas and the seconded coaches are all veteran mercenaries, so let's give them more financial subsidies." He thought about it: "We will see how to arrange the people under the prince later. When there are vacancies, Let’s figure it out.”

"It is estimated that there will be more people involved in military training and daily management in the future. In addition to them, there are also priests sent by the church to help. Over there, I will write a report to the Patriarch and ask him for help and urge him. , quickly approve the establishment of military parishes.”

"The priests are not under our control, but they don't seem to need to be established." The officers reminded: "They have their own system."

"This is not for the present." Guo Kang explained: "The people who come here to help are all clergy with official status. Of course they don't care. But our army is organized as a template and seed. From now on. , we must train more new people to expand the team, so we must not only expand officers and find warriors, but also train new clergy and establish a complete system.”

"Do we have to come for these too?" Ma Wanjun was a little surprised.

"In the past, the church was responsible, but now the church is too busy." Guo Kang said: "The Patriarch and I have discussed these matters many times. We both believe that a well-functioning church should not stand aloof, but should work with Just like Heavenly Father’s kindness, it penetrates into every aspect of life and is integrated with daily life and work.”

“We in Rome are the country of Heavenly Father, and our army is Heavenly Father’s legion. Our religious ideals also coincide with secular ideals—because the restoration of Rome, the promotion of education, and the establishment of Heavenly Father’s holy order are inherently one. . Therefore, we do not need to be limited to the existing framework, but should integrate religious organizations, the military, and the government more closely to realize our great ideals."

"In the past, management in this area was too negligent, the church's capabilities were limited, and there was a serious shortage of personnel. But in the future, we will slowly find ways to solve this problem. In addition to training more clergy, a very important point here is to increase The number of white-robed priests who are not out of work. We should let more outstanding officers and soldiers receive theological and philosophical education, and then let them guide more people."

"Our military parish is still too neglected. If conditions permit, I think each war group should have a corresponding parish." He made an estimate and said: "In this way, many daily matters will have to be dealt with. It’s much more convenient to get up.”

"I think - of course, this is just my personal opinion at the moment - if you have the spare capacity, you can also learn this knowledge, because military skills and knowledge are definitely not in conflict." He advised smoothly:

"In the army, everyone is superior and subordinate. But in front of Heavenly Father, everyone's soul is equal, and they are all brothers fighting for Rome. When assigning tasks to subordinates, you can give strict orders; encourage brothers to do things, just We need to reason with others. Our brothers must have a different mentality when fighting than those who are just paid to do what they are told. If we can practice this principle well, we will be able to unite with one another. The one who wins is the reward of the Heavenly Father for the pious.”

"So, an ideal military officer can actually serve as a priest to comfort everyone; a qualified priest should also be able to serve as an officer when necessary and lead everyone to defeat the enemy. Of course, this requirement is quite high, but I still think, For those who have the energy, you might as well give it a try.”

Guo Kang usually likes to reason with others, and this is not the first time he has advised everyone to study more. Everyone has long been accustomed to this. Moreover, these words were not said without reason. This idea is actually in line with church tradition.

Even the scattered Catholic churches have always maintained the habit of participating in the military and setting up organizations in the military when conditions permit. The Orthodox Church has a stronger tradition in this regard. The church and the army have always had a clear cooperative relationship: the church organization in the army has its own specialized establishment; and the army, like some large dioceses, has its own patron saint and specialized cathedral.

In the Purple Horde Khanate, this custom was even more obvious. Probably because of the difficult start, the army has great influence and high status. It is also different from other European countries in that it has its own clear organization.

On the banks of the Danube River, where the Purple Horde Khanate started, there is a building commonly known as the "War Cathedral". This church was built at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China. At that time, it was still a multi-purpose temple, where various random idols were worshiped and used before going to war. Some gods don't perform well, and the army has bad luck when fighting, and they change every day. Later, Patriarch Zhang reorganized the church and turned it into a church. However, its function as a pre-war sacrificial place was still retained.

On weekdays, there are not many ceremonies held there. But if there is a war, they will open the door to work, hold ceremonies, and pray for victory in the war. Since the establishment of the Purple Horde Khanate, the country has been at war every year; including the local military districts' defensive and offensive operations against the barbarians, wars have to start basically every month. Therefore, the door over there has not been closed for decades.

After the fight, according to tradition, there will be a ceremony to present the prisoners and display the trophies - this is actually not only a Central Plains tradition, but also a Roman tradition. It can only be said that everyone is pretty much the same.

However, the Purple Horde Khanate did not have a clear ancestral temple, so it was carried out separately: a triumphal ceremony was held in the capital, and then some commemorative trophies were sent to the ancestral temple and war church in Hebei for long-term exhibition. As time went by, the exhibits there were almost full, and even the church itself was expanded several times.

Therefore, this habit is inherently influential. The evolution of the Roman Church did have this trend. If Guo Kang wants to promote it further, there won't be much resistance. It's simply a matter of whether the conditions support it.

After saying this, Guo Kang asked them to go back first. Those who had not eaten should eat first. After eating, they could gather the soldiers. After a while, the military camp will open, and the invited guests will arrive one after another. Everyone still needs to be prepared, especially the Ross recruits. They need to get together in advance to form a team and gather them together to keep an eye on them, so that they don't have to work hard again. …

However, Lu Yougong still reminded: "Master, in addition to the officers, mercenary captains and priests, the eldest lady also came to help a lot. She is not in the army, not a priest, and not a member of the Xiao Wu Wang sect. The person who came is not in the establishment we just talked about. So, should we express our gratitude specifically? We are all rough guys and don’t know what she wants more. Can you ask it yourself? "

After hearing this, Guo Kang felt that it was indeed a problem. After thinking about it, he was ready to respond and asked Guo Ponu what reward he wanted. However, before he could answer, Theodora spoke first.

"I can handle this." She said bluntly: "Miss Guo and Miss Tang have helped a lot. However, we can't give them a formal establishment like those mercenaries. It would be somewhat inconvenient for them to become soldiers or government officials, so it is up to me to reward these girls."

"I have asked you for a lot of help before, and even asked you to pay for the reward. Now I am bothering you again..." Seeing her taking such initiative, Guo Kang felt a little embarrassed: "This is actually our own business, she I can pay you whatever you want."

"If you give it to her, she probably won't need the money." Theodora murmured: "You should go and do things in the military camp quickly, and don't worry about so many distractions. We are also a family, there is no need to meet with me. outside."

Guo Kang had no choice but to nod. The others looked at each other in confusion for a moment, and without saying a word, they quickly grabbed him and went to inspect the military camp.

After working for a while, it was already bright and the guests arrived one after another.

Zhu Wenkui was the closest and rushed over first. Guo Kang went to greet them, said hello to the group of people, and asked his men to take them to their seats.

Recently, Zhu Wenkui has been quite idle. Originally, he had to support the entire Wu Wang Mansion by himself. Although it had long been in a state of disrepair, he still had to maintain the title of Wu Wang and the face of the Ming Dynasty. The mansion was not big, but with Zhu Yunwen's persistent efforts, there were still dozens of people to feed. To put it nicely, they were unemployed talents recruited from the people; to put it bluntly, they were almost like a bunch of beggars.

Zhu Wenkui is still young, so he has to be busy with these things every day. And to be honest, his management ability is not outstanding. He probably only has the aspect of hard work. He inherited some of his great-great-grandfather's characteristics and is extremely tired every day.

Recently, although there have been a lot more tasks and the number of people under management has also increased a lot, he has become a lot more relaxed. Relieving and managing refugees is a very troublesome job, but he also has a lot more assistants here. People like Tang Saier and Captain Jessica are very good at how to organize and manage disaster victims, and even how to raise donations and materials.

It just so happened that Guo Kang was preparing to go on an expedition and had a lot of ordnance to prepare. Zhu Wenkui used this as an excuse, saying that it was more important to rush to build ordnance, and then he stayed in the workshop every day, not even going to the regular daily meetings. He said that he would just let Tang Saier and the others organize it themselves.

However, even if he doesn't take care of his own affairs, there's no problem - maybe others can take care of things better than him. So even if you indulge in blacksmithing every day and don't go to court, it won't have any impact. At most, my great-grandfather’s spirit in heaven will think that this grandson is not doing his job properly...

Perhaps because the pressure has been reduced and he can do the things he likes, Zhu Wenkui's overall appearance has improved a lot. Although Tang Sai'er openly doubted whether the two of them were suitable to be emperors despite their boasting. But Guo Kang feels that everyone has their own strengths, and it’s good that he can do this.

After Zhu Wenkui and his party were settled, Tuohuan also arrived with a large group of people. Afterwards, representatives from various Zhuguo states, officials from various ministries, etc. arrived one after another. Before long, the number of visitors even exceeded the number of soldiers attending. Guo Kang was quite helpless about this, but he had no choice. Since he was in this position, he had to do everything well, so he could only continue to greet people there.

After everyone entered the venue one after another, he saw another small group of people, surrounded by a fat young man, walking over. The man looked hesitant, looking left and right. When he got closer, he trotted over again and held Guo Kang's hand when he came up.

"Brother Guo, I'm late. I'm sorry." He was a little too polite and said repeatedly: "Isn't Sister here?"


Guo Kang thought for a while and realized that he was talking about Guo Ponu.

This person he often met was Wang Hongru, the grandson of Prime Minister Wang. But every time I see him, I basically see him being beaten by Guo Ponu, so I don’t have any special impression...

Thinking of this, he took the initiative to comfort him: "The ceremony is being held today. My sister shouldn't be here - even if she is, she will be with my mother and will not come to you specifically."

"That's good, that's good." Wang Hongru said repeatedly: "By the way, my grandfather told me to join the army with you this time. Good brother, do me a favor and don't send me to the eldest sister's side. …”

"She won't lead troops into battle, so why are you afraid?" Guo Kang only knew that he was often beaten, and he didn't expect it to be like this. He smiled helplessly and said, "This is not a big deal."

"It's not that it's better. Everyone knows that eldest sister likes you very much. She will definitely listen to what you say." Wang Hongru quickly requested: "This is just a request, please do me a favor - I will go to the venue first. "

"Uh... don't talk nonsense!" Guo Kang stopped him quickly.

However, Wang Hongru obviously didn't listen. As soon as he finished speaking, he ran away with agility that was incompatible with his body.

There was no other way, so Guo Kang had to deal with official matters first. After several important guests had entered, he quickly returned to the camp. With Theodora's help, he put on a brand new dress and put on a ceremonial helmet.

At this time, the officers and soldiers had already lined up, and the guests were also sitting in a large circle on the sidelines. The adoptive father also arrived with a group of officials, carrying flags, drums and other objects to be used in the ceremony, and was preparing. Not long after, the adoptive mother also appeared at the venue with Guo Ponu.

Guo Ponu did not wear the neat shorts and trousers that were convenient for movement as usual, but changed into a rather formal skirt. However, she seemed not used to it and stumbled when walking. I don’t know if it was because of this reason. , just came so late. Guo Kang didn't have time to ask her. He just said hello from a distance and was led to the stage by others.

Soon, the ceremony officially began. Under the auspices of the adoptive father, they first held a ceremony to award flags and drums. Guo Kang took several officers in the brigade and listened to his adoptive father read out the order to form a field regiment. He also received these ceremonial utensils from the officials in charge of the Ministry of War and the Marshal's Mansion. After a few brief sessions, their team was officially established.

After that, the foster father led the officials out of the venue, gave up their positions, and asked Guo Kang to give a speech to everyone.

Although he had been preparing for a long time, Guo Kang was still somewhat nervous. He looked around and saw that everyone's eyes were focused on him, and he felt a lot of pressure at once.

However, if I look carefully, Theodora is smiling and nodding towards him, trying to encourage him; Guo Ponu is looking here seriously, looking really interested in what he has to say; and The adoptive father was chatting with several other people from the Zhu country, talking and laughing in a low voice, and seemed not to think there would be any problems on his side...

In front, his officers and soldiers, whether they were Romanians or Russians, all raised their heads and waited eagerly.

Guo Kang actually didn't know why they were so confident in him. But since people have this expectation, he must respond.

After a while, he calmed down.

"Our brigade was officially established today." He took a breath and said loudly: "This is something worth celebrating, but if we think about it seriously, we will find that it is not that important."

"We have so many distinguished guests here, and we held such a grand ceremony. But a large team is small for Rome. There are too many such teams in our army, and it seems that it is not worth the effort. "

"But, think about it conversely, our legion is composed of such teams and soldiers. The whole of Rome is also composed of citizens. Just like our entire history is also composed of generations of people. ”

"Each of us is also small in front of the entire world. Sometimes, I even wonder what my meaning is as a person." He shook his head and said, "I don't know if everyone has thought about it. Anyway, Greek philosophers really like to discuss this issue. And I find that according to philosophical theory, if you really put everything aside and discuss a person alone, it seems to be meaningless. "

"How's it going? Can everyone understand?" he asked proactively.

The soldiers looked at each other, especially the Russian soldiers who didn't know much about reading, and they were even more confused. The guests also whispered, not knowing what he wanted to say. "It seems that everyone really doesn't understand." He concluded with a smile, and then changed the topic: "If you don't understand, that's right!"

"This kind of boring question is meaningless!" He raised his voice: "Captain Vasily! Come out!"

A young Ross soldier took a step forward quickly. Guo Kang asked loudly: "Do you have a father?"

"Yes!" Vasily replied loudly: "He is also here, in the 300th Team!"

"Then only one of you can go on the expedition this time!" Guo Kang replied without hesitation: "After we go back, you two can discuss who will stay to help bring up the new soldiers!"

"Huh?" Vasily didn't react and was dumbfounded for a moment, while the people around him burst into short laughter.

"Brother Yuri, come out!" Guo Kang continued to shout.

"Here, sir!" A middle-aged man stood up from the queue of non-commissioned officers in front of the team.

"Do you have a father?" Guo Kang asked.

"I am an orphan, sir. I was raised in a monastery, and the Church is my father." Brother Yuri answered loudly.

"That's right, brother monk." Guo Kang nodded: "Heavenly Father is above, and all of us are being looked after by Him. Isn't He our father!"

Everyone agreed, and several monks loudly agreed. Some of the guests nodded their heads again and again.

"Now, recruit Ivan!" Guo Kang continued to shout.

There was a commotion in the queue of soldiers. Many people thought they were being called and wanted to respond. There was some confusion for a while. When Guo Kang saw the front of the team, Captain Lucas was startled and subconsciously touched the rattan around his waist. It seemed that he was ready to launch...

"Which Ivan are you looking for?" A bold man shouted: "Many people here are named Ivan, sir."

"Ask all Ivans!" Guo Kang responded loudly: "I dare say that all of you have a father, whether you have seen him or not. Because it is impossible for a person to be born without a father. So, do you have a motherland? ?”

"Yes!" Everyone replied without thinking.

"What is your country?"

"It's Rome!" both recruits and veterans shouted.

After the noise passed, Guo Kang immediately said: "Look, every one of us Romans has a father, a heavenly father, and a motherland. Therefore, the Greeks who are accustomed to having no king or father will regard this as a problem. And We Romans don’t bother with this at all – because our ancestors, our Heavenly Father and our motherland have given each of us the meaning of life.”

"And me, I have always been clear about what my meaning is." He patted his chest.

"My ancestors came from the far east. At that time, there was a great Tang Empire, which was more unified and powerful than Rome. However, the empire's expansion also brought crises. A general led half of the empire's field army The rebellion started. My ancestor went to join a distant relative of his and followed the general in his expeditions, and finally put down the rebellion. "

"This matter is too long ago. I am actually not sure of its authenticity. Now I can't go back to my hometown to verify it. But even in different places, speaking different languages, facing different environments and enemies , we have been persisting in fulfilling our mission, and have been fighting barbarians, heretics, and traitors for several generations, so now I dare to say that the performance of future generations is completely worthy of this ancestor."

"And you don't have to worry. We all have plenty of opportunities." After he finished speaking, he took a breath and said to everyone: "Because our task is too heavy and the journey is too long. This is far from one person, not even one person." A family line or even a dynasty can complete it.”

"Back then, Rome once unified the Mediterranean world, but in the end, the Roman order was destroyed by endless barbarians. What was the reason for this?" He asked: "Can we blame the Heavenly Father for being unfair? Can we say that everything is unfair? Is it because the enemy is too strong? I don’t think we can shirk responsibility like this. In the final analysis, it’s because our foundation is too weak and we don’t have enough strength.”

"My ancestors came from Seris and know a lot about it. Why is the unification of Seris more stable? It's actually very simple and difficult - because it took longer to work hard there."

"In popular terms, Seris has a testable history of five thousand years. Some people even believe that as early as seven or eight thousand years ago, the prehistoric Serris people had already begun the process of integration and unification. At that time, the world Most areas in the world are still barbaric. Therefore, the current unified order is not the personal achievement of a certain talented and strategic monarch, nor can it be completely solved by a few generations of a certain dynasty. It takes several thousand years. It was gradually formed through long-term efforts.”

"So, Heavenly Father does not deliberately favor anyone. These miracles are the result of people spending time. If someone tells you that God is particularly fond of a certain nation, then this is undoubtedly a heretical and ridiculous lie. Just think about it. To maintain civilization and guard order, then you can join us and fight evil together.”

"Of course, this kind of thing is a long-term work. No one knows how long it will last. Are Siris' results perfect? ​​Not necessarily. Maybe in another five thousand years, these problems can be slowly solved." He shook his head and said: "As for us, the foundation is even weaker."

"In our future journey, we will encounter all kinds of problems. We will face setbacks and failures, and even situations that require repeated tug-of-war. The Romans back then also achieved hegemony by fighting for it step by step." Monet fought three times, fought against Carthage three times, fought against Macedonia four times, and fought against the Kingdom of Pontus three times... It is unrealistic to hope that all the success will be achieved in one battle. "

"And what about after the unification? Things didn't end there. The unification of Rome left a lot behind, but unfortunately, these legacies did not even form a stable tradition. Even now that the empire has been divided, no one can restore order and reunify. situation. For a whole thousand years, the world was still ruined by barbarians. "

"So, one unification is not enough; one thousand years is not enough. Every time I discuss with scholars why the unification of Rome cannot be maintained for as long as Seris, everyone always complains that the Romans are too There are not as many as the Seris people. However, the key question is why are there so many Seris people? Does the Heavenly Father write a special label on the heads of all the Seris people? "

"The fundamental reason is also a matter of time. They have experienced eight thousand years of war and various events and tests that are unbelievable to us. Of course, we can reach so much consensus. What we lack is this tempering !”

"So, I want to repeat it again: Our ideal is too ambitious and cannot be accomplished overnight. It is a thousand-year plan to prepare for the battle. Our enemy is not the few enemy armies on the opposite side, nor the ones in front of us. A group of enemy countries, not even these noisy barbarians now, but all the beings who dared to challenge civilization and order in the past ten thousand years!"

"This cannot be accomplished by one person, or even by a family. I myself will definitely not be able to see this day in the human world. My family may also decay and be destroyed, and we will not be able to wait for that era to come. But I Don't worry about this at all - because I am a mortal, I will be destroyed, but Rome will never be destroyed!"

"Heavenly Father!" Guo Kang pointed to the sky and said loudly: "As long as there are descendants who continue our cause and continue to fight against barbarism and chaos, then they are the same as our ancestors and ourselves, and even Greater Romans than we are!"

"The same goes for you. My ancestors left me many legacies, allowing me to stand in front of you at a young age and barely act as a leader. But you don't need to envy me. Because a person, a family, in In the face of ten thousand years of long-term struggle, they are all equally insignificant. It makes no difference when you join this sacred war or which generation you start to build your achievements - if you don't have a glorious enough family, then create one yourself! "

"We Romans are indeed too few. So, if you or the people around you want to become a qualified Roman, come to me and I will help you; if you want to gain merit and glory, come to me too. , I will also help you. This is what I need to do as a small leader, as someone who relies on the favor of the court and the merits of my ancestors, to be one step ahead."

"I'm worried that it's still not easy to understand." He looked around and observed.

There is a long paragraph that follows, and Guo Kang is actually planning to tell the guests and veterans. After all, the cultural level of Rose's recruits was too poor, and he didn't expect them to understand. However, the Ross recruits seemed to be somewhat unexpectedly enthusiastic about the phrase "ten thousand years of sacred war", and the atmosphere in the entire martial arts arena became heated.

Guo Kang thought for a while and decided to strike while the iron was hot.

"Well, Ivan - that Ivan in the first row of the 200th team, I just saw you said your name was Ivan - come here." He waved and shouted.

The soldiers and spectators fell silent to see what he had to say. That Ivan was also obviously stunned and at a loss.

"Come here, come up to my podium." Guo Kang urged again: "Instructor Lu, bring him here."

Captain Lucas reacted, pulled the still dazed Ivan, and pushed him all the way off the stage. Guo Kang waved again, insisted, and brought the recruit to this temporary wooden platform.

Then, he took off his helmet, put it on Ivan's head, and straightened it slightly. Then he took the cane he had just received from his waist and put it into his hand.

"Have you seen our brigade?" Amid everyone's doubts and curiosity, he pointed at the brigade of soldiers lined up and asked the already stunned Ivan.

"Look, I saw it." Ivan stumbled back.

"You have to work hard. As long as you do well enough and have enough merit to surpass other soldiers, from now on, this helmet and cane will be yours." Guo Kang pointed at the military formation again: "As long as you have the ability, you can join me. Same, be a captain. These people can also be your soldiers. This is what Rome can give you, understand?"

Ivan was stunned for a long time and didn't answer. He just nodded repeatedly. Suddenly, he started crying.

Guo Kang himself did not expect this situation, so he had to comfort him and asked Captain Lucas to take him down. He turned around and greeted again: "The guy next to him just now - your name is Igor, right? Come here too!"

Igor seemed to understand what was going on and ran over quickly without being urged by Captain Lucas. Guo Kang repeated the process just now and shouted the same words. Igor patted his chest and promised louder that he must make contributions to let him know that he was right to think highly of him.

After letting him leave, Guo Kang simply ordered: "All soldiers, line up! Come up one by one, come here! I want to show you today what we are doing!"

In this way, hundreds of soldiers present walked onto the podium one by one. Every time a person came up, Guo Kang put a helmet on him and asked him to hold his cane and look at the surrounding troops and the large cheering audience. Due to the large number of people, this process lasted for a full hour. The sun was almost setting, and Guo Kang was hoarse from shouting before he finished this step.

The guests seemed to have seen this posture for the first time, and they did not even appear impatient because of the repetition and boringness. Many people were communicating with each other, and people cheered from time to time. He saw Guo Ponu holding up a big skirt and staggering to run over, but was pulled back directly by his adoptive mother. Theodora left his position and kept saying something to others, nodding and pointing at him from time to time. But the adoptive father had already stood up, pulling others with him, pointing in this direction, looking very proud.

"Look! This is the promise I made to you!" Finally, Guo Kang shouted hoarsely, "Me and you! Many of us will die on the way, or for various reasons, Leave the front line temporarily."

"But if we survive, in our old age, we can proudly say to our children and grandchildren, look, this is the contribution I made in this great cause! Regardless of whether we die on the battlefield or at home, When our Heavenly Father calls us, we can stand at the gates of heaven, as I tell you today, pointing to the armies of men, and say to St. Peter at the door, behold, this is the great army we have assembled for the cause of justice— -This is my army!"

"Each of us inherits the blood of our ancestors, and there will be descendants who will inherit our career. In the army, we are no longer an individual person, because everyone has blood and an inheritance higher than blood. We Our ancestors fought against barbarism for civilization, and our descendants will do the same."

"Although life only lasts a few decades, don't forget what I just said. The meaning of human beings is given by these ancestors, Heavenly Father and the motherland, and is determined by fathers, ancestors and descendants. From a human perspective , each of us, a small mortal, is also a great warrior of Rome and Heavenly Father, a veteran in the ten-thousand-year holy war!”

"Soldiers, remember this." He finally shouted: "This is my last advice to you today!"

The scene was silent for a moment, and then there was a huge cheer. The soldiers dispersed and gathered around, wanting to express their excitement. Guo Kang shook hands with everyone one by one and encouraged them to work harder. I don't know how long it took, but when he was being hugged and crying by a group of Ross recruits, he was picked up in a daze. When he turned around, he saw that it was Theodora who had squeezed in at some point and then dragged him out.

He doesn't need to worry about the rest of the matter for the time being. He drank a lot of water, rested his throat temporarily, and waited for the subsequent tasks.

(End of this chapter)

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