Chapter 59 Nomadic Philosophy
"This plan seems a bit whimsical, but it is actually feasible." Seeing that Tuo Huan was a little embarrassed, Guo Kang quickly took it up: "First of all, the four of us have clear territorial or security requirements for these destinations. , There are enough reasons to persuade everyone to act in unison. Secondly, we don’t need to carry out precise tactical coordination, as long as we form a strategic joint force.”

"The reason why nomads are difficult to deal with is not because they can fight, but because they are difficult to deal with." He also walked to the edge of the map and gestured: "Fortunately, we now have a better understanding of world geography than that of the pre-Qin and Han Dynasties, and even In the Tang Dynasty, I had a more accurate understanding."

"Starting from the west of Liaoyang Province." He pointed to the area from the west of Liaoyang to Yuerhai: "To Mobei, to Qinchao Grassland, to the south of Oros, and then to Hungary-all these places are actually connected. got up."

"If we want to solve the problem of nomads, we must understand the nomads, even better than the nomads themselves." He withdrew his hand and explained: "We must first clarify three questions: what is nomads and where do nomads come from , and where are you going?"

"Mr. Guo, are you a philosophy teacher?" Zhu Rangna interrupted suddenly.

"Uh, no..." Guo Kang was so choked by her that he couldn't speak.

Theodora couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing, and the queen quickly turned her head and glared at her.Zhu Wenkui also hurriedly turned around and tried to stop his sister, but Zhu Rangna smiled sweetly again, and said nothing, so he had no choice but to ask Rangna to stop talking nonsense.

"Philosophy? What philosophy? Why philosophy?" Tuo Huan asked with a blank expression.

"Nothing, nothing." Guo Kang quickly put him off.

"Please continue, this is really important." Zhu Wenkui came to smooth things over with his younger sister.

"Oh, okay..." Guo Kang scratched his head, thought for a while, and continued: "First of all, why is there a threat of nomadic forces? It is because some people are nomadic on the grassland; why are some people nomadic on the grassland? Because The prairie is there."

"You just said that you are not a philosophy teacher." Jeanna complained again.

However, Guo Kang experienced an embarrassment, and his mentality is much better this time.He thought for a while and replied: "Philosophy is a tool for us to understand the world. If philosophy helps us recognize the essence of the enemy and discover their weaknesses, then I hope everyone can become a qualified philosopher."

"Don't interrupt the children when adults talk!" Zhu Wenkui reprimanded Rang Na again, and then quickly turned to Guo Kang: "Young Master Guo, don't worry, please continue..."

"On the grasslands, the biggest problem is poverty." Guo Kang nodded: "In places like Monan, Hungary, and Crimea, the land and climate conditions are relatively good, and they are places where farming and grazing are possible. Compared with grazing , the output of farming should be higher and more stable, so when conditions permit, herdsmen must want to diversify their land.”

"Similarly, because of this model, the output is higher, and these herdsmen will have an advantage over other forces. Back then, the Xiongnu and Tuoba Xianbei all started in Monan, which is the reason."

"Then what is your country like?" Zhu Rangna completely ignored her brother's discipline and continued to ask questions.

"Boyan Timur, the founding ancestor of our country, was born in a noble family with a golden tent. But speaking of it, he was actually born to lead these herdsmen who are farming." Guo Kang thought for a while and said.

"However, in terms of proportion, he is not like the Xiongnu and Tuoba Xianbei I just mentioned, but like the Southern Xiongnu, Murong Xianbei, and Duan's Xianbei. This group is not so much settled herdsmen as 'border land group', because from the very beginning, a large number of farming residents joined."

"To sum it up, he is actually more 'agricultural' than this model. The reason why we were able to develop and finally defeated the various ministries of the Golden Book should be the same."

"This way I understand." Jeanna nodded: "Actually, you are the same as Liu Yuan. His Xiongnu Han is a great Han, and your Mongol Qin is also a Great Qin..."

"It's true to say that." Tuo Huan said proudly, "We are indeed Daqin."


His attitude silenced Rang Na directly, which relieved Guo Kang and Zhu Wenkui.

"After talking about this category, we can look at the next level." Guo Kang continued: "In the Northeast, Moxi, Southern Russia, and northern Central Asia, there is another category of relatively fertile places."

"In some of these places, the climate is not very good, and some are not cultivated enough. In short, the proportion of agriculture is already very low, and it can only be used as a sideline at best. But the grassland is relatively prosperous, and relatively long-term and stable camps can be set up. This kind of fixed grazing The area can support a certain scale of herdsmen groups, so it is also an important force on the grassland."

"Finally, it is the poorest place, which is the core area of ​​the grassland." He circled the middle of the map: "This place is the real 'nomadic' area. Due to the harsh natural conditions, the grassland cannot Carrying enough herds to feed the tribe, they can only move frequently between pastures. Because of this, they are called 'nomadic'."

"On our side, many people who farm all the year round have never seen a grassland in their life. Their decisions may not be practical, so I will tell you this specifically." He pointed to the Mobei area.

"For example, in this kind of place, the so-called grassland is not a whole piece of boundless and uniform grassland, but a clear distribution area. Even on the most orthodox 'grassland', there are only a few places that can support large tribes. Grasslands with plenty of water and lush grass.”

"Therefore, conflicts and vendettas between these tribes are very frequent. If you don't understand it, you can see how the farming area grabs water. On the grassland where the living environment is harsh, this kind of conflict is even more intense, causing Conflicts and even wars are much more frequent.”

"Many things on the grassland, such as culture, such as organizations, are the product of this environment." Guo Kang finally said: "For example, why often they produce a sweat, one of the main reasons is that the sweat will Rely on violence and authority to control and mediate this endless conflict and dispute."

"It's not just the Central Plains people who want unification, the French want unification, and even the people in the grasslands. It's because one sweat is better than dozens of chiefs. It's not difficult for herdsmen who have personal experience to understand this."

"And another function of the Great Khan is to lead the herdsmen of various tribes to trade and rob, so as to make up for the inherent problem of insufficient supplies on the grassland."

(End of this chapter)

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