Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 61 The Skills of Spending Money

Chapter 61 The Skills of Spending Money

"I probably understand what Guo Kang means." Theodora was the first to react and began to rescue Guo Kang: "This evolution is caused by the continuous pressure from the direction of the Central Plains. Is that what it means?"

"We can only understand it this way." Guo Kang nodded gratefully: "During the Han Dynasty, this ethnic group still had a Celtic appearance; during the Tang Dynasty, there were people with two types of people living together."

"This matter is also quite interesting. During the Tang Dynasty, this generation of nomads came to pay tribute again. People in the Tang Dynasty discovered that there were two distinctly different appearances in this ethnic group. One was the red-haired and green-eyed people mentioned above, The other is a person with black hair and black eyes."

"The chief of this tribe has black hair and black eyes. They claim that people in the tribe who grow up like themselves are all descendants of Li Ling, and they are distant relatives with the emperor of the Tang Dynasty. During Tang Zhongzong, the emperor actually recognized him."

"It is impossible to confirm who their ancestors are now, but this phenomenon is very interesting: he explained that there was an era when 'Celtics' and Orientals were mixed in the local area, and these Orientals were probably established through conquest. Outsiders in dominance, that's why the chief has this idea."

"As of now, everyone who passes by there knows that the local people are basically black-haired." Guo Kang finally said: "What does this mean, I think, is it obvious?"

"I understand." Little Zhu Guanren nodded: "It means that although there are not many historical records, in fact, the Central Plains people are constantly entering the grassland, and the population is increasing rapidly, and they are even gradually replacing the local people."

"Yes, this is also one of the most difficult places to solve." Guo Kang nodded: "Even if all the tribes on the grassland are destroyed and the nomads are killed and expelled, it is still impossible to completely eliminate the grassland problem. As long as the grassland As long as the place is still there, people from the Central Plains continue to migrate and flee for various reasons.”

"Population blockade and technology blockade cannot be solved in the long run. Because as long as there are people who can't survive, people from the Central Plains will continue to bring population and technology. Once the Central Plains Dynasty has problems, these previous exiles The ones who will become the new grassland invaders. This kind of people cannot be killed or driven out."

"Then according to what you mean, is there any way to deal with it? What you really want to talk about is this problem." Jeanna said.

"There are many methods, but the idea is actually the same." Guo Kang replied: "After analyzing for so long, you should be able to find the root cause, right?"

"Poor." Jeanna responded immediately.

"That's right. There is only poverty in the world, and it's the most difficult thing to solve." Guo Kang shook his head: "As long as there are people in this place who are too poor to survive, they will continue to attack the slightly richer places."

"Of course, most of the results of this kind of attack are actually unsuccessful. There are far more herdsmen and tribes who crashed into the side walls and fortresses to death than those who successfully invaded and plundered. It's just that what we value here is knowing The loss that occurs, not the price paid by the other party, so only remember the thief eating the meat, not the thief being beaten."

"But even so, there are always people participating in this very high-risk activity. Because for them, participating in the looting is likely to die, and if they don't participate, they have a higher probability of dying. Therefore, their motivation is also very sufficient of."

"And as long as these desperadoes still have motives, fighting with them will definitely lose money. If you exchange their lives for your money, there is no way to settle the account. This situation is the most annoying."

"Then what's the solution?" Jeanna looked at him with piercing eyes, seeming to be interested.As she spoke, she picked up the teacup, ready to listen to his detailed explanation.

"Since it's a problem of poverty, isn't the simplest and straightforward solution already available?" Guo Kang spread his hands and said, "Give me money."

Jeanna was drinking tea with her head down, when she heard his words, she spouted out the tea soup with a puff.

"Don't be so busy being surprised." Guo Kang looked at her cheerfully, quite proud of playing tricks on this naughty child and letting her understand the real difficulty of the adult world: "This money is a delicate thing. How to give it, It’s also very important.”

"This..." Zhu Wenkui was also a little surprised: "The main thing is, why should I give my money to others?"

"Actually, the main reason is that Miss Jeanna has no experience in governing the country. In the past few years, I have helped my parents, and I have experienced a little bit." Theodora also came here uninvited, superficially comforting her, but actually giving Guo Kang Chime in: "We are a small-scale country, in fact, we want to 'give money' to each other between different places."

"In a country, there are always poor places and rich places. But in many cases, it is necessary to deliberately transfer animals, money and food from rich places to poor places. For example, if there is no food in the local area, we must find a way to transport supplies Come here. Otherwise, those places will be in chaos, and the originally rich places will also be affected by the war, and they will not become rich."

"Actually, this is also a difficult problem." Guo Kang continued: "Because people in both places actually feel that it is unfair."

"Wealth can be accumulated. Lao Tzu said that the way of people is to sacrifice what is insufficient and give what is more. Places with better conditions and wealth will become richer and richer, while it is not so easy for other places to become rich. It takes a long time The rich place thinks the poor place is a drag on itself, and the poor place thinks the rich place is a monster that sucks blood from itself. There will be conflicts between them.”

"We have a ready-made example here." The queen also nodded, agreeing with his statement: "Every year, we will take a part of the commercial tax from Constantinople and give it to the sixteen new troops in the Northern Romanian Military Region." The military government provides special subsidies. And the citizens will routinely express their dissatisfaction every year, thinking that this is their money, and it should be given to them for racing competitions and festivals. Why should it be spent on those newly recruited Slavs and Kipchak barbarians in the north.”

"But opening up the frontier and building a new legion manor requires a lot of investment. If there is not enough support there, it will not be stabilized. If northern Romania is unstable, Crimea and Moldavia will be threatened, and the empire The industry there will be affected."

"Constantinople's income is largely dependent on the material trade along the Black Sea coast. If the output of those places decreases, the income of the King Castle will also drop; if those places fall into war, the King Castle will be the same as it was a hundred years ago , fell into a state of decline. Citizens may not understand this truth, but we must understand it.”

"In that case, it's understandable." Zhu Wenkui nodded: "This is similar to distributing salaries to Tatar officials and property to Mongolian military households. This is indeed a common method."

"Minister Serris in our court, I think it's quite appropriate to compare these areas to fences." The queen said, and subconsciously glanced at Tuohuan: "Sometimes, we really need some communicable, barbarian-like people." People will act as a barrier, because it is indeed easier to use."

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(End of this chapter)

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