Chapter 63 Brother Steam Cultivator
"Then... let's not talk about the case of Da Song for the time being." Theodora tried to bring Guo Kang back to the topic: "Except for the special case of directly sending resources to the enemy, under normal circumstances, this policy seems to be It's hard to go on, can your theory explain it?"

"I think the main reason is that everyone is too poor. Not only the pastoral areas, but also the farming areas are too poor." Guo Kang shook his head and said firmly.

"Central Plains and Jiangnan are already very rich places." Zhu Wenkui asked, "Why does Mr. Guo feel too poor? Is it because even so, you can't afford other places?"

"Don't talk about other places, it's actually very difficult to support yourself." Guo Kang said: "You, like me, should not have much contact with ordinary people in the Central Plains. However, as long as we are willing, we can still have many other ways to understand The specific situation of the people."

"Do you read Du Gongbu's poems?" He looked at the crowd and asked.

This time, even Tuo Huan nodded.

"In October of the 14th year of Tianbao, Du Fu wrote "Five Hundred Words of Yonghuai from Beijing to Fengxian County". The reason why he felt so long was because his son starved to death." Guo Kang said.

"Let's figure it out." He looked at everyone and said, "This year is the end of the prosperous Kaiyuan period. One month later, An Lushan publicly rebelled. At this time, the internal contradictions of the Tang Dynasty had accumulated to a certain extent. But no matter what, this is also the golden age with the highest gold content in history."

"Du Fu's family has always been poor, but he is a member of the Jingzhao Du family. No matter how poor he is, he is better than a commoner. At this time, he is serving as the right guard and leading the government soldiers Cao Canjun, at least he is an official."

"That is to say, when the most powerful Tang Empire in the world at that time was in its heyday, someone in the family of an imperial official from an aristocratic family died of starvation. We only know about this because Du Fu's poems are so well written. .”

"I really didn't notice it before..." Tuo Huan muttered.

"In this poem, there is a very famous line, I still remember it, it's called 'The wine and meat of the Zhumen stinks, the road has frozen bones'." Guo Kang turned to him and said: "Knowing this background, you should be able to understand that he was In what mood did you write these verses?"

As he said that, he also paused for a moment: "Look, this is what Du Fu recorded for us, the prosperous side."

"We can continue to think about it." He reminded: "What about other countries? What about other less prosperous and peaceful times? Ordinary people?"

"Actually, as long as people don't starve to death on a large scale, it will be considered a prosperous age." Theodora shook her head and said, "This kind of 'accidental' situation is actually nothing, and everyone has long been numb."

"What about our side?" Tuo Huan asked: "Is there such a population statistics? How far can we do it?"

"The answer is that I don't know. Citizenship management has collapsed for a long time, and it has been re-established after it has stabilized over the years." Theodora rolled his eyes: "Back then, Rome's stable direct territory once had a king castle left. Every day outside Wars, people dying every day—what else can be counted.”

"In other stable places, you can look at the church's information or the tax collection records of the lord." Guo Kang thought for a while and said, "If this kind of data is also incomplete, then there should be no point of investigation."

"You see, this is the reason." He spread his hands: "Inputting resources into the grassland area does hope to eliminate the problem of nomadic chaos from the root, but the amount of resources required is huge."

"If everyone has enough food and clothing, as in the legend and the prehistoric golden age, there are a lot of surplus supplies, then it is acceptable for them to take out some in exchange for the tranquility of the grassland. But now, the people in the farming areas are very It is easy to be on the verge of starvation because of various problems, and it is unrealistic to ask them to do so."

"Is there no way?" Zhu Rangna actually sighed rarely.

But soon, she looked at Guo Kang with some understanding, and changed into a statement tone: "This time, you must have figured out a way."

"If I have to say it, I have an idea, but it will take a long time." Guo Kang was stared at by her, hesitated for a while, and said: "It's not a few years or ten years, but it may take many generations."

"A problem of this magnitude is worth such a long time." Jeanna said bluntly.

"Okay." Guo Kang thought for a while and asked, "Do you still remember the model of the steam shrine I showed you in the Niangniang Temple?"

"Remember." Zhu Wenkui nodded, "It's that... Brother Tian and Saint who can go around."

"Yes." Guo Kang said, "If we mature that thing and make it bigger and more powerful, what do you think?"

"You mean, let Brother Steam... move... and make it bigger..." Zhu Wenkui began to think.

"Then let Him pull the plow and plant the fields." Zhu Rianna opened her eyes wide, and said with a little excitement in her words: "Lord...I understand that your divine revelation..."

"???" Guo Kang, the creator of the shrine, didn't follow her train of thought.

"Uh..." Zhu Wenkui had no choice but to explain: "My sister grew up with the French. Aunt Wa and Sister Rangna all believed in this, so she also believed in it since she was a child..."

"Tell you, you don't believe it." Zhu Rianna turned her head and complained to her brother: "I really saw an angel, and he told me that I need to save France and save everyone. Later, the Virgin Mary also told me that the Son of God will Continue to redeem the world and ask for my assistance."

"Look. Isn't this just an omen." She said happily: "If every fertile field in the world is cultivated by steam gods, how much manpower can we save and how much more harvest can we get? There is something more straightforward than this." Bai's redemption?"

After listening to her, Guo Kang looked her up and down.

"What kind of persona is this?" Considering Rangna's age, Guo Kang muttered and pondered after it was identified as the onset of the second disease.

Theodora, who believed in the Orthodox Church since she was a child, looked at her mother with some embarrassment.

"Maybe it's some new heresy created by the Franks." The Queen said calmly.

 A new week has begun, continue to ask for tickets and follow up
(End of this chapter)

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