Chapter 72 The Golden Law
"Yes." Li Xuanying was very proud: "Actually, as long as you have a deeper understanding, it is not difficult for you to find that our country is much more 'Rome' than you imagined."

"We really don't know much about it." Zelik said stammeringly: "In the beginning, we only heard that this is an Orthodox Khanate."

"Strictly speaking, we are not actually a Khanate." Guo Kang corrected: "Although everyone likes to call us 'Roman Khanate' or 'Purple Horde', in fact, our Rome is a system of heads of state. The country is nothing more than a hereditary head of state for a long time."

"Yes." Li Xuanying nodded: "Our official name has always been 'Kuliltai and the Roman People', rather than really calling ourselves the Roman Khanate."

"This name seems familiar." Zhu Wenkui said curiously.

"This is not surprising, because the nature of Mongolia under the Kuliltai system is actually similar." Li Xuanying pointed out: "Since Genghis Khan, although the Khans have paid less and less attention to the authority of Kuliltai, the nature of the Mongolian Khanate The world is still a head of state."

"Later, Kublai Khan led the Hebei army across the Tula River, disbanded Helin Khuriltai by force. So far, the transition to the empire has been completed."

"That's it...that's really similar." Zhu Wenkui nodded slightly in surprise.

"I suspect that these countries were not too different in the earliest days. However, there are not many early records in Mongolia, so it is impossible to judge." Guo Kang said: "Now even Genghis Khan's laws are basically lost. I also don’t know their specific laws and organizational details at the time.”

"How many years has it been?" Zhu Wenkui said after counting, shaking his head.

"Mainly because of man-made sabotage." Li Xuanying explained: "At that time, he hoped that all members of the future generations of the Golden Family would firmly abide by this set of laws. But the one he formulated...what is it called? I can't even remember the name Stop it, it’s probably called the Golden Law. This thing may have been passed down for one generation, and then no one listens to it.”

"The Kublai Khan I mentioned just now took the lead in breaking the Golden Law, and even broke some basic provisions. At the earliest time, according to Genghis Khan's order, he was not allowed to make a portrait of him-this is a common method. emphasizing divinity."

"Kublai Khan not only found a portrait of Genghis Khan, but also claimed that he and his grandfather looked alike, and asked to make it according to his own appearance. The portraits that are circulating everywhere are actually Kublai Khan."

"This way is also to emphasize your own legitimacy." Jean Na said.

"Yes, this is a common method." Guo Kang nodded: "In order to control the Persian region, the Ilkhanate made a large number of holy icons of the prophet, and then painted a sweaty face and distributed them around. This kind of icon is passed down. Quite a lot, we have it all here.”

"During Timur's period, the sacred image became Timur's face. The statue in our Niangniang Temple was sponsored by Emperor Timur himself, and a Greek sculptor specially asked a Greek sculptor to carve it according to his face."

"The Central Plains people are the same." Li Xuanying said: "I heard that in order to usurp the throne of our Li family, Wu Zetian made a Buddha statue carved with his own face to enhance his sanctity-you see, everyone actually Will."

"Then it's not surprising." Zhu Wenkui agreed.

"That's right. I've seen a portrait of Grandpa Ni. That face is probably..." Li Xuanying pursed her lips and made a gesture on her chin: "Well, it's about this long..."

"It looks completely different from you." Li Xuanying looked at Zhu Wenkui and appraised it.


"That's for folk propaganda." Guo Kang said: "People in the Central Plains believe that people with destiny will look different. But I don't know why they use their faces to make a fuss..."

"The face is probably the most obvious." Li Xuanying thought for a while, and said, "What is the vision of Han Gaozu? There is a mole on his thigh, right? But look, how do you show it to everyone?"

"The portraits of the emperor are all wearing crown clothes and sitting upright. If Han Gaozu wanted to show people his intentions, he had to make an opening, and then lift up his hem to show everyone his thighs. This is not very elegant, right? ..."

"Uh, I don't think everyone wants to see Han Gaozu's thighs..." Guo Kang said helplessly.

"Right, then we can only sacrifice our face." Li Xuanying said.

Guo Kang nodded, but after thinking about it carefully, there are hidden dangers in this way.

"There seems to be people with big chins in Europe," he reminded.

"Is there?" Li Xuanying didn't seem to notice.

"It's not too obvious now, but with the continuation of intermarriage, it will probably be very conspicuous in another 200 years." Guo Kang thought about it and said, "Originally, there is no problem except for the genetic disease itself. But now ... I don't know if they will fake blood."

"Pretending to be a descendant of Taizu?" Zhu Wenkui seemed to have never considered this possibility, and was taken aback.

"That's right, your father is now running around in Europe, and he likes to get in touch with the middle and lower classes." Guo Kang threatened him, "Right now in European countries, the conflict between the nobles and the people is very serious, and many people have long wanted to rebel. It's not like they didn't This kind of thought is just because of poor organizational skills before, so we couldn't make a fuss."

"We in Rome not only gave them an example of how to organize, but probably a better reason to claim it as well."

"Europeans believe in bloodlines. If you have a good bloodline, it is easier to attract people. Therefore, they are likely to pull in an ancestor who is far away and cannot be verified, but has a high reputation. If this ancestor has similar deeds, that's even better—you think about who is the most suitable."

"You don't even need to be related by blood. You can claim that your ancestors are adopted sons or even subordinates. The Romans also recognize this." Li Xuanying pointed to Jie Shika and others who were leading the way, and said with a smile: "Look , They have already started, and there will definitely be more and more in the future.”

"I think it may not take too long, maybe one or two generations at most. In the whole of Europe, the illegitimate sons, adopted sons, and even illegitimate daughters of Prince Zhu will rebel everywhere."

"That's right. I also think that the peasants on the side of Shinra will definitely revolt on a large scale in the future." Guo Kang said: "Maybe when the time comes, it will be the Rhine River right civilians who carry the three-foot sword , to conquer the world."

"Ah..." Zhu Wenkui was completely dumbfounded.

 I had something to do temporarily yesterday, so I didn't have time to code.make up today

(End of this chapter)

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