Chapter 74 The Last Romans
"Mr. Guo, how did you figure it out?" Zhu Wenkui was startled several times today, but still felt that what he said was a bit strange.

"Because on our side, those who rely most on the identity of Romans are those of us who also consider themselves Han Chinese." Guo Kang replied.

"I would like to hear the details." "Zhu Dajiazi" actually took the initiative to bow his head and cup his hands.

"Your Majesty is too polite." Guo Kang also returned the salute.

"First of all, of course, because there is a real basis for identification. After all, this kind of emotion and identification is not born for nothing." He explained: "History always continues to develop. All of a sudden, everyone became Roman."

"That's true." Zhu Wenkui nodded: "We don't like to poke Brother Tian, ​​and we really won't act like Romans just because Brother Tian suddenly appeared."

"Uh..." Guo Kang felt that Zhu Wenkui might have misunderstood the "hobby of the Romans", but he was reasoning, so he didn't get distracted.

"How should I put it... Rome is in Europe, roughly like China is in the Central Plains." He compared: "Although they do not have a long history of the Chinese lineage, they used to be an ancient and powerful civilization here. So far, many barbarians have He is proud of being related to Rome, and even forged his relationship with the ancient Romans to compete for the title of Roman orthodoxy. The influence of Rome is evident."

"This is not the same." Zhu Wenkui pointed out: "As far as I know, the group of people around us, such as North Korea and Annan, have always been superficially obedient throughout the ages, and I have never seen them really agree that they are Chinese people."

"When my father fled, he met many Annan people in Nanyang. I think they are deliberately emphasizing the difference between themselves and the Central Plains people, building their own legends, the emperor's legal system, and even their own tributary system. To be honest, In this regard, I don’t think the two sides are similar.”

"That's not just because we're alive." Guo Kang sneered, "Believe it or not, if Heavenly Father suddenly appeared and moved all the Huaxia people away, these groups of people would immediately declare themselves as 'South China',' Holy China', 'Third China'? At that time, not only will they have to compete to recognize their ancestors, but they will also have to fight each other out of their heads!"

"This..." Zhu Wenkui thought about it carefully, but it was really difficult to refute.

"The attraction of Chinese civilization is too strong, like a vortex on the sea." Guo Kang said again: "If these civilizations don't paddle hard and try to stay away, they will be sucked in and disappear instead of simply stopping. In place."

"If it is really absorbed by the Chinese civilization, then the local kings and nobles will end up with the chieftains who have been reformed. You should understand this kind of thing. Only when China declines, they Only in this way can we ensure that we can maintain our independent status while trying to fight for the right to claim the entire civilization."

"However, most of the time, the Chinese side has an absolute advantage in power. The possibility of being annexed and absorbed exists for a long time. Therefore, the more they have been influenced by China in terms of civilization and have similarities, the more they must Emphasize your own differences to keep people 'authentic' and not assimilated. This is roughly what I think."

"According to what you mean, Rome is just on the downhill road." Zhu Wenkui said.

"Yes." Guo Kang nodded: "The barbarians are not worried about being annexed by Rome. Later, they even think that it is weak and deceptive. The only time New Rome has been conquered by outsiders so far is these barbarians. As time goes by , the situation of Roman civilization became worse and worse, even to the verge of extinction."

"Haven't you guys called in?" Zhu Wenkui asked.

"Really not." Guo Kang said: "The purple tent entered the city twice, and the Greeks in the city invited them in on their own initiative. This is... the daily life of the Roman Empire."

"All right……"

"You know, at that time..." Guo Kang scratched his head: "Although some Greeks, especially those with pious beliefs, regretted it a bit later. But to be honest, we are already the part of the people who are most like Rome."

"The Greeks here admit that whether they are good or ancient Romans, their appearance is actually similar to that of the Central Plains, with white skin, black hair, and black eyes." Guo Kang pointed to himself: "But the barbarians here , they all look colorful, and they look different at a glance.”

"In other parts of Europe, you only need such a simple judgment. For example, you have seen the nobles in France. Their hair is basically black and dark brown. This kind of hair is indeed closer to Rome in blood. of."

"I think, on our side, it's because everyone's looks are too similar to distinguish these basic characteristics." He said: "If you put people from the Central Plains, Mongols, Romans, etc. together, the difference is definitely Quite a few. But with an Alemanni savage next to it, the previous ones won’t look much different.”

"This..." Zhu Wenkui thought for a while, "It also makes sense."

"I see that the ancients recorded Hu people as nothing more than tall noses and deep eyes. At the time when Ran Min hunted and killed Hu people, according to this standard, it led to 'half the dead with high noses and beards', and many manslaughters occurred." He compared: "But We assumed that if the Celtics had been hunted, there would not have been many manslaughters."

"The Celtics are already miserable, don't persecute the Celtics anymore." Guo Kang pointed out.

"Humph! Humph!" Hearing the Celtics, Nurhachi, who had been following behind, rushed over suddenly, rubbing around.Guo Kang and Zhu Wenkui stepped aside hastily.

"What's wrong with it!" Guo Kang was taken aback.

Zhu Wenkui hurriedly called Old Ivan in Greek, asked him to appease the wild boar, and then turned to Guo Kang. "This pig is very clever. It must have heard the Celts."


"Oh, I forgot to tell you before." Zhu Wenkui was a little helpless: "When my father recruited this group of people before, he was in the town and was targeted by a few Irish mercenaries, trying to loot them."

"At that time, their team was being repaired, and few of the people present were capable of fighting. At a critical moment, Nurhachi rushed out, broke the leg of an Irishman, and turned another man over, causing his stomach to be crushed It was punctured. The other mercenaries ran away in fright, and the danger was saved. But after that, as long as you talk about Ireland or Celtic, it will become hyperactive."

"Ah..." This time it was Guo Kang's turn to be surprised: "Is this wild boar so fierce..."

"It may also be that the Irish are too weak. My sister told me that the Irish have been afraid of wild boars since ancient times, and this may be the reason." Zhu Wenkui said.

"Afraid of wild boars...then no one else dared to take revenge on King Wu?" Guo Kang asked.

"No. Of course, the main reason is that the Irish are too cheap." Zhu Wenkui explained: "The mercenary manager and the employer don't care much about the loss, so the matter is over."

"But you're right. Up to the last batch, among all the people who came to protect the father... and the animals, Nurhachi is already the most, one." He said In the middle, he paused in embarrassment, and added: "This is in Mongolia, high and low is a bit of a rabbit..."

"So, I actually hope that Jessica and his gang can be as good at fighting as you said. Otherwise, other people are not as good as this pig..."

"At least we still have Nikita." Seeing his helpless look, Guo Kang had no choice but to comfort him.

"No way, Nikita is just a big fool, he has no fighting power at all." Zhu Wenkui sighed: "That guy only likes to perform in front of everyone, but he is actually very timid. When something happens, he will shrink back immediately .Hey, I can't count on it."

"..." Guo Kang felt a little sympathetic to their team again.

(End of this chapter)

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