Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 82 The Greek woman is so terrifying!

Chapter 82 The Greek woman is so terrifying! (Leader "Inbrado Beria" added more)
Guo Kang didn't want to agree to Zhu Rangna's statement.

"War is a matter of life and death, so don't take it too lightly." He warned: "Li Anning has always liked to mess around. But she can let it go if she makes a fuss, anyway, her father and grandfather are in charge. You You have to take care of yourself, and don’t let your mother and elder brother worry.”

Zhu Wenkui also fully agrees with Guo Kang's opinion.

"If you are just playing house, then I have no objection, but if you want to imitate Princess Pingyang, you have to be more cautious than ordinary people." He said.

"At the beginning, Zhao Kuo learned the art of war very well, and thought he was very capable. He talked about military affairs with his father Zhao She, and Zhao She could not stop him. But Zhao She thought that Zhao Kuo was not suitable for leading troops. Zhao Kuo's mother When asked why, Zhao She said that the use of troops is a matter of life and death, but Zhao Kuo made it easy. It would be fine if he did not lead troops in the future, but if he did, the army would definitely be destroyed."

"You girls, it's a good thing for you girls to practice martial arts and understand military affairs. It is also helpful to the country. But the battlefield is not an environment for you to drink tea and chat in the palace after all." Zhu Wenkui said, and couldn't help it again Shaking his head: "It's all this kind of mentality, I'm afraid it will cause trouble instead."

"Women in the palace don't drink tea all the time." Jeanna corrected: "And I'm not Greek, I'm not like them. On my mother's side, it's not uncommon for women from noble and knight families to go to war. matter."

"Then don't imitate them." Guo Kang deliberately frightened her: "Back then, when Western Europeans organized crusades, a large number of women from noble and knight families joined hastily for religious belief. As a result, many crusaders were on the way, It failed and even collapsed, and many people were captured by the enemy."

"There are rumors that the mother of Nur al-Din, the famous monarch of the Zangi Dynasty, was an Austrian noblewoman." He gave an example: "Because she insisted on participating in the Crusade, she was captured by the Roman Sultan Kilija Arslan on the way. , sold to Zenji as a slave girl, and later gave birth to him."

"I've heard quite a few stories like this. Li Xuanying told me that in Romania, this is a common theme in story books. They think that they can easily defeat miscellaneous fish enemies just like the paladins in the story. , arrived at the Holy Land, and gained glory. I guess I was more optimistic than you back then."

"So, don't think that you have learned a little, and you are a female knight." He threatened Jeanne: "The 'female knights' were all captured by the enemy to have children in the end."

"I think it's just that they have been dazzled..." Jeanna looked really guilty.

"Then you should study hard, accumulate more experience, and don't let messy thoughts go to your head." Zhu Wenkui also chimed in: "Even if Brother Tian blesses you, he can't come down to save you every three days. You can protect yourself. Let’s talk about other beliefs, hobbies, etc.”

"On this point, you really have to listen to your brother." Guo Kang nodded.

"But I also want to go to Egypt and see the home of Sister Jeanna and the others." Zhu Jeanna said dejectedly.

"Then there's no need to join in the excitement of the war." Guo Kang comforted, "I'll take you there after the fight, that's fine."

Jeanne had no choice but to agree.

"Okay, I'll take care of your sister recently." After Guo Kang told Zhu Wenkui, he sighed helplessly: "Hey, Li Anning is actually more troublesome. I'll deal with her on my own."

"What are you going to do?" Zhu Wenkui asked.

"I can't control her. Tomorrow I will go to old man Yelu and ask him to take care of her." Guo Kang made a decisive decision and called the parents directly.

Unfortunately, Zhu Wenkui's father is too unreliable.His upbringing made him unable to understand the power of being a parent, and he was still a little worried.

"I see that you are a little worried about those people." He pointed out: "Is there anyone who needs my help? It's a gift in return for helping me educate my sister."

"Hey, I don't know if you can help me." Guo Kang was very pessimistic about this: "Or else it will be like this. Next time Shi Huizhen comes again, please help me deal with it. I estimate that she will have to run away again in two days. Niangniangmiao, check out my pneumatic Tianxiong model."

"Is this person so scary?" Zhu Wenkui didn't quite believe it.

"Her nickname is Ashina Zetian." Guo Kang spread his hands: "What do you think?"

"..." Zhu Wenkui fell silent.

"I don't think you are even afraid of Mamluks, why are you afraid of them?" Zhu Rianna asked strangely.

"They are much more terrifying than Mamluks." Guo Kang shook his head again and again: "Do you know the deeds of the Queen Mother Helena?"

"What did she do?" asked Jeanne.

"At the beginning, we formed an alliance with Timur and planned to eliminate the Golden Tent forces in the Volga River Basin. Timur sent Tutuo Mimi as a guide to enter the grassland for activities. The queen mother who was in power then went to Crimea to meet him and discuss the appropriateness of entering the army. .” Guo Kang said.

"At that time, Timur and Tuotuo Mimi had a very good relationship, and they were even called father and son. But the Queen Mother Helena believed that Tuotuo Mimi had great ambitions, and she would definitely turn against Timur in the future."

"Actually, in Central Asia and Persia, Uncle Timur is known for his shrewdness and cunning. Some people think that he is the smartest Mongolian and Turkic warlord over the years. Tuotuo is not too lost, and he has played tricks more than once. Uncle Mu'er. These two are basically the upper limit of the Mongols and Turks."

"But the old lady thinks that these two people are very simple-minded and easy to be fooled. So she invited King Bagrat V of Georgia again on the grounds of alliance, and told Tutuo Lost that her side is too far away. It may not be able to give him enough help. You can find the Georgian gang in the Caucasus, and you will not participate.”

"The Empress Dowager's family is on the south bank of the Black Sea, where the Trabzon's Komnen family has long been entrenched. Trabzon's territory has long been controlled by the Kingdom of Georgia on the east coast of the Black Sea and the Caucasus region. The Empress Dowager's niece, Just married Bagrat, so we all have relatives."

"Through the relationship of my niece, the Queen Mother has contacted Bagrat a few times. She thinks that this man is also ambitious, but his resourcefulness cannot keep up. He will easily get carried away and plan some so-called 'conspiracies' beyond his ability."

"Sure enough, Bagrat was quickly drawn in by Tutuo Misang, and the two conspired to betray Timur and carve up the local territory."

"At this time, something happened inside the purple tent, and the queen mother was overthrown by the angry army. But her previous arrangements are still in operation."

"Later, the spies placed in Georgia got the details of Bagrat's conspiracy with Tutuo Mimi. After confirming the news of the 'conspiracy', they also intercepted their communication. Khan Ting immediately handed it over to Timur, Then let the sailors prepare."

"Are you going to fight?" Zhu Rangna asked.

"Yes, the queen mother said back then that Timur must be especially angry with Georgia, so this kingdom will definitely end, and we must prepare to accept it in advance." Guo Kang said.

"Later, the development of the matter was similar to what she thought. Uncle Timur did not believe in the betrayal of Tutuo Milo. Even though it was later found out that the matter was unmistakable, he insisted that Tutuo Milo was just a temporary obsession. It must be the Georgian gang. People lured him to a dead end for his own benefit. Therefore, the old emperor took all his anger on the Kingdom of Georgia."

"Although Georgia is a big local country, it is not his opponent at all. It was quickly broken by Timur's army. According to his request, the Purple Tent army also landed on the coast at this time, pinching Georgia's rear."

"Tamerlane has a bad reputation. The Georgians were afraid of being slaughtered by him in retaliation. They all ran to the west and surrendered to the Purple Horde Khanate. Later, there were too many refugees, and the Purple Horde sent the army and refugees to the Trabzonspor, take the opportunity to disarm the Komnenos."

"Uncle Timur just wanted to vent his anger. He came here to cause damage. After fighting for a while, he left. He didn't care about these things. Therefore, most of Georgia and the entire Trabzonspor were eaten by us. come down."

"You see, the smartest Mongols are still being deliberately used by her. And she even has the same schemes with her in-laws and natal family." Guo Kang said: "Even after the downfall, these plans are still successful. It can even be said that losing power The old queens are better at stratagem than the kings of these countries."

"Many of us suspect that her son, John VIII, was killed by her conspiracy in the same way. Judging from past experience, this is not surprising."

"Now it's not a Greek girl, it's a large group, and even brought a lot of people from other places. They don't know what to plan when they get together every day." He pointed out: "You say, can I not be cautious?"

(End of this chapter)

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