Chapter 87
And the so-called sects and other issues are obviously just an excuse. How could it be so important?

The lessons of the past have proved that these barbarians will only push forward.Satisfying their religious requirements will only make them more complacent.You can't have too many illusions about them.

In addition, the territory of the Khanate is surrounded by the Black Sea, which seems to be a large area, but many places, especially the military mansions on the northern plains, do not actually have much reliable depth.Therefore, the Khan court has always maintained a high degree of vigilance and maintained a proactive and proactive policy.

Because of this, although it is a training and management institution in name, the military government also undertakes a large number of early warning, investigation and even combat tasks.

In order to maintain peace in the hinterland and prevent attacks and sabotage, military soldiers must take the initiative to go out to patrol, monitor the enemies in the border areas, and even destroy their advanced fortresses, arrest and interrogate prisoners—even if there is no regular army from Poland and other countries, it is inevitable There will be barbarian chieftains, coveting the wealth of the legion, trying to grab a fortune.

On the other hand, the white slave trade was one of the stable incomes of many military governments, and it was also the main extra income for legionnaires during their slack.Therefore, the military government itself will organize military operations to destroy barbarian villages and capture slaves.

Therefore, such small-scale conflicts are very common in the local area.

In large-scale wars, the Khan court will send generals and staff to command the entire army, but these frequent daily operations are the responsibility of the military government itself.

Under severe external pressure, although the Khan court is still relatively harmonious, the requirements for the heirs of each family are also very high.What they have passed down from generation to generation is not so much the territory and power, but the influence in the legion.If the heir's ability and prestige are insufficient, it is likely to lead to a decline in the status of the family.

Since historians have arranged for Shi Ke to go to the navy, they must come up with a reliable candidate to prove that he is capable of defending Northern Romania and safeguarding the interests of local citizens, otherwise the Greeks will also question whether their arrangement is appropriate.Therefore, this pressure came to Shi Ke's cousin Stan.

But so far, Stan's performance has not been outstanding.When he served as a subordinate official in the local area, he seemed to be more than conservative, but not aggressive enough.

In other places, everyone may be able to accept it, but in Northern Romania, where the confrontation is fierce, people with this personality are somewhat difficult to be welcomed by everyone.The hundred households have already privately suggested to the head of the family, Shi Mingyuan, either to transfer the eldest son back, or find a way to make the second son a military exploit, and it is best to capture a large number of prisoners, so that the legion soldiers can feel at ease.

In the Nanya military system, the position of Baihu is not high, but its status is very important.In these border farms, the organizers of the manor were not only the village chiefs in peacetime, but also the captains of farmers and soldiers in wartime.They are between the upper-level commanders and the lower-level soldiers, and they are an important link in transmitting orders and giving feedback.

The religious beliefs of the Purple Horde Khan Court are... hard to describe in one word. If it were any other faction, it might have been killed by the Crusaders long ago.In the earliest days, the upper class of the Khan court was not the same ethnic group as the local Slavs and Bulgars, and they spoke different words.

It can be said that the support of so many soldiers basically depends on the good treatment they give, and the ability to win battles and defend everyone; and the support of the legion soldiers is also the reason why the Purple Horde can survive in this hostile land The essential.

Therefore, the thoughts of frontline legionnaires are a very important object of observation.According to tradition, when a problem arises, the hundreds of households report the situation in private, which is the first step in the handling process.If it is not handled well, some people may go to the Ordo to file a complaint, or even gather a crowd to expel the chief of the military government as in the Anta War.

In this regard, Shi Mingyuan has a hard time and can't tell.

Stan is his younger brother's son, but he did treat Stan as the heir to the military mansion and carefully cultivated him - since his second son died young, he has no other candidates to use.

However, a cavalry general is indeed very talented.In this position, key decisions must be made frequently, which requires courage and even intuition.No matter how smart a person is, how familiar he is with the art of war, he can't replace this kind of metaphysical talent in many cases.

Some people think that Shi Ke can be transferred back, but this is tantamount to giving up the previous business, and Shi Ke may not be suitable.If you want to take care of both sides, you may have to adopt a adopted son in the end, or exchange directly with other families.

It may be this complicated situation that inspired his niece Shi Huizhen's ambition.

Unlike Shi Ke and Stan brothers who are not very ostentatious, Shi Huizhen likes to dance with guns and clubs, even if she is happy, she thinks she is a martial arts lunatic.Not only that, but on a whim, she felt that she could replace her younger brother Stan and undertake military obligations.

Shi Mingyuan thought it was nonsense and didn't take her seriously.Therefore, Shi Huizhen managed to obtain the permission of several other elders, and borrowed dozens of cavalry, saying that she would go out for a walk.Everyone thought she was going to lead soldiers to show off, so they ignored her.

However, Shi Huizhen has already made plans.She inquired about a frontier camp of the Poles and managed to convince the soldiers.The crowd set off from the outpost overnight, and entered the camp in the morning when the Polish soldiers were praying.The defenders collapsed in an instant, and the little nobles guarding the camp were also beheaded by them.

Shi Huizhen came back, dismissed the soldiers, replaced the armor covered in blood, and went home with a package to announce the good news.Mother thought she had gone shopping in the city, and asked her what she had brought, but she took out the head of the Polish nobleman, which shocked her mother.

After this incident, Shi Huizhen became famous.

The family is quite taboo about this.Some elders immediately thought of Wu Zetian's deeds of taming horses.

It is said that Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty got a BMW and hadn't tamed it yet.On a whim, he asked everyone around him who could do it, and Wu Zetian volunteered to stand up and said that she could do it, and only needed three tools: an iron whip, a hammer, and a dagger.

Taizong was curious and asked her how she planned to train the horse. Wu Zetian said that she would whip it with an iron whip first; if she still didn't listen, she would hammer it with a hammer;

After Emperor Taizong, he ignored her, probably thinking that this person was too violent and vicious: horses are trained for riding, if you kill the horses, then why ride?
However, it is a pity that Wu Zetian still took power later, and he did use this method to deal with heroes and generals.

The ancestors recognized by historians originated from the line of Ashina Yuanqing, the Khan Ashina who was canonized in the Tang Dynasty.And Shi Yuanqing himself was framed by the cruel official Lai Junchen and died in the hands of Wu Zetian.Even the whole family was exiled to Yazhou.

This is a very painful lesson: killing a horse is indeed easy, but if the killing continues like this, Datang may also be killed into the Great Song Dynasty.

Now, there is such a violent woman in my family.When I was a teenager, I went to the battlefield for the first time. Not only did I feel no discomfort, but I was able to run around with a bloody head. At that time, Grand Master Tutuo Maimaitinikus vomited for the first time on the battlefield. One place, everyone knows it.

If things go on like this, this little girl will probably be even more vicious and terrifying than Wu Zetian.

The uncles thought that this incident was too abnormal and absolutely strange.

If she was allowed to hold the power, even if there were any living members of the family this time, they would probably have to be exiled to Nu Ergan to see the kobolds baring their teeth.

 There are still a few chapters, I will put them in order.Then there are too many rewards, I don’t feel very good, I will make up for the unfinished ones years ago...

(End of this chapter)

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