My uncle's name is Zhu Di

Chapter 100 Three Sentences Let Zhu Di Pay Me 3

Chapter 100 Three Sentences Let Zhu Di Spend Me 30
"What? The dog died?"

Zhu Wei's eyes darkened and he almost fainted.

Although he wished to strangle Li Jinglong to death, Zhu Wei still couldn't stand the thought that he might be poisoned to death by himself.Quickly turned around and ran away, and ordered the servants to prepare a large bucket of... excrement juice.

Still kind of hot.

It was sent directly to Li Jinglong.

"Don't say anything, just drink it to survive!"

Li Jinglong is crazy, I am a man of seven feet, I would rather die than drink dung juice!

And it looks a little familiar.

"Your Highness, I didn't just do this, did I?"

Zhu Huan became anxious, "You talk so much nonsense? Isn't it good that the fat and water don't flow into other people's fields! It's fine if you can vomit, you don't want to live!"

Li Jinglong was also in a hurry, if he drank this, even if he was alive, he would be almost dead!
"Your Highness... Did you ask, how did that dog die?"

Xu Jingchang finally spoke out to remind Zhu Xi, why did he die?

Of course he was poisoned to death, otherwise how would he have died?

He finally called the housekeeper and asked carefully.

"What the hell happened to that rhubarb?"

The butler said bitterly: "The little ones don't know, but I just heard from them that when Rhubarb ran out, a carriage galloped by, knocking Rhubarb into the air, running over the wheels, and splashing blood on the road. It's extremely miserable!"

After he finished speaking, Li Jinglong suddenly let out a strange cry.

How miserable can a dog be?
I'm the worst, okay?

The butler gasped for breath, he deserved to be killed!

He jumped up, trying to crush the butler to death.

However, his stomach growled again, so he could only turn around and run, and went to the latrine again.

After repeating it several times, he finally calmed down.

As the saying goes, a good man can't stand Sanpao Shit, Li Jinglong ran around the latrine until his face turned green, his legs were as soft as noodles, with gold stars in front of his eyes, and the sky was dark.

Fortunately, he is in good health, otherwise he would really report to the underworld.

Xu Jingchang watched silently from the side, and understood Zhu Gaosui's reminder, don't try anything from Zhu Wei's side, or you will become an innocent guinea pig.

"I said His Royal Highness King Zhou, I will admit it to you. If you want to publish books, I will also pay for it... I beg you, can we both expose the past?"

Zhu Wei didn't seem to hear what he said, but said to himself: "It seems that the bean leaves are used less, or I eat too much... I have to think again. But my rhubarb, why did it suddenly run out? Could it be that If you eat pokeweed, you will go crazy?"

Zhu Su suddenly looked at Li Jinglong, "Cao Guogong, do you want to run outside now?"

Li Jinglong cried, "I am a human being, not a dog! I beg Your Highness, please forgive me!"

Zhu Wei finally nodded, but said again: "You can't be regarded as a human being. What you did to me before, you even instigated a separation between father and son... You are a dog! There is no dog more than you!"

Li Jinglong was too lazy to refute, firstly because he had no energy, and secondly because he was at the mercy of Jianwen back then, and he was really indebted to these old friends who grew up together.

Zhu Huan scolded for a while, and seeing that Li Jinglong remained silent, he also felt bored.

Then he asked Xu Jingchang, "You used to be an envoy in charge, so you must have experience. Tell me how much it will cost to print this book? I wonder if I can get it all together?"

Xu Jingchang smiled, "Your Highness, do you want to print books with your own money?"

"Not only mine, but Duke Cao's too. He promised to pay for it."

Li Jinglong rolled his eyelids feebly, but didn't dare to say anything.

Xu Jingchang said with a smile, "Your Highness, this book doesn't mean that as many books are printed, they can be distributed, and it's not that as many books are printed, ordinary people can get them."

Zhu Lu pondered: "Then what should we do?"

Xu Jingchang said: "I thought of a way. Isn't this the autumn harvest? The common people have to pay the autumn grain. We take advantage of this time to publish a batch of pamphlets. Every taxpayer will give a copy for free. As for printing Let His Majesty pay for the cost of the book."

Xu Jingchang glanced at Zhu Gaosui again, "His Royal Highness Zhao Wang, may you publish books quickly?"

Zhu Gaosui said: "Yes, but you need to pay more!"

Xu Jingchang wasn't worried, "Anyway, it's your father who gave you real money, or fried pork with bamboo shoots, only God knows."

Hearing this, Zhu Gaoxu couldn't help snorting: "There is no need to bother, fried meat with bamboo shoots is inevitable. For more than a year, my father has been talking about replenishing the treasury every day. I think the third beating will not escape."

Zhu Gaosui cried, "Second brother, why do you think it's always me who gets hurt? You can't keep bullying me!"

It was Zhou Wang Zhu Huan, who got up and said, "I'll go and talk to fourth brother, even if fourth brother can't get the money, I won't let him beat you casually."

Hearing this, Zhu Gaosui was moved, "Uncle Wu, in this world full of malice, you can give my nephew a little warmth, I am so pitiful."

Zhu Gaosui was miserable, and Li Jinglong was miserable.

Xu Jingchang was in a good mood, and he chatted with Zhu Wei for a while, mainly talking about this book.

Two days later, Zhu Wei found an opportunity and went to see Zhu Di with Xu Jingchang.

"Fifth Brother, why are you free? Could it be that Brother Guan is asking for money?" Zhu Di joked.

Zhu Huan blushed, "Your Majesty, I have been busy sorting out these days, and indeed compiled a famine relief book. I asked Duke Ding to read it."

Zhu Huan set his eyes on Xu Jingchang.

Xu Jingchang hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, this book written by His Royal Highness Zhou Wang is really interesting. What he collects is not medicine, but edible wild vegetables. It is called famine relief, and it teaches the people to distinguish species. I think it is a great achievement and useful. Great. After printing, the merits are immeasurable."

Zhu Di said: "You are talking so lively, what are you going to do? Explain clearly, how much do you want to spend?"

Xu Jingchang said: "Your Majesty, I have discussed with the King of Zhou. I intend to take advantage of the opportunity of the autumn harvest to publish a batch and give it to the people for free. Let the big guys take it home and read it carefully to increase their knowledge."

"Just need my money?" Zhu Di summed it up very well.

Zhu Huan could only nod his head, "Your Majesty, I also know that there is a lot of waste to be done, and the treasury is tight, but at any rate, I would like to ask Your Majesty to give me some money, so that I can publish a batch. I am willing to use my salary and savings... What I don’t have enough, there’s Duke Cao’s.”

Zhu Di was taken aback for a moment, obviously Xu Jingchang came here, why did you mention Li Jinglong?
"Your Majesty, Cao Guogong is still recuperating at home at this time, and he has some internal injuries... But rest assured, Your Majesty, he is indeed willing to give generously." Xu Jingchang said seriously.

Zhu Di snorted, "Aren't you willing to give generously and take out some money?"

Xu Jingchang spread his hands, if he really wanted to pay, it would be too much.

I have already made Zhu Di an official for you, why do you want me to pay?

If you are the boss like this, you will lose all your employees.

Zhu Di said sullenly: "It's not that I don't want to pay, it's that the treasury is so empty... The flood in the west of Zhejiang, and the treatment of Taihu Lake, Luo Qian reported to me 200 million taels. To rebuild the three main halls, 350 million taels are needed. Gather the rebels, To appease the localities, wipe out bandits, and help the people return to their homeland so that they can live and work in peace and contentment, it costs another several million taels...there is another 180 taels to build ships and prepare for voyages to the West.”

Zhu Di did some calculations, and said helplessly: "If you are not in charge, you don't know how expensive it is. I only realized the difficulty of the emperor's exam when I sat on the dragon chair. I need to spend money everywhere, but there is only so much money in my hand, and I am too. Difficulty!"

Facing Zhu Di's cry of poverty, the honest man soon had nothing to say.

"Your Majesty, it's my younger brother who is ignorant and has caused trouble for Your Majesty."

Zhu Di hurriedly said: "Fifth brother, what are you talking about? Your book has great merit. Right now, I have no money in hand. In a few years, when the treasury is rich, I will definitely contribute money to help you publish this book." , issued to the world... By the way, let Xu Jingchang testify for me!"

Xu Jingchang blinked his eyes, I won't testify for you!

And don't think of me as a fool like King Zhou, I know better than you whether you have money or not.

Xu Jingchang thought for a while, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, I actually read His Royal Highness Zhou's book, and I feel a lot of emotion... His Royal Highness Zhou has a pure nature. He was taught by Emperor Taizu and Empress Xiaoci Gao when he was young, caring about the people and caring about the suffering of the people. .He is kind-hearted and compassionate. He grew up with His Majesty, and His Majesty must have experienced it too."

Zhu Di nodded, "You're right, the fifth brother is true. It's just that he is such a kind person, but he was sent to Yunnan and suffered a lot. I feel very distressed."

Xu Jingchang immediately said: "That's right! Your Majesty, I was about to talk about this. How insane must I be to attack the pure and good King Zhou? A generation of virtuous kings, who were dedicated to the people, were cut down for no reason and sent to a barren land .It's crazy, it's too much for God!"

Zhu Wei is still a little unaccustomed to being praised so much.

"Thanks to Your Majesty's success in calming Nan and restoring my throne, this is all thanks to Your Majesty."

Xu Jingchang said: "His Royal Highness, this is just one of them. Although you were demoted and demoted, you are in danger. But you still have the people in your heart. During this period of time, exploring the mountains and fields and trying wild vegetables yourself, you can be called a contemporary Shennong. You have been poisoned several times. It is really not easy to have this book after escaping from death!"

Zhu Huan moved his butt, his face flushed, obviously embarrassed.

Contemporary Shennong, narrow escape?

No matter, in fact, this book was roughly compiled before the vassal was cut, but it lacked a suitable opportunity to publish it.And what about trying to eat wild vegetables, being poisoned several times...I don't even know about it, where did you hear it?
"Ding Guogong, you are too famous, you are too famous."

Xu Jingchang didn't say anything to Zhu Wei, but faced Zhu Di, and said earnestly: "Your Majesty, I think this matter should be widely known, so that people in the world can understand what it means to be sincere for the people. It's like King Zhou, not those Empty talk and white teeth, a corrupt scholar and traitor who talks about the rule of three generations! Your Majesty, if you don't explain clearly what happened in the past four years as soon as possible, so that the common people can understand right from wrong, I'm really afraid that some people will turn black and white!"

Zhu Di frowned, "What do you mean?"

"Your Majesty, I have heard that someone collected Fang Xiaoru's bones and buried them outside the Jubao Gate, and someone offered a high price to buy Fang Xiaoru's poems and essays."

When Zhu Di heard this, he was furious, "You are so brave, you actually called out the soul of a rebellious minister! Do you think I am a dead person?"

Xu Jingchang said: "Your Majesty's words are very true, I ask your Majesty to strengthen the righteousness and eliminate the evil, so as to prevent the lapse of time!"

Zhu Di gritted his teeth, "Allocate 30 taels of silver from internal funds to publish books for the fifth younger brother... Also, Jin Yiwei must investigate and find out who summoned Fang Xiaoru's soul!"

(End of this chapter)

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