My uncle's name is Zhu Di

Chapter 114 Activating Money Ability

Chapter 114 Activating Money Ability

Xie Jin stood in the main hall, talking eloquently, since he opened his mouth, he has been full of spirits, it's like going to the battlefield, the other party will not spare you just because you are cowardly.

People who want to be rich are enough, but most of them end up wanting to be barbarians.

So Xie Jin swept away his depression, and completely lost his jitters. He began to output with all his strength...

From Xu Jingchang's point of view, it was almost impossible for the civil servants to use Qin Tianjian to play the card of destroying the Fengshui dragon veins.Is it possible that he still wants to popularize scientific knowledge to courtiers?

It is also a lie to say that there is no dragon vein and Feng Shui?
If he dared to speak, Zhu Di might not even dare to listen.

But in Xiejin's hands, it seemed like nothing was done.

He used three tricks, the first one was to answer... that is, to accept the question without making any excuses. If you say there are dragon veins, then there must be!

Then Xie Jin made the second move, Hua!

That's right, no one can explain the theory of dragon veins and geomantic omen. In this case, I will push it to Emperor Jianwen.

It has to be said that Zhu Yunqi is simply Daming's blame god. Anyway, any messy things can be blamed on Jianwen's chaotic politics, Qi Tai and Huang Zicheng.

However, the courtiers did not dare to say that Xie Jin was wrong.

Dealing with hooligans with more hooligans... Xu Jingchang couldn't help but sigh, I'm too gentlemanly, that's why I'm helpless.

Xie Jin successfully resolved the offensive, and it was his turn to make a move.

"Qizou Your Majesty, the war continues and the people are exiled in the capital. The current situation in Ming Dynasty is very different from that of Hongwu. I feel that this time the warning from heaven is an excellent opportunity. From inside the city to outside the city, completely Rebuild Yingtian City."

"Beside Jubao Gate, build a new military camp, settle the soldiers from Peiping, requisition the land in the city, build new government offices, and settle officials. Then move the people outside Jubao Gate to facilitate business and life... This is what I proposed. Please read the detailed statement, Your Majesty."

Zhu Di nodded, "Present it."

Xie Jin had been prepared for a long time, and he took out a complete set of detailed plans.

According to Xie Jin's plan, it is not just as simple as building some craftsman houses outside the Jubao Gate, but a complete build a huge military camp and house three battalions of forbidden troops.

The size of the entire barracks should reach hundreds of thousands.

The forbidden army in the Beijing camp is the root of Zhu Di. As soon as Xie Jin proposed it, the emperor was happy.

Those Jing Nan nobles also smiled happily and were very satisfied.

Yingtian naturally had a barracks, but the original barracks were not prepared for Beiping soldiers and horses. After the Jingnan disaster, doves occupied the magpie's nest and robbed many barracks, but they were still not enough to live in. This is also a source of the so-called contradiction between the old and the new.

Xie Jin proposed to overhaul the barracks, which naturally met Zhu Di's needs, and also satisfied the old and new nobles.

Outside the barracks, near the city gate, it can be used as the residence of middle and lower-level generals.

This hand is simply a stroke of genius.

Even Xu Jingchang applauded.

Zhu Di led an army of [-] Jingnan troops into Beijing. Top dignitaries like Qiu Fu and Zhu Neng naturally had their own mansions.

But those commanders, commanders, and even thousands of household officials, they don't have enough mansions to divide.

Many of them robbed the residences of the former officials of the Jianwen Dynasty, and some had to rent houses.

So just after Jing Nan succeeded, Zhu Gaoxu, instigated by a group of generals, pointed the finger at his uncle Xu Huizu, and Qiu Fu couldn't wait to eradicate all the old nobles... It can be attributed to the alternation of the old and the new, and the struggle for power... But also Be very specific.

Thousands of upstarts in Jingnan want to live in a good house, to be served, and to receive treatment that suits their status... The imperial court can't provide these for a while, so they can only grab them from the founder of the country.

Winners and losers are often so unpretentious and boring.

The existence of Xu Jingchang maintained the fundamentals of the founding nobles, but it also exacerbated the housing crisis of Jingnan's upstarts.

Everyone wants a place to settle down, right?
These are tens of thousands of people, and they still have status and status.

It is really not easy to satisfy their appetite.

In the past year, it was aimed at restoring people's livelihood and enriching the national treasury... The matter on Xungui's side has actually been dragging on.

Now Xie Jin stood up and took out his strategy to build a mansion for the middle and lower level generals outside the Jubao Gate.

This house doesn't need to be too big, just three or five houses with a small courtyard at the front and back is enough for a thousand households to live in.The commander level is nothing more than a two-story courtyard, and a courtyard with a maximum of three entrances is justified.

In addition to settling these generals, Xie Jin also proposed to reserve some houses for civilian officials in Beijing to live in.

Basically, those who are below the seventh rank and whose salary is not high can choose a house close to Jubaomen, which is used for office work.The ministers of the imperial court, after resignation or appreciation, then give up the house.

In this way, the residences of civil officials will be settled... and after the civil and military residences are cleared, the remaining corners and remote places are the residences of craftsmen.

Xu Jingchang also got a copy of Xie Jin's strategy. After seeing the end, a trace of helpless wry smile appeared on his face, which soon disappeared.

This thing seems really helpless.

It was originally intended to arrange accommodation for the craftsmen so that they could live and work in peace and contentment and work better.

As a result, after playing around, the most flat and widest place was given to the general Xungui.The place closest to Yingtian and with the most convenient transportation was given to the civil servant.

They can only get a little out of the way, saying it's soup?
It can be regarded as drinking, Xu Jingchang prefers to call it pot water.

If it is a person with a strong sense of morality and hatred of evil, Xu Jingchang will probably explode, denouncing shamelessness.

But at this moment, he chose to shut up.

Because he knew very well that this was Yingtian, the Great Ming Dynasty Hall, not a place for whims.

If you don't appease the two groups of people in front of you, you won't even be able to get this little pot of water.

The most brilliant thing about Xie Jin is that he brought in the noble power.

Tied this group of people to the chariot. In this way, it will be more difficult for the six ministers headed by Jian Yi to stop it. The strength of the two sides has been reversed!

Those nobles who have been carving wood and clay sculptures talked and laughed a lot and were encouraged.Those low-level officials are also full of hope at this moment, and their eyes are shining.

On the contrary, all the important ministers in the court felt their backs go numb, and they no longer dared to object lightly.

The next thing is much easier.

They just stayed on the details of disputes, such as the size of the apartment, the difference in enjoyment of different grades, and when to hand over the project...

Zhu Di didn't bother to listen to these trivial details, "If there is no objection, let the Ministry of Industry draw up a detailed statement."

The Son of Heaven made a final decision, and Xu Jingchang who had been listening all this time suddenly said, "Your Majesty, with this arrangement, do you want to ask Qin Tianjian to see if it will damage the dragon's veins?"

In a word, people turned their attention to this unlucky guy again.

In the beginning, he was the hope of all civil servants.

Speak up for righteousness, plead for the people, greatness is not enough... Even if you are beaten to death, you will be famous all over the world and become the object of praise of scholars.

But now, the situation has changed.

He could clearly feel that those from the Sixth Branch Gallery, the Inspector's Office, and the Imperial Academy were all staring at him, and if they dared to say a word, these people would pounce on him and strangle him to death.

And there is no need for him to object, after all according to this standard...he is also eligible for housing.

I also want to give the house outside Yingtian City, Sanjin!

"My Emperor Shengming!"

The officials of the Qin Tianjian pouted their buttocks high and kowtowed vigorously, announcing that the matter had finally come to an end.

Taking stock of gains and losses, did the officials lose?
Actually no, they still got the best piece of fat.

And they didn't let the men of all kinds ride on their heads.

Most importantly, there was no violent conflict between the monarch and his subjects, and no irreversible results... Overall, it was only a small loss.

This also reflects the current situation in the court.

Even if he is as strong as Zhu Di, as long as he doesn't want to overturn the table, he must respect the interests of civil servants.

Xungui took a big deal this time. They didn't participate, but they got a new military camp and mansion.

All went back to dinner.

But speaking of it, the one who really benefited was Xie Jin, the envoy.

He really won.

The second is the Secretary of General Administration. As an institution, it has also made a lot of money.

Xie Jin is also the General Secretary of the General Administration, so it can be considered a win-win situation!

This guy is a winner!
In the past, Xu Jingchang served as the co-administrator and made various changes. It can also be considered that he has a special status and can do things that others cannot.

But with Xie Jin's success, the big guy finally realized that the position of General Political Envoy really has a bright future.

As one of the Great Nine Ministers, his status is high enough, and he communicates internally and externally. He is a close minister of the emperor.

Born to coordinate all officials.

And this time, Xie Jin helped the officials below and won huge benefits. From then on, we all have houses in Yingtian City.

These low-ranking and powerless officials are actually not that prominent.

They have to rent a house, support their families, and communicate with each other.Many people can't afford sedan chairs or horses, so they can only walk on foot.

It is also euphemistically called Anbu Dangche.

Well now, with a house, maybe you can consider getting a carriage, or hire a sedan chair, and experience the feeling of being a master.

The name Xie Jin gradually washed away his status as a Hanlin scholar, and began to be associated with the Tongzheng envoy... Today, Xie Tongzheng has begun to replace Xu Tongzheng and rise in the imperial court.

"Mr. Ding, His Majesty agrees with this strategy, but there are still many days before the house is built. Without the help of Mr. Ding, I simply don't know what to do."

Xu Jingchang laughed, "Xie Tongzheng, you are being polite. In the final analysis, we all hope that the Ming Dynasty will be better, instead of overturning the table. Your status is more suitable than mine to exert the power of Tongzheng envoy. Fu Guozhimin, you Put yourself in a better position."

Xie Jin nodded again and again, his joy was palpable, "In any case, it was Ding Guogong who created the humble job, and the humble job will always be engraved in his heart."


"Is this the government?"

Faced with this result, Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu was furious. He did not participate in the court meeting. When Xu Jingchang came back, after listening to the story, Zhu Gaoxu was furious.

"I want to take care of my craftsmen and let them work hard for me, but the result is that those civil servants and generals are cheap. They have taken so many benefits for nothing, it is simply abominable!"

Zhu Gaochi sighed helplessly, "Second brother, don't be arrogant, this is already the best result."

"Hmph! This is yours, not mine!"

After finishing speaking, Zhu Gaoxu walked outside.

Xu Jingchang said: "King of Han, what are you going to do?"

Zhu Gaoxu snorted coldly: "What are you doing, I can spend money if you can do such a shitty thing! I want to make the craftsmen's houses a hundred times better than the officials' houses!"

(End of this chapter)

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