My uncle's name is Zhu Di

Chapter 118 Jin Yiwei, dispatched

Chapter 118 Jin Yiwei, dispatched
These officials were angry, but also panicked, and wanted to escape one after another.

It's a pity that the entire courtyard, including the roof and walls, is guarded by yamen servants, who will not let them go.

"My lords, whoever wants to leave, please leave your name first, sign and pledge, admit what happened today, and don't embarrass the little ones. The little ones are also business-like. If there is no black and white as a proof, the adults will turn around and crush the little people to death." It's as easy as crushing a bedbug. In a word, the little ones are here to fight for their lives, and the grown-ups shouldn't be as knowledgeable as us."

What Xu Dianli said made everyone's noses crooked with anger.

Well, you shameless person, you actually asked us to sign. This word can also be signed casually?
1 of them are unwilling, after all, no one wants to leave behind criminal evidence.

But the group of people in Shangyuan County just wouldn't let them go.

In the sky and on the ground, even the dog hole is guarded, and I don't know how they found it.

And as time passed by, it seemed like midnight.

I can't get away quickly, and I will be delayed until tomorrow.

Once it gets out, it will be even more troublesome.

There is no way but to leave first, and then find a way.

Yu Shiji was the first to write down his name, and then left in a hurry.

As soon as he left, a few more people wrote down their names... But among this group of people, there are also some very clever people, such as a censor, after thinking about it, they don't necessarily know me anyway, just write down the name casually .

By the way, write about the person I hate the most.

Xu Jingchang!
As soon as he finished writing, a yamen servant next to him laughed, "If you are really Ding Guogong, would you still be afraid of villains? I'm afraid you would have already beaten them out!"

The man was stunned for a while, he thought he was smart, at this moment, the yamen servant said loudly: "Come here, brothers, take a good look, who is this lord?"

In the next second, a yamen servant came over. He had been on the street for many years and guided almost all the officials.

He only glanced at it and said loudly: "The supervisory censor He Yin pretended to be Dingguo Gong Xu Jingchang, and framed important officials of the court, and recorded it!"

This He Yushi almost fell to the ground, it was broken, and he was charged with another crime!
Don't say anything, tick it off quickly, rewrite your name, and run away in a hurry.

In the middle of the night, Xu Dianli returned victorious with many yamen servants.

"Tang Zun, here is the list, there are a total of thirteen people, there is no doubt about it."

Looking at this list, Huang Xiaoru's blood turned cold when he just crawled out of bed.

"How dare you provoke these people? Don't die?"

Xu Dianli shouted at his injustice, "Tang Zun, these people are ungrateful, and hang out with many girls in a courtyard. Many of these girls are women from good families. The humble officials follow the meaning of Tang Zun and make decisions for the people. Severely punish lawbreakers. This is what you confessed, and the humble officials risked their lives to do things according to your wishes, how could it be wrong?"

Huang Xiaoru cried, "That's what I said, but you also have to open your eyes and pick some people I can afford!"

Xu Dianli couldn't help but roll his eyes, in this Yingtian, if you can afford to provoke him, is that still a person?

"Tang Zun, I can remind you that this is an errand run by the Dingguo Public Transport. Are you going to go against Dingguogong's wishes and play it perfunctory?"

In a word, asked Huang Xiaoru.

I can't afford to offend him, but there is Xu Jingchang!

But if Duke Ding doesn't help and let himself face these people alone, it's over...

"By the way, you said just now that there are girls from good families. Could it be that you forced them into prostitution?" Huang Xiaoru asked.

Xu Dianli said: "It's true, Tang Zun, many foreign women living in the capital either became concubines and maidservants of rich families, or were sold to prostitutes by human teeth, and started the business of picking up customers. After so many years, what is unclear? I promise you will not be wrong!"

Huang Xiaoru couldn't help but fell into contemplation... If there is really a situation of forcing a good man into prostitution, this is a felony under the Ming Law, and he will take the lead first.

With Ding Guogong behind him, he has power again.

Reasonable and powerful, I have nothing to fear!

"Okay, you have done a good job! As parents and officials, we have to be the masters of the people. I will do my part. I will fight for this life. I will also uphold justice and avenge the people. Pass my order and prepare the carriage. After dawn , I am going to the General Administration Department!"

That's right, as Huang Xiaoru, he still has no way to enter the palace directly.

If he wanted to sue, he could only go to the General Secretary...Of course, he could also report to the Yingtian Mansion, and the governors would report it step by step.

But obviously, if you go this way, the day lily will be cold.

Therefore, Huang Xiaoru decided to go to the General Secretary first.

After all, this is where Xu Jingchang worked, so he shouldn't shut himself out, right?
The sky was slightly brighter, and Huang Xiaoru went straight to the office of the Tongzheng Secretary with a feeling of apprehension.

To his surprise, someone was already waiting here earlier than him.

"Is it Huangzhi County? Please come in!"

Facing such an enthusiastic Secretary of General Administration, Huang Xiaoru was flattered.

You must know that his Shangyuan County Yamen is almost the lowest-level Yamen in the entire Yingtian City, and the General Secretary is one of the big Yamen of the Nine Ministers.

Especially under the operation of Xu Jingchang, it is almost the prime minister of Ming Dynasty.

The seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister's gate, even if he is a servant, is equal to himself!
There is no doubt that this face is not given to me, but to Ding Guogong.

Thinking of this, Huang Xiaoru felt calm.

He stepped into the second hall, saw the envoy Xie Jin, saluted respectfully, and then reported the matter truthfully.

Xie Jin was listening here silently. After he finished speaking, Xie Jin said slowly: "You said that you are a woman from a good family, and there is a problem of forcing her into prostitution. Then let me ask you, are there still many refugees in the capital at this time? Women are like this, but what about men? ? Where did they all go?"

Huang Xiaoru hurriedly said: "Returning to the Tongzheng envoy, although the imperial court tried its best to settle down, there are more than [-] people who have been displaced by the four-year war and fled to Yingtian. More than [-]% of them are men. These people Some sold themselves as slaves to serve wealthy families. Some simply fled to the Qinhuai River. After all, besides girls, handsome men are also quite popular. There are even..."

"What else?" Xie Jin asked.

"There is also someone who cut himself a knife and waits to enter the palace to serve His Majesty."

Xie Jin raised his eyebrows instantly, and then took a long breath, "I see, you just wait here, and someone will come to you soon."

After settling in Huangzhi County, Xie Jin waited for a while, and someone came from the palace and asked him to go face the saint.

When he arrived, he found that the important ministers of the court had arrived, including Xu Jingchang, who had also arrived ahead of schedule.Xie Jin was very knowledgeable about current affairs, so he stood behind the crowd.

At this time Zhu Di also arrived, the emperor inspected the courtiers, he laughed and said: "I heard that last night was very lively, what happened, who can tell me?"

The courtiers all bowed their heads in silence, Xu Jingchang took a step forward, with a look of astonishment and sigh on his face.

"Your Majesty, I really can't think of it. It's clear that the government affairs are complicated and the state affairs are busy. How can they still think about finding a girl? They are so energetic that they are so enviable. You are so young, and you have stepped down as the general manager. You only need to deal with Jin Yiwei and The minister is too busy with Zhan Shifu's affairs. I really don't know what material these colleagues are made of, could it be that they have three heads and six arms?"

Zhu Di snorted angrily, "I spend my nights in clothing and food, devote myself to governing the country, and never dare to slack off. The courtiers have repeatedly banned them. They have killed many because of going to the Qinhuai River. It is still the same now. Don't do serious things, hug If you are looking for a girl and having fun, you deserve to be killed!"

Zhu Di said again: "Who has gone?"

Xu Jingchang said: "I don't know who there are, but I heard that there are more than a dozen!"

Zhu Di slammed the table and said angrily, "You bastard, shameless, you all deserve to die!"

He suddenly turned to Jian Yi, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and asked, "Master Jian, do you know?"

Jian Yi said: "I have just heard about it. I don't know the specific situation. But since you are ignoring the laws of the country, you should be severely punished."

"How to punish severely?" Zhu Di pursued, not giving Jian Yi any chance to be vague.

"According to the law of the Ming Dynasty, officials who have sex with prostitutes should be dismissed from office and demoted to ordinary people, and will never be used."

Zhu Di was obviously dissatisfied, "It's so light, it's cheap for them!"

Jian Yi said helplessly: "Your Majesty, this is the law of the Ming Dynasty. I think that officials' misbehavior may not be punishable by death."

Xu Jingchang didn't like to hear these words, "Jian Shangshu, you know that I have always respected you. But fame and integrity are so important to a scholar-bureaucrat! Isn't there a saying that starving to death is a small matter, but injustice is a major matter?" ? Is it not a crime to talk about women and scholar-bureaucrats if they are out of morals?"

Jian Yi's face was very ugly, Xu Jingchang never took revenge overnight.The courtiers resisted the matter of repairing houses for the craftsmen, and Xu Jingchang was not satisfied with the final compromise.

We have no advantages in this person, except that we can't take revenge overnight.

At this time, Jian Yi was under double fire from Zhu Di and Xu Jingchang, and seemed to be overwhelmed.

"Mr. Ding, it's just a prostitute, so it's not out of morals, right? At most, it's not cautious enough."

Xu Jingchang laughed and said: "Jian Tianguan said cautiously, he meant that they should not be discovered by others, right?"

"You!" Jian Yi's complexion changed suddenly, and he snorted, "Mr. Ding, I'm afraid your theory of punishing one's heart can't be used as the law of the Ming Dynasty?"

Xu Jingchang calmly said with a smile: "It's true, but if you force a good man to become a prostitute and buy and sell the sons of a good family. As a courtier, what crime is it if you don't report what you know and instead help the tyrant?"

When Jian Yi heard this, he yelled that it was not good, it seemed that Xu Jingchang came prepared!
"If that's the case, the crime will naturally be higher. How to convict will need to be decided by the three courts." Jian Yi inadvertently kicked the ball out.

This is the skill of Da Mingguan, he naturally wants to protect the courtiers, but when he can't keep it, he will abandon it without hesitation, and will never procrastinate.

At this time, Xie Jin took a step forward, "Your Majesty Qi Zuo, I have already verified that most of those women are from good families living in the capital, and they are not from lowly households. I hope Your Majesty will check it out."

Zhu Di gritted his teeth, "What are you still doing, Jin Yiwei, arrest someone!"

(End of this chapter)

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