Chapter 138

This is how many times the courtiers wanted to beat Xu Jingchang to death.

This kid really deserves a beating!

We are in a hurry here, you come to watch the show...anyone would be beaten to a pulp at this moment.

It's just that this trick doesn't work against Xu Jingchang. Beside him are Cao Guogong Li Jinglong, Cheng Guogong Zhu Neng, and a bunch of nobles behind him.

If there is a fight, it's not sure who will lie down!

At this moment, it's time to go to court... The important officials of Jiuqing of Ming Dynasty stepped into Fengtian Hall with the mentality of going to the grave.Xu Jingchang mingled with Xungui, smiling and watching, his eyes full of smiles.

It is estimated that this is the most embarrassing early court for civil servants in history, bar none!

The embarrassment was about to overflow.

In the past, civil servants stood at the highest point of morality and defecated at will.

Words must be called Confucius and Mencius, and one word is a sage who speaks out of righteousness, accuses opponents, teaches the emperor, they can do whatever they want, unscrupulous, and morality makes us fearless.

But today, they are the ones being tested.

Are you members of the Nishan Hongru Association?
Did they collude with each other to influence the general trend of the world?

Zhu Di was quite polite, and he said directly: "I know that there have been many discussions recently, which can only be regarded as jokes. It is said that Confucian scholars control the world and determine the prosperity and decline of the country... I don't believe it! After all, I, the emperor, have never heard of anything. The Nishan Confucian Society will not be suspicious of its own ministers, so don't let your imagination run wild."

Hearing what Zhu Di said, these people were almost moved to tears, Your Majesty is so wise!

But soon they will really cry, because Zhu Di said again: "I have been fond of martial arts since I was a child. After I became a fan, I guarded Beiping. I didn't study much, and I didn't understand much... I really want to ask you for advice. Why are sages so honorable? I don't have any doubts, I'm just curious."

The more Zhu Di explained, the more suspicious people became. We are not three-year-old children, so how could we be easily fooled!
Zhu Di ignored no one to speak, and simply said: "Song Shangshu, you are the great uncle, so you must have high opinions. Tell me."

Song Li was pointed out, and he was miserable, so he could only reluctantly say: "I am not very knowledgeable, and I just know that the sky does not give birth to Zhongni, and the ages are like a long night. The saints educate the people, and the people will not be ignorant and stubborn. This is all the merit of the saints." .”

Zhu Di nodded, "Well said, I guess you all have the same opinion?"

This kind of thing doesn't need Xu Jingchang to come forward at all, Chen Ying stepped forward, this guy is a cruel official... Since he is a cruel official, he has to do things in order to be appreciated by the emperor and make his way to the top.

However, his level of doing things was too low, and he was completely crushed by Xu Jingchang.

He has always planned to start with Jianwen's former ministers and Jianwen's remaining party, but they all failed.

In Xu Huizu's case, he offended the Xu family, and in Sheng Yong's case, he offended Huaixi Xungui.Even the Puqia case not long ago has something to do with him.

He worked around, but he didn't get any fart, instead he made a lot of enemies.

If he continues like this, he will not be far from being hated by people.

But he doesn't have Xu Jingchang's vajra body protection yet. Once Zhu Di dislikes him a little, the courtiers can swallow him alive.
Now is the moment of life and death, in order to survive, we must gamble!
If you succeed, you will be favored by the emperor, and you will rise to the top. If you lose... then you will lose.

"Your Majesty, I don't take it seriously... Over the years, the imperial court has set up schools, set up schools, arranged for personnel to teach, and spared no effort to spend the country's money and people's wealth to support scholars. Even for the lowest talents, the imperial court has arranged for two servants to serve them, exempting them from corvee. Rewarding Lumi is to be able to study with peace of mind and serve the court. To appear in court and spend money and effort, but the result of enlightenment is attributed to the sage, I am afraid it is inappropriate!"

This guy dared to jump out and talk nonsense, Zuodu Censor Guo Zi had to come out, who made him Chen Ying's boss, making people think he couldn't control the situation!
"Deputy Chen, the imperial envoy, you also read the books of Confucius and Mencius, are you not afraid of making people laugh when you say such words?"

Chen Ying said loudly: "Your official has indeed read the books of Confucius and Mencius, but after thinking about it carefully, the books of Confucius and Mencius may not be as good as Emperor Taizu's Great Instructions...Xiaguan put more energy into the Great Instructions Above. Now I am an official, handling various cases, and still acting in accordance with the imperial edict of Emperor Taizu. I don’t think that half of the Analects of Confucius can rule the world. The books of sages are not bad for self-cultivation, and they are used to govern the country and do things. No, it is far inferior to the teachings of Emperor Taizu."

Chen Ying is also a master of hooligans... He pulled Zhu Yuanzhang over. Whoever dares to oppose his words means that Taizu's imperial edict doesn't work.

Saying this in front of Zhu Di is almost the same as courting death, and it is still the kind of Jiuzu Xiaoxiaole.

Guo Zi was also stunned for a long time before he refuted: "Your words are simply nonsense. The Emperor Taizu also followed the rules and principles and followed the principles of sages when he made the imperial edict. Thinking about Emperor Taizu, although he came from a humble background, he After crossing the river, he couldn't put down the scrolls, and his poems and articles were all outstanding, which can be called a gift from heaven. The emperor Taizu never despised the sages and knew that Chen Fu's envoys were talking nonsense, which was simply confusing black and white and confusing the public. I implore Your Majesty to immediately remove this person from office and expel him from the court!"

Sure enough, Chen Ying was not as unshakable as Xu Jingchang, so Guo Zi was not polite.

Song Li also immediately said: "I think Chen Ying is talking nonsense and rebelling against the sages. This person is cunning and has malicious intentions. He is definitely not a pure minister. Please learn from your majesty!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wu Zhong and Zheng Ci also stood up.

"The minister waits for the second opinion!"

All of a sudden, the four important ministers came out together, and the atmosphere suddenly became dignified.It stands to reason that these high-ranking officials and ministers would not be so tit-for-tat.

But today's event is too special to allow any negligence.

Anyone who dares to jump out must be killed, there is no politeness at all.

Chen Ying is really desperate.

"Your Majesty Qizuo, after I said a few words, these people stood up and accused me of disobedience to the sages... In the past, I didn't believe in the Nishan Hongru Society, but now I think about it, if no one is instigating behind it, why would these ministers do it?" Unanimously target Weichen?"

Zheng Ci angrily reprimanded, "Chen Ying, it's clear that you are talking nonsense and arousing public anger, and you dare to bite back, you are too hateful!"

He turned his head and said: "Your Majesty, I implore Chen Ying to be dismissed immediately, this thief cannot be tolerated."

They have already been called thieves, and both sides have no way out.

Zhu Di sullenly, still did not speak.

Xu Jingchang saw it in his eyes and knew that Zhu Di was waiting to see who could stand up...Looking around, he was the one who had the ability.

I have no choice but to do my part!

Xu Jingchang said with a smile: "Your Majesty, I think that being an official in the same dynasty makes money through harmony... How can I use such harsh words at each other? What's more, although I am young and don't study much, I also know that the Emperor Taizu looked at it back then. Thinking that Mencius was not pleasing to the eye, he revised Mencius in many places, and even expelled Mencius from the Confucian Temple. A minister named Qian Tang stepped forward and shouted that he would die for Mencius and persuade Emperor Taizu. Do it. Is this possible? Song Shangshu?"

Song Li's face was very dark. He fought Xu Jingchang several times, but he never got any advantage.He has developed a phobia, and before he speaks, his forehead is already sweating.

What's more, what Xu Jingchang said is also true...Zhu Yuanzhang was really unhappy with Mencius's book and wanted to ban it. Later, it was Qian Tang who risked his life to remonstrate, so he could keep Mencius's position.

He didn't talk nonsense, but came prepared.

"There is such a thing, but..."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Jingchang immediately said: "Since there is one, then Zuodu Yushi said that the emperor Taizu's great edict was consistent with the principles of Confucius and Mencius, so he is suspected of confusing right and wrong and confusing the public... By the way, slandering the sages Guilty, what crime is it to disobey the Emperor Taizu?"

"It's a heinous crime, and the nine clans should be exterminated!" Chen Ying hurriedly bowed.

He was so happy that Ding Guogong came out to help, and his chances of winning were great.

But he didn't expect that Xu Jingchang's face immediately sank, "Chen Zhongcheng, this is your fault. As an official in the same dynasty, he always shouts and kills. Could it be that there are traitors from the Nishan Hongru Society in the dynasty?" ?”

Immediately, countless eyes fell on Xu Jingchang.

Xu Jingchang hurriedly said: "Everyone don't look at me, I really don't know the truth... By the way, the big guy said, Qian Tang is so desperate, could he belong to the Nishan Hongru Society?"

The things that were supposed to be speculative, became more and more true when Xu Jingchang said it.

Chen Ying immediately said: "Mr. Ding, since that's the case, let's start the investigation from Qian Tang. Although he is dead, but he is still alive. If we ransack the house at this time, we will definitely find evidence about the Hongru Society in Nishan."

Xu Jingchang snorted, "Chen Zhongcheng, I'm just skeptical. I just said it casually. If you're so sure, if you don't get evidence of the crime after the search, don't you want to blame me?"

Chen Ying immediately said: "This matter has nothing to do with Duke Ding. I am willing to investigate. If I make a mistake, I am willing to sacrifice my head. But if I let the official find out, it will be to uncover a cancer for Daming and eradicate it for the country. Harm, I will never regret it!"

The two sang together, and they were about to make a move, Jian Yi really had to stand up.

"Your Majesty, the Nishan Confucianism Association is just chasing rumors. Qian Tang is a famous minister of the Taizu Dynasty. If there is no real evidence, his family members will be searched. Such wanton manipulation of power and reckless behavior is not a blessing for the country. Your Majesty, please be careful."

Only then did Zhu Di nod his head. Jian Yi's words were true and he should have said them from his position as the head of the officials.

"Xu Jingchang, Chen Ying, this matter will come to an end first... I plan to have a few gossips with you guys." Zhu Di stood up, got down from the throne, and unexpectedly walked to the side of the officials. When he arrived at Xia Yuanji's side, he suddenly said in a low voice : "Xia Shangshu, do you think you are a disciple of Confucius and Mencius?"

Xia Yuanji was taken aback, is this gossip?

The previous confrontation has made it very clear that whoever dares to speak for Confucius and Mencius and regards himself as a disciple of Confucius and Mencius will face the questioning of the Nishan Hongru Society...even the dead will not be spared.

"Your Majesty, I've been managing money for the country for many years, and I just read some history books and calculated!" Xia Yuanji could only be evasive.

Zhu Di smiled, "Okay, this is the demeanor of a minister who seeks the country."

Zhu Di didn't continue to ask, which made Xia Yuanji feel lucky.

Then Zhu Di went to Xie Jin again, and said with a smile, "Where is Bachelor Xie, do you count?"

Xie Jin lowered his head, and replied in a deep voice: "I have read books since I was a child, and I have read all of them, and I have never neglected them."

Zhu Di nodded, "I know your knowledge, are the other scholars inferior to Confucius and Mencius?"

It was another fatal question, Xie Jin could only bite the bullet and said: "Chen, I think that all schools of thought have their own strengths."

(End of this chapter)

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