My uncle's name is Zhu Di

Chapter 156 Xu Wang Temple

Chapter 156 Xu Wang Temple

Zhu Gaosui planned to equip the army with tiger shooting chariots and make a fortune by the way. Xu Jingchang didn't know this. He was called to the palace. Xia Yuanji, who came over, had two important ministers, a chief scholar of the cabinet, and a source of right and wrong.

Together, they can basically formulate the great political strategy of Ming Dynasty,

And because of Xie Jin's joining, a two-to-two situation was formed, and there was no preference for either side.

Zhu Di looked at the four people, especially Xu Jingchang, and then said: "I intend to rectify the land tax, and take back all the family land, school land, and temple land... But Xia Shangshu said it was wrong, and told me that I am afraid that the cost will be more expensive. Great. Discuss with each other and see how this account will be settled!"

Zhu Di paused for a moment, and then added: "I know that you may have different ideas, but you are all loyal ministers of Ming Dynasty, and you are my trustworthy confidantes, so don't criticize each other or fight with each other."

The emperor made his attitude clear, and several important ministers also understood the holy meaning.

The first one to speak was Xia Yuanji, "Since I have said it, I am not talking nonsense. They are aristocratic families, and they are not useless in the local area, nor are they blindly absorbing the bones. Without them, many government policies will not be able to be implemented, and the gains outweigh the losses."

Villages are different from Yingtian, they are well-informed, within a few days, millions of people know everything.

Even in some remote mountain villages, few people from outside come in all year round, the news is blocked, and the flow of people and information is so slow that it is outrageous.

To put it bluntly, if someone raises a flag in the mountains to rebel and proclaims himself the emperor, and no one sends news, the court will never know.

Even at this moment, in the land of Daming, there may be more than one grass-headed emperor sharing the glory of the emperor with Zhu Di.

"The government affairs of the imperial court, the education of the government, the collection of grain and taxes, the construction of river projects, the mobilization of civilian husbands... There is nothing that can be separated from the local gentry. There are weddings and funerals, and local affairs are also handled by them. Without them, I really can't imagine what the place will be like. To put it bluntly, the clan field and the school field are the rewards for them. You can't let the horses run and don't let the horses graze!"

Xia Yuanji's remarks can be said to be full of courage, speaking out of the difficult problems of local governance.

The aristocratic family has multiple identities. They not only embezzle the imperial court's taxes, but also assist the imperial court and do some things in the fish and meat village.

In addition, if there are any big or small things in the place, they will be asked to be witnesses and make a judgment.

There is also the school they set up. Although they mainly focus on their own children, they also accept some children from the same village.As long as the talent is good, there is also a place to read and read.

Xia Yuanji talked a lot, and Jian Yi listened to him, and finally concluded: "Your Majesty, if the aristocratic family is so heinous, it will not be where it is today. Checking the family fields and taking back the school fields is tantamount to breaking the foundation of the aristocratic family. I have no intention of speaking for the great family, but without them, what should the local government do? The lesser of two evils!"

Zhu Di didn't say anything. If this matter was so easy to judge, he would have made an order a long time ago, so why did the discussion go to this day.Zhu Di set his eyes on Xu Jingchang and Xie Jin.

It's your turn.

Just when Xu Jingchang was about to speak, Xie Jin suddenly bowed and said: "Your Majesty Qizuo, I think that although what Xia Shangshu and Jian Shangshu said are reasonable, they are unavoidably a little conservative. Things that aristocratic families can do well, the court does not have." The reason is not good! Moreover, the good and the bad of the aristocratic family are mixed. They bully the common people. They also deceive the court and evade taxes. There are many illegal actions. Let the ministers say that it is really hard to say that the big family landlords are more harmful. It’s still more credit!”

This guy Xie Jin didn't take poison, he took a dinosaur whip.

This is too courageous, to compete directly with the two important ministers of the Fuguo, you think you are Xu Jingchang?

Jian Yi and Xia Yuanji also stared at Xie Jin, what's going on?You want to fight us too?
Zhu Di smiled, "Bachelor Xie, if you have any ideas, just say it."

Encouraged by the emperor, Xie Jin was obviously bolder.

"Your Majesty Qizuo, take the land of the south of the Yangtze River as an example. It is densely populated and has many students. There are many people who want to study... However, there are too few schools in the area. Some private schools are only available to wealthy landlords. His Majesty took back the family land, school land, and temple land, at least tens of thousands of private schools can be built, benefiting millions of students, and the merits of enlightenment are immeasurable!"

When Xie Jin said this, his eyes gleamed... He painted a very tempting prospect for Zhu Di.

"Your Majesty, you might as well do the math carefully. The Zheng family's family property and school fields are almost [-] mu. This is good land in the south of the Yangtze River. One mu can yield two or three stones a year. How much does it cost to raise a school teacher? Thirty stones of grain , or fifty shi? With so many fields, I’m afraid it would be enough to run hundreds of private schools. In the end, there was only one school in the Zheng family. Besides teaching their own disciples, they can take out ten places and give them to the people of the same town, which is considered a Their benevolence and grace are beyond words. It is unjustifiable to be true!"

I have to say that it is even more effective for literati to deal with literati.

Zhu Di smiled even wider, "Scholar Xie really understands local affairs, so tell me, I want to take back these properties, how about it?"

Xie Jin shook his head slightly, "Your Majesty, I'm afraid I can't do it if I want my minister to say it!"

"No? What you said just now was logical, but now you say no. What's your reasoning?"

Xie Jindao: "Your Majesty Qizuo, how to distribute these lands is a difficult problem. And even if it reaches the national treasury, whether it can be used to start a school is another problem. Even if this is solved, the court will not be able to find out so Mister Do."

Zhu Di thought about it for a while, and then said: "Then what are you going to do? Is there a proper way?"

Xie Jin said: "Your Majesty, after thinking about it again and again, I feel that there is only one solution that is not a solution."

"What do you mean? Just say it!"

Xie Jindao: "This is what I think. The local temple property, family land, and school land are all handed over to the local yamen, and they are used to start schools... Regardless of family status, regardless of family background, all children are the same. As long as you pay a small amount of repairs, you can study."

Xie Jin further explained: "If you do this, there must be some big families who are unwilling to hand over their land properties, and some local government offices may not be willing to offend people. But the imperial court can send imperial envoys to inspect... and then include the establishment of schools into the evaluation of the Ministry of Officials, which is ineffective The magistrate, immediately dismissed."

Xie Jin raised his head and looked at Jian Yi beside him.

This Jian Tianguan frowned slightly, pondered for a long time, and finally squeezed out two words from the corner of his mouth: "Yes!"

Yes, this suggestion is feasible.

It is very difficult to plan to enrich the treasury like Zhu Di did.

Because clan fields, school fields, and the like are still small compared to the overall field acres, unless the Yellow Book and Fish Scale Book can be rewritten to clarify the tax and land tax, otherwise it will not be collected at all.

If you have to do it and make great efforts, it will be like what Xia Yuanji said, the cost will be too high, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

What Xie Jin meant, let's take a step back and don't think about enriching the treasury.

Put your mind first on building schools locally.

Those messy family fields, school fields, and temple fields were all transferred to the local government.

Let the place run the school.

Then the imperial court supervised the local yamen and asked them to do it.

If you do well, you will be rewarded, if you do not do well, you will be punished.

In this way, it is tantamount to transferring the conflict to the local yamen and the local gentry.Let them fight, and the court mediates.

It is said that it is impossible to eradicate all the ills, and it is impossible to spend every penny on the establishment of schools... But even if half, or even [-]% is used on the blade, it can cultivate millions more scholars, which is also a matter of great merit.

And there is another benefit to doing so. The really poor people in the local area don't want their children to study, but they don't have the opportunity and financial resources.

Now the imperial court has stood up and forced the local yamen to run schools.Let local officials snatch meat from the mouths of the gentry, and they will definitely win the support of the people.

After such a calculation, the imperial court, local officials, and ordinary people faintly stood together again.

The final result is to isolate the powerful local gentry.

After a simple calculation, it can be seen that the odds of winning are great, and the chance is not small.

Xu Jingchang looked at Xie Jin meaningfully, this guy is really not simple, he must have already figured it out.This matter will not affect the annual revenue of the Ministry of Households, and will even increase the authority of the Ministry of Officials.

Both Jian Yi and Xia Yuanji had no reason to object.

And he was also prepared to grasp Zhu Di's mind. The purpose this time was not as simple as increasing the annual income, but to attack the gentry and wealthy families.

Xie Jin accurately grasped the emperor's mentality, and the prescriptions he prescribed were naturally invincible.

Zhu Di smiled, "Very good, Bachelor Xie, you were poisoned a while ago, but now you have recovered?"

Xie Jin said: "Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty, the minister has recovered."

Zhu Di smiled and said: "Very well, you have worked hard for the country, it is really hard. I will add you to the crown prince and give you the unicorn uniform."

Xie Jin's heart jumped violently, but he calmed down immediately, knelt down and kowtowed, thanking God!

When Xu Jingchang took over as the general manager, Zhu Di gave him the title of prince and Taibao, and asked him to overwhelm the six ministers.

This time, the title given to Prince Xie Jin is only the second grade, far inferior to Xu Jingchang, but with this title, it means that Xie Jin is on the same level as the six ministers in terms of rank, at least he does not have to be inferior.

Zhu Di's reward was supposed to be in place in time.

Xu Jingchang just witnessed and understood Jin's promotion in vain, and he took care of the matter to no avail.

It's really a bit lonely!

Coming out of the Golden Palace, Xie Jin hurried over, "Mr. Ding, did you make any sudden mistakes today?"

Xu Jingchang said with a smile: "Bachelor Xie, you don't have to be too polite. You are better at this kind of thing than me. The key is whether you are willing to make a move."

Xie Jin also smiled, "Mr. Dingguo, I have something to tell you. Just outside Jubao Gate, there is an extra Xuwang Temple. The people in the capital, when they encounter something, go to Xuwang Temple to worship and ask for marriage. Son, everything is like this, it is said to be very effective."

"Xuwang Temple?"

"Yes, it is the temple of King Zhongshan!"

Xu Jingchang was taken aback, did our grandfather become a fairy?

(End of this chapter)

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