My uncle's name is Zhu Di

Chapter 220 Handing Beiping to Duke Dingguo

Chapter 220 Handing Beiping to Duke Dingguo
Five copies of Xu Jingchang's evaluation report were issued, including one for Zhu Di, one for Pingzhang envoy Yao Guangxiao, one for the heavenly official Jian Yi, one for the Five Armies Governor's Mansion, and one for the General Administration...

What Zhu Gaochi got was not an official document, but a manuscript, with many Xu Jingchang's notes on it, which was taken extra care of him, in case the fat man didn't understand.

Therefore, this night, Zhu Gaochi was the most relaxed. He read the report, and there was an explanation below. The decision may make the big guy work for nothing for a few years.

Xu Jingchang analyzed the problem of the nine sides, what is the core?

It's not about whether to move the capital, or how to strengthen the border defense, and how to rectify military households... There is only one problem at the core, that is, the two major civilizations of nomads and farmers cannot trade.

From Liaodong to Gansu and Ningxia, the general direction of Nine Sides is the line of the Great Wall, which is also the traditional dividing line of farming and nomadism.

There is no need to talk nonsense about farming. China has been an agricultural society for thousands of years. Relying on intensive farming, men farm and women weave, maintaining a self-sufficient state.

It can be said that after thousands of years of development, the Central Plains of China has controlled all areas that are not suitable for farming.

The east and south reaches the sea, the west reaches the snow-covered plateau, and the southwest also reaches Yunnan... Only the long northern line stretches for more than ten thousand miles.

Farming to the north is too difficult, and there is no natural barrier, so defense is difficult, so the only way is to build the Great Wall and garrison heavy troops to resist the southward invasion of the tribes.

Farming is like this, but nomadic tribes, they migrate by water and grass... The central and northern parts of the entire Eurasian continent, the endless pastures are their range of activities, which is very vast, but also very barren.

The biggest problem of nomadic tribes is that they don't have much output except for grazing cattle, sheep and horses.

Coupled with the bad weather, there is not enough food at all.

The good years are barely maintained, but when encountering wind and snow disasters, they have to go south.

Staying in the grassland, dying of cold and starvation, there is still a chance of life going south, it is impossible not to risk your life.

When the matter came to the Central Plains, what should we do in the face of such a group of barbarians who wanted to die?
It is inevitable to build the Great Wall and strengthen defenses.

Promising dynasties will organize cavalry, launch a counterattack, and completely defeat the opponent.

There were also barbarian tribes who migrated inland, but other barbarians soon filled in.

There are even more unpromising ones, that is, giving money, silk and food, temporarily lingering, in exchange for a moment of peace...

Xu Jingchang sorted it out all the way, the northern border defense is indeed a very difficult problem to solve.

In the final analysis, the output of the nomads is too low, it is almost impossible to guarantee their livelihood, and the farming civilization of the Central Plains does not have much surplus, so it is impossible to raise the nomads... And even the ones in the Tang Dynasty, after they are raised, they must guard against the Anshi Rebellion. What's more, there will be a steady stream of barbarians in the future, and the Central Plains cannot afford to support them.

Things have come to this point, basically no solution.

In the Ming Dynasty, there is really no better way.

But Xu Jingchang is not from Daming after all, he has a broad mind... One key is to allow the two civilizations to trade and have normal material exchanges.

Now there are so many silk and satin workshops in the south of the Yangtze River, and there are countless tea raw silks, and grains purchased from Annan...It can be transported to the north, and sold to the Mongolian ministries through the market for profit.

At this point, there is nothing wrong with it, even Zhu Gaochi is still wondering. In the past, Daming also had disputes, and smuggled in private, and made a lot of money here, but it didn’t help. Is my cousin’s idea okay?

Then Xu Jingchang explained... This trade must be controlled by the imperial court, and the trade between the two parties must be settled through the bank.

Next to it is Xu Jingchang's small words... Trade that is not under the control of the imperial court can only make some merchants make money. After all, wealthy merchants only need gold, silver and silk. Even if they will buy some cattle and horses, the amount is very small.

If it was imperial trade, it would be different... For example, after a year, the grassland ministries purchased 1000 million taels of goods and only exported 500 million taels to Daming.

This creates a trade deficit... Daming can ask the other party to find a way to fill the deficit, such as developing mines or directional breeding of cattle and sheep according to Daming's requirements.

Daming can also provide some fodder to support them in raising cattle and horses.

You can also go directly to the grassland to occupy the land and breed it yourself.

Daming has at least tens of millions of people and needs an astronomical number of livestock.Meat consumption is also quite alarming.

The key issue is to open up the trade and let the government control the trade... Only in this way can a large number of purchases be made and sold to the mainland.

Because only the imperial court can mobilize a large number of ships, coordinate transport capacity, and even build special roads and bridges to facilitate travel... Any other merchants will not invest in public transportation facilities, and they will not be able to do it at all.

Some people might be worried, if this goes on, what if the tribes in the grassland make a lot of money and gain strength to compete with Daming?
This matter is simple... The trade between the two parties is in Da Ming's hands, and the wealth of their royal nobles is in Da Ming's hands.

And through trade, you can also learn about the situation in the grassland... After you have figured out everything, if Daming is still afraid of dealing with the tribes of the grassland, then don't go out at all, and shut yourself at home. After all, the wind can blow you away Run away, falling leaves can kill you.

With the establishment of the trade system, there will be taxation, and the value of the north can be better measured... With these benefits, it is possible to better organize the troops and maintain a strong force,

That's right, Xu Jingchang also advocates the development of military power, and he believes that the investment is greater and the manpower should be more capable, but he can't set up too many guards and garrison millions of troops like here now.

Xu Jingchang pointed out that after the two sides established a trade system, the rebellion could not be eliminated...but it could monitor the situation of each tribe.

Those who are in good condition, who are close to Daming, and have surplus food, will not take risks.

As for those who are in a difficult situation and are ambitious, we should focus on guarding against them.

Daming can establish a whole set of assessments, assign points to each tribe, and determine the level of danger for different locations.

Then according to actual needs, arrange elite soldiers and generals to strengthen the guard.

In this way, what Daming needs on the Nine Sides is a mobile army of tens of thousands, or 10,000+ people.In terms of combat ability, it is definitely far superior to military households who are passively beaten.

Xu Jingchang's analysis was so refreshing, Zhu Gaochi read it several times in a row, and was hooked.

There was just one problem, and he could see it too.

Xu Jingchang advocated the establishment of a trade system, the establishment of banks, and the assessment of the situation of various grassland ministries to determine the level of danger... These ideas are all very good.

The only problem is that Daming does not have such talents.

"We have to start Enke again!"

Zhu Gaochi already has an idea to increase the number of Enke, and even focus on the north and select a group of people who understand the people's conditions.

Maybe I can suggest it to my father...

As for the question of moving the capital, Xu Jingchang gave Zhu Gaochi a separate reply...he himself had no opinion on moving, but if it was to defend against the Mongols, he would immediately move the capital to Beiping.

Xu Jingchang was against it.

The truth has already been said above, the key is trade, and moving the capital there is nothing more than strengthening the military and strictly guarding it.

It's like taking a big rock to plug the gap.

The formed barrier lake will only get higher and higher, more and more water will be stored in it, and the danger will become more and more serious... It has not fundamentally solved the problem.

And considering the huge consumption of the capital, there are even fewer goods that can be traded, which will only intensify the southward movement of the Mongols.

The problem is this problem, if the north becomes prosperous, financial resources are greatly increased, and it can withstand the pressure of moving the capital, it can also be considered.

In short, not now, nor for this reason.

"Wonderful! Wonderful!"

Zhu Gaochi laughed happily, didn't sleep all night, and was not tired at all.

Reading the wonderful article is like drinking nectar, and the whole person feels relaxed.

As long as the father doesn't play childish temper and insists on going north to move the capital, everything is easy to talk about.

He didn't rest either, so he might as well sit and wait for the court.

Jian Yi was also not asleep. He also carefully read Xu Jingchang's report. He didn't like the talk about trade. He made the exchange of goods and goods so important, as if the country's safety and security depended on trade... …

But compared to the complicated relocation of the capital, this is obviously easier to accept.

It seemed that Xu Jingchang had to be praised again.

On the other side, Yao Guangxiao squinted his triangular eyes and examined carefully. He knew Xu Jingchang too well. This kid has no benefit. He wrote this stuff, and there must be a possibility of benefit.

As for what?
Maybe it's the word trade!

Wealth is moving!

It's ridiculous to say that in such a huge court, apart from the Ministry of Accounts, the Ming Dynasty could hardly find a few masters of financial management.

Of course, the people in the household department are also uneven.

If Xu Jingchang's method is to be used, it is estimated that the number of officials will need to be increased... Looking around the world, among all the scholars, there are not many who understand these things.

Xu Jingchang's school!

The old monk pondered for a while, and he found that the articles in it were really amazing.

Well, Xu Jingchang, you have a lot of ambition!

Is the old man helping you, or making you mess up?

The old monk thought for a while, but smiled wryly again. He is the official envoy of Pingzhangyuan, and Xu Jingchang is his deputy... Now it seems that how did the school get under Pingzhangyuan.

At dawn, the officials gathered at the Meridian Gate, then entered the court, and came to Fengtian Hall to meet the emperor.

"Qizou Your Majesty, Dingguo Duke Xu Jingchang has made great contributions in calming the frontiers, I beg you to increase your title!" Jian Yi was the first to stand up.

Xia Yuanji immediately came out, "The minister seconded the proposal, and the minister suggested that Duke Ding should be the governor of Beiping's military forces."

Even Qiu Fu from the Governor's Mansion of the Five Armies took a step forward, "I also think what Ding Guogong said is reasonable, please learn from your Majesty!"


Zhu Di looked at the important ministers and couldn't help laughing, "Why do all the civil and military think that Duke Ding is good? Prince, what do you think?"

Zhu Gaochi hurriedly said: "Qizou father, Duke Ding has always had a brilliant and extraordinary view. I think that you can entrust all the affairs of Beiping to Duke Ding."

(End of this chapter)

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