Chapter 222
"Will you fight?"

Xu Jingchang asked in a low voice, with a little bit of uneasiness and fear in his tone.

"Are you scared?" Zhu Gaoxu played with his taste.

"Who's scared!" Xu Jingchang immediately widened his eyes, "Why do you defile people's innocence?"

"Innocent?" Zhu Gaoxu gave him a sideways glance, and when he looked at himself, his hands were shaking.

Xu Jingchang quickly retracted his hands into his sleeves, and snorted, "You can't slander me... This is the first time I'm in charge of a party, and it's the first time I'm going to be on the battlefield. It's normal... I'm not afraid, I'm excited, excited! I am eager to fight!"

Zhu Gaoxu smiled and said: "Then this is the best, you lead the charge and I will follow behind."

"No!" Xu Jingchang flatly refused, "My kung fu is not good enough...and I'm not married yet, and I don't have a son, so don't be afraid if you die, I won't die."

Zhu Gaoxu laughed angrily, "Are you so precious? After you die, Xu Qin's son will be adopted to you. Don't worry, your family won't die."

"You, are you talking in human language?" Xu Jingchang was furious, "Zhu Gaoxu, we can't be friends anymore if you're like this, I have all your handles in my hands, believe it or not, I'll let you out , let everyone know?"

Zhu Gaoxu had no choice but to say: "My dear brother, you should calm down anyway, Alutai is nothing, I have dealt with him before."

Seeing that Zhu Gaoxu didn't seem to be bragging, Xu Jingchang also calmed down. After thinking about it carefully, he also laughed at himself... After all, it was the first time he was in charge of one aspect.

This is not the old, weak, sick and disabled like Duoyan Sanwei. The soldiers and horses under Arutai's command can be called the elite of the Tatar tribe, and they are also the essence of the Mongols on the entire grassland.

Obviously, Xu Jingchang's military strength is not dominant, and the guards will be abolished, internal and external turmoil, and people's hearts are unstable.

If someone colludes with Alutai, it is very likely that the Mongols will be brought in.

Xu Jingchang looked around, there were only 5000 people around him, why don't they call Cheng Guogong and uncle over and stick to Beiping?
If this was the case, it would be a great crime for the Alutai army to run rampant within the Great Wall... All the plans I had conceived would all come to an end.

How can this be good?

Xu Jingchang's forehead was sweating...

Seeing him in such a mess, Zhu Gaoxu laughed happily. He finally found the weakness of this kid, which made you always look confident. How about it, are you afraid this time?
"My dear brother, before Jing Nan, I went out with my father and fought against the Mongols. Alutai is just my defeated general... Don't worry, I'm here, enough to keep your life safe. You now Order, gather [-] elite soldiers for me, and I will immediately break out of Xifengkou, destroy Arutai, and let you sleep well, how about it?"

Zhu Gaoxu was full of confidence, he didn't dare to say anything else, but when it came to rushing to kill the enemy, even Zhu Di admitted: This is like me.

Don't look at Arutai's menace, brought in an army of 2, and gave Zhu Gaoxu [-], it may not be impossible...

Xu Jingchang frowned again and again, Zhu Gaoxu was capable of fighting, Zhu Neng was not a waste, and his uncle and Li Jinglong... Judging from this lineup, his life should not be in danger.

Xu Jingchang calmed down, and his clever IQ took over the high ground again.

He thought for a while, then shook his head decisively, "King of Han, we can't fight this battle."

Zhu Gaoxu was bewildered, "He's knocking on the door, why not? Are you so timid?"

"That's not the case." Xu Jingchang hurriedly said: "Think about it. Your Majesty is looking forward to the Northern Expedition and intends to move the capital. It took me a lot of effort to let your Majesty live in peace temporarily. Don't you know his temper? Once we fight After entering Arutai, even if we win, His Majesty will take the opportunity to go north, saying that he will complete all his achievements in one battle and completely wipe out Monan. In that case, all our plans will not be realized if the army goes north."

Xu Jingchang stared into Zhu Gaoxu's eyes, "To be honest, do you want to make meritorious service, or do you want money?"

Zhu Gaoxu's eyes widened, and he muttered, "I want both money and meritorious service."

"Very good! You put earning money first." Xu Jingchang said decisively: "Your Highness, we must find a way to stop the war and force Alutai to retreat. Do you have any good ideas?"

Zhu Gaoxu snorted, "Are you asking me?"

"I haven't fought a war before!" Xu Jingchang said helplessly.

"But I have never lost a battle! Every time I rushed up directly... Otherwise, you can learn from Zhao Song and send New Year coins and silk. If it is not enough, send a few beauties. When Alutai is happy, don't let it go." I passed you!"

"shut up!"

Xu Jingchang was so angry that his temples kept throbbing... If he did this, it would be worse than losing a battle.After all, losing a battle is only due to lack of ability. With my aunt taking care of me, I can still survive. If I lose my teacher and humiliate the country, spend money to buy peace, go up and down the court, have so many eyes, and have such a big hatred, they can tear Xu Jingchang to pieces up.

This time, you must be tough, you must not lose face, you must not play off, let alone fight, the operation is really difficult.

"Zhu Gaoxu, tell the truth with me, is Alutai afraid of you?" Xu Jingchang stared at Zhu Gaoxu, this is not the time to brag.

Zhu Gaoxu rolled his eyelids, and he could only honestly say: "I did win a few times, but I was still young at that time... You also know that Jing Nan earned my reputation for being brave and good at fighting. Alutai must know I am famous, but you may not be afraid of me. If you believe in my ability, you will give me your soldiers and horses, and I will have a fight with Arutai, and the chance of winning is at least [-]%."

Xu Jingchang snorted: "I believe in your ability, but we can't fight this matter even if it is [-]%." ​​Xu Jingchang put his hand on Zhu Gaoxu's shoulder, and said seriously: "We want to get rich, we don't do business that loses money!"

Zhu Gaoxu was shocked and nodded vigorously, "Your brother is right!"

There's nothing like a small penny...

"What can you do?"

Xu Jingchang thought about it for a long time, and then said: "You said that His Majesty's personal conquest, will Arutai be afraid?"

Zhu Gaoxu snorted: "That's my father, can he not be afraid!"

"That's all right!" Xu Jingchang slapped his thigh suddenly, and came up with an idea, "Do you think it's okay? I'll give you 800 people, and you go around to the back of Arutai. When the time comes, you only need to play the banner of your King of Han, and the prince will circle around Afterwards, it must be the arrival of the Great Tomorrow... I will go out of the Xifengkou to meet Alutai, and when we are talking, you will appear at the right time and scare Alutai, and you will definitely scare him away."

Zhu Gaoxu rolled his eyelids, and suddenly smiled, "My dear brother, have you read too many novels?"

Xu Jingchang was taken aback, "Why did you say that?"

"It's not easy. After I lead people around, Alutai will definitely arrange a lot of loose horses to watch, and there is no way to suddenly appear behind him... In case I go the wrong way here, or delay time, If I can't cooperate with you, what should I do?"

This time Xu Jingchang is hard to say, because in the novel, several armies are properly arranged, the enemy comes, the ambushes go out everywhere, and after a while, they can win a big victory. This is really the way the novel is written.

In reality, a famous general like Li Guang is known for getting lost... At the beginning when Zhu Yuanzhang sent three armies to the Northern Expedition, Xu Da commanded 5 people in the middle, but he was defeated in the end, which became the biggest defeat in Xu Da's life .

Although the scale this time was small, Arutai had [-] cavalry after all. If he saw Xu Jingchang's bluff and launched an attack in advance, it would be over.

If Zhu Gaoxu had come early, he would have attacked violently, and Zhu Gaoxu would have been unable to protect himself.

All in all, even in the information age, it is difficult for everyone to have a walkie-talkie, let alone the present.

"Cousin, if you insist on telling me, there are only two ways now."

"What way?" This time it was Xu Jingchang's turn to ask seriously.

"First, as I said, let's gather elite soldiers and fight against them. With Beiping's troops, the chances of winning are still very high. Second, let me go to see Alutai."

"Are you going to see Alutai? That's not okay, it's too dangerous! Absolutely not, I won't let you take risks." Xu Jingchang shook his head resolutely, joking, because Zhu Gaoxu could come to see him, and he couldn't let him take risks.

Hearing what Xu Jingchang said, Zhu Gaoxu showed a rare smile, "It's okay, you have a bit of conscience... But don't worry, the current Daming is not something that Alutai can provoke. I guess he sent troops to Duoyan Sanwei .”

It's rare that Zhu Gaoxu has a brain.

This is also Xu Jingchang's underestimation of his ability. When it comes to fighting, Zhu Gaoxu is quite clever.

Right now after Zhu Di ascended the throne, he has not made a large-scale northern expedition, and Alutai is not sure how powerful the Ming army is.

The most important thing is that Alutai is just the Taibao of the Tatar Department. He still has sweat on his face.

Xu Jingchang thought about it for a while, and now he was afraid of hitting the wolf with a stick.

It is a game of chickens, and it depends on who is more courageous.

"Let others go, you can't take risks."

Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu laughed and said, "If I don't go, others won't be able to scare Alutai! Your reputation is only useful in the Ming Dynasty, and the people outside are not afraid of you, hahaha!"

Xu Jingchang was so angry that he clenched his fists. They argued again and again, but Zhu Gaoxu had the upper hand.

"Don't be stupid, and don't be brave... We can pass on the benefits given to Duoyan Sanwei to Alutai. Anyway, as long as the business starts, the Mongols can't let the Mongols do some things." Xu Jingchang babbled.

Zhu Gaoxu nodded, "Don't worry, I know what to do about this!"

Zhu Gaoxu didn't say anything else, he just asked for a night's rest. After all, he was really tired after traveling all the way.

Without saying a word, Xu Jingchang arranged for him to rest, and then gave Xu Huizu and Li Jinglong an order to get them ready. If something really happened, the big guys would have to do their best.

Turning around the sky, Zhu Gaoxu climbed three poles in the sun. After getting up, he took only twenty knights and left Beiping in a menacing manner. He left the entrance of Xifeng and went straight to the Arutai camp.

Xu Huizu stood at the top of the city, looked at Zhu Gaoxu's back, and sighed secretly, "This son is really like His Majesty!"

(End of this chapter)

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