My uncle's name is Zhu Di

Chapter 230 Beiping Development Plan

Chapter 230 Beiping Development Plan
"I owe [-] million taels of debt, and the interest is not counted. If you want me to pay back the money, borrow another [-] million taels!"

Holding a teapot in one hand, Xu Jingchang stood tall, reciting crooked poems loudly to the wind.

It happened that Miss Huang came over with a fox fur and put it on for him, for fear of freezing.

Xu Jingchang smiled and said: "Tell me, do I have the style of Li Taibai now? Do I look like a romantic talent?"

Miss Huang gave him a blank look, "Like, if you remove the two words, it looks even more like it."

"Which two words?"

"Crazy!" Miss Huang said unceremoniously: "Your Majesty has a heavy responsibility, and everyone in the world looks at the Duke, but you are so out of tune now, are you really not afraid of accidents?"

Xu Jingchang smiled and said: "You are wrong, I have no choice now, and the conventional strategy is useless. Even if there is a golden mountain in front of me, I still have to find enough people to dig it for me! Actually, right? , the courtiers and Your Majesty have made a mistake, they ask me for money, thinking that I will put the silver in front of them... That's two hundred million taels, where can I get it?"

Miss Huang was startled, "What is the Duke planning to do?"

"Actually, it's enough to change the way of thinking. I just need to make Beiping look like a capital city, which can carry His Majesty northward, and that's enough."

Miss Huang frowned a little, turning Beiping into the capital, and getting [-] million taels to build Beiping... What's the difference?

She really couldn't figure it out, don't you need to spend money to build Beiping?
She couldn't figure it out, but she didn't ask too many questions.

"Anyway, it's good that the Duke knows it well. You are from the south. Beiping is cold, so don't freeze. It's better to go back to the house and rest as soon as possible."

Xu Jingchang nodded. Beiping is indeed much colder than the south.
So I hope those people can survive it!
Who are those people that Xu Jingchang was thinking about?

That's right, when Xu Jingchang transferred the land of the guard, he left a back door... because he had carefully calculated that the land in the north, even if it was converted into a farm, would arouse the enthusiasm of the military households for labor.

However, it is impossible to provide enough food for trade under the premise of maintaining the living standards of military households.

At least not initially.

So after thinking about it, Xu Jingchang made a decision, that is, to demote the captured Duoyan Sanwei men and horses, as well as those smuggling businessmen who did not cooperate with the generals of the guard, including their families, and all the captives in Beiping. Slaves, let them serve as hard labor, farm and log, and develop Beiping.

He knew the consequences of doing so, there would be constant attacks from the government and the public, even if he had a strong background, he might not be able to withstand it.

Zhu Di may not go all out to protect him.

But when this matter is linked to moving the capital and tied to the annual revenue of the treasury, Zhu Di has no choice.

It's quite important to know what Zhu Lao Si is sure about once.

Xu Jingchang happened to be able to rely on Zhu Di's protection to do whatever he wanted.

Of course, Zhu Gaoxu, the king of Han, acted as a vanguard for him.

Taking advantage of the good weather, Xu Jingchang came out of Beiping in a Shehu chariot, headed northwest, and arrived at Huailaiwei.A Sanggan River is next to it, nourished by the river water, and the land on both sides is very suitable for farming.

Zhu Gaoxu was patrolling here. When he heard that Xu Jingchang was coming, he urged his horse to come over and complained to him: "It's like this every time. You enjoy it in the back and let me fight the wind and snow. You are too rude."

Xu Jingchang chuckled, "Your Highness's ability is here, and I am ashamed of it. I'm afraid it will cause trouble for you."

Zhu Gaoxu snorted bluntly, "Don't talk about those useless ones, I'll just ask you, how much labor can you give me?"

Xu Jingchang said: "As much as you want, you can have as much as you want!"

Zhu Gaoxu was taken aback, "Impossible!"


"The reason is very simple. If you count all the captives and criminals, there are only 2 to [-] people. Many of them will go to Daning to build a police station and renovate the Great Wall. How can you get so many people?"

Xu Jingchang suddenly smiled, "Really? Your Highness, you need to open your mind. Are there enough people? On the Grassland, Liaodong, Korea, Japan, and even Annan! As long as you can afford the price, why is there a shortage of people? "

"You? What do you mean?" Zhu Gaoxu was very surprised, and looked at Xu Jingchang stupidly...Even though he had made a lot of calculations, he never thought that this person surnamed Xu would be so fancy?
Zhu Gaoxu looked around and had no choice but to pull Xu Jingchang into his tiger shooting car. The two of them sat down before he leaned over and said in a low voice: "Cousin, what is your plan? You tell me Let's go! Otherwise, I don't feel relieved."

Xu Jingchang also said with a smile: "Now that things have happened, I've said that the cost is just the result of conversion... For example, food is not necessarily transported from the south. If you save the water transport, you can save a lot of money."

Zhu Gaoxu frowned and said: "You are right, but the output in the north is not much. How many people does Yingtian have? More than 100 million, the capital is moved to Beiping, and there may be more than a million people in Beiping. How can you get so much food? Are you afraid of turning the common people against me? Let me remind you, if it really gets to that point, I won’t do anything with you anymore, I’m afraid I’ll get myself trapped.”

It can make Zhu Gaoxu, who has always been bold, panic, which shows how dangerous this matter is.

Xu Jingchang smiled and said: "Don't be too busy, just listen to me... It is absolutely impossible to let ordinary people farm and produce food to feed millions of people in Peiping. But if slaves are used to farm the fields, things seem to be different! If A servant doesn't make money, and you won't yell at me for someone!"

Zhu Gaoxu hesitated again and again, suddenly as if struck by lightning, he seemed to understand...

As a shrewd businessman, Zhu Gaoxu is very good at settling accounts.

The reason why the military households on the Nine Borders fled is that the output is too little, the tax is too high, and the oppression is too severe, so they can't survive... But how much is the land rent around Beiping?

Thirty percent to thirty-five percent.

It is far inferior to Jiangnan's horror ratio of more than [-]%, and even Suzhou and other places can reach an astonishing [-]%.

The common people can't bear this ratio.

Why is this so?
The reason is not complicated. In addition to exorbitant taxes, ordinary people also have to support their families, have children, marry wives and bury the elderly... In short, let them live like people. If they can't, they will flee.

But what would happen to these people who were reduced to slaves?
First of all, they definitely don't have to pay exorbitant taxes, and they don't want to have children. Since they are guilty and have nowhere to run, they can only be honest and work on the farm.

A strong laborer can cultivate almost [-] mu of land... That's why there is a saying of [-] mu of land with a cow and a wife and children on the kang.This is the ideal life of a yeoman.

And a servant of a middle-aged man, who squeezes hard, is estimated to be able to cultivate about [-] mu. Even if calculated on the basis of [-] mu, around Beiping, he can earn [-] shi in a year.

Twenty stones of grain, if two stones can be distributed to the servants as rations, it is considered a great grace.

That is to say, if you use slaves to plow the fields, you can take out [-]% of the grain, use it as commodity grain, and enter the trade market... Do the math, how much difference is this from the [-]% of the land rent of ordinary tenant farmers?

Not to mention homesteaders.

"With surplus food, we can support more craftsmen... The conditions for building workshops around Beiping are very good. Among other things, there is kaolin for firing porcelain in the Kaiping area. We can completely copy the set in Jingdezhen To Kaiping... On the grasslands, North Korea, Japan, all need a large amount of porcelain, how much tax can be contributed by this item alone? There are also timber from Liaodong, port terminals in Tianjin, coal and iron from Yongping, and livestock from Daning ..."

"say no more!"

Zhu Gaoxu suddenly interrupted Xu Jingchang's words. He was immersed in a huge shock. It seems that he has not been in Beiping for a long time. Except for galloping horses and fighting outside the fortress, it is windy, sandy and bitter cold... He really never thought about it. It turns out that there is so much wealth in Beiping.

And the reason why it has not been developed is not because Xu Jingchang is a genius and the ancients are trash.

There is no lack of eyes that can detect wealth in this world... But there is one problem, that is food!
If you want to build an industry, you need people, many, many people.To gather so many people, it is necessary to feed everyone and require food.

However, at the current level, transporting grain from other places would not be able to meet the huge gap at all. Even if the power of the Ming Dynasty was exhausted, at most it would be able to support a city of Beiping.

Xu Jingchang opposed moving the capital for this reason. Beiping at this moment really does not have the conditions to become a capital.

"Brother, if you use servants to plow the fields, you will inevitably freeze to death and die from exhaustion, right?"

Xu Jingchang nodded, "Indeed."

"If you do this, you will probably lose your reputation, right?"

"also possible."

"Then will someone immediately cause trouble and punish him with the law of the Ming Dynasty?"

Xu Jingchang shook his head, "This is definitely not... After all, this is supported by His Majesty, and those who act as servants are not human!"

Zhu Gaoxu was shocked. It stands to reason that he is a ruthless man. After all, he was killed on the battlefield. Back then, he thought about killing his uncle.

However, Zhu Gaoxu still can't accept the fact that tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people are not treated as adults.

After a long time, he said slowly: "What if these people rebel and make trouble?"

"Use the military households of the guard to suppress them. If these wastes can't even control the servants who don't know the place, then they should be slaves!"

Zhu Gaoxu nodded again, "Then you can settle the score with me, how much money can you make by doing this?"

Xu Jingchang said: "This account is not difficult to calculate. For example, a thousand households can produce 1 shi of grain every year, which can support about 10 craftsmen... I can invite the imperial court to encourage businessmen to come to set up workshops, and even Tax exemption within five years. People come, workshops are set up, towns are also up, and the market is also prosperous. As long as the products are enough to supply tens of thousands of people, it is not impossible for your Majesty to move the capital. I can make a plan for moving the capital in 15 years , these are not difficult."

Zhu Gaoxu was silent for a long time, then he suddenly laughed, "My dear brother, are you planning everything to wait for this day?"

Xu Jingchang chuckled, "Don't think so badly of me. I'm doing it for so-called reasons. After all, this matter is done, and it's good for your Zhu family's world."

"Really?" Zhu Gaoxu frowned.

"This is natural. After all, after the rich products, the power that the court can mobilize will come up. It is no problem to deal with the mere Tartars. The Ming Dynasty may be able to achieve great achievements that have never been seen in previous dynasties. Your Highness, the King of Han, can also accumulate overwhelming power. Wealth, wealth can rival a country is nothing to worry about."

Zhu Gaoxu gritted his teeth, and suddenly smiled: "Since I said that, do I still have a choice?"

"Of course!" Xu Jingchang said bluntly.

"What?" Zhu Gaoxu was puzzled, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, if you don't dare, I can talk to Zhao Wang, or Zhu Zhanji!"

"No!" Zhu Gaoxu was furious, "This is my business, no one can snatch it!"

 It's still not good... The updates these days are not very regular, try to be small... Please forgive me

(End of this chapter)

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