My uncle's name is Zhu Di

Chapter 25 Remember to Write Your Thoughts

Chapter 25 Remember to Write Your Thoughts
"Jian Shangshu, Xia Shangshu, and colleagues, what do you think?"

These important ministers seemed to have eaten fly droppings. They were not bullying people like this. The few people at the top of the food chain, for the first ten-day meeting, did not deal with official business, but went to see their heads beheaded.

It's ridiculous too.

No matter what, you can't agree, otherwise what's the point of being decent?
Jian Yi looked at his colleagues and sighed.

"The case of Ru Yu was caused by the laxness of discipline and discipline, and the playfulness of Wen Tian and Wu. We assist His Majesty to eliminate Jianwen's bad government, and we should take it as a warning. Xu Tongzheng led us to see the fate of corrupt officials. It is a warning to the hearts of the people. It is true. It's good intentions. Just follow him."

After finishing speaking, Jian Yi stood up and said with a smile, "Xu Tongzheng, do you have any orders?"

Xu Jingchang blinked his eyes and said with a smile: "Nothing else, let's change into ordinary clothes, don't disturb the common people."

Jian Yi nodded in agreement.

The remaining ministers were still hesitating, Xia Yuanji smiled and said, "Don't be sour, let's go together, go together."

These two people can be appreciated by Zhu Di, and they are in charge of personnel, money and food, which is indeed a bit extraordinary.

Among all the people, the one who was most excited was Wu Shan, the lord was really kind to him.

Let's see who dares to look down on the General Secretary in the future!
Doing this is even more enjoyable than going up to three levels in a row.

The important officials of the imperial court dispatched together to the execution ground. Although they were wearing ordinary clothes, it was impossible that there was no movement at all.

Especially Zhu Di, he accepted Yao Guangxiao's suggestion to let the foreman Xu Jingchang have a meeting. To be honest, Zhu Di was not sure.After all, this kid is too young.

National affairs are no joke, especially now when the old and the new are changing.

So Zhu Di arranged to get to know Jin and come to attend the Xunhui.

But as soon as he arrived, Xu Jingchang took his people away. After asking where he was going, Xie Jin was also dumbfounded and had to return to the palace in a hurry.

"Responding to His Majesty, Xu Tongzheng invited the six ministries and nine ministers to the execution ground to observe the execution."

"What? I saw he was beheaded? What is he going to do?" Zhu Di asked.

Xie Jindao: "The minister asked, and it is said that Xu Tongzheng said that if you don't forget your original intention, you will always have it."

Zhu Di was stunned, and looked at Yao Guangxiao beside him, only to find that the old monk was already smiling, overjoyed.

"Wonderful, really wonderful! Looking at the court, Xu Tongzheng is the one who can do such a thing. Your Majesty, are you still hesitant?"

Zhu Di thought for a while, and nodded vigorously, "Good! It is indeed good! Jianwen corrupted the national code, and the laws and regulations were relaxed. I will start by tidying up the officials and restoring the prosperity of Hongwu."

Zhu Di said so, but he still had a reason in his heart, that is, it was difficult for Jing to seize power, too many civil servants looked down on him, and the matter of the Yongle reign was a thorn in his side.

Zhu Di also thought about promoting some of his own people, but it's not enough to be kind, he also needs to establish his prestige.

And Xu Jingchang's move is the best way to stand up.

Boy, I read that right!

Zhu Di called Xie Jin over again, "Go to the execution ground now and see how Xu Jingchang arranged it, what he said, what the courtiers said, and tell me later."

A great talent has become a errand learner, but Xie Jin is also happy, this is too interesting, such a good show, you can't miss it.

At this time, Xu Jingchang also brought the big guy to the execution ground. Today, the person in charge of supervising the beheading is not an ordinary person, but Cheng Guogong Zhu Neng.

This specification is scary enough.

Xu Jingchang looked at Zheng Ci, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, and Chen Ying, the censor of the capital.

"How this case is handled, and what specific crimes are convicted, you all talk about it."

Zheng Ci's old face flushed, somewhat embarrassed.

"The decision is to embezzle the money of the country and the people of Mexico, the amount is huge."

At this time, Song Li, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, muttered, "Isn't it too much just to be greedy for ink?"

His voice was not high, but Xu Jingchang could hear clearly, "Emperor Taizu Gao made a rule of peeling day lilies for 60 taels of ink. It's impossible for the Ministry of Rites not to know?"

Song Li hurriedly lowered his head, not daring to speak.

At this time, Chen Ying was beaming with joy, and immediately said: "Xu Tongzheng is a bright mirror. His subordinate officials sealed Zhang Mu of the Ministry of Industry. After verification, in the past four years, there was a shortfall of as much as 500 million taels when converted into silver. It's especially abominable, when the Ministry of Industry was building the Xiaoling Mausoleum, it dared to cut corners and materials, it's just insane!"

Hearing what Chen Ying said, everyone was stunned.

Good guy, even Lao Zhu's mausoleum can be joked about, Zhu Yunqi is really a good and filial grandson.

Xu Jingchang also knew that it didn't make any sense to say that the important officials of the Shangshu embezzled the stone materials from Tianjie to build the road leading to the Qinhuai River, it was too outrageous.

This matter can only be used as a breakthrough, as expected, after investigation, the Ministry of Industry is definitely the hardest hit area for corruption.

It was also Lao Zhu's 30 years, the courtiers were so ruthless, and finally changed to a bully emperor. They were big projects with big greed, and small projects with small greed.

One of the directors of the Ministry of Industry was stunned to spend a hundred thousand coins to buy a singing girl from Qinhuai.

Someone took the lead, and the courtiers went to Qinhuai to have fun with prostitutes, thinking it was a good thing.

It is impossible to verify who used the materials from Tianjie to build roads.

But there is no doubt that the officials are paying special attention to building the road leading to Qinhuai, for fear that there will be potholes, which will affect the adults' interest in having fun.

Court affairs can be sloppy, if something goes wrong in this kind of private matter, then wait to wear small shoes.

The few people present are all experts, and after a little listening, they will understand.

It's really not wrong for the people from the Ministry of Industry to end up like this.

"What about the Ministry of War? What did the Ministry of War do?" Xu Jingchang asked curiously.

Chen Ying continued: "The main problem of the Ministry of War is corruption of Mexican military rations."

"Army rations? Is there a lot of it?"

"Many, at least more than 300 million shi. In addition, there are several large granaries in the Hongwu period, all of which are empty, and all the grain stored in them has been stolen and sold."

Xu Jingchang was stunned, and then he understood, maybe he should also thank these Shushu, without them spared no effort to poach the wall, Zhu Di really couldn't be successful.

It's just that Zhu Di became the emperor, no matter what, he can't use these big silverfish anymore.

Xu Jingchang looked at the time, and it was not far from noon, so he took the initiative to go to the window.

"The big guys are here. Let's witness with our own eyes these dozens of corrupt officials, blood splattered on the spot, decapitated."

Everyone had no choice but to come over one after another.

However, something strange happened in the execution ground. Ru Yu was hit by Zhu Di, and half of her life was lost. When death is imminent, he doesn't care about anything.

"I'm wronged, I'm wronged! All the things I did were to help the emperor Jing to succeed. I am a minister with meritorious service. Your Majesty can't just kill a donkey!"

"I want to see His Majesty, I have a grievance!"

This guy howled heart-piercingly, and several criminals who were about to be beheaded also shouted.

Zhu Neng frowned, how could this group of people have the face to cry for injustice after being greedy for so much money?
"Come on, shut their mouths!"

At this moment, suddenly a person ran over.

"Cheng Guogong, the next official is the General Secretary Zuo Counselor Wu Shan, under the order of the General Political Envoy, send something here."

Zhu Neng was startled.

Wu Shan held up the book in his hand and said loudly: "This is the imperial edict of Emperor Taizu! Under the order of Emperor Taizu, kill corrupt officials. If anyone of you still feels wronged, go tell Emperor Taizu Gao go!"

When Huang Fu and the others heard this, their expressions suddenly collapsed, like a mouse seeing a cat.

Those few big patents seem to have unparalleled power.

Emperor Taizu Gao, the man who single-handedly established the Ming Dynasty, has just left for four years. He suppressed corruption with an iron fist, and blood flowed into rivers at every turn, leaving a huge shadow on people.

The Ministry of War and the Ministry of Industry are just two departments. At the beginning, Zhu Yuanzhang beheaded all the officials below the six servants.

All the prisoners finally kept silent, bowing their heads and waiting for death.

And the people watching outside, not knowing who took the lead, suddenly fell to their knees on the ground.

"Long live my emperor!"

The sound of the common people screaming and tsunami was clearly transmitted upstairs, which made the faces of the six departments and nine ministers look bad.

Xu Jingchang said calmly: "Everyone, I think I have already understood what is right and wrong, and what the people want. You guys will write down your feelings today and hand them to His Majesty. This can be regarded as your guideline for doing things in the future, how about it?"

Not just watching, but writing your thoughts.

Xu Jingchang treated them as students...

 The little one started to have chills last night and had a fever in the middle of the night. After three o'clock, he began to sweat until the afternoon.Now I don't sweat anymore and my body temperature has come down.But tired, sore, sore throat, no appetite.But after all, it's not too heavy. I gritted my teeth and finished a chapter. I dare not neglect the new book issue.

  Everyone pay attention, take care of your body.

(End of this chapter)

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