My uncle's name is Zhu Di

Chapter 259 Willing to be Your Majesty's Forward

Chapter 259 Willing to be Your Majesty's Forward
Master Xu personally taught the class, and the effect was naturally outstanding.

These vassal kings got together and quickly reached a consensus... The main business they need to grab is Daning's bank, and the main enemy of this business is Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu.

After all, Zhu Gaoxu had already set up a bank in advance, with rich experience and strong capital.He is determined to win Daning.

Wanting to grab business from Zhu Gaoxu is no less than pulling a tooth out of a tiger's mouth.

But it doesn't matter, with Xu Jingchang around, there will be no difficulty.

Especially dealing with Zhu Gaoxu, he is more experienced.

First of all, it is necessary to bring Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui, and if possible, give grandson Zhu Zhanji [-]% of the shares. With the help of these two people, Zhu Gaoxu's advantage over the emperor can be offset.

Then go to Xia Yuanji and explain to Lao Xia that the current Hanwang Bank is not only strong, but also crushing the household bank. If the imperial court wants to successfully surrender the Hanwang Bank, it must recruit allies.

It is very necessary to support the kings and set up a bank to restrain the king of Han and avoid the dominance of one family.

As long as the bank is established, it can use the name of the bank to snatch other businesses.

The fleet must be captured, the land around Tianjin must not be let go, and the wharf area must be controlled.In addition, shipbuilding and insurance are also lucrative and promising.

Xu Jingchang has no interest in the rest of gold mines, grain, livestock, meat, medicinal materials, silk, etc.

In his words, these either belong to the lifeblood of the imperial court, and it is not easy for the vassal king to intervene, or they are thankless and not profitable, which is completely incompatible with the status of a vassal king.

All the kings praised and nodded repeatedly.

Qi Wang Zhu Yu said curiously: "Ding Guogong, you have helped us a lot... Let's do business together, and we will naturally share some dry shares with you, so that everyone can make a fortune together."

The other kings of Liao and Gu also clamored to give Xu Jingchang dry shares.

However, we Dingguo Gong can't be easily bought.

"You don't need to think too much. After you go out, just pay the consulting fee according to the rules. I have to meet the next batch of guests." Xu Jingchang said calmly.

When the kings saw that he had issued an order to drive away guests, they had no choice but to come out.

Only then did they realize that there was a sign hanging at Xu Jingchang's gate... Pingzhangyuan Strategic Consulting Society.

What is this?
Just when the big guys were hesitating, Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu came.

This is somewhat embarrassing.

Just now they were discussing how to deal with Zhu Gaoxu, but he turned around and came here.

What if the King of Han finds out what they discussed with Xu Jingchang?
The kings froze here.

Looking at these uncles, Zhu Gaoxu couldn't help laughing, but he took it back.

"I'm here to discuss matters with Duke Ding."

After speaking, Zhu Gaoxu stepped in and sat opposite Xu Jingchang.

Xu Jingchang got up, washed his face with the freshly brought well water, then sat down again, and said with a smile, "I have discussed with the kings, and they mainly want to take money, shipping, insurance, real estate and shipbuilding."

Zhu Gaoxu was stunned, and sighed softly: "My cousin is really good, they didn't compete with me for what I wanted!"

Xu Jingchang said with a smile: "Your foundation is different from theirs, each has its own emphasis, I can still see it."

Zhu Gaoxu paused and said, "How about my cousin's assessment, how much food can I get this year?"

Xu Jingchang smiled and said, "At least 300 million shi."

Zhu Gaoxu turned pale with shock, "Why are there so many?"

Xu Jingchang said lightly: "If you strike harder, you can squeeze out more. But in that case, too many slaves escaped. If they go to Oala and attract the invasion of Mongolian tribes south, I'm afraid you will bear the burden." Can't live."

Zhu Gaoxu snorted: "This is a matter of the imperial court. Even if the Mongols came to kill them, it would be the responsibility of the emperor. What does it have to do with me?"

Xu Jingchang chuckled, "Your Highness, as you know, my place is still affiliated with Pingzhangyuan, and I need to be responsible for Daming. If you squeeze too much, it will affect the overall situation... I will suggest that the court take back part of the farm. After all, I I think the kings are also interested. Or transfer it to the household department and let them find suitable merchants."

Zhu Gaoxu immediately blushed.

Damn it, being pinched by this kid again.

He pondered for a while, then suddenly said: "I understand now, you still want to eat your father, right? You kill three birds with one stone, eat three birds with one fish... You, you are really talented!"

Xu Jingchang shook his head, "How can you say that! I am offering advice. Your Majesty has a copy, the imperial court will also have a copy, and I will publish a copy in the mansion newspaper."

Zhu Gaoxu clenched his fists, and he finally understood that in this world, no one can make money easily, and it is not as easy as Xu Jingchang... This guy can make a lot of money by talking casually.It's like calling the wind and calling the rain, omnipotent.

"Okay, I know what to do now." Zhu Gaoxu turned and left.

After he left, Xu Jingchang finally had time to rest, but soon Zhu Di came again.

And there is Xia Yuanji in the same company.

That's right, Xu Jingchang, the strategic consulting society, has become the most powerful brain in building Beiping.

He has fully grasped the core power of advice.

The government and the opposition must dance with his baton.

Of course, when facing Zhu Di, Xu Jingchang still showed considerable restraint and respect.

After all, no matter how ingenious Xu Jingchang's plan was, it still needed Zhu Di's approval.

"Your Majesty, if all goes well, the kings will get the port of Tianjin, and they will also get the shipyard... In order to facilitate trade, they will build many buildings, such as warehouses, restaurants, inns, businesses... including brothels, banks, and pawnshops .”

Zhu Di's eyelids twitched, but he didn't say anything more, he just asked, "In this way, you asked the kings to build a city of Tianjin?"

Xu Jingchang said with a smile: "The minister has this idea, but it depends on the court's intention."

He set his sights on Xia Yuanji.

Xia Yuanji immediately said: "Your Majesty, Tianjin Linhai is indeed the best port in the north. There is also the Haihe River. With a little dredging, ships on the sea can pass through the canal and go directly to Beiping. It is uniquely blessed and has a bright future. However, the imperial court can't come up with it yet. Qian, if you vassals can do this well, it will be a great credit."

Zhu Di nodded, "By the way, building a city will cost a lot of money. Let the kings do it. Wouldn't it be a waste of national money and people's money?"

Xu Jingchang smiled and said, "How could it be? The court sells the land, collects taxes...and attracts many people to gather in Tianjin. There are many places where you can make money!"

Zhu Di frowned deeply, he couldn't believe it.

For several years, he was somewhat familiar with Xu Jingchang's routines.

And no matter what, it is impossible to have only advantages and no disadvantages.

Totally unreasonable!

Building Tianjin, developing commerce and trade... The imperial court got a city for nothing, and it could increase a lot of taxes. The kings made a lot of money and made up for the previous losses.

Even merchants and ordinary people have an extra place to settle down.

All good things, no bad things?
Do you think I am a fool?
"Actually, Your Majesty, you should look at it this way. The main reason for this is that the population in the Central Plains has multiplied, and there are redundant labor forces in various places. Keeping them in their hometown is just digging in the soil and wasting sweat for nothing. Tianjin was originally just a guard. The scale of the city is too small, and there is a large amount of wasteland around it, so if it is developed at this time to carry the extra people, it will naturally benefit everyone."

Xu Jingchang paused, and then said: "If you have to say who was damaged...I'm afraid I have to ask the kings about it."

"Ask them?" Zhu Di was puzzled, "What can they do?"

Xu Jingchang smiled and said, "In order to build the project, they will inevitably think of some messy methods... For example, not long ago, 5000 Jurchens crossed the Yalu River. Cao Guogong provided more than [-] strong laborers to the King of Han after the incident. They are all good at farming."

"Wait, do the Jurchens know how to farm?"

Xu Jingchang smiled, "Of course it's not a Jurchen."

"What are you talking about?" Zhu Di suddenly realized, "You, are you still doing this in private?"

Xu Jingchang said: "I know that Your Majesty has a good heart, and I hope that His Majesty doesn't need to know too clearly, so as not to damage your sageness."

Zhu Di was stunned, and suddenly said angrily: "Li Jinglong is such an idiot, so many people went over, and he robbed 5000 people. He is nothing. Song Guogong and the others set off to conquer Liaodong, captured 25 people, and captured all the grand masters of the Northern Yuan Dynasty. My ability is much stronger than all of them."

Zhu Di desperately boasted about his achievements, and then he said to the two ministers: "Tell me, when can you give me a chance to lead the army? Is it okay if I beg you two?"

Zhu Di's desire to fight could no longer be restrained.

Xu Jingchang and Xia Yuanji looked at each other. Fortunately, they had chatted a long time ago and knew each other well.

Xia Yuanji said: "Your Majesty, if you want to fight a war, you can't do without money and food... This time, if you sell the property, all the money you get will be your Majesty's military salary, and I will not embezzle it at all. As for the food, it depends on the situation of the King of Han. As long as the farm Everything is going well, there is no need for them to accumulate food and grass, as long as they can use it for themselves, the minister can transfer 200 million shi of grain from the south. In total, it is 1000 million taels of military pay and 200 million shi of grain."

When Zhu Di heard this number, he became restless.

In Jing Nan's four years, he has never fought such a rich battle!
At this moment Xu Jingchang also said: "Your Majesty, everything is ready, the only remaining problem is the excuse to use troops. This time we invite the tribes of the grassland to have a contest. Alutai has already agreed, and the Jurchen tribes have also sent people over .There is only one Oara left, and if they don't obey, they can be deployed."

Xu Jingchang was talking about deployment, but Zhu Di took it for granted that it was a war.

"It's not worth mentioning that it's just a mere tile. I personally raised [-] soldiers and won it in one battle! The flattening of the grassland is just around the corner."

Zhu Di was finally satisfied, and finally waited for the opportunity to use troops.

He simply got up and said with a smile: "Go down and get busy, I still have things to do."

Then Zhu Di invited Wei Guogong Xu Huizu over.

"I know that you are the best at training soldiers... I just want to ask you, with the current Ming's soldiers and horses, can you defeat Oara?"

Xu Huizu was stunned for a moment, then said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, please give me three months before I can go to battle."

Zhu Di nodded, took Xu Huizu's arm, and shook it vigorously, "This time we don't have to fight each other, can we fight the enemy together?"

Xu Huizu was stunned for a moment, and immediately said with trepidation: "I am willing to be your majesty's forward!"

(End of this chapter)

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