My uncle's name is Zhu Di

Chapter 267 Xu Jingchang scored 2 degrees

Chapter 267 Xu Jingchang scored twice
Xu Jingchang stared at his chubby son, but the little guy didn't pay attention to his father. He just closed his eyes and fell asleep, and even farted a little bit.

Huang Yunfang was already able to walk, she came over with a smile.

"Duke, what are you looking at? Can you still run away?"

Xu Jingchang rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "Look at our baby, look at the gift you gave me, and look at the future of the Xu family."

Huang Yunfang couldn't help laughing and said, "A man also cares so much about the love of his children?"

Xu Jingchang sighed: "What's more? People are not grass and trees, so how can you be ruthless! You say that a person is scheming all day long, working hard, and what is it for? He is not a wife and child, and he is not a family business! Otherwise, if he lives alone, the Stove Lord will post it on On the top of the calf, wouldn’t it be easy for people to move from house to house?”

Huang Yunfang listened to her husband's words silently, and suddenly chuckled, "Master Guo, you are different from before."

Xu Jingchang was about to ask, when he suddenly noticed that his son frowned and muttered, as if he hated disturbing his sleep... Xu Jingchang quickly stood up, lightly, and pulled his wife out.

When the couple sat down in the outer room, Xu Jingchang smiled and said, "What's the difference?"

Huang Yunfang smiled and said: "In the past, the Duke of the State seemed to have the aura to pierce the sky, no matter how big the matter was, he didn't care about it, but now the Duke of the State has grown so much older overnight, it's really surprising!"

Xu Jingchang rubbed his chin and said with a light smile, "I dared to pierce the sky, but if the falling debris hits our house and falls on the heads of your mother and son, wouldn't it be too late for me to regret it!"

Huang Yunfang was stunned for a moment, then sighed: "Auntie is really right."

"Auntie, what did she say?" Xu Jingchang asked curiously.

Huang Yunfang smiled and said: "My aunt told me that when there was no son before, His Majesty was restless, jumping up and down like a big horse monkey. But when he had a son, he immediately changed to another person, and he also learned from others. Take off the beard and look serious."

Xu Jingchang touched his chin subconsciously, "Really?"

"Of course it's true. Could it be that the Duke also wants to grow a beard?"

Xu Jingchang pondered for a while, "I'm not in a hurry, I'm just thinking about it. Now Xia Yuanji is advocating that the two capitals should be equal, and each has his own emphasis. Jian Yi promised that I would block Xia Yuanji's actions and keep Yingtian's position. Now The two important ministers are begging me, and I really don't know what to do."

Huang Yunfang paused for a moment, "Does the Duke find it difficult?"

Xu Jingchang shook his head, "I can't say it's too embarrassing. In the past, I really want to watch the excitement, or add fuel to the flames, let these two people take a gamble, and when they both lose, just leave the court."

"Then master can do the same now!"

Xu Jingchang shook his head immediately, "No, I'm a father now, and my family and country are all over the world, so I can't mess around. Especially moving the capital, there are too many entanglements in it, so we must be cautious."

Huang Yunfang smiled faintly. She had to admit that the birth of a baby really changed Xu Jingchang.

"Then the Duke of the country will work hard for the world, and I will take care of my son."

Xu Jingchang nodded. As a father, he has the responsibilities of a man. He needs to take care of the family and think about the next generation so that they can live in a better country...

Thinking about it this way, it's really stressful!

After another three or five days, Xu Jingchang thought carefully and weighed repeatedly.

Finally, Zhu Di sent an order to let him go.

Before Xu Jingchang left, he rubbed his son's tender face, not to mention how comfortable it was.

Xu Jingchang, who was in a good mood, greeted the courtiers warmly, which made Xia Yuanji and the others feel like a spring breeze.

"Dinggong, you are really different."

Xu Jingchang smiled and said: "People, you always have to be mature, Xia Shangshu, in the past I was a person who messed up too much and caused you a lot of trouble, especially your brother, who has been implicated a lot with me, I don't think so. Excuse me."

When Xia Yuanji heard this, he was not relieved at all, but instead felt a chill down his spine, instinctively feeling that something was wrong.

Being cheated by this kid too much, the spirit of the whole person is not good.

Wouldn't it be that he cats and dogs for a while, and wants to harm people?

In fact, Xia Yuanji really worried too much.

Xu Jingchang really intends to change his mind and start a new life. For nothing else, he must set a good example for his son!
"Your Majesty, after many times of thinking, Beiping still does not have the conditions to become a capital."

Zhu Di hummed: "Why? Could it be that the taxes are not enough?"

Xu Jingchang said: "Your Majesty, if you only count this year, the tax revenue is enough. But you can't count it like this. After all, next year, there will not be so many industries that can be sold. This year, they are all sold out. It is considered a living."

Xia Yuanji immediately shook his head and said, "That's not right. With the current momentum, next year's business will be even more prosperous, and taxation will also increase. I think that in at least three to five years, Beiping's tax revenue will exceed 1000 million taels. Taxes are enough to support the capital!"

Xu Jingchang said with a smile: "Xia Shangshu, I would like to ask, where is Daming's focus now? Is Beiping more important, or Yingtian?"

Xia Yuanji hehehe said: "Naturally, it is due to the sky, not only about finances and taxes, but also people, cities... But in my opinion, the north can still catch up."

"Then give the north enough time for them to catch up." Xu Jingchang said: "Peking right now is like a newborn baby, stretching its arms and growing its legs. Xia Shangshu hurriedly moved the capital here, which is equivalent to It is a noose added in advance and a heavy burden on the back, which is really not conducive to the development of Beiping. The intention of moving the capital is to postpone it for ten years, which is beneficial to the country and the people."

Xia Yuanji was at a loss for words for a while, but Zhu Di said, "Xu Jingchang, are your words just perfunctory?"

Xu Jingchang hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, I think it may be stipulated that every two or three years, the emperor will make a tour of the north, and His Majesty can also arrange for people to keep abreast of the development of Beiping. If the conditions for moving the capital are met, I absolutely agree with moving the capital."

Zhu Di heaved a sigh of relief. He liked Peiping very much and hoped to move the capital here.

But as Xu Jingchang said, Peiping really needs time to develop now.

And the south cannot be ignored casually.

A ten-year delay may be a good idea.

"Xia Qing's family, what do you think?"

After pondering for a while, Xia Yuanji said helplessly, "Mr. Dingguo is old enough to seek the country. It is true and fair, and I agree with it."

"What about you?" Zhu Di turned his attention to the others again.

Yang Rong, Wu Shan and others seconded the proposal one after another.

Even Huang Guan nodded in agreement.

Zhu Di finally burst out laughing, "Okay! Xu Jingchang, you've answered everything."

Xu Jingchang said calmly: "It's not that the ministers can respond to everything, it's just that the courtiers have the country in their hearts and put the world first."

Zhu Di laughed even more, "Okay, you are getting better at talking."

Then Zhu Di looked at Xia Yuanji and the others, and asked, "Although I can let go of the move of the capital for a while, Beiping is dominated by merchants, and the tax revenue is almost equal to the sky. I want to arrange people to manage it. What do you think?"

After a moment of silence, Xia Yuanji stood up and said, "Your Majesty Qizuo, originally I planned to move the capital to Beiping, with Beiping as the main focus, and gradually rectify the entire official system. But now Duke Ding is against moving the capital. After all, a second-rank minister controls half of the country, and the power is really too heavy, and the officials below are not easy to assign."

Zhu Di said: "That's true, then tell me, if you follow the example of Ying Tian and set up six departments and nine ministers in Beiping, how about it?"

This time Huang Guan stood up and said, "Your Majesty, I'm afraid it won't work. If two sets of official systems are established, one must be a vain job, and the other is the main one. But now it seems that Ying Tian must not be a vain job, and Beiping has the most important responsibility." , this arrangement is inappropriate."

Zhu Di nodded, and became embarrassed again, "You all have reason, but reason can't be eaten as food. Now that the north and the south are like this, how can I deal with it?"

After several silences, someone finally stood up. Yang Rong bowed and said, "Your Majesty, at this point, I think it is necessary to set up a yamen to lead the north and the south, coordinate the internal and external, and connect the past and the future, so that we can live up to the emperor's grace and not miss the state affairs."

Zhu Di snorted and said, "I've already said it, there will be no reunion, can't you forget it?"

Yang Rong said with a smile: "Your Majesty, the minister is not trying to restore the Prime Minister, but to suggest that Your Majesty restore the method used at the beginning of his enthronement, and restore the authority of the General Administration."

Zhu Di was even more puzzled, "I don't understand what you said. Isn't it a good job for the Secretary of General Administration to hand over to Bachelor Xie? What's wrong?"

Yang Rong sighed softly: "Your Majesty, at the time when Duke Ding was in charge of the administration, he supervised all the officials, and hung on the desk what each yamen should do. Just ask the courtiers, who dares to neglect? Since Bachelor Xie took over, although the law of Dingguogong has been continued, how many people care about it? It’s just a formality, which is really embarrassing.”

Zhu Di frowned, "Yang Rong, are you saying that Bachelor Xie is not good? He is lazy in government affairs?"

Yang Rong shook his head hastily, "That's not the case, Your Majesty, I just want to say that even if it is someone else, it will not be better than Bachelor Xie, unless this person is Duke Ding!"

Zhu Di chuckled and said, "Why, what do you mean, apart from Duke Ding, no one else can be a good envoy?"

Yang Rong said loudly: "That's right! Your Majesty, Ding Guogong is a talent from the sky. The prosperity of Beiping is enough to prove Ding Guogong's talent. It would be a pity to let him waste time in Pingzhang Court."

Zhu Di thought for a while, and said with a smile: "You're right, I can't waste talents...Xu Jingchang, I have decided to promote the Secretary of General Administration to a first-rank yamen, which is the same as the governor's office of the five armies."

The official positions of the Ming Dynasty are interesting. The chief officials of the Dudu Mansion of the Five Armies are the left and right Dudu respectively, and they are all of the first rank.

The chief officials of the six departments are all of the second rank.

Developed to the middle and late stages, using literature to control military affairs.

A military general of the first rank may be subject to the restraint of the civil servants of the second and third ranks, which is extremely insulting to be true.

Zhu Di decided to promote the Secretary of General Administration to Zhengyipin.

On the civilian side, there is also a first-rank official position.

"Xu Jingchang, this new envoy is yours."

(End of this chapter)

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