My uncle's name is Zhu Di

Chapter 270 The Heaven Official's Revenge

Chapter 270 The Heaven Official's Revenge

Xu Jingchang said it was nothing, but it was too high, and Jian Yi always felt his neck was chilly. He was already very careful in doing things, and he didn't dare to say that there was no fault at all, but he couldn't be blamed.

For example, the allowances for officials are issued in the name of the Hall of Martial Valor for discussing government affairs and the crown prince supervising the country.Even if His Majesty doesn't like to pursue this kind of matter, you can't ask him about his crimes alone.

It's all about sticking to the board and poking our butts together.

What else can there be!
But what Xu Jingchang caught was different. It was a mistake made by Jian Yi in his early years.What's more interesting is that the person who instructed him back then has already disintegrated and disappeared during the Jingnan Battle.

Jian Yi couldn't shirk responsibility, so he could only shoulder it by himself.

But once he carried it by himself, things got tricky.

It is no exaggeration to say that Xu Jingchang's fate is already in the hands of Xu Jingchang, and he has the ability to overthrow himself as a heavenly official.

Ups and downs in the officialdom, this is a common thing, Jian Yi would not lose his composure, but Jian Yi couldn't figure it out, how did Xu Jingchang catch one right?

Could it be that Jin Yiwei really has all-hands and eyes?

Can they see everything clearly, know everything from top to bottom?

After thinking about it, Jian Yi couldn't help being dazed. After Xu Jingchang noticed it, he smiled lightly and said, "Jian Tianguan, what do you think of the reform of the official system I advocate?"

Jian Yi hesitated a little, and immediately said: "Very well, I agree with all of them. If necessary, I will join hands with Duke Ding to submit a petition, and I implore His Majesty to issue a decree to approve it."

Xu Jingchang smiled, and suddenly said: "Jian Tianguan, we are old friends too, can you talk to me about what's on your mind?"

When Jian Yi heard this, he was inexplicably relieved, with a smile on his face, "I wish for it."

Xu Jingchang pondered for a moment before slowly saying: "I'm a bit puzzled. You said that a non-commissioned officer with little experience has just entered the officialdom. Why is someone willing to give him important things? Isn't it afraid that he will make mistakes? ?"

Xu Jingchang added: "I don't mean anything else, I'm just curious. I'll just give you an example, and I hope Shangshu will clarify my doubts."

Jian Yi also nodded bluntly, and said in a deep voice, "Actually, this matter is related to some habits of Shilin."

"how to say?"

"Naturally half of the Analects ruled the world." Jian Yi said with a smile: "People usually think that a literati who is well-educated and talented can do everything well. After passing the Jinshi examination, he is like a Wenqu star descending to earth. You say that gods do things , can there be any mistakes?"

Xu Jingchang was stunned and nodded vigorously, but then he said in confusion: "Shangshu Jian, it's fine for ordinary people to think so, isn't there anyone who understands?"

Jian Yi laughed loudly, and spit out four words, "If you make a mistake, you make a mistake!"

Xu Jingchang also suddenly said: "So that's the case. If there is no mistake, how can there be any profit? Moreover, young people who have just entered the officialdom make mistakes, and they are also very knowledgeable and moral. The big guys are willing to forgive and give them another chance. Right?"

Jian Yi let out a long sigh, so there was no need to say more.

Jian Yi, who entered the officialdom at the beginning of the year, was like this. If he made a mistake, he would make a mistake, let him deal with some things that he was not good at, and then the people above would take advantage of it, and if something happened, he would be blamed.

But Jian Yi was lucky. Not only did he not take the blame, but because of his good luck, he entered the Ministry of Officials, sat on the bench for ten years, and became the right servant of the Ministry of Officials.

Then in the Jianwen Dynasty, being squeezed out by Huang Zicheng and others, Zhu Di ascended the throne, went straight to Qingyun, and sat on the throne of the official department.

To be honest, if Xu Jingchang hadn't brought this up, Jian Yi would have almost forgotten that he had just entered the officialdom.

In a trance, it seemed like a previous life.

"Mr. Dingguo, this set of things of employing people has been passed down for thousands of years, and you can learn it by yourself without a teacher. The so-called forming a party for personal gain, protecting each other, making friends for treachery, and corrupting the law are all in it!"

Xu Jingchang nodded, "It's true."

Jian Yi sighed again, "Mr. Ding, now you are a first-rank official. As an envoy in charge, you are like a prime minister. I might as well say something exaggerated. Why did the virtuous officials and celebrities of all dynasties advocate light corvee and light taxes, and rest with the people? Unwilling to make a difference... It doesn't mean that the big guys are all conservative and greedy. They are really old and sick, so it's not easy to mess around, even if they have good intentions, if they let the people below do it, they will be full of loopholes and difficult to deal with."

Xu Jingchang nodded vigorously, "The theory of heavenly officials is indeed old-fashioned and good at seeking the country. But I would like to ask you a question, if there is really no way, can't you change it a little?"

Jian Yi frowned, and he pondered for a while.He couldn't help but sighed softly: "Mr. Ding, this is the purpose of your hasty return to Beijing, isn't it?"

Xu Jingchang nodded, and then sighed very much: "Jian Tianguan, I understand the truth that when the water is clear, there will be no fish. However, the opportunity is rare right now. The south is sailing to the west, and the north is open. The business is smooth, and the taxation has greatly increased. The emperor has made great efforts to annex the eight. With the heart of desolation, the courtiers should also have bold plans to seek eternal peace. If you miss this moment, you and I will regret it too late."

Xu Jingchang sighed: "I definitely don't want to pinch you, brother, let alone bring down you, a heavenly official. I know in my heart that you are the person who knows the official affairs best. What I want to do next is inseparable from your brother's help." All the best to help."

Xu Jingchang stood up again, with his hands behind his back, pacing on the ground.

"You just said that I am in the first rank, just like the prime minister... You are still wrong. The prime minister is a link between the past and the future, and has to deal with government affairs directly... But now I still have the title of co-administrator. In the final analysis, my mission is to let government affairs It is your colleagues who are able to communicate from top to bottom, and who really do things.”

When Jian Yi heard this, his whole body trembled, and he was secretly amazed.

Although he is an out-and-out old fried dough stick, he still can't help but be moved.

Needless to say, this is a good opportunity to do things, Xu Jingchang's attitude is so low, it is really rare.

If it was a few years ago, Jian Yi would immediately roll up his sleeves with enthusiasm.

But now he is not so easy to get ahead.

"Mr. Ding, what do you think I should do here? Do you have a proper charter?"

Jian Yi still kicked the ball to Xu Jingchang.

Xu Jingchang was not surprised, "Jian Shangshu, in the final analysis, it is still a matter of employing people. The court needs to increase the share of commercial taxes, and the entire fiscal and taxation needs to be adjusted. I can’t even figure out what to do.”

Jian Yi nodded, and suddenly smiled, "Mr. Ding, if you want me to tell you, there is really a way. I also mentioned it to Xia Shangshu, but he is not interested."

Xu Jingchang asked curiously, "What method?"

Jian Yi said: "It's like this. With the current situation in Ming Dynasty, we have added officials and collected commercial taxes in every prefecture and county. salary."

Xu Jingchang nodded again and again, which he also admitted.

Shandong, Beiping, and many states and counties are like this.

The little money and food collected are not enough for the salaries of local officials, and they need subsidies from the court.If all officials are added and business taxes are is still uncertain how much the tax can be collected, and the salary expenditure will definitely explode.

Moreover, it will also create a situation where the people are desperately squeezed, and the local government may be angry and resentful, stirring up civil uprisings.

Some people say, can taxation still lose money?

This is the helplessness of reality. If you insist on imposing taxes, you will not only lose money, but also perish the country.

Xu Jingchang said: "Jian Shangshu, what can you do?"

Jian Yi smiled and said: "It's not a good way, it's just to set up tax cards at several critical gates, such as Guangzhou, Ningbo, and Quanzhou. These three places have municipal bureaus and need to trade abroad. We only need to Just tax the goods that need to be sold."

"How to say?"

"Isn't it easy? If the price is 20 taels a horse, according to the [-]% tax, it is six taels of silver, right?"

"Yes, isn't this still the current method?"

Jian Yi laughed and said, "It's different. Taking this piece of silk as an example, when you buy it, you may pay 20 taels, and when you resell it for 12 taels, the merchant earns 20 taels, not 20 taels. Taxes are levied on [-] taels. It's not fair."

Xu Jingchang was startled suddenly, he already understood what Jian Yi said.

Isn't it VAT!
Taxes are levied on the added value. Of course, if you can’t produce the previous vouchers, then the last merchant will be responsible.

In this way, the focus of taxation is not all ordinary people... but some of the most critical cities, some of the most important markets.

In other words, as long as you grab a few places, it's enough.

The increase of officials is not much, but the effect is outstanding.

"Jian Tianguan, why is Xia Shangshu unwilling to agree to such a good idea?"

Jian Yi said with a chuckle: "Taxation means power. If you can tax everyone, why should you only tax a few people?" It is enough to set up tax officials in Jiujiang, Huai'an, Beiping, Guangzhou and other places, and there is no need to add tax officials all over the world. You also know that Xia Yuanji has always wanted to use his household department to replace the official department and become the head of the hundred officials. How could he be less willing? A proposal to increase officials?"

Suddenly, Xu Jingchang touched his chin. It seemed that he had told Lao Xia about this.

"Jian Tianguan, what do you propose to do?"

"It's easy to handle. Divide the entire Ming Dynasty into several large taxation areas. In each direction, arrange an official, no matter what his name is, to take charge of tax collection matters, assign tax officials, set up accounting offices, and arrange corresponding banks to facilitate business. Goods circulation. At that time, we only need to set up a final government office in the middle of the court.”

Xu Jingchang took a deep breath, and couldn't help but stick out his thumb, "Jian Tianguan, you are always a minister who seeks the country, such a good idea, why didn't you say it earlier!"

Jian Yi snorted and said, "Is it useful if I said it earlier? How can I handle affairs in the middle of the court just by talking about it! Duke Ding, I suddenly figured out why you know what happened back then! Some people really have ulterior motives. With vicious intentions, a born bastard."

Jian Tianguan gritted his teeth, so angry that he was about to explode.

Xu Jingchang spread his hands, "I didn't say anything... It's just that the one you mentioned just now is finally the Yamen, do you want to hand it over to the Ministry of Household Affairs?"

"Leave it to the Ministry of Households? Let's dream! Just put it under the Secretary of General Administration, or follow the example of the Song Dynasty, and set up a third secretary envoy, anyway, we can't let the surname Xia intervene!"

(End of this chapter)

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