My uncle's name is Zhu Di

Chapter 273 The Miraculous Xu Jingchang

Chapter 273 The Miraculous Xu Jingchang
Ever since Xu Jingchang returned to Yingtian, the Ming Dynasty Hall was in chaos.

All the members of the Ministry of Punishment had their allowances stopped, and their income was directly discounted in half... Although the higher the grade, the more allowances.However, due to the high salaries of senior officials themselves, they can barely maintain their allowances.

But the people below point to this little subsidy. Without the subsidy, although they will not starve to death, they will have to change from eating dry food to drinking watery food, and they will stop eating meat and vegetables every now and then.
The day suddenly became miserable.

If that's the case alone, it's fine, and what's even more unacceptable is the publication of six volumes to inform the world.

Good things don't go out, bad things pass thousands of miles.

Almost overnight, the Ministry of Justice became the laughing stock of the whole world, unable to even raise its head.

While the big guy was laughing, when he thought that he would have such a day, he couldn't laugh anymore.

Generally can't escape the meaning of sorrow when the rabbit dies and the fox.

However, it is undeniable that Xu Jingchang's return actually made the courtiers a lot more honest.

The official documents of various ministries can basically be published on the same day, and they will never be delayed until the next day.

In the lobby of the General Secretary, various progress bars are being refreshed crazily.

Especially on the side of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, they still have subsidy under pressure, and they can't do without their lives.

Therefore, Liu Guan, the Minister of the Ministry of Justice who just took office, came up with a detailed strategy...Zhu Gaochi read it patiently, the more he read it, the more shocked he became, and the more he read it, the more furious he became.

In fact, it's not that there is no good way. It's just that the people below don't want to whip them, but they just don't want to move.

For example, regarding the issue of rural land disputes, the Criminal Ministry's strategy is very simple, which is to recognize family land ownership.

This family refers to the father-son couple and does not include outsiders.

In other words, it is illegal for those elders of the clan to use their status to seize land and force them to replant mulberry cotton.

To put it bluntly, it is to recognize the small family and deny the clan.

In fact, this matter has been settled long ago, but it is only in the implementation of the law that it has been delayed.

Now that the pressure has come down, the Ministry of Criminal Justice has no choice but to speed up the matter.

The next step is the dispute in the city. The Ministry of Criminal Justice requires that all yamen must arrange full-time officials to accept the matter and deal with it within a time limit. If it cannot be resolved properly, the responsible official will be held accountable.

After seeing these contents, Zhu Gaochi had to sigh, he really couldn't underestimate these people.

They were all good ideas, but they didn't want to offend anyone.

This is Daming's civil servant!

"I really want to give an order to strictly investigate all the officials and dismiss all those who eat vegetarian meals. Now I understand more and more why the Emperor Taizu hates them so much." Zhu Gaochi gritted his teeth, as if he was possessed by Zhu Chongba.

Xu Jingchang laughed happily, but he hoped that Zhu Gaochi could be a hero, and don't always want to be a good man.

"Your Highness thinks so, that's the best thing. I happen to use the Ministry of Officials to launch the Beijing Police and rectify the administration of officials. I just happen to wave the flag and cheer for Your Highness."

Zhu Gaochi was a little stunned, and then said: "You are in charge of Jinyiwei, why don't you want to make a move?"

Xu Jingchang shook his head with a smile, "Your Highness, although the things in the Jinyiwei's secret file are true and reliable, they may not be able to be used as evidence. If they are all exposed, it will shake the foundation of the Ming Dynasty... You have to eat every bite, and everything needs to be done carefully." Do one by one, Your Highness said, right?"

Zhu Gaochi snorted, "In the end, you just don't want to bear the blame, so let me ask you, what else is so important now?"

Xu Jingchang said: "Naturally, it is your general who conquered Peking, your Majesty."

Conquering the Great General of the North?
Zhu Gaochi was stunned for a while, and suddenly couldn't help laughing, "What orders does the father have?"

"Your Majesty let me come back. Apart from these things, there is one more important thing. He wants to use troops on the grassland and urgently needs food supplies. I got him money in Beiping, but I still need to turn the money into food and weapons. I want to send it to the army for him to squander. If I can't finish this, he won't let me be the co-administrator!"

Zhu Gaochi blinked his eyes and sighed: "My dear brother, my father really has the problem of being overjoyed. He is dedicated to fighting and wants to expand the territory. He doesn't care about the expenditure at all, and hundreds of thousands of troops are dispatched from the south of the Yangtze River to mobilize food and grass. There are at least 200 million civilian husbands. There are countless losses along the way. To be honest, I really don’t want my father to march in person.”

Xu Jingchang had a smile on his face, "The battle that should be fought cannot be avoided, and the money that should be spent is also indispensable. I hope that His Majesty can make a big move and do a good job."

Zhu Gaochi couldn't help laughing and said: "Then you can raise money for the emperor, anyway, if you do this, the emperor promises to treat you as his own son."

Naturally, Xu Jingchang didn't care about the treatment of Zhu Di's own son, but he did indeed arrange it properly.

Right now there are a full 75 shi of grain, and they are cutting through the waves and heading north.

Zheng He, the eunuch of the Three Treasures standing on the deck, did not expect that there would be such a day when he escorted the food he got from Annan and Champa and sailed all the way north. The fleet did not enter the Bohai Sea, but spared the Korean Peninsula. , Continue to go north to a river mouth, then send the grain into the inland river, and then head to the destination.

When Zheng He was heading north, Cao Guogong Li Jinglong was also heading north, and his destination was also Hekou!
In the Hongwu Dynasty, this place was called Nuerganwei. Not long ago, it was promoted to Nuergandusi and became the seat of Liaodong Duhufu.

Cao Guogong Li Jinglong, who made great contributions to conquering the Jurchen tribes, was the first commander of the Liaodong capital and concurrently served as the Liaodong governor.

These things had already been arranged before Xu Jingchang responded to Tian, ​​and it was nothing special.

Especially in Jurchen's barren land, except for those outlaw gold diggers, who would want to come?

The big guys don't think there is any military value here.

But Xu Jingchang has a different view.

During his stay in Beiping, Xu Jingchang had repeatedly studied that the biggest problem in using troops on the grassland was food and grass.

If you can't solve it, just talk about fighting.

Moreover, as the distance increases, the difficulty of grain transportation increases geometrically.

Once they don't eat well, don't wear warm clothes, and many people can fight, they will also become vulnerable mobs.There is no way to do this, unless you can go against the sky!

Although Xu Jingchang does not have the ability to defy the sky, but he has a route that no one can think of, transporting food and grass!
That is to take the sea route, go all the way north, and find Nuer Ganwei, which is the mouth of the Heilongjiang River... Then go upstream from here, and then take the Songhua River, and get the grain and grass directly to the hinterland of Liaodong.

The loss of food transported by sea will not exceed [-]% at most. This is something that has long been concluded. Even if the situation of the inland waterway is complicated, the loss may be doubled, but it is only [-]%.

But if you go on land and rely on people to carry horses, the loss will be at least [-]%.

That is, to transport grain from Beiping to Daning, within ten stones, six stones will be consumed on the road... If Daning is the base camp, the grain loss will increase by [-]% for every [-] miles of distance.

Considering the problem of going deep into the enemy's territory and facing harassment, there is really no one in ten.

It is already a miracle that 5.00%, [-]% can be shipped to the front line.

The Qin and Han expeditions to the Xiongnu would not exceed this number.

With the Grand Canal in the Ming Dynasty, the situation may be better, but it is also very limited.

However, this new route planned by Xu Jingchang is to take the waterway, go straight to the hinterland of Liaodong, and even transport it to the old places of Duoyanwei and Fuyuwei.

Li Jinglong never imagined that there would be a day when he would play such a big role.

Heilongjiang in June, with the water coming from the upper reaches, the river is wide and the waves are rough, which is very suitable for large ships to sail.

Li Jinglong was watching from the shore when he suddenly noticed a white sail in the distance. At that moment, he was about to cry.

When the fleet approached, they saw the flag of Daming.

When the people on the boat changed to small boats and approached the mouth of the river, they jumped off the boat and went ashore with the sea water. Li Jinglong also ran over, ignoring the sea water, and tightly hugged the person who came!
"Eunuch Zheng, you are really here!"

Zheng He looked helpless, "Cao Guogong, the slaves are dirty, let's go ashore and talk about it."

Li Jinglong shook his head vigorously, "I mean Eunuch Sanbao, do you know that these days, when I just walk through the vast wilderness, all I see are strangers. It's so easy to see acquaintances, you know how happy I am!"

Zheng He also sighed deeply, "Although some people have traveled this route, I never thought that there is such a big river in the north that can navigate thousands of stone ships. It is really unexpected."

Li Jinglong also sighed, "Jinyiwei's hands and eyes are really open to the sky. They said at first, I didn't believe it, but after the actual inspection, I realized that there is a lot of water here in summer, and it is indeed navigable. It is only after the autumn and winter freeze that it becomes difficult to navigate."

Zheng He asked curiously, "Then where can my fleet send the food?"

"It can be sent to Fuyuwei. When we get here, we are only a few hundred miles away from the headquarters of the Mongols. Although it is not too close, it is much more convenient. The most important thing is that I have subdued the Jurchen tribes along the way. Yes, for a little money, they can deliver food for us."

The more they talked, the happier they were, and the more they talked, the more excited they became.

As long as the Ming army has enough food and pay, there is no enemy that cannot be defeated!

That's right, that's how confident you are!
Almost at the same time, Jian Yi hurriedly found Xu Jingchang in Yingtian's direction.

"Mr. Ding, you're messing with things now, it's best to stop, and don't send any viceroys."

Xu Jingchang said: "Why? What I just promoted, let me slap myself in the mouth?"

Jian Yi said sternly: "Mr. Ding, I don't mean to harm you. Take a look!"

Xu Jingchang took the urgent report from Jian Yi, browsed through it for a while, and understood what was going on.

It turned out that Zhu Di invited Guilichi Khan to attend the meeting, but his subordinates spread the saying that Guilichi was not a descendant of Genghis Khan. Then someone provoked civil strife in Tatar and wanted to re-establish the Khan.

Gui Lichi was shocked and demanded to return immediately to clean up the mess.

As for Taibao Alutai, he was at both ends of the scale, and Gui Lichi simply invited Daming to send troops to help him quell the chaos.

"Dingguo Gong, at this point, His Majesty will definitely use troops against the Tatars. We need to raise at least 300 million shi of military rations and send them to Beiping. If you insist on sending the governor and affect the military and state affairs, then you will be in trouble."

Xu Jingchang smiled faintly, "So that's what happened! Don't worry, we're just waiting for the good news."

(End of this chapter)

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