My uncle's name is Zhu Di

Chapter 278 The Humble Duke Dingguo

Chapter 278 The Humble Duke Dingguo
"Cousin, it stands to reason that Father will be back soon, right?" Zhu Gaochi asked in a low voice.

Xu Jingchang smiled happily, "I received a letter from my family yesterday, and my wife pressed a small footprint in the back. It's small and cute."

"Small footprints? I fucked my son?"

Xu Jingchang immediately widened his eyes, and said vigilantly, "What are you talking about? Tell you, don't covet my family, if you have the ability, you can die by yourself!"

Zhu Gaochi snorted and said: "I'm born, I have five, I'm not greedy for your family. I'm just a little worried, I'm afraid you won't teach."

Xu Jingchang will not be fooled, "If you are afraid, take Zhu Zhanji away, don't let him learn from me, wouldn't it be better to change to a better master?"

This time Zhu Gaochi had nothing to say. He was pinched, so he could only say: "Father is happy, and he is happy, and he has greatly increased his national prestige... I think he must be satisfied, and he will return victorious." , I can be honest for a while."

Xu Jingchang blinked and didn't say anything, Zhu Gaochi continued: "As long as my father doesn't make trouble and don't cause trouble for us, we can be more stable, don't you think?"

Xu Jingchang heheed twice, but still didn't say anything.

Old children, young children, Zhu Dishi is indeed the most difficult child to take care of.It is a bit difficult to expect him to be honest.

Zhu Gaochi also understood this, he scratched his head in distress, "cousin, can you guess what father will do next?"

Xu Jingchang finally hehe said: "I'm not a roundworm in His Majesty's stomach, how do I know what he's thinking?"

Zhu Gaochi said: "I don't want you to know, but to let you guess, so you just tell me, what will father do?"

Xu Jingchang said: "Now I only know that Zhu Gaoxu follows His Majesty all day, and Zhu Gaosui keeps saying good things about the farm in the newspaper. As for what will happen next, I don't know."

This time Zhu Gaochi was also distressed, "I only asked you after I knew about it. The second and third child have as much bad water in their stomachs as you do. If the two of them incite the father and something happens, I'm afraid I won't be able to handle it." Stay!"

Xu Jingchang snorted, "That's also your family's business, it has nothing to do with me."

Zhu Gaochi was in a hurry, "I said the surname is Xu, aren't we a family? Don't go too far, you are also a co-administrator now, and you are still a first-class official. You can't avoid things in the court. If the father makes trouble Whatever happens, you must carry it with me!"

Xu Jingchang sighed helplessly. In fact, he can guess what Zhu Di can do. It's really not difficult.

The hard part is how to pretend to be confused!
For example, there was a letter from Xia Yuanji beside him... Although Lao Xia hated Xu Jingchang, especially the tax district system, Xia Yuanji gritted his teeth.But when something terrible happened, Lao Xia still wanted to inform Xu Jingchang.

Because without this letter, Xu Jingchang could hide completely if something happened afterwards.

"Your Highness, how is your relationship with the Crown Princess?"

Zhu Gaochi was taken aback, "What's the matter? We love each other, it's alright! Don't you know that the three generations of our Zhu family, grandparents and grandchildren, are all affectionate and righteous. We can learn from each other."

Xu Jingchang took a serious look at Zhu Dazhuang. Although he was puzzled, he couldn't say anything. He just said, "Does the Crown Princess have any property in her family? Or what does she run?"

Zhu Gaochi was a little cautious, for fear that something bad would happen.

But Xu Jingchang asked, and he still said honestly: "Her family runs a silk workshop, but it's not as big as the second family's. There are only a thousand looms... What do you want to do?"

"No, I don't want to do anything... I just remind you that you can do business and make money, but don't go against the government and pay attention to the direction of the wind, so as not to fall into it."

Zhu Gaochi was puzzled, and asked: "You tell me the truth, what's going on?"

Xu Jingchang shook his head, "I can't say too much, anyway, be careful."

Zhu Gaochi thought and thought, seeing that Xu Jingchang would not say anything, he had no choice but to leave.

After returning home, he found his wife. The couple got together and discussed carefully... Mrs. Zhang is indeed a hero among women. She listened carefully and kept analyzing.

The second child and the third child circle around Zhu Di, and what they can do is naturally beneficial to them.

And this matter can make Xu Jingchang keep a secret, which shows that the matter is very big and the consequences are unimaginable.

"Your Highness, how do you say there is a saying? It's called "If you don't want to be strong, at worst, I'll cut off the business at home and sell it at a reduced price... If the second child wants it, give it to him."

Zhu Gaochi was shocked, "How can you take advantage of him?"

Mrs. Zhang hehe said: "What is cheap or not, anyway, we are a family, you are the big brother, it's okay to suffer a little bit. As for me, you don't have to worry about it."

Zhu Gaochi frowned, "What are you talking about! Between us husband and wife, if I can't even take care of your family, what face do I have?"

When Mrs. Zhang heard this, she actually laughed, "It's enough if your Highness has the heart. It's not a loss. In the long run, I don't care. And I figured that Duke Ding has always been a shrewd person. No, he should find a way to hinder the father, he doesn't mean it now, but reminds us to be wise and protect ourselves, I guess he wants to watch the fun. But what I said may not be right, His Highness can figure it out for himself."

Zhu Gaochi was startled suddenly, he thought for a long time, and patted his forehead hard.

"I understand, I understand!"

Xu Jingchang is not someone who will do nothing but die. If the loss is really too great, he will find a way. In other words, this time's matter may not be bad...

"Okay, I'm also careful watching the show, as long as we don't disobey the father."

Mrs. Zhang let out a long breath and nodded secretly.

Finally, I am not confused, as long as I am still the prince, I will sit on the dragon chair in the future, and even the world will be yours, so what are you afraid of losing?

The Zhang family is a real hero among women, and she sees it more clearly than Zhu Gaochi.

But both of them are also curious, want to see what is going on, is there any fun to watch?
Just ten days later, it was first disclosed by the Di Bao that the imperial court will take measures to transfer grain from the north to the south to ease the pressure on grain prices in the south!

When this article was published, it immediately caused commotion in the southern provinces.

In the past years, grain was transferred from the south to supply the north, but now it has been transferred, and the north has started to transport grain to the south. Could it be that the person who wrote the article drank too much and talked nonsense there?

"Dingguo Gong, what do you think, should the imperial court verify it in writing?" Hu Yan asked proactively.

Xu Jingchang said with a smile: "Of course we have to write about it, but if we think about it, even if there is food, the scale will not be too big. Tens of thousands of shi, hundreds of thousands of shi, it's just a drop in the bucket. I think it's mainly because His Majesty is showing off the development achievements of Beiping. You See if that's what you mean?"

Hu Yan thought for a while, then nodded and said: "If that's the case, it's true that the lower officials are worrying too much."

After Hu Yan went down, the official documents still had to be issued, but they were only placed in the ordinary file... Normally, this kind of official documents had to be transported to Peiping in batches along with the ordinary ones. The quantity was huge and the speed was extremely slow.

At least a month too.

Then after signing for the receipt there, they are sorted into categories, classified into the Yamen in Beiping, and sent to the warehouse.

The big guy is not a handler of official documents, but a porter of official documents.

There are too many things about the court, and it is really impossible to cover everything.

If something really happened, with this official document, it can also be said that it was not dealt with, it was not because it could not be concealed, and there was no issue of malfeasance.

There is no doubt that Xu Jingchang is one of the masters.

With his pressure, things became a little unusual... In just ten days, Yingtian's grain prices dropped by [-]%.

This time even Jian Yi was alarmed, Xia Yuanji was not in Yingtian, and he, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, had to remind Xu Jingchang.

"Ding Guogong, the price of food is extraordinary, do you want to ask?"

Xu Jingchang said with a serious face: "Jian Tianguan, I don't know what's wrong with it... Every time the autumn harvest comes, and the grain goes on the market, the price should be lowered, and when the harvest is over, the grain price will rise again. Is there any problem?"

Jian Yi thought for a while, and seeing that Xu Jingchang didn't mean to lie, he said, "It's like this. In recent years, there have been many workshops in Yingtian and other places. In the case of changing rice to mulberry, the current grain has to be purchased from Jiangxi and Huguang. Since it comes from these two places, it must be purchased in advance. Now the price of grain has plummeted too much and it is not profitable. I am afraid that there will be chaos market conditions.”

Xu Jingchang nodded hurriedly, "Jian Tianguan, this matter is very important. Although I know a little about finance and taxation, I really don't know about food. Let me prepare some materials. We will hold a political meeting in three days and discuss it. this matter."

Jian Yi hesitated a little, but didn't know what to say.

In this way, another three days passed.

The price of food on the market in Yingtian is still falling.

This matter presents a strange situation... The cheaper the food price, the fewer people will buy it. Those who hoarded food in previous years have begun to hesitate this year. Maybe it can be cheaper. Wait and see.

In this way, waiting parties appeared everywhere.

If you don't buy it and I don't buy it, the price of food will drop by [-]!

Xu Jingchang looked at everyone present, except for Xia Yuanji, Shangshu of the Ministry of Households, and Huang Guan, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, all other important officials were listed.Even Xie Jin, who was in charge of collecting taxes by the sky, also came.

"I don't know much about food, so you can talk freely and see what to do."

As soon as Xu Jingchang came up, he assumed a humble attitude. He didn't speak, but the courtiers quickly quarreled, such as Minister of the Ministry of Industry, Luo Qian, Minister of the Ministry of War, and Fang Bin. They strongly demanded that Chang Pingcang must purchase grain as soon as possible. Raise food prices.

"Ding Guogong, food is the lifeblood of the country. Low grain hurts farmers, and expensive grain hurts people. It has been the same since ancient times. The imperial court set up Changping warehouse for this purpose."

Xu Jingchang nodded and looked at the others, "What do you guys say?"

Xie Jin pondered for a while, and suddenly said in a low voice: "The surplus grain of the common people was bought by the big grain merchants in advance. The court also allowed the common people to pay their grain and taxes. Now that the grain price has dropped, it can't be said that it hurts farmers! After all, those who don't farm , can’t be considered a farmer?”

(End of this chapter)

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