Chapter 281
Being told by his daughter-in-law that she is benevolent, Zhu Gaochi was a little bit embarrassed to be true.

He felt that what Xu Jingchang did was deliberately tricking people, creating a net, and trapping the grain merchants, which was not kind.

But the Crown Princess Zhang made it clear that this is not a business, it is a life-and-death struggle, and they have been talking about innovation for several years.

You don't always think that these goals can be successfully accomplished under the premise of retaining the gentry group?
Even the Confucian family has been abolished, and it was dug up on the grave of the Confucian ancestors, and they are still soft-hearted. Who will they show it to?Are you moved?

"Well, they found their father-in-law and asked your family to help them. What should we do about this?"

"What else can I do?" Mrs. Zhang sneered and said, "How much can they give? With their filial piety, can they beat the second child? It would be too much for me to change my mind if I wanted to rely on three melons and two dates. You underestimated me. Don't worry, I know."

Now that Madam has said so, what else can Zhu Gaochi say!
"I finally understand, you guys are better than me, I'm really ashamed of myself!"

Mrs. Zhang looked at him and said with a smile: "Your Highness, don't do this, at least you still have self-knowledge, which is already very remarkable."

Zhu Gaochi frowned randomly, his face was livid with anger, you really know how to comfort people!

He simply went directly to Jishan Temple to see Master Yao, and stopped playing with you.

When Zhu Gaochi stepped into the temple, he still felt a little nervous.He hasn't been here for a long time.He swears to God, either he underestimated Young Master Yao, or he was too busy with government affairs and had too many things to do.

The old monk didn't mean to blame at all, he even wished that no one would come and let him fix it with peace of mind.

Obviously, this is a luxury.

Someone has already come to the door.

"Your Highness, have you figured it out? Got an opinion?"

Zhu Gaochi was stunned for a moment, and then said: "I have an idea, and I don't intend to let the big gentry control the food. This will be taken back to the court."

Yao Guangxiao paused, and said in a deep voice: "His Royal Highness, from ancient times to the present, starting from Qin Shihuang, the cars have been on the same track, and the books have been written in the same way...every dynasties have been thinking about increasing power. This dynasty is no exception. But let the old officials say , it’s not easy.”

Zhu Gaochi asked curiously: "Master, I have listened to several people's opinions, and I also want to hear yours. How should I choose?"

Yao Guangxiao pondered and said: "Your Highness, the people of the Central Plains cultivate intensively and work hard. After a year, apart from paying taxes on the grain, the remaining grain is barely enough to make ends meet. The gentry occupy the land, but they can collect land rent much higher than the land tax. They collected this grain, sold it to grain merchants, transported it to the city, and supported the city’s workers. When the gentry made money, they would buy silk furniture and let the workshops in the city have something to do.”

Yao Guangxiao concluded: "When I was chatting with Xu Jingchang, he said that this seems to be called a business cycle... Relying on trade, the city and the countryside are connected together. Now if we want to shake the grain merchants, what about the rations of the people in the city? What to do? The gentry have no profit, so who will buy silk? And according to the old monk, the price of grain continues to drop, so what if the people abandon the land and stop farming the land? "

Yao Guangxiao's snow-white eyebrows were slightly frowned, obviously not optimistic.

The economic cycle is one after another... You want to suppress mergers and attack the gentry, but it will also hurt the urban people, and even the farming people.

If one is not good, it will cause an unmanageable mess.

"Young master, I understand what you said, but I'm afraid the matter at hand is imperative. I want to ask my master, is there any way to make up for it?"

Yao Guangxiao thought for a while, and said in a low voice: "Duke Ding will be prepared for this matter, and His Majesty will not just sit idly by. It's just that they made a rough mistake in their actions. Your Highness must uphold benevolence and take care of the people. Slow and round."

Zhu Gaochi thought for a while, and finally nodded, "Young master, I will stay and eat with you in this temple for a few days, let's discuss it together, what do you think?"

Yao Guangxiao nodded, "Alright, now that the world is changing with each passing day, there are many things I have to think about carefully."


On the second day after Zhu Gaochi moved here, it began to rain lightly in Yingtian City.This is the case in the south. At the end of autumn and the end of winter, the continuous light rain is as dense as a cow's hair.The dark spot is not severe, but it won't take long before the clothes are soaked and cool from the inside out.

The same is true of those places where food is stored.

As we all know, storing grain is a very troublesome thing. It must be fireproof and waterproof... Especially at present, the construction of granaries not only requires deep digging, but also lays several layers of lime, and the walls must be protected against moisture.

A good granary can be stored for decades, and the grain will not rot.

Similarly, this kind of granary is expensive to build, and apart from the imperial court, few people have the strength to build it.

As for those merchants who trafficked grain and even bought a lot of grain, they could only pile the grain in the open air, or at most use mats to cover it.

Layer after layer to keep rainwater from seeping in.

Therefore, although the price of grain has become cheaper, Yingtian's reed mats have more than doubled.

But even so, how can it be prevented.

After three consecutive days of rain, some of the rain drenched the grain... This day was dawn, and it was still dark, and almost everyone was in a sweet dreamland.

A carriage came out of the warehouse, and the cart was loaded with rotten grain.

They tried to find a secluded place, but they abandoned it.

But just when they were about to throw it away, a team of Jinyiwei suddenly appeared.

"I've been waiting for it for a long time! If you dare to abandon food, it's a heinous crime. You will be sent to prison immediately and tortured!"

Perhaps the gang who secretly transported food did not expect it.

I was actually lucky enough to visit the prison.

Jin Yiwei didn't need to use any big memory recovery technique at all, and confessed all of them directly.

They are the family of a grain merchant surnamed Xu in Jiangxi. There is no place to store the grain, so they can only be stored in the open field. Insects eat rats, and the rain is moldy.
"I've said it all, don't disturb me about ordinary things. Those who abandon food like this will be fined three times." Xu Jingchang said impatiently.

Jin Yiwei Qianhu, who was in charge of the affairs, was startled, very embarrassed.

Xu Jingchang saw his hesitation, and snorted, "What's the matter? What's wrong?"

Qianhu said helplessly: "Great governor, this Xu family is said to have something to do with Huang Shangshu."

"Huang Shangshu? Could it be from the Ministry of Rites?"

Chito nodded vigorously.

"Is it my father-in-law?"

Chito nodded harder!

Xu Jingchang frowned, and chuckled for a while, "So, I can't stay out of it?"

This time Chito didn't dare to talk nonsense.

Xu Jingchang waved his hand to let him back down.

Since this day, people have been abandoning food... However, Jin Yiwei is so strict that he can't escape the eyes of the law.

The businessman even came to be ruthless, no more food, let us run away from the head office!
As a result, all the grain merchants who escaped were arrested without exception.

You can't underestimate Jin Yiwei's ability!

We calculated with our minds but without our intentions, and we still let you escape.Isn't it too incompetent!

All the grain merchants that can be counted have Jin Yiwei to watch them specially, and they are absolutely hard to fly.

You thought you were here to sell food, but in fact you fell into the net of heaven and earth.

You can't hoard it without selling it, and you can't just throw it away!
But no one is buying it in the market, and the price keeps dropping. What can we do?
Some grain merchants have even jumped the Qinhuai River.

Ministers of various ministries, censors of the Procuratorate, and even the affairs of the six divisions... more and more people pointed their finger at Xu Jingchang, impeaching him one after another, accusing the imperial court of being a vegetarian and failing to live up to the grace of God.

"Ding Guogong, if you still can't come up with a solution, I have no choice but to write a letter, please Your Majesty to rule!" Jian Yi snorted angrily, and he was giving an ultimatum.

Xu Jingchang laughed suddenly, "Jian Tianguan, don't always be so bearded and staring... Didn't I just have an idea! How about we go to the Jiangxi Guild Hall and meet all the grain merchants?"

Jian Yi thought for a while and said with a smile: "I won't go, you Ding Guogong is proficient in business, you can talk to them."

Xu Jingchang nodded, "That's fine, but the result of my negotiation has to be discussed and approved by the Hall of Martial Heroes."

Jian Yi agreed, he could almost think of Xu Jingchang's face, this kid promises that he will not be soft when he makes trouble.

But three days later, when the discussed draft was placed in front of the officials in the Hall of Martial Heroes, the big guys still gasped.Especially Xie Jin, whose eyeballs almost fell out.

When it comes to evil intentions, it depends on Xu Jingchang.

Xie Jin once tried to spend 80 taels of silver to buy grain at a low price... But when it comes to Xu Jingchang, let the court pay?

What are you thinking!

The imperial court is helping you solve the problem, how can the imperial court pay for it?
I can't!

Therefore, all grain merchants pay a deposit ranging from [-] to [-] the price for the court's help in handling the grain.

In other words, if your food is taken away, you still have to pay for it!

Losing money and selling food belongs to it!

How could such a ridiculous thing happen?

The three views of the ministers were shattered, and it felt that the whole world was not good.

In terms of ruthlessness, compared to Xu Jingchang, they are really far behind, and even flattering can't keep up.

But Xu Jingchang wasn't all about deceiving people... In the last part, he proposed the establishment of a general grain company.

This time, all grain merchants are willing to cooperate with the imperial court and can obtain the right to purchase grain in a certain area.

Every year, the imperial court will set a guide price. After paying the land tax, there will still be surplus grain, which can be sold to these merchants.Then the merchants will deliver the grain to the corresponding area according to the instructions of the grain head office.

Since the price of food is limited, long-distance trafficking, the profit is definitely not huge, but there are some profits.

"Dingguo Gong, you asked the court to set the price, but since ancient times, the price of grain has fluctuated according to the market. If those big households who really have land and grain are not willing to sell grain, these grain merchants will not be able to collect grain. What should I do?" Luo Qi asked nonchalantly.

Xu Jingchang smiled lightly, "It's not easy, just repeat the decrees I promulgated in Yingtian... No hoarding, no price-raising, no waste and abandonment... Once these behaviors occur, take back their fields, Forfeit!"

(End of this chapter)

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