My uncle's name is Zhu Di

Chapter 304 Pig Raising

Chapter 304 Pig Raising
Zhu Di really sighed, he found that there was something in his son that he lacked.

How to describe it, Zhu Di has been trying to imitate Zhu Yuanzhang, from head to toe, imitating in all directions...Of course, Zhu Di also knows that there are some things that cannot be learned, and it seems that they should not learn, such as killing heroes.

For those nobles who are arrogant and arrogant, they should be severely punished, but it is a bit too much to kill the nine clans at every turn, and even make human leather pillows.

Also, Zhu Yuanzhang didn't trust the courtiers and was too energetic, so he took on all the government affairs by himself, and he had the final say in all aspects.

When Zhu Di came here, he thought he didn't have the energy of Lao Zhu, and he didn't want to tie himself up in complicated and cumbersome government affairs, so he reused his officials and granted great power.

Not only Xu Jingchang, but also Jian Yi, Xia Yuanji, Yang Rong, Xie Jin, Chen Ying... These people are his right-hand men and play very important responsibilities.

Zhu Di tried his best to correct some of Lao Zhu's mistakes, and then went to the west to use troops abroad, making himself more courageous than his father and more like an eternal sage.

But in the final analysis, Zhu Di is still tinkering with the structure left by Zhu Yuanzhang.

This is like renovating an old house. No matter how much thought is spent, the layout is still there, and it is difficult to make a fundamental breakthrough.

But Zhu Gaochi is different. He is really thinking seriously and starting to act. He has his own things, and he wants to really change the Ming Dynasty according to his own ideas.

If he didn't have this ambition, why would he risk going to the den of thieves to persuade the people... No matter what he explained, going deep into Poyang Lake would have a huge stake in him, and it was not a trivial matter.

"Dingguo Gong, since you also said that you have learned a lesson, then you have to work harder and prepare some meals for Zhen and the have to cook yourself."

Xu Jingchang nodded in agreement, and said with a smile: "I still have a few altars from the Hongwu period here."

Zhu Di shouted: "If you don't bring it, I will get drunk!"

Xu Jingchang left in a hurry, prepared more than a dozen dishes in a short time, and brought in old wine from the first year of Hongwu, tore off the cover, and a strong aroma of wine instantly permeated.

Zhu Di's eyes lit up, and after taking a sip, he couldn't help closing his eyes, his face full of intoxication.After opening his eyes, he poured Zhu Gaochi a cup without saying a word, and then ordered, "Drink!"

Zhu Gaochi took a sip and was also intoxicated.

"Father, if you want me to say that this wine is better than the one in the palace!"

Zhu Di hummed: "That's what I'm talking about. It stands to reason that the imperial palace gathers treasures from all over the world... But why is it that food and drink are inferior to this country's government? Xu Jingchang, you won't steal things from the palace, right?"

Xu Jingchang said with a smile: "Your Majesty, you have misunderstood the minister. The things in the minister's house are either left by the predecessors, or I bought them with money. They are all clean and can stand a thorough investigation. As for Your Majesty, It’s hard for me to say whether there will be any things flowing out of the palace. I can only say that things that can be sold will always fall into the hands of those who are willing to pay.”

Zhu Di was startled, "What do you mean, shouldn't the emperor enjoy the best?"

Xu Jingchang smiled and said: "Your Majesty said it should be, but it can be seen that it is not necessarily true."

The more Zhu Di heard it, the more shameful he became, "If you don't tell me a reason, we will never end."

"Your Majesty is naturally the ruler of the world, and you should enjoy the best... But the problem is that there are only so many good things... Once your Majesty gets used to drinking the tea and wine, they suddenly disappear, causing the emperor to be furious. But people will die, so we can only prepare some things for His Majesty that are not so good in quality, but are more stable."

"For example, there are only so many wines in Hongwu's cellar in the first year of Hongwu. If you want to be safe, you'd better get something big to fill your stomach. Your Majesty is used to drinking it. In fact, there is not much difference."

"What's the difference?" Zhu Di was furious, "This is deceiving the emperor! Those eunuchs in the palace, as well as you courtiers, tried every means to deceive me and play me for a fool."

At this time, Zhu Gaochi smiled and said: "Father, let my son tell me that this is really not the case."

Zhu Di snorted, "What do you mean? You want to speak for him again?"

Zhu Gaochi shook his head and said: "Father, my child feels that in the final analysis, there are still nine layers of deep palaces, with layers of obstacles. It seems to be superior, but it is also independent of the world. A few courtiers and a few eunuchs can block the eyes and ears of the emperor... On the one hand, it is easy to deceive the emperor, on the other hand, the emperor gets angry and the consequences are serious. If this is the case, then we have to find a way to deceive the emperor, which is also human nature."

Zhu Di snorted and said, "What kind of human nature? To put it bluntly, he treats me as a fool. Such a courtier is really abominable."

Zhu Gaochi was stunned for a moment, and then he said: "Father, my son has a few words from the bottom of my heart, I wonder if my father would like to listen?"

Zhu Di pondered for a while, and then said: "Let's talk."

Zhu Gaochi nodded, then took a deep breath and said, "Father, my son went to Poyang Lake and found some fishermen, with a few members of their family, squeezed on a small boat. They had no land and no house. From life to death, I live on this fishing boat that is one or two feet long and several feet wide, and there is really no place to stand on it."

Zhu Di was silent for a long time.

Even Xu Jingchang lowered his head. Zhu Dazhuang blamed the emperor for his extravagance and inability to sympathize with the suffering of the people?

Xu Jingchang agrees with this statement. It is true that the royal family spends too much resources, but Xu Jingchang does not think that this matter can be resolved. Unless he has the courage to abolish the emperor, the royal expenditure will be there. Who would dare not let the emperor feel comfortable?
Zhu Gaochi paused, and then said: "Father, to persuade the emperor to be frugal and love the people, this is what many Confucian officials and famous scholars have said throughout the ages. Extravagance is worthless. What my child thinks is that if the emperor enjoys it so much, he should let the common people eat a bowl of rice and a mouthful of soup!"

Zhu Di raised his head abruptly, and said loudly, "It's a matter of course."

Zhu Gaochi said again: "Since this is the case, my child thinks that the local government should be ordered to help the people and solve problems."

Before Zhu Di could speak, Xu Jingchang immediately said: "Your Highness, this matter is too hasty. Look at the courtiers, how many of them know how to manage merchants? They just don't make trouble for the people. If you want them to help the people, I'm afraid The more you help, the more busy you are. Could it be that Your Highness has forgotten that Wang Anshi in the Northern Song Dynasty had the great wisdom to lend young crops money to the citizens when he reformed?"

Xu Jingchang had talked with Zhu Gaochi about this kind of thing a long time ago, and Zhu Gaochi knew it well.

But at this moment, Zhu Gaochi seemed to be very persistent, "Cousin, if because of the incompetence of the local officials, they put aside the things that benefit the country and the people, hesitate to move forward, and do nothing, is this what a promising king should do? ?”

Zhu Di frowned instantly, as if he had been touched.

But Xu Jingchang still insisted: "Your Highness, if it's just like this, the Secretary of General Administration will not approve your proposal. This order will not be implemented."

Zhu Gaochi chuckled, "I know, but what if I have a way?"

"That still needs to be evaluated."

Zhu Gaochi said with a chuckle: "My solution is to set up a business school in Yingtian."

"Business school?" Xu Jingchang was surprised, "Your Highness, what are you going to do?"

"That's what I planned... The trip to Poyang Lake let me know that some people are really not suitable for farming. In the past few years, the industry and commerce have developed, and the second and third children have been complaining about the lack of craftsmen."

Zhu Gaochi sighed: "There is also the reform of land in the southwest, and there are constant suggestions from insightful people, but there is a premise for this matter, that is, to allow those mountain people to have a way of life. To buy their local products, buy medicinal materials and mountain products, let them When they see the income, they can live a better life by going down the mountain, so they will naturally not resist. As long as the mountain people really go down the mountain, the tribal leaders can't stop it. This is what the people want and the general trend!"


Xu Jingchang couldn't help clapping his hands and praised, "His Highness's lofty remarks are true and hit the point. It's okay to object, but I hope His Highness will enlighten you on how to implement it."

Zhu Gaochi said with a smile: "I don't know the right way for me to say, but I was thinking, can the second and third children pay for the school?"

"Yes!" Xu Jingchang agreed decisively, "This is a good thing that benefits the country and the people. The two of them should stand up and share the country's worries."

Zhu Gaochi said again: "In other words, let them take out their own management methods and hand them over to the students, is it okay?"

"of course not!"

Xu Jingchang laughed and said: "Actually, their abilities are very ordinary. They are nothing more than relying on His Majesty's divine power and the crown prince's protection. Otherwise, how can they be invincible?"

Zhu Gaochi laughed and said, "So it's only natural for them to come out to help?"

"How do you say it's a matter of course? It's a great face for them." Xu Jingchang smiled and said, "His Royal Highness can ask the King of Han and King Zhao to pay for them to teach and train talents in person. If His Highness still doesn't feel satisfied, you can poach the wall." .”

"Dig the wall?"

"It is to let their managers come out and serve as small officials to work for the court."

"That's okay too?"

"Why not! If you don't believe me, ask, are those people willing to work for the King of Han, or come out to be officials?"

Just kidding, the end of the world is the establishment, if you can come out to be an official, who will work for the King of Han?
Isn't it delicious to be formal?
"There are thousands of people under the King of Han's staff, just like the accountant. There are also a lot of literate typesetters and article writers on King Zhao's side. We just need to gather these people, train them a little, and spread them to the southwest, so that they can help The mountain people left the mountain villages, settled down in the plains, and engaged in merchant farming...The power of these people is better than a million soldiers. In the future, it will be up to them to change the land and return to the southwestern chieftain."

Xu Jingchang said with a smile, completely ignoring Zhu Di next to him, his face was livid, and he was looking at Xu Jingchang and Zhu Gaochi who were singing together!
What's the matter with you two boys?

Why do I feel like you guys are discussing how to kill pigs and eat meat, and divide up the second and third?

Could it be that Xu Jingchang has been raising pigs for the past few years?
(End of this chapter)

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