Chapter 317
The gigantic Yingtian City has a population of one million. If temporary residents from outside are included, the population may exceed 200 million. In such a big city, once something goes wrong, it is not easy to deal with it.

Xu Jingchang can only try to prevent problems before they happen and deploy them early.

Therefore, in Yingtian City, the most common ones are cleaning workers.

Every day before dawn, you will see many workers dragging four-wheeled carts at the front of each street to collect defecation.

In fact, as early as Qingming Festival, you can see this kind of four-wheeled, human-driven small car, which is very suitable for driving in flat cities.

The carriage is sealed properly, and then go to every street to collect the excrement that the common people poured into the toilet early in the morning. After the car is full, it will be sent outside the city immediately. .

There are special farmers who collect manure and put it into the dug pit for composting.

Including the Xu family, there are also specialized farms, not only for people, but also for livestock, cow dung, horse dung, and even sludge and dead leaves...all are collected to form an industrial chain.

Although the output value is not high, it has extraordinary value for Yingtian's environment.

Therefore, Xu Jingchang issued a special decree for workers engaged in defecation collection, which can receive a monthly allowance.In the three months of summer, there are still ten catties of mung beans every month.

In Dongyue, there is also a subsidy for clothing materials.

Xu Jingchang has always been disliked by the courtiers, and there are quite a few of them who wish to be struck by lightning to death.Xu Jingchang didn't think he could become a saint either. After all, in his position, could he refuse the temptation of hereditary succession?
Obviously Xu Jingchang wanted to take the position of "villain", but as a time traveler, Xu Jingchang always kept something different.

For example, he also retains a bit of sympathy and kindness for these low-level workers who play with excrement and urine all day long.

In addition to subsidies, Xu Jingchang also specially set up dozens of cheap bathrooms... Workers only need one penny each time to take a bath, and in winter, there is also hot water supply.

Although the work we do is a bit dirty, the money we earn is clean, and so are the people!
Moreover, those who do these low-level jobs are usually poor people, and there are many old people without children... Xu Jingchang also confessed and registered everyone.

If a person dies, there is no way to take care of the funeral.

The local yamen will be responsible for preparing the coffin and sending it to the cemetery for burial.

These things will be included in the evaluation content.

Maybe in the huge Ming Dynasty, Xu Jingchang couldn't take care of every place, but in Yingtian, under the feet of the Son of Heaven, Xu Jingchang hoped that the city would be warm, not cold.

Occasionally, Xu Jingchang would take time to visit various places, and deal with some simple things in his opinion... Moreover, Xu Jingchang also made an attempt, which was to encourage the common people to pay for each other.

For example, if a street is over fifty years old, in good health, able to do something, and willing to do can report it, and then receive a subsidy from the imperial court...After taking the subsidy, you have to take care of the people in the street The elderly, those who are old and have difficulties in life.

Or carry water, or sweep the house, or cook fire.

Also, if there is no one to take care of the children and the parents have to go out to work, then the children can be entrusted to these old people to take care of them.

Xu Jingchang even encouraged those old people who were literate to come out, teach their children how to read, read some newspapers, and explain the truth to them... It should be considered as a preschool class.

In addition, Xu Jingchang will also encourage many activities...such as kite flying, diabolo playing, shuttlecock kicking, and cricket fighting.

In addition, he also fiddled with the Cat and Dog Association, the Hunter Association, the Fishing Lovers Association... That's right, even fishermen can find organizations here in Xu Jingchang.

"How is the Taoist priest's situation? But have you found out?"

Xu Jingchang casually asked Hu Wei after the meeting.

Hu Mei immediately replied: "Mr. Ding, I have thoroughly investigated. He was originally a run-down Taoist priest in a small temple. After being bribed, he entered the court and planned to deceive Duke Ding. It's no secret that he can't eat or drink. , but I carried ginseng pills on my body and hid them in the sleeve of the Taoist robe. It was exactly the same as Ding Guogong said."

Xu Jingchang nodded, "Well, what crime did you convict him?"

"Introduce the demon book, plotting to do something wrong... cut it to death, and wait for the Ministry of Punishment to approve it. Immediately execute the sentence."

Xu Jingchang paused, "He was also instigated by others, so there is no need to kill him. Give him a broom and go sweep the streets."

Hu Wei nodded quickly, "Mr. Dingguo is magnanimous, this Taoist priest must be grateful."

Xu Jingchang smiled, "It's all about people making the best use of their talents and things making the best use of them."

The Taoist priest never dreamed that he would come out alive. Looking back at Jin Yiwei Prison, it was like a dream.

Just what should I do next?
Go back to the Taoist temple and continue to be a Taoist priest?

Certainly not!
Then go find an errand?

But who dares to take him in?

After all, I have walked around the Imperial Prison.

When the old Taoist was in a daze, someone came over and stuffed a broom into his hand.

"Mr. Dingguo said that from now on, you will be able to sweep and work on the street... The Shangyuan County Government will pay you half a month's wages in advance, so you can find a place to live."

The Taoist priest was overjoyed and thanked him quickly.

The official looked at him, and said: "You come in to present the demon book, and deceive the public with demonic words. From now on, you have to dare to talk nonsense and deceive the people. Once someone reports it, be careful at that time. I can't save you either!"

The Taoist was taken aback, and hurriedly agreed, even saying he didn't dare.

After getting the wages, the Taoist priests were also quite confused, saying that everything in the capital is expensive, so where can I rent a house?
Do you want to find a land temple, just stay for one night.

When he found a temple with trepidation, he briefly talked about the matter, and the people in the temple smiled and told him, don't worry, there are special rentals for going to the outer city.

According to the instructions, the old Taoist came to the outer city, and he was happy to see it. There were many news about renting houses in the streets and alleys.

The outer city is completely different from the inner city. The outer city has a very strong commercial atmosphere and there are not so many rules.

Didn't Zhu Gaoxu preside over the construction of houses for a group of workers a while ago?
The first batch of houses had a small yard, which was pitifully small... But in a small place, it was also a place, and someone really took advantage of it and built a shed with a bed in it.

The price of this kind of accommodation is very cheap, only [-] Wen a month, and the good ones are less than [-] Wen.

The Taoist rented the cheapest one, which also leaked, and it only cost eighty yuan.

Then he bought a few tiles himself, repaired the leak, and then bought pots and pans, and half a bag of noodles.

Seeing his age, the landlord felt sorry for him. He could use the host's kitchen, and he only needed to pay another [-] Wen for firewood every month.

In this way, the Taoist priest began Yingtian's life.

Go out early and return late every day, wearing the stars and wearing the moon.

He has also done this kind of work in the Taoist temple for many years, and he is very familiar with it... Because of his clean and diligent cleaning, he got good reviews in the first month.

The official who was in charge of him also encouraged him a few words. Most importantly, he gradually became familiar with the merchants and shops on this street.

The shopkeeper of the teahouse would treat him to a bowl of jujube tea, and the owner of the steamed stuffed bun shop saw that there were some leftovers, so he would sell half and give away to give him a bargain.

The old Taoist was trembling at first, not knowing why, but gradually he understood that in Yingtian, the former magistrate Huang Xiaoru governed the place in this way.

The original Yingtian was also quite messy, but Huang Qingtian made a big move to sweep up the dust.

Those messy things have been dealt with.

Although it is a magistrate, but he is the number one magistrate in the world bestowed by the emperor. He is not afraid of the powerful and invincible.

This is a matter of ethos, those villains are dealt with, and doing business is a matter of personal character... The people around say hello, and the customers have a good reputation, so the business will get better and better.

Taking care of the old and the weak, cherishing the lonely, giving the busy workers a sip of water to rest their feet...this is called civilization!
That's right, this is the civilized city promoted by the Secretary of General Administration. Under the feet of the emperor, you must set an example for the world... It's not for nothing to make you a good person.

Once you get the title of a civilized businessman, you can get a lot of convenience, and even encounter business difficulties, go to the bank to borrow money, and you can get interest discounts.

All in all, don't let good people suffer.

This is Xu Jingchang's principle.

The Taoist watched Ying Tian with strange eyes.

Gradually, he also learned to give back to others. For example, he would carefully clean the front of every shop, so it was clean.When it comes to moving things, he will also help.

And with more contacts, people also know that the old Taoist is literate, so they asked him to take time to read the Dibao.

After a few more days, the big guys became more familiar, and invited Taoist priests to teach the children.

These children are generally under the age of seven, which is the time when people hate dogs, but the Taoist priest is very patient... and compared to those who only know a few words, he is knowledgeable and talented, and he speaks nicely, so he is very popular.

Some people even asked him to be the children's teacher instead of sweeping the streets.

Everything is turning in a good direction...but suddenly one day, the yamen official took him away directly.

You, an old man with gossamer and deceitful words, dare to harm children?
The old Taoist thought he was doomed, and this time he must be in trouble.

But he never expected that on the street that day, there were shopkeepers of several shops and a few old friends he knew, who jointly signed guarantees to guarantee that he did not talk nonsense.

Then the children's family also stood up, and dozens of people spoke for him.

The yamen also had to check carefully, and on the second day, it was confirmed that there was no problem, and the old man was released.

From Jinyiwei Imperial Prison to the county government prison, this is the second time he has entered the palace.

Although the time is not long, but should also have some insights.

The Taoist remembered the so-called Taiping Sutra... He thought about it seriously. The first part of the Taiping Sutra talked about many gods, and then he talked about the methods of cultivation. The most precious thing is to cherish the people and take care of them. Poverty, relief victims, caring for the suffering of the common people.

To achieve peace and prosperity in the world.

There is nothing wrong with these contents, and the Taoist priests also think that it is a wonderful way to govern the country, and it should be accepted to establish the justice of the country.

After bumping into a wall at Xu Jingchang's place, and after going through this again, the old Taoist suddenly realized, what kind of Taiping Sutra, it is simply nonsense, or too superficial!

Under Ding Guogong, in Yingtian City, isn't he just doing what is said in the Taiping Sutra!
Just to do better, to be more reasonable, to be more disciplined...

Yingtian has detailed regulations and laws, and will tell everyone what happened. Good deeds will be rewarded, and bad deeds will be punished.

Young people work outside to earn money and support their families.The elderly also have support, so they will not be lonely and helpless.

Children can read and write, and they will be tested for merit and become officials in the future.

What you see in your eyes, what you think in your heart, what you read in books... Isn't this the world of peace and prosperity!

What the Taiping Jing said has already been realized in Yingtian!

I am still foolish to present treasures with the Taiping Sutra, even if the Taiping Sutra is not talking nonsense, isn't it just playing tricks?

Thinking of this, the old man's face became hot... It turned out that the clown was himself!

After thinking about it, he decided to write something, and he had to write something.

What the Taiping Sutra says is false, and what the Buddhist scriptures say about the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss is not true either... There is also the White Lotus Sect, which talks about birthless parents, and a vacuum hometown... This is even more nonsense.

In the past, these words were said because the court was dark and the people were struggling to survive, so they had no choice but to send their love to Buddhism and Taoism, hoping to find a way out... And those ambitious people just used these scriptures to deceive people, coerce the people, raise troops to rebel, and bring disaster to the world.

But now, the emperor is holy and wise, and the court is full of virtuous officials.

Although it is only due to the sky, but there is always hope.

The imperial court has the ability to make the people live better and achieve peace and prosperity.And why be bewitched by a monster and turn his back on the court?

It doesn't make sense!

After the Taoist figured this out, he was really enlightened. It took him half a month to write an article "Good Words to Advise the World". In this article, he refuted the teachings of Buddhism and Taoism. Scolding is all deceitful talk.

He also showed his own experience and introduced some methods.

For example, fried little ghosts and the like, he also talked about how to deceive the people, and he also talked about the common words.

In the end, the Taoist advised the people all over the world that he should trust the imperial court and work hard to govern. Everyone should do their best to do good, cherish the old and pity the poor, do good deeds, and be a good person.

This is a peaceful and prosperous age, better than heaven.

After writing this article, the Taoist priest hesitated for a long time, not daring to hand it over.

He was afraid that someone would say that he was bewitching people with his deceitful words, and he would be arrested again.

After holding back for half a month, he took the courage to send this item to the mansion newspaper... As a result, half a month later, he found out that his article had been published on the mansion newspaper.

It doesn't matter, he received a manuscript fee of twenty guan.

In addition, I also got an invitation... It was sent by the Di Bao Office entrusted by the Secretary of the General Administration, inviting people from all walks of life to chat about the various changes since Yongle was changed to the Yuan Dynasty, and to offer advice and suggestions.

And the General Manager will visit in person to collect opinions from all parties, and thank everyone for their contributions.

Are you going to meet Duke Ding again?

The Taoist was stunned for a moment, his heart was beating wildly, his whole body was not well, he even pretended to be a ghost, and even cursed Ding Guogong's family... What can he say when he meets Ding Guogong now?
Or not to go... But he was a little hesitant. He really wanted to talk, talk about his experience, and express his thoughts. It was really tangled!

 The little one is also a little tangled now, how should the plot go on... an update today, sorry...

(End of this chapter)

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