My uncle's name is Zhu Di

Chapter 319 My Emperor Shengming

Chapter 319 My Emperor Shengming
Zhu Di rolled his eyes, Empress Xu was sitting over there, accompanied by his two sons Zhu Gaochi and Zhu Gaosui, one to three, I had the advantage!
He pondered for a while, and then said: "I have always cherished the people and put them first, I don't know how many times I have said this..."

"Father, this time I have to do it myself." Zhu Gaochi added.

Zhu Di pondered slightly, took a deep breath, and asked back, "Boss, what do you want?"

"Father, the Son of Heaven is regarded as the head of the people, not the lord of the people. Every year, it is not necessary to worship the heaven and the earth, but to praise the people. You don't have to reward the officials, but you can take care of the people and solve problems. You don't have to be superior, and the people are always the first." First." Zhu Gaochi said with emotion: "Father, children, etc. are stupid and have shallow virtues. They are not good enough to rule the world and rule the people. Only by taking the hearts of the people as our heart and taking the responsibility of living and benefiting the sick can we save the Zhu family. , so that the middle path does not collapse.”

Zhu Di pondered again, and he said slowly: "Talk about the destiny, if the destiny changes, the dynasty will change. If you think about the people's hearts, if the people's hearts don't change, the country will last forever."

Zhu Gaochi hurriedly stood up, bowed deeply, and said, "Father Huang Shengming!"

Zhu Gaosui was stunned for a while, and then stood up, but this matter had nothing to do with him, it was somewhat redundant... Fortunately, Zhu Di didn't look at him, but turned to look at Empress Xu.

"What do you think? What do you think... Also, what did your eldest nephew tell you?"

Empress Xu immediately said sternly: "Your Majesty, don't wrong people. Jing Chang didn't gossip about this matter... Besides, isn't he confined by you these days and not allowed to come out?"

Zhu Di was embarrassed for a while, and Zhu Gaosui hurriedly said: "Father, my cousin asked to investigate the public's views on various government offices, and it happened to be assisted by my son. I know how he set up the questions... This kid is full of bad things. This is to hold all the ministries hostage... Then he spread invitations, hoping that people from all walks of life would go to the Department of General Affairs, and he also wanted to continue to manipulate the officials. He is insidious and full of bad ideas. I think he is definitely not willing to reform the father."

"Why?" Zhu Di asked curiously.

"It's not easy. He definitely doesn't want the royal family to be clean and has no reason! Otherwise, how could he deceive the saints and do whatever he wants..."

"Shut up!" Zhu Gaochi scolded Zhu Gaosui, "Third brother, why do you say that about your cousin?"

Zhu Gaosui pursed his mouth, "If you don't say it, you don't say it, but when he cheated on me, he was not soft-hearted. Boss, you are not polite."


Zhu Di was so angry that he reprimanded: "They are all brothers from my own family. It is really abominable to be like this in front of their parents! With you like this, how can you set an example for the world and be a role model for all people?"

Zhu Gaosui was too frightened to speak, so he could only bow his head in silence.

Zhu Gaochi looked solemn, his eyes were fixed on Zhu Di.

And Zhu Di paced back and forth on the ground, sighing softly from time to time... The truth of this incident touched the royal family, and it touched the root.

Since he succeeded to the throne, he has been constantly reforming and reforming, from civil to military, from agriculture to industry, and has been tossing around, but the royal family has not touched it.

But at this time, the most critical point is that the royal family cannot adjust, and many things cannot be pushed forward. The new official school, the orthodoxy of Jing Nan, the orthodoxy of Ming Dynasty... thousands of things will face backlash.

After doing so many things by myself, it may become useless.

No matter what, Zhu Di couldn't accept this.

It's just that it really hurts to cut the knife on yourself.

Zhu Di pondered for a long time, finally stopped, and whispered: "Boss, if the eunuchs are really stopped, won't the palace be in chaos?"

Zhu Gaochi said: "If you are worried about chaos in the palace, you want the children of the common people to become men and women, and serve in the palace, I'm afraid that you will first break your love for the people!"

Zhu Di was at a loss for words for a while, and then said after a while: "Well, let's pass the decree. From now on, no new eunuchs are allowed in the palace... those who are not registered as Ming Dynasty are not counted."

The first sentence thought that Zhu Di was going to abolish the eunuch system, but the latter sentence was pulled back...Eunuchs cannot be abolished, but the people of Ming Dynasty must not be forced to become eunuchs.

Although it is a step forward and half a step back...but the overall problem is not big.

Zhu Gaochi also heaved a sigh of relief, and exclaimed: "Father, the emperor is wise!"

Zhu Di said again: "What about the cost of the palace? What do you think?"

At this time, Empress Xu said: "Your Majesty, speaking of it, Emperor Taizu was quite frugal. Many decorations only used brass, and he was reluctant to use gold. I thought those things that were resplendent and resplendent just looked good, and they might not be practical." .I always feel that many things in Xu's residence are more comfortable to use."

At this time Zhu Gaosui spoke again, "Mother, can you feel uncomfortable? The official kiln porcelain used in the palace is 20 taels a basin, and the cousin's place is at least 200 taels!"

Empress Xu gave Zhu Gaosui a vicious look, so please stop talking.Xu's family has some good things, what are you so hungry for?

Zhu Di thought over and over again, and finally came up with an idea, "I remember that the current expenditure in the palace is to be announced to the public, and the Ministry of Household Accounting is required, right?"

Zhu Gaochi nodded, "Not only that, the construction of the palace also has to go through the Ministry of Industry."

Zhu Di sealed his eyes slightly, and suddenly said: "Boss, look at this, can you hand over all the personnel and artifacts in the palace?"

When Zhu Gaochi heard this, he was overjoyed. He already had a secret case.

"Father, if you want to hand over all of them, that's not enough. There are still people who belong to the emperor in the palace... how about this, hand over the three main halls where the court meeting will be held to the Secretary of General Administration, and the part of the harem to the Ministry of Industry. Maintenance. Ordinary decorations in the palace, porcelain furniture, are in charge of the Ministry of Household Affairs. As for the low-level court ladies and eunuchs, they are assigned to the Ministry of Officials, and the guards are assigned to the Jinyiwei... If there is a problem with any yamen, they will be held accountable."

Zhu Di snorted, "Are you saying that, do you want to hand over the entire palace?"

"No!" Zhu Gaochi said: "Baby, this is the plan. Dozens of main eunuchs can be kept in the palace, and they will be responsible for the affairs of the ceremonial supervisor and the horse supervisor. The father can appoint a confidant to lead the palace affairs. In the future The expenses of the palace are only for the emperor, concubines, and these few eunuchs, so naturally, the expenses can be reduced, and the emperor has more money in his hands."

Zhu Di frowned slightly, and said with a light smile, "Is there really going to be more?"

Zhu Gaochi hesitated for a while, "The child is stupid and doesn't understand what the father means."

Zhu Di sighed slightly, "I can't tell."

The emperor didn't talk nonsense, but he knew it well... If it was really abolished and merged like this, the inner court would undoubtedly be abolished.

At that time, Li Wenzhong advised Zhu Yuanzhang to stay away from eunuchs.Lao Zhu scolded angrily, do you want to weaken my wings?
Just this sentence frightened Li Wenzhong to death not long after.

Playing like this now is many times more ruthless than Li Wenzhong's original suggestion... It is equivalent to abolishing the inner court at once. From then on, the imperial court can only rely on the civil servants of the outer court to govern.

Ask yourself, Zhu Di is capable of pinching courtiers.

He solved the battle of Jingnan, the hidden danger of improper position, controlled the courtiers, and was familiar with the road...Zhu Gaochi has also experienced it for many years, so it is estimated that the problem is not too big.

As for Zhu Zhanji, this kid is smart and probably can control courtiers.

But in the future, I'm afraid it won't work.

But then again, if the imperial palace retains tens of thousands of eunuchs, there are still many poor children outside the imperial palace who have no way out and can only cut themselves and wait to enter the palace as eunuchs... In any case, this is not an act of loving the people .

And because of the special nature of eunuchs, since ancient times, they have been regarded as proof of the emperor's stupidity, and they have been confirmed.

Using eunuchs will widen the distance between the emperor and the people.

Losing the arm of the eunuch, increasing the prestige among the people... How to weigh the gains and losses?
"Governing the country is based on the people!"

Zhu Di let out a long sigh, "Boss, now that things have come to an end, just do what you want."

Zhu Gaochi couldn't help being excited, he hurriedly bowed and said, "I thank you, Father."

Zhu Di said again: "You go to Xu's mansion and let that kid come out. It's really abominable for him to hide at home and watch a play for such a big matter in court!"

Xu Jingchang, who was shot inexplicably, felt that he was very wronged. From the beginning to the end, he didn't say anything, and he didn't get involved in the affairs of the court. I just hid at home and fished. Did the fisherman offend you?

It was inexplicable.

After complaining a few words, Xu Jingchang patted his butt and returned to the General Administration Department.

Because receiving so many people and chatting freely in the palace together, the matter is really not small, so we must be careful not to have any accidents.

What the people want to say has something to say, but they can't poke their lungs.

If someone asked Zhu Di to pardon Zhu Yunqi, it would be too much, and it must not be mentioned.

Xu Jingchang also had a plan in his mind, so the arrangement was easy and methodical.

Let's say that with the arrival of the big banquet... the people who got the invitations gathered at the Meridian Gate.

Xu Jingchang led the courtiers to greet him.

Along with him, there are six ministers and cabinet bachelors.In the past, these people were regarded as superior, deciding the affairs of a country and controlling the fate of thousands of people.

But today, they all had smiles on their faces and were very humble.

Although some people smiled on the surface, they still laughed after all.

Xu Jingchang said: "Everyone, we are following His Majesty's order to welcome you. Today we are the master of ceremonies for entertaining distinguished guests. And you are the distinguished guests of Emperor Ming! Your Majesty wants to listen to your opinions and understand your thoughts. For so many years, it can be said that in all dynasties, such a move has never been seen before. My emperor of Ming Dynasty is willing to listen to the voice of the people and ask the people about the government, which is an unprecedented act of a sage king!"

Xu Jingchang's voice was high-pitched and emotional, "Masters, please follow me into the palace."

The old Taoist was among the crowd. For today, he specially bought a suit of clothes, just to show his identity. He wore a Taoist scarf and a mahogany hairpin on his head.

Walking into the palace with unhurried steps...

What is this?

The Lingxiao Palace in the sky!

If one is lucky enough to enter the palace, it is considered a success in cultivating Taoism and entering the palace, right?

It's just that no matter how good the Heavenly Palace is, can it compare to the world?
It's really hard to say, after all, in the sky, you can live forever, free from disease and disaster.

This Forbidden City is not good.

But even if he enters the Heavenly Palace, can he sit on an equal footing with the Jade Emperor and talk about the rules of heaven?

Obviously impossible!

There is no Taoist scripture written in this way, let alone Buddhist scriptures.

Only my son of heaven has such a heart...

From this point of view, this move is better than countless in the sky!

The crowd was led, and when they arrived in front of the Fengtian Hall, the big guy came over and found several rows of small tables, each with a small stove above it.

This is where Xu Jingchang is careful.

Because there are a lot of people here, and there are many elderly people, in case the spleen and stomach are hurt because of eating cold food, and they get sick after returning home.This is not good.

You must know that a certain stamp-stamping maniac held a thousand-year-old banquet, and when the banquet was over, many people held funerals. The seamless connection was called a silky smooth.

After thinking about it, Xu Jingchang decided to eat hot pot, one stove for each person, it was so hot that it wouldn't hurt the spleen and stomach.

Each person has a pot bottom, the meat and vegetables are up to the person, what they want to eat, the guards and maids in the palace will carry the tray over, and let the big guy pick it up.

Even Zhu Di agreed on this arrangement.

Everyone was invited to sit down, Zhu Di raised his wine glass and walked among the crowd with a smile.

"I've been emperor for almost five years. I can't say how well I've done. Today, I invite you to come here. I just want to ask you to see if I, the emperor, and my ministers are there. Letting down the big guy? You just speak freely, don't be afraid."

As soon as Zhu Di opened his mouth, he called himself me, not me... In fact, this emperor knows better than anyone how to close the distance with the people. Without this ability, how could he lead a group of soldiers to defeat the strong with the weak? Difficult to succeed?
This has almost become Zhu Di's instinct.

Listening to these people, they suddenly felt cordial, and most of their sense of alienation disappeared.

Zhu Di, Xu Jingchang, Prince Zhu Gaochi, and other important ministers all walked among the crowd with wine glasses in their hands, constantly asking the big guys for their opinions.

If anyone can make a useful suggestion, Zhu Di will stop for a while and listen carefully. If he has an idea, he will answer it immediately. If not, he will ask the Hanlin scholar behind him to write it down.

This kind of on-the-spot political inquiry has a really good effect.

Not far away, a person dared to say: "Your Majesty, this year's grain price is [-]% higher than last year's. If the price continues to increase in the future, what should we do?"

Zhu Di was startled, and glanced at Xu Jingchang.

At this time, Xu Jingchang was not in a hurry, "The price of food has indeed increased, but this is because the imperial court deliberately raised the price of food."

The people who asked the question were startled, did they do it on purpose?
Xu Jingchang continued to explain: "It's like this. Cheap grain hurts farmers, and expensive grain hurts people... It's been the same since ancient times. Now the imperial court has calculated that the price of grain is too low, resulting in weak consumption capacity of the people. To put it bluntly, ordinary people can't afford the city. The goods in the house, pots and pans, bricks and tiles furniture. People can’t afford these things, our workshops can’t expand production, and the workers in the workshops have no source of income. Such a big country can’t just rely on sales Give it to the barbarians to maintain the development of the workshop."

Xu Jingchang said: "In the future, the imperial court will invite all parties to evaluate the purchase price of grain, and then set a price. The scope of mobilization will not exceed everyone's ability to bear."

The common people nodded immediately, but Zhu Di said again: "Mr. Ding, just like this, there are still some common people who can't afford food, right?"

Xu Jingchang said: "Your Majesty's words are very true, so the Secretary of General Administration also plans to build a batch of overseas granaries... The first batch includes Annan and Champa, and other places such as Luzon and Java are also included. To ensure food security, let It is an important duty of the imperial court to have enough food for everyone and not to go hungry, so we must not be sloppy."

When the surrounding people heard it, they couldn't help but praise in unison, "Long live my emperor! Your majesty is holy!"

(End of this chapter)

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