My uncle's name is Zhu Di

Chapter 324 Severe punishment of local officials

Chapter 324 Severe punishment of local officials
"Father, are you really going to Zhejiang?" Huang Yunfang said in a low voice, "It's fine to go to Zhejiang, where there are beautiful mountains and rivers, rich and prosperous. When you are old, you can also express your love for mountains and rivers and write more articles and poems."

Huang Guan was a little moved just now, but when he heard the words behind, he almost rolled his eyes, you are my dear girl, otherwise see if I slap you!

But at this time, Xu Xianzhong was very happy when he heard that his grandfather was leaving.

"Go, go, don't come back!"

The little brat clapped his hands happily, and Huang Guan almost fell backwards in anger. How could he meet such a little bastard, he has no conscience!

"Father is going to inspect Zhejiang Province on behalf of His Majesty this time, and clean up the accumulated evils. I'm afraid it will take a while. You are in the capital, so you must take care of yourself. That's enough, I'm leaving."

After speaking, Huang Guan got up and walked outside.

The daughter and grandson didn't say anything, and the little boy wanted to applaud. When he reached the door, he ran into Xu Jingchang.

"Father-in-law, you really don't need to let it out. The Ministry of Rites is in a special situation. I can think of a way to make you stay."

The son-in-law is quite conscientious, Huang Guan sighed deeply, "Okay, I can't make things difficult for you, this time the six books are all released, I also want to go to the place to see, whether it can eradicate rape and evil, or implement the new system Forget it... I don't want to stay in the capital all the time, just to be a waste who eats and waits to die."

Then Huang Guan said again: "You should also be careful, the tree attracts the wind, and those who succeed us may not be good things. In short, people's hearts are separated from each other, so don't capsize in the gutter."

Xu Jingchang nodded again and again, "Father-in-law, don't worry, I won't get involved in too many specific government affairs, let them do everything, where can I go wrong?"

"Not good!"

Huang Guan laughed loudly, "You reminded me, if I were in Zhejiang and didn't do anything, would I be able to return to the dynasty smoothly?"

Xu Jingchang smiled and said, "Isn't this easy! After all, I'm still in court!"

Huang Guan frowned, thinking in his heart, Jian Yi, Xia Yuanji and the others were also ordered to governor the district.But they lack a good son-in-law. If they want to return to the court smoothly, they must make a big noise, otherwise they will not come back at all.

With the means of these few people, they went to the place, which was quite exciting.

Thinking of this, Huang Guan's mood improved, it was so much fun.

After another day, Huang Guan left Yingtian and headed for Hangzhou with a full of good mood.

He did not choose the land route, but the water route.Take a boat out of the mouth of the Yangtze River, go straight to Hangzhou Bay, and land at sea.As soon as Huang Guan arrived in Hangzhou, he heard the news that a barbarian merchant bought a singer and planned to bring it back to his home country.

When the singer realized that she was going to go to sea, she jumped into the sea angrily and died.

This incident quickly ignited the city of Hangzhou. People could say anything. People argued with each other, and the quarrel was so loud...

Huang Guan called the officials from Zhejiang to find out about it himself.

Xu Xilong, the procurator, bowed and said, "Uncle Da Zong, the officials have already investigated this matter in detail, and it is indeed difficult to handle."

"Why is it difficult?"

Xu Xilong said: "The imperial court cleaned up the brothels in Yingtian. We know about this. Zhejiang has also carried out rectification, and it is strictly forbidden to force girls into prostitution. Once there is a brothel, we will strictly investigate and punish hundreds of people. The case has been reported to the Ministry of Criminal Justice... Now for this matter, please invite the singer to go, she is a member of the music, there is no problem. She sang on the boat, and the barbarian merchants also spent money. What you like and what I want will happen later Arguing, jumping off the ship and committing suicide, the barbarian merchant was not on the ship during this period, but went to the Shipbuilding Department to purchase 20 bolts of silk, and she committed suicide during this period, it’s true that it’s no wonder the barbarian merchant’s head.”

Huang Guan listened carefully, and then said: "Then how will this case be settled? How will you close the case when you mention punishment to the Procuratorate?"

"We... We plan to count it as falling into the water and unfortunately drowning. We order the barbarians to pay 1000 taels of compensation for burial expenses."

Hearing this, Huang Guan nodded, "You guys are really hardworking, it's not easy!"

Xu Xilong was overjoyed, "Uncle Da Zong understands our difficulties, it's really a blessing for me, I thank you Bo Da Zong for his insight..."

Before Xu Xilong could finish speaking, Huang Guan slammed the table and stood up in a rage.

"I don't want to swear, but you really have embarrassed Daming! Do you think you can deceive me with such ridiculous means?"

Xu Xilong was greatly astonished, and hurriedly said: "I don't understand Da Zongbo's meaning, I dare not lie!"

"Come on, take him down!"

As soon as Huang Guan gave an order, someone rushed forward, directly pressed Xu Xilong's shoulder, and pushed him to the ground.

Huang Guan didn't even bother to look at him, so he asked someone to drag this guy down.

Then he took a deep breath and looked at the rest of the trembling Zhejiang officials.

"Do you think it's unreasonable for me to take people for no reason?"

Huang Guan sneered, "Although the old man doesn't care about the name of the prisoner, I can understand this trick. Let me first say that the singer is from a happy family, not a child of a good family. It is reasonable to invite her over... Then I said that the barbarians were not present when they jumped into the sea." , so there is no direct crime, as long as there is some compensation."

"But have you ever thought about it? If it wasn't for the barbarian merchant's invitation, how could the singer get on his boat? No one wants to take her overseas, so why would she jump into the sea and die? She likes to commit suicide when she's fine, right?"

Huang Guan patted the table and said angrily: "This is a matter. After you took it apart, you wanted to exonerate the barbarians... How much did he give you? Don't worry, the old man will find out, I will definitely not Let any citizen of Ming Dynasty die in vain!"

Huang Guan's words were resounding.

Although Le Ji was regarded as a pariah, no matter what, he was also an official recognized by the Ming Dynasty.

Since he is a citizen of Ming Dynasty, he cannot die in vain.

Huang Guan took down the entire officials of the Procuratorate Division in one breath, and then took down the officials of the Shibo Division.

He is really unscrupulous and merciless.

How about the case, Huang Guan quickly figured it out... In the case file, he directly defined it as trying to rob and sell the people of the Ming Dynasty, which failed and forced them to death!
As soon as this result came out, it would set off a huge wave.

According to the current laws of Daming, kidnapping and plundering the people of Ming Dynasty would require a death penalty, and there is absolutely no room for mercy.

Huang Guan was not polite, and then wrote a long article to explain this matter.

Afterwards, this article was also spread to the capital, including Xu Jingchang, everyone saw the masterpiece of the old father-in-law... I have to say.Huang Guan was really penetrating, and his analysis was clear.

First of all, a large number of barbarian merchants came to Daming to do business, and some of them were from the Wa country. In the Song Dynasty, the Wa country used to go to the Song Dynasty to borrow seeds.

However, following the failure of the Yuan Dynasty's conquest of the Wa Kingdom, the Wa Kingdom became proud again, and began to look down on Daming, and the Japanese pirates continued to harass the sea.

But in the past few years, Daming's prestige has been restored, and the sea fleet is unimpeded. Some Japanese businessmen came to Daming to do business, and some Japanese women even went to Daming to borrow money.

There are many such things, so naturally some people are thinking about whether it is possible to get Daming's women to go overseas, so that the children born in this way may be better.

Therefore, there are some people who don't hesitate to spend money and want to make a betrothal gift, and the matchmaker is marrying, or buying a concubine is fine.

Unfortunately, these attempts have had little success.

Han women are not willing to deal with overseas barbarians at all. Even if there are occasional people who are willing, they will immediately shake their heads when they hear that they are going to live overseas.

Our Daming is so good, we have everything, and the heaven is on the top of the country, why should we be willing to degenerate and go overseas to suffer?

It is good for men to go overseas. They can make a fortune and honor their ancestors. What do women do overseas?
Isn't this bullshit!

With this kind of thinking, there is no success at all.

Even if the woman is willing, the family is not willing...the family is willing, and there are so many relatives and friends, they will not agree.

On the contrary, if a man goes to a barbarian woman, Daming is relatively more tolerant.As long as you don't act as the main wife, it is even encouraged.

If you give birth to a mixed-race baby, it's not a big long as you can speak Chinese fluently, everyone will be very tolerant, love it, and there will be no problem in enrolling in school.

Since the formal method does not work, some people have played a crooked brain.

Moreover, Huang Guan also found out that some barbarian merchants admitted that besides admiring the products of Ming Dynasty, they were also obsessed with everything about Ming Dynasty.

Take those porcelains as an example. The characters painted on them are so lifelike that they often attract admiration.

There are quite a few dignitaries looking forward to getting a Daming woman to serve as a wife and concubine and show off in front of other nobles. How glorious would that be?

So someone offered a sky-high price, just to get a Ming woman.

Someone makes an offer, and someone dares to take a risk.

Coax the singing girl to board the boat and bribe the brothel.

As long as the money is enough, what is a cheap girl?
Anyway, it's all about making money. As long as you have money, what's the problem with finding a few more women?
Therefore, the people in the brothel did not allow the girl to disembark, forcing her to commit suicide by jumping into the sea.

When things got to this point, officials were involved.

Why are the officials unwilling to act impartially and want to excuse the barbarian merchants when someone is killed?
In addition to the money spent by barbarian merchants, there is another point, that is, singers from Le nationality are not considered human beings in the eyes of Ming officials.Of course, barbarian merchants are not considered human beings, but barbarian merchants are rich!

If the case is dealt with impartially and the matter is dealt with, the local officials will have to bear the consequences if the barbarians are so scared that they dare not come and the business cannot continue.

Huang Guan peeled back the cocoons and explained the matter clearly and clearly.

"See the big from the small, and see the whole leopard from a glimpse. This article by Huang Shangshu is worth a thousand gold, and every word is precious!" Zhu Di sighed: "Secretary of General Administration, immediately issue it to the world, let everyone read it, the seventh-rank article The above-mentioned officials must hand in their experience."

Naturally, Xu Jingchang would not refuse, "Your Majesty is wise, I think that based on this case, several orders must be issued."

Zhu Di said, "Tell me, what orders do you have?"

"Your Majesty Qizuo, can this first item be completely abolished?" Xu Jingchang said: "As long as the lowly status is still there, life will inevitably be contemptuous. Today, if you are a singing girl with a music status, tomorrow you will be a girl from a good family. If there are loopholes, someone will exploit them!"

Zhu Di paused, nodded and said: "Yes, but we must proceed step by step. It is most important not to buy and sell Ming people. As for the matter of low status, after all, there are still some honorable clans, and they have many concubines. How to calculate it still needs to be calculated.”

Xu Jingchang nodded, "Your Majesty is more considerate, and I will arrange it now."

Zhu Di said again: "You just mentioned a few government orders, is there anything else?"

"Yes." Xu Jingchang said: "For more and more barbarian merchants, management must be strengthened. It must be made clear that what they can and cannot do when they come to Daming must be decided by Daming. Anyone who dares to violate Daming law Those who are punished must be severely punished. The minister proposed to set up a special law enforcement office."

"Yes!" Zhu Di agreed decisively.

"One more thing, if some barbarian merchants leave because of Daming's severe punishment and are unwilling to do business with Daming, I think that Daming needs to take the initiative to send a fleet to the other country to open the country! Dare you not do business with Daming? It's just the opposite!"

Zhu Di listened.He clapped his hands immediately and said, "Very good, very good! That's it."

Xu Jingchang then returned to the Department of General Affairs and immediately ordered to call all ministers to come.

People are different this time.

Yang Shiqi, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Yang Rong, Minister of the Ministry of Households, Yang Pu, Minister of the Ministry of War, Hu Guang, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, Huang Huai, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, and Jin Youzi, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment.

All new faces, and not new faces.

The princes of the cabinet are officially in charge of the six ministries, which can be regarded as a daughter-in-law who has become a mother-in-law for many years.

But what is worth pondering is that it was Yang Rong who was more familiar with the affairs of the Ministry of Officials, but he was assigned to the Ministry of Households. Yang Shiqi, who knew more about the Ministry of Rites, was assigned to the Ministry of Officials, while Yang Pu, a recognized financial expert, was assigned to the Ministry of War... It is really hard to say which genius method it is.

Xu Jingchang looked at them, and said with a smile: "We are also old friends, and we work together, so there is no more nonsense. This matter in Zhejiang is not trivial. It is not only aimed at barbarian merchants, but also Hu merchants on the nine sides. , merchants from Southwest and other places must tell all officials that they must maintain the Ming Dynasty's national dignity, and if they damage the national dignity, they must be severely punished!"

Jin Youzi, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, said: "Dingguo Gong, since this is the case, how about the case in Hangzhou?"

"According to the national law!" Xu Jingchang said: "This is a very serious situation, and the Ministry of Punishment should have a firm attitude."

This is true, but it is not much different from not saying it.

Jin Youzi can't say anything else. It seems that the head of Zhejiang's inspector can't be kept, and the rest of the officials must be severely punished.When Huang Shangshu went to Zhejiang, he took a third-rank official and a dozen heads to sacrifice the flag as soon as he arrived. It was really terrifying!

After talking about this, Yang Shiqi coughed lightly, "Mr. Ding, there is also news from Jian Shangshu that he wants to impeach the officials and generals of the Nine Frontiers, implicated in corruption, smuggling, and fraud.

Xu Jingchang said: "Then after checking the facts, punish the crime according to the law."

Yang Rong also said: "Mr. Dingguo, Xia Shangshu also wrote a letter of impeachment. In Henan and other places, there are too many people, some officials dereliction of duty, and some people falsely claim their salaries. They are greedy for money."

Xu Jingchang laughed loudly, "This is a good thing. All the officials of the imperial court are working together to eradicate the bad government. As long as they are found out, they will all be punished severely."

(End of this chapter)

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