My uncle's name is Zhu Di

Chapter 33 Suddenly there is a madman who sharpens his knife at night

Chapter 33 Suddenly there is a madman who sharpens his knife at night
"Since it belongs to both of us, how can you make nephew Baigan work? At least give him something to show his identity." Empress Xu said unhurriedly.

Zhu Di was stunned for a moment, and found that the Queen's eyes were fixed on his waist. Zhu Di suddenly took off a saber casually.

"There is no Shangfang sword, only a front sword. You said to give me a sword, and I will give you a sword in return. Let's go on."

As Zhu Di spoke, he threw it to Xu Jingchang, and Xu Jingchang hurriedly reached out to catch it. The knife was quite heavy, inlaid with many precious stones, and seemed to have some strange spells.

Xu Jingchang didn't know it, but this is the Basiba script, which is a protective spell for eliminating disasters and prolonging life.

"Jingchang, this sword was given to His Majesty by the Emperor Taizu. It is said that it was seized by Grandpa Ni in Beiping back then. It was used by the Qianyuan Palace. It is much more useful than Shangfang's sword. Who will you meet in the future? I’m not being polite to you, just take it out and kill people.”

Empress Xu said with a smile.

Xu Jingchang was even more surprised. From the Yuan Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty, from Zhu Yuanzhang to Zhu Di, from Xu Da to his own hands, two dynasties and two families, the inheritance was really a bit mysterious.

He hurriedly thanked him, stepped on his saber, and said goodbye happily.

Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu still followed Xu Jingchang closely, his eyes were burning, his teeth were gnashing, and he was extremely angry.

I thought Xu Jingchang would get a big beating, but this kid escaped safely, and got a precious sword instead.And this saber is exactly the treasure that I have asked my father to ask for several times, but have not gotten it.

Why can't I get it after all my hard work, but this kid can get it at my fingertips?
Jealousy distorted Zhu Gaoxu's shape. He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, wishing he could pounce on him immediately and crush Xu Jingchang to pieces.

It seems that Xu Jingchang also sensed Zhu Gaoxu's ferocious gaze, but he was very calm. Didn't this give him a knife!
"Hanwang Highness, do you think we can chat?"

Zhu Gaoxu was stunned for a moment, then finally nodded, "Yes."

They didn't go back to the General Secretary, but just found a small tavern, and asked for an elegant seat in the innermost place. The two of them sat down, ordered four small dishes, and a jug of dirty wine.

"Actually, in my heart, we are still cousins. I don't understand why you hate me so much?"

Zhu Gaoxu's eyes widened angrily, "Xu Jingchang, why are you pretending to be confused? You didn't hurt me badly enough? Just one sentence ruined my still dare to pretend to be confused with me now?"

Xu Jingchang said: "If you think this way, then you are completely wrong. It is not me, but two other things that hinder you."


"Your brain and cerebellum, your current symptoms are that the brain is not fully developed, and the cerebellum is not developed at all..."


Zhu Gaoxu was so angry that he smashed the wine glass with all his strength, his eyes widened with anger, and he was about to strangle Xu Jingchang to death.

This guy is really a tiger!

Xu Jingchang hurriedly raised the knife in his hand, "Don't be foolish, if you do something here, you will be in real trouble. In fact, I have a way to really help you."

Zhu Gaoxu didn't believe in Xu Jingchang, but this kid was indeed a bit crooked, and he couldn't really disobey his father, queen and queen's wishes and kill him.

"you say!"

"Let's just say, let's use an analogy. There is a big family with three sons who want to inherit the family property. The eldest is blessed by nature. He was born a few years earlier and took advantage. The second child needs two things to beat the eldest brother. One is Parents' preference, the second is that the boss makes mistakes. Only when you are sure that your parents really like you more than the boss, can you make a move. And the boss must keep making mistakes, and people hate dogs. Only then can there be any hope of success .By the you know Emperor Sui Yang?"

Zhu Gaoxu frowned, thinking about Xu Jingchang's words. It seemed that he didn't take both of them. His father asked him to work hard, but no matter how he looked at it, it was unreliable. His mother didn't stand by his side, and the boss's popularity was also...

"Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty? Is he the emperor who sailed on dry land?"

Xu Jingchang smiled and said: "Everyone knows that Emperor Sui Yang is a foolish emperor, but they don't know that his previous operation of replacing the eldest brother as the prince is indescribable. It can be called a textbook level. You should really find it and take a good look. If you If you have a little bit of brains, you won't get involved with those trash like Qiu Fu. This kind of people can't help you at all, and they will become your burden. They want to take advantage of you more, but they don't think what for you."

Zhu Gaoxu listened carefully, and nodded silently. Indeed, he himself was down and out, and this group of people turned to the light one after another, and never came again...

"I understand! What I said to you, I forgot about the previous things for the time being."

In the Ming Dynasty, it was no more difficult for Zhu Gaoxu to suddenly realize it than to make Lu Bu suddenly realize it in Romance of the Three Kingdoms... Although it was dirty wine and side dishes, Zhu Gaoxu still ate it with gusto, and felt that he had sublimated a lot.

While they were chatting, a thin middle-aged man walked in from the door of the tavern. He was wearing a long gown and lowered his eyebrows. He just said indifferently: "Have a catty of wine."

After speaking, he sat in a seat by the window.

But after a while, no one brought the wine.

The person raised his head and looked at the shopkeeper, but found that these people turned their heads away from him, and just left him here.

After a while, the man laughed at himself and said, "Is the store out of wine? Or is it unwilling to sell it to me?"

At this time, the shopkeeper was silent for a while, and finally came over tremblingly holding a jug of wine.

"Master Jing, this small shop is small and small. You used to come here all the time. It was a compliment to us. Now we don't dare to entertain you. This pot of wine is my gift to you. Please change the place in the future. Small shops are inconvenient to entertain."

The middle-aged man was a little taken aback, took the wine from the shopkeeper, raised his neck suddenly, and poured it into his mouth.

"Happy! Good wine! The shopkeeper is loyal, and the business is bound to get better and better. I'm leaving."

After speaking, the person walked away.

At this time, Xu Jingchang and Zhu Gaoxu were almost drunk. They were in the private seat, so Mr. Jing naturally didn't notice them.

"Jing Qing! It is said that he and Fang Xiaoru made an appointment to die for the country." Xu Jingchang whispered.

Zhu Gaoxu said bluntly: "Martyrdom? He didn't live a good life. I remember he surrendered early and asked for pardon. What! He is a deceitful person."

Xu Jingchang thought for a while, but said: "You can't look at it this way, your character is good. If a person is greedy for life and afraid of death, he probably won't refuse money and beauty. From what he said just now, he often comes to drink, which is different from the two of us. Such a person may not necessarily be a person who is afraid of death, and may have other plans."

Xu Jingchang laughed and said, "How about we make a bet?"

"Just bet, I won, you give me the sword."

"Then you lost?" Xu Jingchang said with a smile.

"Losing? I'll give you twenty good horses!" Zhu Gaoxu said decisively. He definitely won't lose out on this bet.

"make a deal!"

Xu Jingchang agreed cleanly, and then he pretended to be half drunk, ordered another jug ​​of wine, and asked the shopkeeper to come over and toast and chat with him.

"What's the matter with Mr. Jing? I just want to have fun, nothing else."

The shopkeeper was startled, sighed, and said: "In the early years, he was also a good official, serving the people, everyone respected him and called him Master Qingtian. It was just a few days ago that I heard that he betrayed his faith and said he died for the country. And die, and the result is to live on mediocrity, which is disgraceful. If people know that he has received courtesy in the shop, someone will immediately smash the shop."

Xu Jingchang nodded after listening, and came out with Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu.

"How about it, do you hear any clues?"

"No." Zhu Gaoxu said honestly.

"This is the death of the society!" Xu Jingchang sighed: "Like Fang Xiaoru, he would rather die than surrender, save his reputation, and still have a place in the scholarly circle. But once he is abandoned by the scholarly community, from top to bottom, even a tavern If the shopkeeper can despise him, this person will not be able to live in this world, even if he still has an official title, who will take him seriously in such a huge court?"

"As long as Jing Qing still has a trace of courage, he will not be willing to go on like this. There is an [-]% chance that he will give it a desperate fight."

Xu Jingchang smiled and said, "Your Highness, the two of us may be able to make a great contribution by bringing people there tonight."


The night was shrouded in darkness, and Jing Qing lived in a dilapidated small courtyard, which was very shabby, which was somewhat inconsistent with his status as a doctor of imperial history.

Jianwen reformed the system, and also learned from Wang Mang, changing the names of official positions, and even the royal doctor who was abolished by Zhu Yuanzhang came back.

Who is this unlucky kid to learn from?
Around the second watch, there was the sound of Sasha sharpening a knife in the wing room. Tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival. Although he is embarrassed, he still has the opportunity to meet Zhu Di. He just needs to tie the dagger on his calf and bring it into the palace. When the time comes, he will congratulate the emperor , drawing a sword and killing him is enough to avenge the old master!

I, Jing Qing, endured the humiliation, just for this moment!
He tied up the knife and went back to the study. Just as he pushed open the door, he found a burly young man on the seat, looking at him with a smile, "Old thief, you are really a coward, but it's a pity that this king doesn't know how to do it." Let you disturb the Mid-Autumn Festival."

(End of this chapter)

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