My uncle's name is Zhu Di

Chapter 330 Child King

Chapter 330 Child King

Yang Rong and Yang Shiqi, although they also sat in the positions of ministers, they also have their preferences... But when facing Xu Jingchang, they were really guilty, and they were not as strong as Jian Yi and Xia Yuanji.

This can't be helped, after all, they were Hanlin before the Yongle Dynasty, and they were reused by Zhu Di, and they emerged.

Afterwards, several of them even got the titles of General Councilor and Councilor, which meant that they had to receive salary from Xu Jingchang... With such a status, even if they wanted to be stubborn, they couldn't do it!

The only Xie Jin, who was a little bit taller, had been driven out of the capital by Xu Jingchang. To some extent, Xu Jingchang had completely controlled the court.

It's just that Xu Jingchang, who has secured his seat on the throne, has become very humble and docile, which is different from the past... He has seldom directly intervened in government affairs, but let the ministries submit, small matters are discussed in the Secretary of General Administration, and major matters are brought to the Hall of Martial Arts.

When Xu Jingchang expressed his opinions less and less directly, he asked the people below to put them forward, and then passed them to Zhu Di after he seconded them.

Another point worth mentioning is that Xu Jingchang resigned from the position of the governor of Jinyiwei and recommended Ji Gang to take over.

However, due to Ji Gang's lack of military merits and his lack of noble background, he was unable to obtain the status of the governor of the five armies, so he could only continue to be in charge of Jinyiwei as a commander.

After Xu Jingchang learned about the situation, he proposed like Zhu Di to set up a joint military meeting in addition to the Wuyingdian meeting.

After some discussion, the Military Affairs Joint Conference composed of the General Secretary, the Minister of the Ministry of War, the two governors of the Five Armies, and the Commander of Jin Yiwei was formally established.

Ji Gang is a mere commander, to be among them is simply the luck of ten lifetimes of cultivation.

However, it is difficult for a person like him to really appreciate Dade, but with Xu Jingchang's current strength, he is not comparable to him at all, and he can't be honest.

Therefore, when Xu Jingchang is in power, he highlights one characteristic: stability!

No sound, no sound, no waves.

All government affairs, except for those that cannot be moved, are rapidly advancing.

The first is the issue of annual revenue. According to Xu Jingchang's calculations, the annual revenue of the Ming Dynasty has exceeded 5000 million taels, and this does not include a large number of industrial tax exemptions.

With such an astronomical figure, Zhu Di was extremely excited and gratified.

He would be more pleased if the expenses could be cut down a bit.

"This year's budget is 6000 million taels, an overrun of 1000 million taels!"

Xu Jingchang immediately shook his head, "Your Majesty, there are definitely not so many... According to the figures of the minister, the overspend is only 98 taels!"

Zhu Di immediately rolled his eyes, "You just call it that? How about I cut off [-]% of your salary as well, what do you think?"

Xu Jingchang said: "Your Majesty, if you feel that it is necessary to reduce the salary expenditure, I will order the Ministry of Officials to study it."

Zhu Di hummed: "How do they do research? Wouldn't it be to recruit a group of people first?"

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

"Shengming's fart!" Zhu Di scolded his mother angrily. He wanted to cut the salaries of officials, but in the end he needed to increase the number of officials and increase expenses... Whether the money can be reduced or not, the expenses have to be raised first.

Zhu Di was really furious, "Xu Jingchang, you are getting more and more slippery now... I ask you, how do you ask me to use my troops if you overspend so much?"

Xu Jingchang said: "Where is Your Majesty planning to send troops?"

"I want to mobilize troops abroad, can you find a way to get money?"

"Naturally." Xu Jingchang said, "I can quickly raise money for His Majesty."

Zhu Di laughed and said, "Then tell me, I plan to use troops against Annan, what will you do?"

"The minister will expel the Annan merchants and announce the blockade of the seaport."

Zhu Di said, "Can I get money in this way?"

"The minister will relax his tone and announce that the two countries are still negotiating. The so-called war is just nonsense."

Zhu Di was taken aback, "You are contradicting your promise!"

"Your Majesty is wise, next I will raise my voice and dispatch troops to attack Annan." Xu Jingchang said with a smile: "Your Majesty, this time and again, those merchants in Annan will be panicked. , Throw away the property in hand. We collect it at a low price, take advantage of the relaxation, and then sell it at a high price. When the profit is in hand, we can deploy troops and launch an offensive. I conservatively estimate that after some operations, at least we can give His Majesty contributed 300 million taels of military expenditure. If His Majesty wants more, he can confiscate the deposits of Annan rich households in Daming, which should be three to five million taels."

What else can Zhu Di say, Xu Jingchang is hopeless. Whenever he makes a move, he always looks ghostly and doesn't follow the right path.But it's hard to deny that Xu Jingchang's ideas often have some effect.

"For the matter of using troops abroad, let's wait for a while, and I have to weigh it again... But I heard that Xu Qin is back?"

Xu Jingchang nodded, "He arrived home yesterday. He said that he has collected a lot of information and is translating books. He intends to introduce the customs and customs of Japan to Daming."

Zhu Di sighed and said, "It's really not easy for Tanhua Lang. Tomorrow, I and the Queen will go to the Xu Mansion. You can make arrangements. The royal family and the Xu family must all gather together, and no one will be left behind."

This is a big get-together for the two!
Xu Jingchang couldn't be negligent either. Sure enough, on the second day, Prince Zhu Gaochi, grandson Zhu Zhanji, Zhu Zhanji's second brother Zhu Zhanxi, and third eldest Zhu Zhanji all came.

The new generation of the Three Little Pigs has gathered.

And Zhu Gaoxu's side also came, including Zhu Gaoxu's son Zhu Zhanhe.

The third son Zhu Gaosui also came with his son Zhu Zhanfu.

This group of pigs was all gathered together, Xu Qin, as the half master, did not dare to neglect, and his son Xu Xianzong also came over dressed neatly.

Xu Xianzhong was the youngest among a group of older and younger children, but this kid was not afraid, and he was familiar with himself.

He ran to Zhu Zhanji's side first, looked at Zhu Zhanxi and Zhu Zhanyi, and compared them, they were both shorter than him.

Then he was confident and said loudly, "Call me brother."

The two younger ones didn't know, but Zhu Zhanji stopped him, "That third brother is also two months older than you!"

Xu Xianzhong was stunned for a moment, right?

He shook his head violently, "I don't believe it, you see they are so short, they must not be as big as me, why don't you call me brother?"

Zhu Zhanji smiled helplessly, "If you have the ability to make the second and third call your brother, I won't stop you."

When Xu Xianzhong heard this, he suddenly became interested. He stretched out his hand, grabbed Zhu Zhanxi and Zhu Zhanxi, and ran to the backyard. His strength was quite strong, and they were pulled over.

Zhu Zhanji didn't feel much, so he didn't follow.

But soon there was the cry of a child, and Zhu Zhanji hurriedly chased after him.When he arrived, he found the two brothers hiding in the corner, trembling.

And Xu Xianzhong pinched the neck of a big goose with one hand, and said triumphantly: "How about it? Hurry up and call brother. If you call brother, I will crush these two geese to death."

Zhu Zhanxi and Zhu Zhanxi peeked at the beast that had chased them just now through the gap between their fingers. At this time, it was dying in Xu Xianzhong's hands.

He is really good!
"Big brother!"

The two kids really yelled out.

Xu Xianzhong was so elated, he swung the goose in his left hand to the ground, and waved again, but the goose in his right didn't run away either.

"Come on, I'll treat you two little brothers to eat goose meat."

These two boys really ran to Xu Xianzhong's side obediently, like two loyal younger brothers.

Zhu Zhanji looked at his two younger brothers with big heads.

"It's messed up, it's messed up! You are his elder brothers, you can't break the rules, be careful I'll beat you!"

As the saying goes, an elder brother is like a father, Zhu Zhanji wanted to show color to the two younger brothers, but Xu Xianzhong stretched out his hand to protect the two younger brothers.

"What are you doing? Want to bully someone? I'm not afraid of you!"

Speaking of which, Xu Xianzhong raised his small fist and shook it at Zhu Zhanji.If you don't agree, just make gestures with me.

Zhu Zhanji is really speechless, he is ten years old, how can he still act like a child.

Forget it, let them toss.

After all, there are so many grown-ups around, so I'm sorry this little thing can't make any big noise... Zhu Zhanji doesn't care, but Xu Xianzhong obviously doesn't think so.

He defeated Zhu Zhanji!

Later, he murmured to the two "little brothers", and the two little brothers cooperated very well. After chatting for a while, they decided to act.

Xu Xianzhong found three wooden sticks, one for each person, and then they acted.

Zhu Zhanhe from Zhu Gaoxu's family heard the grasshopper's voice from the corner, so he chased after him. He searched around, but found nothing. When he turned his head, he happened to see three little cubs smiling at him with their hands behind their backs.

Xu Xianzhong puffed his cheeks and asked, "You bullied them?"

Zhu Zhanhe doesn't care about Xu Xianzhong at all, this kid is half a head shorter than him!

"Bullying is bullying, what are you, you dare to control me?"

The kid's arrogance made Xu Xianzhong furious, and he turned his hands from his back to the front, and raised a one-foot-long wooden stick impressively.


The two younger brothers were so well-behaved that they really listened to him. The three younger brothers went up together, raised their sticks and whipped hard.

Zhu Zhanhe was a bit older, and he had inherited his father's Kongwu strength, so he wouldn't suffer if he fought two, but this time he faced three, and they all held the murder weapon.

This time I suffered a loss.

He didn't pay attention, and got hit on his body several times. When he was dodging, Xu Xianzhong saw the opportunity and hit his forehead... The pain caused Zhu Zhanhe to sit on the ground, crying loudly. The three boys he saw Coming up again, he got up from the ground, turned around and ran.

Xu Xianzhong yelled, he really rushed forward like a general.

Zhu Zhanxi and Zhu Zhanyi didn't know where their courage came from. They were more excited than Xu Xianzhong, and they also chased after them... The four brats made a fuss.

"Father, they bullied me and beat me!"

Zhu Zhanhe bumped into Zhu Gaoxu's arms, weeping and wiping away his tears.

Zhu Gaoxu looked at the three cubs who were chasing him, then looked down at his son, he stretched out his hand, picked up Zhu Zhanhe, and threw it directly to Xu Xianzhong and the others.

"A worthless thing deserves to be beaten."

Zhu Zhanhe is stupid, you are my real father!
However, Xu Xianzhong tilted his head to look at it, and unexpectedly came over and said: "Call me big brother, if you call big brother, I won't beat you."

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(End of this chapter)

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