My uncle's name is Zhu Di

Chapter 333 Yes, General Administration

Chapter 333 Yes, General Administration
When Xu Jingchang formally planned to discuss this matter with the Ministry of Household Affairs, news suddenly came from the Ministry of Rites that the Prince of the Ryukyu King Shang Bazhi asked to see him.

"Foreign ministers pay their respects to Mr. Xu, Duke of Shangguo and Dingguo."

His Royal Highness is very polite, even to the point of humility.

Xu Jingchang has always been kind and courteous to others, at least he thinks so.

"Please sit down." Xu Jingchang asked Shang Bazhi to sit down, served him some tea, and then asked, "Your Majesty Wang came from a long way, so he must be looking for me for something, right?"

Shang Bazhi paused, with tears in his eyes, wiped it away, and then said bitterly: "Our Ryukyu country is small and poor, and we are alone on the sea, with no one to rely on. We rely on the favor of the upper country, and we live in peace. But right now The three parties in the country are divided, and they are constantly attacking each other, and there is a storm, the crops are cut off, the people are hungry and cold, they have no clothes to cover their bodies, and there is no food to eat..."

The more he talked, the more sad he became, and he burst into tears.

Xu Jingchang listened carefully, and only then did he understand what was going on.

Although Ryukyu is a tiny place, it is still divided into three countries. Shang Bazhi is from Zhongshan country, and besides Zhongshan country, there are two countries, Nanshan and Beishan.

Originally, Ryukyu was smaller than a county, and it became a Romance of the Three Kingdoms, attacking each other, which is outrageous enough.

Even more outrageous are natural and man-made disasters, as if God is torturing this island.

Man-made disasters are naturally caused by Japanese pirates, and Daming has also suffered a lot from this point and suffered unspeakably.

The natural disaster is that Ryukyu hangs alone on the sea. During the typhoon season, there will always be strong winds. It is unlucky to say that Ryukyu was hit by three typhoons within a month and a half.

Thousands of people were lost alone.

Countless houses were damaged, and large tracts of farmland failed to harvest. Almost overnight, Ryukyu was pushed to the brink of subjugation.

Fortunately, in recent years, Daming has had frequent maritime trade, and Ryukyu’s location is critical. It can undertake entrepot trade, earn some money, and buy some grain from Daming. In a catastrophic year, it will not starve to death.

But this is not a long-term solution, who knows how to deal with the next catastrophe?

"Dingguo Gong is above, Ryukyu admires Shangguo, follow him wholeheartedly, and is loyal. Over the years, according to the evaluation of important ministers from various countries, Ryukyu has the highest score, and it has risen year by year. I secretly think that Ryukyu is like a filial son of Ming Dynasty. Now the people of Ryukyu, I hope to recognize the ancestors and return to the clan, and ask Daming to take him in!"

Saying that, Shang Bazhi fell to his knees and kowtowed.

Xu Jingchang naturally likes this mode of conquering a country without using force, but it is not easy to be too eager for some things.

He helped Shang Bazhi up first, and then said: "Ryukyu and Daming are one family, and solving Ryukyu's problems is what Ming should do. It's just that to merge Ryukyu into Daming still needs to solve a few problems."

Shang Bazhi immediately said: "Mr. Dingguo, please tell me, no matter what, I will have nothing to say."

Xu Jingchang said: "Don't be so anxious... Let's talk about your royal family first. Would you like to stay in Ryukyu, or move to Daming?"

"We are all willing to move to Daming!"

Xu Jingchang was taken aback this time. They were rooted in Ryukyu and left their hometown, wouldn't they have no influence?

Seeing Xu Jingchang's surprise, Shang Bazhi immediately explained, "Dingguo didn't know that Ryukyu is small and poor, and the wind and rain are miserable. If nothing else, seven members of the clan died in this storm. Life in Ryukyu is really hard."

Only then did Xu Jingchang realize that being the king of a small country does not necessarily have any dignity, let alone being a small citizen...

"How about this, I can think of a way to prepare a manor for you to live in peace... But when you arrive in Daming, you must abide by the laws of Daming, what do you agree?"

"Okay! To be honest, in Ryukyu there has been a Great Ming Law to govern the country, and I have read the Great Ming Law eight times."

It's amazing, it's more than I've read!

Xu Jingchang was speechless for a moment, and the second thing left was, "Da Ming bought your royal family's property with 30 taels of silver, and the Ryukyu people set up a separate county. Set up a school in Ryukyu, and allow the Ryukyu people, Landing in the Central Plains, studying and doing business, and taking the imperial examinations are no different from ordinary people."

"Thank you, Shangguo, for your pity, thank you, Shangguo, for your pity!"

Xu Jingchang added: "Considering the livelihood of the Ryukyu royal family, I plan to set up a shipping company in Ryukyu and transfer [-]% of the income to the Ryukyu royal family. What do you think?"

Shang Bazhi's eyes glistened, is there such a good thing?

"Yes, yes!"


Xu Jingchang thought it would be difficult to accept the conditions, but Shang Bazhi readily agreed, and even exceeded his expectations, he was very satisfied.

What else could Xu Jingchang say, but he accepted it.

Ryukyu is in the hands of Ryukyu, but it is an unlucky place suffering from natural disasters.

But in Daming's hands, it's completely different.

Xu Jingchang immediately proposed to mobilize the navy to fight against pirates and completely wipe out Japanese pirates.

An order was issued, and more than 500 ships were dispatched from various places to gather in the Ryukyu waters.

Then the fleet went north and began the operation against pirates.

With Ming's ships and firearms ready, it would be effortless to deal with the small Japanese fishing boats.Wherever the army passed, the Japanese ships were wiped out.

It is worth mentioning that besides the Japanese pirates, there are also many normal Japanese merchants and some Japanese fishermen... It's just that the Japanese pirates are also disguised as merchants and fishermen, which makes it difficult for the Ming fleet to distinguish clearly.

Since you can't tell the difference, don't bother, just wipe them all out.

Of course, Xu Jingchang will not order this kind of thing casually. The Secretary of the General Administration requires careful distinction, careful screening, only attacking Japanese pirates, and protecting normal Japanese merchants. Remember to be one size fits all, and innocent people are not allowed to be killed...

In short, the Secretary of General Administration is very reasonable, and no one can fault it.

But the problem lies in the Bandit Suppression Manual of the Fifth Army Commander's Mansion... According to the regulations of this pamphlet, the Daming Navy must give priority to protecting its own safety.

That is to say, when encountering a Japanese ship, the Ming army can launch an attack first if it is not sure what the intention is... Then, under the correct understanding of the generals, it becomes that when encountering Japanese pirates, they must take the first shot to ensure be safe.

Then there is no more then.

Under the intense sweep of the Ming army, there were only a few ships left along the entire coast of the country of Wa.

There is really no way, Zheng He's fleet is so awesome.

In this world, it is completely crushed.

Moreover, when hunting the Japanese kingdom, the ships of the Ming army also went to America by the way...

That's right, from the map, you can go north along the country of Wa, take the Bering Strait, the Aleutian Islands, and reach North America. The distance is very short... Tens of thousands of years ago, there was even a land bridge that could go directly to the North American continent.

Now that the Deming Fleet has discovered America, it can definitely be recorded in the annals of history.

It can be called Zheng He's great contribution.

According to the logic, the Dudufu of the Five Armies drew up a list of meritorious deeds and handed it over to the Ministry of War, but it was detained by the Ministry of War.

For a full ten days, I was stunned and didn't hand it over.

It made Xu Jingchang a little puzzled, so he had to bring it up at the regular meeting of the Secretary of General Administration.

"It's really unreasonable for the court not to reward such a great achievement."

The several ministers looked at each other, and it was Yang Pu, Minister of the Ministry of War, who stood up and coughed lightly: "Dingguo Gong, the Sanbao eunuch has made great contributions and everyone admires him. However, as an eunuch, it is really difficult for him to be ennobled."

Xu Jingchang said: "Since ancient times, has there been no precedent for eunuchs conferring titles?"




Xu Jingchang rolled his eyelids, it seemed that something was really wrong.

"What are your military plans?"

Yang Pu paused and said: "What we mean is, can we reward Jin Wanliang and be promoted to the palm seal of the Imperial Horse Supervisor?"

Xu Jingchang said with a chuckle: "The reward of ten thousand taels of gold sounds like a lot, but to the Sanbao eunuch, it is really not worth mentioning. After all, he is in charge of overseas trade and sells goods, and he has to pass through his fleet. Ten thousand taels is also easy. But as far as I know, the eunuch Sanbao is upright and honest, and he didn't get a penny into his pocket, so the bounty is probably an insult to him!"

Yang Pu's face was ugly, it was really inappropriate.

Xu Jingchang continued: "As for the promotion to the imperial horse supervisor's palm seal, this is a reward from His Majesty, not the opinion of the Ming court. If it's just that, it means that the Sanbao eunuch is only doing things for the royal family... But you all know that every time you go to the West, But meritorious service to Ming Dynasty, meritorious service to the world!"

These ministers look at me, I look at you... Even the resourceful Yang Shiqi has nothing to do.

After a while, Huang Huai said: "Dong Guogong's words are very true, but it is really inappropriate for an eunuch to be ennobled and enter the court as an official, on the same level as civil and military officials."

"Where is it inappropriate?"

"It doesn't conform to the ancestral system!"

"Which ancestral system?"

"Eunuchs are not allowed to interfere in politics!"


The words came back again, Xu Jingchang looked at these people silently, from Yang Rong down, they all shook their heads silently, if they pushed this matter by force, they would never agree.

Xu Jingchang pondered for a while, then suddenly laughed, "Everyone, we are serious about this matter."

Several people were puzzled, "What does Duke Ding mean?"

"Who said the eunuch of the Three Treasures belonged to the eunuch?"

You said that the Sanbao eunuch is not an eunuch?
Duke Ding, do you want to check your brain?

Xu Jingchang continued: "Isn't this simple? Just change the Sanbao eunuch from an eunuch to an ordinary person."

Yang Rong was surprised, "Dingguo Gong, can this matter be changed?"

Xu Jingchang smiled and said, "Why not? You guys don't think that if you become a eunuch, you will be a eunuch forever, right? There is no such reason! Because according to the rules of the imperial court, whoever you are depends on your household registration." of."

Yang Shiqi said: "Then the eunuch of the Three Treasures is also included in the list of eunuchs?"

"That's why we need to write a letter, asking His Majesty to enlist Zheng He as a citizen!" Xu Jingchang said: "Although it is difficult to change the household registration in Daming, with the merits of the Sanbao eunuch, it is absolutely possible to be extra merciful. As long as this is done, then In terms of merit, I propose to seal Zheng He as Marquis of Ningyuan!"

The six ministers were stunned, then nodded in unison, "Yes, Tongzheng!"

(End of this chapter)

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