My uncle's name is Zhu Di

Chapter 338 Quickly Invite Master Yao

Chapter 338 Quickly Invite Master Yao

"Today's Xunhui will be presided over by the servant for the time being." Yang Shiqi said the opening remarks, and then let everyone discuss government affairs...Zhu Di has been accompanying Empress Xu, but did not come.

Xu Jingchang also had an elder in his family who was seriously ill, and it was inconvenient for him to see things, so he didn't come over.

Prince Zhu Gaochi wanted to show his filial piety in front of his mother, and almost overnight, all those who could make decisions in the court stopped working.

The six ministries and nine ministers gathered here, and Yang Rong and Yang Pu just said a few words indifferently, and there was no nonsense.There is no need to talk about things that can be handled in the ministry.

No one can decide what to say, so it's better to keep silent and save your mind.

Therefore, today's regular meeting was extremely short, but just as everyone was leaving, Zuodu Censor Jin Zhong caught up with Yang Shiqi.

"Duke Yang, what are we going to do with the current affairs? The Ming Dynasty has so many things going on, we can't just delay it like this. The empress is seriously ill, and no one can preside over government affairs. This is impossible!"

Yang Shiqi paused, then sighed helplessly, "This way please."

Zuo Du Yushi was in charge of admonishment, holding the speaker in his hand. At this juncture, it was more suitable to charge forward than anyone else. Seeing that Jin Zhong wanted to move closer to him, Yang Shiqi naturally wouldn't refuse him.

It's just that this matter is too difficult to handle, and Yang Shiqi has no clue.

"It's like this. The current empress is the same as Empress Xiaocigao, and your majesty is like the emperor Taizu. They are deeply rooted in love and single-minded. As ministers, we should not speak nonsense if we are honest. Not only did we hurt ourselves, It doesn't help either."

Jin Zhong sighed, "Why don't I know, but there is another layer of relationship, I can't help but say it."

Yang Shiqi said: "Duke Jin, please tell me."

Jin Zhong leaned forward and said in a low voice: "It's like this. Duke Ding has both the status of a nobleman and a relative. He has a first-rank official residence and is in charge of the Secretary of General Administration. It is true that there is something wrong with his position over all officials. Yu Chao From the perspective of the overall situation, this is a violation of the ancestral system, and from the perspective of Duke Yu Ding himself, it is also a violation of the rules, which is not good for Ming Dynasty!"

Yang Shiqi is also an old fritter, which is not good for Daming, which can basically be translated as not good for officials.

Xu Jingchang's situation is too special... At the beginning when Zhu Di asked him to be an envoy, firstly, he saw that he was a bit knowledgeable, and secondly, he was just a young man with no trustworthy talents.

That's how Xu Jingchang climbed up.

Everyone thought that he was just a dude, the second generation of nobles, and he couldn't stay for a few days, so he didn't take it seriously.

But over the years, Xu Jingchang not only secured his buttocks, but also gained more and more power in his hands. Seeing that a custom was formed, it would be a bad thing if Xu Jingchang continued to let Xungui be the commander-in-chief after Xu Jingchang.

Moreover, Xu Jingchang is not very old, so he can sit down forever. This is really not good news for the courtiers.

The nobles and relatives are also very evil, they are simply blessed and invulnerable.

If you let go of the opportunity in front of you, it will be difficult to bring down Xu Jingchang.

It's not that the big guy doesn't know what to do, and he insists on getting into trouble, but he has to do it.

"Duke Yang, someone is starting now. If you can persuade Your Majesty to change to an envoy, it would be great."

Yang Shiqi lowered his eyelids, thinking in his heart... It is indeed a rare opportunity, but the problem is that Xu Jingchang's methods are amazing, and Empress Xu is only sick, not dead.He couldn't tell exactly what Zhu Di was thinking.

If you make a mistake, you will be ruined!
Yang Shiqi thought over and over again, shook his head and said: "Instigating the imperial censor's impeachment is not a good way, it will inevitably cause disputes and lead to chaos, it is not what a wise man does."

Jin Zhong also agrees with Yang Shiqi's judgment, "Just don't use this method, what else can I do? I really can't think of a way, but I can't do nothing!"

Yang Shiqi thought for a while, and suddenly said: "Can you do this, instigate the Imperial History Minister, and advise Rong Guogong to preside over the government."

Rong Guogong is Yao Guangxiao. Although the old monk is old, his prestige and qualifications are all there.

Inviting him to leave the mountain was a matter of course, but at the same time, it was an indirect reminder to everyone that there were many disadvantages in arranging only Xu Jingchang as an envoy to preside over the government.

This move is upright and impeccable.

No matter what the result is, at least you can remain invincible.

Jin Zhong also had to admire, "Mr. Yang is indeed a prime minister!"

Yang Shiqi couldn't help but shake up when he heard the words of the prime minister's talent.

Since Xu Jingchang's general manager was promoted to the first rank, the Ming Dynasty actually restored the prime minister system.

If you get the General Secretary, you get the world.

Sitting in this position, who wouldn't want Xuan Ma to worship the prime minister and take charge of the court!

Yang Shiqi didn't say anything, but Jin Zhong knew it well, and left in a hurry.

In the Ming Dynasty Hall, the wind and rain were desolate, and the undercurrent was surging.

Dingguo Mansion...

"How is your aunt?" Xu Jingchang asked his wife.

"It can't be said to be good, and it can't be said to be bad. In short, I am still bedridden, looking tired, and slurring my words." After the lady said a few words, she looked at Xu Jingchang again. Said, but things are like this, the key is that the Duke must be steady!"

Xu Jingchang smiled slightly, "Why, do you think your man is going to die?"

Mrs. Huang quickly shook her head, "Nonsense, the master is strategizing, who is your opponent in the court? I am just figuring it out."

Xu Jingchang shook his head, "It's not just thinking about it. In fact, I was able to secure the position of envoy. It is true that I have something to do with my aunt. If my aunt is here, I don't have to worry about your Majesty's side. I can also do well with the three princes. But once my aunt can't handle it For these matters, I will inevitably be caught between the courtiers and the emperor, the three princes, each with their own schemes, and they come one after another, making it difficult and difficult, and I, the general manager, are the most difficult."

Mrs. Huang couldn't help but change color when she heard this: "Master, since this is the case, can you retreat bravely?"

Xu Jingchang laughed loudly, "Retire? If I retreat, wouldn't I admit defeat! What's more, I don't rely on my aunt to control the court!"

Mrs. Huang was puzzled. Just now she said that she had something to do with Empress Xu, but now she said that she didn't rely on Empress Xu. What happened to her husband's mind?
You won't be really scared, will you?
Xu Jingchang had a smile on his face. Naturally, he wasn't confused... Empress Xu was here, so he could do things unscrupulously. If Empress Xu made a mistake, he could still control the situation in another way.

It's just adapting to change.

Seeing that Xu Jingchang was still confident, Madam Huang smiled and said, "I am worrying for nothing again. Please don't take offense, Duke, just treat me as a woman who is ignorant and talk nonsense. I'll make some side dishes for the master, and have a drink or two later. "

Xu Jingchang smiled and said: "It doesn't take much, just get some pickled vegetables and tofu. I want to drink poor wine now."

Mrs. Huang had no choice but to smile wryly. Now she couldn't figure out what happened to her husband.

Does he really sit back and relax, or is he pretending to be calm?

While Xu Jingchang was eating pickled vegetables and tofu and drinking some wine, Zhu Gaoxu came suddenly.

After he came over, he grabbed the glass and drank it.

"This is my wine glass!"

Zhu Gaoxu said bluntly: "You take another one yourself." After speaking, he poured himself another glass and drank happily.

Now Xu Jingchang was furious, "Zhu Gaoxu, don't go to heaven! Bully me, you are still short of the market!"

Zhu Gaoxu chuckled, "Okay, after so many years of dealing with each other, you are the one who bullied me, and I know myself. This time I come here, I only want to tell you one thing."

Xu Jingchang held back his anger, "Say it."

"I won't take the initiative to grab anything from the boss."

"That's passive robbing?" Xu Jingchang snorted, "You still want to seize the heir, right?"

Zhu Gaoxu did not answer directly, but said: "Right now, the merchants of the Ming Dynasty are prosperous, and more than half of the financial revenue depends on merchants. I have set up mines here, coal and steel, such a large family business... no one can protect me!"

Xu Jingchang rolled his eyelids and snorted, "What do you want to say? How forced are you?"

"No, what I mean is... Looking at the government and the public, only you can be my prime minister. I don't have many people who I can trust. At that time, your authority will be far greater than today. No matter what you do, I will fully support you. "

After saying this, Zhu Gaoxu poured himself another glass of wine. After drinking it, he looked at the wine glass in his hand, "Is it the official kiln from the Song Dynasty? It's much better than mine, so I will treat it as a gift from you."

Zhu Gaoxu grabbed the wine glass and walked away.

Now Xu Jingchang was furious, this grandson ate his own, drank his own, and even took his own... If I support you, it would be strange!

The anger dissipated and his mood calmed down. Xu Jingchang also knew clearly that Zhu Gaoxu did not threaten him when he came here this time. If he was telling himself, he was being coerced.

The huge merchant force behind him began to operate.

In fact, Xu Jingchang has always been very calm... The wind and rain in the court really can't help him, even if he doesn't directly control Jin Yiwei, he still holds the secret files of the officials and has too many means.

It's just that now the power of merchants wants to cut into the court, and those ministers in the court want to replace them...

Such a game of chess is really not easy to play.

"Xu Jingchang, you are fine and pretend to be dead. This old monk can't even chant Buddhist scriptures in the temple. You are really hateful."

As Yao Guangxiao said, he aimed the cannon directly at the middle, Xu Jingchang smiled, and while playing chess with the old monk, he said with a smile: "Young master Yao, don't complain about your old man, it's not that there is nothing I can do here, it's just that I lack a suitable one." Candidates, just help point out."

Yao Guangxiao rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "You want me to take action."

"Yes, this matter is not suitable for anyone except you."

Yao Guangxiao pondered for a while before saying, "What do you want to do? Say it first."

"I would like to ask the young master to write a letter to call Jian Yi, Xia Yuanji and others back to Beijing."

Yao Guangxiao said hehe: "Isn't this still driving tigers and devouring wolves? Don't forget that you drove them out of the capital. Even if they come back, what if they join forces to deal with you?"

"So when they come back, they will completely split the six departments into twelve! Then no one will be able to shake the position of the general administrator."

(End of this chapter)

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