My uncle's name is Zhu Di

Chapter 351 Extra Chapter: Emperor Yongle

Chapter 351 Extra Story: Emperor Yongle
"Your Majesty, Liujiagang is in front of you, look!" Zheng He said happily.

This Marquis of Ningyuan has been baptized by the sea breeze for many years, his corners are vicissitudes, his hair is as white as silver, but his speech is still full of spirit and extraordinary.

Zhu Di looked over, suddenly surprised: "What is that, why is it so big?"

Zheng He looked at it again and again, and then said: "It's probably a crane for the wharf."

"Cranes? I used to have them, but they don't seem to be that big!"

Zheng He said with a smile: "In the past, pulleys were used to pull them with human and animal power. If I guessed correctly, this one uses steam!"

"Steam? Is it the second child who made that thing?" Zhu Di couldn't help but sigh, "Did he really make it?"

Zheng He sighed: "Who says it's not, His Royal Highness the King of Han is really capable!"

Zhu Di snorted, "Who can he beat with that level of morality? Not to mention the boss and Xu Jingchang, even Zhu Zhanji is probably much better than him."

Zheng He laughed and dared not answer.

The dragon boat docked, and the ministers greeted it.

Prince Zhu Zhanji was also there, accompanied by Xu Xianzhong.

When Zhu Di got off the dragon boat, Zhu Zhanji trotted over. When he saw Zhu Di, he froze all over. After a while, he knelt down on the ground, hugged Zhu Di's thigh, and burst into tears.

"Grandfather, why are you so old!"

Zhu Di was startled, and stretched out his hand to pat Zhu Zhanji's shoulder, "You have a beard, how can Grandpa still not grow old? Get up!"

He picked up Zhu Zhanji and looked at Xu Xianzhong again.

This kid is so easy to recognize, among a bunch of people, he is half a head taller than everyone else.

"What is your official position now? Why didn't your father come to greet you?"

Xu Xianzhong hurriedly said: "The Supreme Emperor, I have the title of Zhan Shifu's Young Master Zhan, and occasionally accompany His Highness the Crown Prince. Most of the time, I am still studying. As for my father, it's not that he won't come, but he is accompanying Young Master Yao."

"Master Yao? How is he?" Zhu Di asked with concern.

"Young master Yao is too old. Now that it's the last time, I have to have acquaintances by my side. My father will take care of him sooner or later, and talk to him. I really can't get away from him."

Yao Guangxiao has reached the stage of hospice care, and Zhu Di has no anger at all, just urging him to leave as soon as possible.

Accompanied by Zhu Zhanji and Xu Xianzhong, they headed for the capital from Liujiagang.

Walking on the road, Zhu Di felt even more unusual... The spacious and flat official road is all paved with cinders, flat and firm, and there are trees on both sides of the road.

Every once in a while, there are warehouses, restaurants, and various buildings.

People come and go, prosperity flourishes.

Seeing it in his eyes, Zhu Di gradually turned up the corners of his mouth, revealing a gratified smile.

"Grandson, what do you think of this Daming country?"

"Taiping is prosperous, far away from the Han and Tang Dynasties!"

"Hahaha!" Zhu Di raised his head and laughed loudly, "You haven't gone outside to have a look! Once you're outside, you'll know, our a heavenly man!"

Zhu Zhanji's eyes widened, and he was speechless for a long time before he said: "Grandpa Huang praised so highly, it must be that overseas is far inferior to Daming. But why did I hear Ding Guogong say that there are treasures overseas, and there are auspicious beasts, unicorns."

"What unicorn!"

Zhu Di interrupted directly, "That's all fooling fools! I saw hundreds of them with my own eyes. They were chased by a group of savages and stabbed to death with javelins and spears. Those savages were dark and looked like coal. Yes. But they are tall and long-legged, with excellent stamina, and can run after wild animals for dozens of miles. It’s ridiculous to say that they have to hunt for a living, and they don’t know how to farm. It’s a waste of a good place.”

Speaking of overseas, Zhu Di started talking, "Grandson, you should go out and have a look when you have time. Go to Tianzhu to see, that place is so interesting, and when you get there, you will know what it means to be safe for all peoples. The world is in order."

Xu Xianzhong didn't hear it right, and asked curiously: "Your Majesty, why did I hear that Tianzhu is a piece of loose sand, and the people are in great distress!"

Zhu Di laughed loudly, "It's really hard, but people don't think it's hard."

"Is there anyone who doesn't feel bitter?" Zhu Zhanji was surprised.

Zhu Di smiled and said: "As long as you believe in the next life, if you suffer in this life and accumulate karma honestly, you will become a master in the next life. If you mess around in this life, you may use up all the accumulation in previous lives, and you will only be able to do it in the next life." Turned to stone."

Both Zhu Zhanji and Xu Xianzhong were stunned... There is such a wonderful thing!

Especially Xu Xianzhong couldn't understand it, because from the very beginning, his father taught him to question authority and have new ideas, even if it is your father, you can't follow blindly... That's exactly what happened between Xu Xianzhong and Xu Jingchang. , just like brothers more than father and son.

This is also Xu Jingchang's point of view, the last thing he wants is an honest and obedient child.

It seems that the father is really far-sighted!

Zhu Di returned to Yingtian, instead of going to the palace, he went directly to Jishan Temple.

As soon as he arrived at the door, he heard the bell ringing inside, one after another, and when he looked up again, there was a spiritual banner hanging high, and there was faint crying.

"What?" Zhu Di was shocked, and hurried inside. When he arrived at the Daxiong Palace, he happened to see Xu Jingchang, who was wearing a white belt around his waist.

"Master Yao taught him?"

"The Supreme Emperor, Master Yao is gone."

Zhu Di's body jerked violently and almost fell down.

Xu Jingchang hurriedly supported him, and it took Zhu Di a long time to catch his breath, and tears welled up from the corners of his eyes.

"Master, why didn't you wait for me!"

After speaking, Zhu Di ran to the quiet room, lay down on Yao Guangxiao's body, and wailed loudly.

Xu Jingchang was by his side, and his eye circles were also red.

After a while, Zhu Di raised his head, "Xu Jingchang, do you have any explanation from Master?"

Xu Jingchang said: "The young master said that he can't continue to accompany His Majesty, he can only go one step ahead... He has no regrets in assisting His Majesty in his life and accomplishing the work of Jing Nan. He hopes that His Majesty will also have no regrets."

Zhu Di let out a long breath, "Yeah, I don't think I have any regrets either!"

He pondered for a while, then slowly said: "After the young master is buried, I will go to worship my father."


In the 15th year of Hongxi, Emperor Yongle, who was already over sixty years old, came to Xiaoling with a pile of things to meet Zhu Yuanzhang.

"Father, my son has violated your old man's will by taking away the country of my nephew Zhu Yunqi."

As soon as he opened his mouth, he was taken aback. Didn't this matter have been explained long ago, why is Zhu Di still obsessed with it?
"No matter what the world thinks, Hai'er knows in his heart that it doesn't make sense at all... But now, Hai'er doesn't care."

With that said, Zhu Di picked up a map and put it on the ground.

"Father, look, this is Lu Song."

Zhu Di picked up another map, "This is Java, this is Malacca, this is Ceylon, this is amazing, this is Tianzhu..." Zhu Di showed Lao Zhu one map after another as if offering treasures.

It took a full quarter of an hour before Zhu Di said with happiness on his face: "My child has achieved so much, and has made Chinese civilization great...It is enough to be on par with my father in restoring China!"

 I'm ashamed... Let's talk about the new book. It was originally released this week, but after discussing with the editor, I found that the problem is quite big. The main reason is that the plot direction is wrong... The main reason for this is that I want to write something different, but It's hard to get back, and I can't turn around for a while.

  Now that I have sorted out my thoughts, it shouldn't be too long... As for the extra chapter of this book, you can click it, I will write it when I have time... The other thing is to apologize to the big guys. If you have anything to say, you can stay in the new book to scold. I……

(End of this chapter)

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