Chapter 42

Hearing a group of people, regardless of civil or military, all clamoring to kill Xie Jin, Xu Jingchang's heart felt as if he had played a song called "Hundred Birds Facing the Phoenix", so happy!

It seems that I am not the only one who is hated, Xie Jin has also fallen into this pit.

Such a good show is really rare, next time I will just take a handful of fried pine nuts.

Xu Jingchang devoted himself to watching the play, but others were not as calm as him. The important court officials clamored to kill Xie Jin, so Zhu Di had no choice but to call Xie Jin over.

Ask about recruiting.

Xie Jin was stunned when he heard this. The truth was beyond his expectations, but Xie Jin was not afraid at all. He, a world-renowned talent, has sharp words and has no difficulty in fighting against the officials alone.

"Returning to Your Majesty, the minister's proposal to recruit troops is done after careful consideration, and it is definitely not just talking about it. Please let Your Majesty learn from it."

Zhu Di nodded, "Since that's the case, just talk about it."


After Xie Jin agreed, he cleared his throat and said loudly: "The military households fled, and the guards were short of soldiers. This was the case in the last years of Hongwu. In the fourth year of Jingnan, tens of thousands of soldiers and horses were mobilized from Beiping, Daning and other places. As for the soldiers from all over the south, there are even more soldiers. After four years, countless soldiers died in battle, and countless people fled. At this time, the guards in all parts of the Central Plains are useless, and soldiers from military households cannot be drawn out. How can we propose to recruit soldiers under such circumstances? , why not?"

Xie Jin talked eloquently, and Xu Jingchang had a smile on his face. Of course he knew these things, but it was nothing, and it was impossible for Xungui to agree.

Zhu Neng was in charge of dealing with North Korea, so in his absence, Qiu Fu took up the banner of opposition.

"Bachelor Xie, you are talking nonsense. The military households are all loyal and brave men who have been selected from thousands of people. Since Emperor Taizu, they have been loyal to the country. They killed the enemy before the battle. Father and son brothers all fought for the country. You Now you want to recruit soldiers, good men don’t serve as soldiers, what you recruit are nothing more than hooligans, gangsters and outlaws on the street... These people entered the army, wouldn’t my Ming Xiong become a bandit with the army? Do you want Daming to learn from it? Can Zhao Song succeed?"

Qiu Fu's firepower was fully fired, and the lethality was not low.

Xia Yuanji, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, also stood up, "Qizou Your Majesty, Emperor Taizu raised millions of soldiers without spending any food and rice from the court, all of which are the achievements of military households. Now Xie Xueshi wants to recruit soldiers... May I ask where the money comes from? Are the recruited soldiers going to be granted land? Are they military or civilian? If they are civilians and unfortunately injured and died in battle, how should they be compensated? Do they need to be like military households, and then recruit a soldier from home?"

Xia Yuanji asked sharply, "Bachelor Xie, do you have a plan to deal with these things?"

Xie Jin was at a loss for words for a while, and could only say: "These things can be discussed in the same way, and there is nothing difficult to solve."

Before his words fell, Liu Jun, who had just taken over as Minister of the Ministry of War, couldn't hold back anymore, "Your Majesty, Xie Jin and Ru Ru, who don't know the importance of the government, are trying to change the ancestral system and disturb the morale of the army. Before your Majesty came to Beijing, this person once met and died for the country. In the end, only Wang Gen died, and Xie Jin was shameless. He has lived so far, but he has deceived the saints and corrupted the laws of the country. Like this kind of villain, I don't want to stand side by side with him in the court."

While speaking, the minister of the Ministry of War actually raised his fist, making a gesture to pounce, and wanted to perform the traditional performing arts of the Ming Dynasty, and eliminate rape on the spot!

Seeing that the Minister of the Ministry of War has made a move, the rest of the princes are not polite, such a good opportunity must not be given up.

Xu Jingchang was watching a play, and it turned out that the literary play was about to turn into a martial play, which would kill people, which didn't seem to be a good thing.

And it seems that this matter was caused by him, and it would not be good to make a big fuss.

"Everyone, Bachelor Xie is a member of the Secretary of General Administration. I was negligent. The proposal for recruiting troops did not come out of the Secretary of General Administration. I hope everyone will be aware of it."

Xu Jingchang stepped forward to protect Xie Jin.

Liu Jun was stunned for a moment, his predecessor fell into Xu Jingchang's hands, so he dared to be rampant.

"Xu Tongzheng, you, you don't know how to protect Xie Jin's traitor, do you?"

"Don't dare." Xu Jingchang said: "Generally, the Secretary of General Administration is only responsible for the management of government affairs, and will not draw up major strategies without authorization. Even if there are, they must communicate with the ministries and departments in advance. There will never be such a controversial matter. This is mainly due to my lack of strict restraint, and the management of the officials under my command made mistakes, and I am willing to be punished."

After finishing speaking, Xu Jingchang turned around and said to Zhu Di: "Your Majesty, I would like to resign the title of Crown Prince and Taibao. In the future, I will no longer preside over the General Secretary's ten-day meeting. I hope Your Majesty will allow it."

Zhu Di was stunned for a moment, Xu Jingchang accepted all the mistakes and even asked for punishment, which made Zhu Di very puzzled.

What kind of tricks is this kid playing?
"Xu Jingchang, I just thought about it, recruiting soldiers seems to be not useless, what do you think of this matter?"

Xu Jingchang was shocked, and hurriedly bowed: "Returning to Your Majesty, the food and clothing of millions of military households should not be changed lightly."

Zhu Di frowned, and couldn't help muttering: "A million military households, a million military households!"

He finally nodded and sighed: "Okay, let's not discuss this matter, let's all retreat."

Everyone resigned one after another, except Xie Jin, who was in a state of embarrassment, and his face changed again and again... Before Zhu Di entered Beijing, he and a few friends clamored to die for the country, but turned around to meet the new king. Inside, the one named Wang Gen was an honest man, and he died of poisoned wine.

This matter is a disease in Xie Jin's heart, and he is afraid of being poked out.

As a result, Liu Jun was executed in public, and he was also called a traitor, which really tore off the face of this great talent.

If it wasn't for Xu Jingchang's protection, maybe he would still be punched, which is really embarrassing.

"Xu Tongzheng, I have something to say." Xie Jin caught up with Xu Jingchang in a few steps, and said in a low voice: "After Jingnan, a large number of young and strong people were displaced from all over the country. Most of them were people fleeing from famine. They gathered in various cities. , use it for military purposes, isn’t this a good thing that benefits the country and the people? This official only suggested it to the Secretary of General Administration, and it would cause such opposition from the courtiers, this official is really wronged..."

Xu Jingchang stopped him with a wave before he finished speaking.

"Bachelor Xie, do you have flowers in your home?"

Xie Jin was taken aback, and subconsciously said, "I planted some camellia trees."

"Well, you can go home and take care of the garden now. I'll give you a vacation. I'll talk about it after the limelight passes."

After saying this, Xu Jingchang was not polite, turned around and left, leaving Xie Jin alone in the wind... What's wrong with him?
A few days later, Xu Jingchang arrived at the Department of General Affairs again. As soon as he arrived, the three academicians headed by Yang Rong stood in a row, as well-behaved as elementary school students.

"Okay, let's also discuss how to deal with so many civilians displaced, military households collapsed, and many idle young men in the city in the four years of Jingan disaster, so that nothing will go wrong and the best of both worlds will be achieved."

After Xu Jingchang finished speaking, he looked at Yang Rong, Hu Guang, and Yang Shiqi.

The three looked at each other, but none of them dared to speak.

Xu Jingchang smiled, "Scholar Hu, if I remember correctly, you were the one who drank with Xie Jin and Wang Gen that night, right?"

Hu Guang blushed, but he didn't dare to deny it, so he could only say: "That's a drunken talk of a subordinate official, it's just a drunken talk."

Xu Jingchang smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. People must be loyal, but they must also see the general situation clearly. Don't mess up the superiority and inferiority, or break the rules. If you can do this, you can still be used, and you can even entrust important things. How about the two Yang scholars?" look?"

After a pause, Yang Shiqi immediately moved forward, "Xu Tongzheng's words are very true. The Secretary of the General Administration should follow his orders and follow his horse's lead. They all obey the orders of the Tongzheng Envoy."

A faint smile appeared on Xu Jingchang's face, "We all act according to the rules of the imperial court. One person counts the short, the two count the long, and three cobblers are the best. When encountering things in the future, don't be smart, and discuss everything together. Do you think so?" ?”

The three of them nodded quickly, "Yes, what the Tongzheng Envoy taught is true."

Xu Jingchang smiled again: "Actually, let me say that the idea of ​​recruiting soldiers is not wrong, but there is always the ancestral system blocking it. Right now, it is to prepare for the Western Seas, supervise the construction of military ships, and purchase commercial goods... If we can draw up a plan Proper regulations come out, and the affairs of the voyages are done well, which increases the revenue of the court and reduces the number of idlers on the street. no?"

A few people looked at each other, bowed and praised: "The Tongzheng envoy has a good opinion!"

(End of this chapter)

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