My uncle's name is Zhu Di

Chapter 50 The Ministry of Households or the Department of General Affairs?

Chapter 50 The Ministry of Households or the Department of General Affairs?
"Your Majesty, I think that the collection of business tax is the same as land tax, which is to enrich the state. For the same reason, there is also salt tax. Changlu, Lianghuai, and Liangzhe, in order to ensure the collection of salt tax, Daming arranged at least tens of thousands of salt. The minister thinks that it is imperative to increase the tax compared with the salt tax."

Xu Jingchang talked eloquently, with strict righteousness, "It is best to have eight thousand at the beginning, and the minimum should not be less than five thousand. Only with so many taxes can we ensure smooth tax collection and enrich the country's use."

Zhu Di sullenly asked, "Is it too much? With so many taxes, how much will the expenditure be increased?"

"Your Majesty, these taxpayers can be borrowed from the Fifth Army Commander's Mansion and temporarily placed under the Ministry of Household Affairs. There will be no increase in expenditure. When everything goes well and the business tax increases, and then adjust it, it will be much more generous."

Zhu Di still frowned, he looked at Xia Yuanji, "Xia Shangshu, do you also think so?"

Xia Yuanji pondered for a while, and he brought Xu Jingchang to face Jun, still wary of Xu Jingchang in his heart.This kid has a bad stomach and has worked in the General Administration Department for several months, which is even more difficult than other old officials who have been working for several years.Many people privately said that going to the Tongzheng Secretary was like entering the gates of hell.

There is no doubt that Xu Jingchang is the evil ghost with a green face and fangs in the gate of hell.

How can such a person be trusted?

But today is different, Xu Jingchang really rushed to the front, he did not hesitate to fight for power for the household department, and did his part.

Xia Yuanji was a little moved, after all, he was speaking for the household department and striving for benefits.

"Returning to Your Majesty, I think what Xu Tongzheng said is quite reasonable. I have also collected commercial taxes for several months, and the accumulated conversion has nearly 50 taels of silver, which will be sent to the treasury." Xia Yuanji paused, and then said: " Your Majesty, perhaps the amount of commercial tax is far less than that of the land tax, and it doesn’t seem that much. But the land tax is mainly collected on grain. Whether it is stored or transported, it is very troublesome. In case of emergency, allocating grain from various places will greatly delay time. Therefore, it is very necessary to collect commercial taxes and maintain a considerable amount of real money to facilitate the court's emergency, this is a major matter related to the Ming Dynasty's national economy and people's livelihood, and I can only speak out to His Majesty."

Xia Yuanji's words really touched Zhu Di's itching.

A huge agricultural country like Ming Dynasty lacks gold and silver, so when collecting taxes, it must focus on tax in kind, otherwise, the common people will suffer too much loss.

More than 100 years later, despite absorbing one-third of the world's silver, a single whip of the Ming Dynasty still caused many people to go bankrupt. With hands, the common people will be exploited one more way, and it is true that the fish can be drained continuously.

Taxation in the early Ming Dynasty was still dominated by tax in kind.

But there is a problem here, that is, many large projects and foreign military use still have to be converted into silver... because this thing is valuable, light in weight, easy to carry, and stable in currency value.

Otherwise, if you give 1000 million treasure notes to the Ministry of War and ask them to purchase military rations, after half a month, the value of the treasure notes will depreciate, and you can only buy [-]% of them. After another month or two, only [-]% of the money will be left... What is going on with this battle? beat?
Therefore, the levy of commercial tax has an excellent benefit, which is to increase pure monetary income, which is very important to the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Di pondered over and over again, but he had to admit that Xia Yuanji had moved him, and Xu Jingchang's tax increase was just right.

"You guys come up with a detailed charter, and I'll convene an imperial meeting later to finalize this matter."

Xu Jingchang let out a long breath, and immediately said: "My emperor is wise, this move will definitely increase the Ming Dynasty's income, the merits of the present age will benefit the future."

He flattered, Xia Yuanji also said something nice, and the two came out of the palace.

Xu Jingchang said: "Duke Xia, in a few days, I will be 16 years old. Although I was 21 years old, but in the Tang Dynasty, 16 years old was considered a Chengding. No matter how you say it, I am not a child anymore. A few days ago, I persuaded Your Majesty not to take the lead in a personal conquest easily. After all, not every emperor is as brave and invincible as Your Majesty. If there is a mistake in the personal conquest, it will shake the foundation of the country... Xia Gong, I have been in the position of the General Manager for a short time. I didn't think too much about it, if I can accomplish one or two things, it's good to be worthy of my heart and the reputation of my ancestors. Regarding business and tax matters, you just give orders, Wansheng is willing to charge forward, even if I lose my position, I will not hesitate. "

What Xu Jingchang said was very sincere, even if he was as old as Xia Yuanji, he was moved.

"It is enough to have a confidant in life. Xia Yuanji is so lucky that Xu Tongzheng is willing to work side by side to achieve great things. You and I can be called comrades!"

Xu Jingchang and Xia Yuanji cherished each other, and each returned to the ministry. Xia Yuanji was overwhelmed with emotion, and calmed down for a while before picking up his pen and writing the strategy.

Xu Jingchang was different from the hot-blooded Xia Yuanji, he hummed a ditty, Le Dian turned back to the General Secretary, Yao Guangxiao was still waiting here, Xu Jingchang smiled and said: "Master, I'm preparing a vegetarian table, let's play chess and chat, What do you think?"

Yao Guangxiao looked at Xu Jingchang who couldn't stop his joy, and frowned slightly, "You look for a mirror, the fox just stole the chicken, and you look like this. I am very puzzled, who is the unlucky guy who was plotted by you again?" gone?"

Xu Jingchang shook his head and smiled, "Young Master, you think too badly of me. I am young and passionate, and I am dedicated to the country. I dare not say that the rare loyal minister in the world is also an outstanding young man in Ming Dynasty. You shouldn't always use vicious things. Think about me."

Yao Guangxiao heheed twice, "Xu Jingchang, I know exactly what you have changed. I don't worry if you don't tell me, let's take a look, you will definitely show your fox tail. Alright, go and prepare eighteen for the old man. This dish, I'll eat it well, so it won't spoil your business."

Xu Jingchang was slightly taken aback, but he could only nod his head in agreement.

He drank and played chess with Yao Guangxiao, very happy.Xia Yuanji waved a large pen over there, writing the strategy, and devoted himself wholeheartedly.

But on the other side, the courtiers were fried.

Liu Jun, Minister of the Ministry of War, Song Li, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, Chen Ying, the deputy governor of the left, and several other important officials, all squeezed into the side of Jian Yi, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

"Tianguan, no matter what, you have to make up your mind."

Jian Yi frowned slightly, "Are you talking about the Ministry of Households asking for taxes?"

Liu Jun, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, hurriedly said: "Indeed...Xia Yuanji is really too much. He already has household registration, money and food, but now he wants tax soldiers. What does he want to do? The money and soldiers belong to him. In the next six departments, Do you want him to be the head of the household department?"

Jian Yi's brows deepened, "Don't talk about this, His Majesty agrees to levy commercial taxes, and I also think it's a good government that benefits the country and the people, so there's no need to make such a fuss."

Song Li hurriedly leaned forward, "Tianguan, I don't think this matter is that simple. When the household department has soldiers, it will investigate the family business of all officials. At that time, Xia Yuanji will know who is doing business and how much income they have. It’s okay if it’s just used to collect taxes, but if he uses this party to attack dissidents and frame Zhongliang, there will be endless troubles at that time!”

Accompanied by the worried words of several people, Jian Yi's brows became more and more serious.

The reason why the Minister of the Ministry of Officials is the head of the hundred officials, and the power is poured into the government and the public, is mainly because the Ministry of Officials is in charge of officials, and the power of personnel is in the hands. No one can ignore the opinions of the officials of the Ministry of Officials.

But the problem is that if the Ministry of Households holds the money bag and still holds military power, it can hold hundreds of officials hostage by collecting business taxes.This created a super yamen that could distribute money and punish hundreds of officials.

At that time, the Ministry of Officials will absolutely be unable to compete, and the head of the hundred officials will naturally become Xia Yuanji.

What should I do?

"Your Majesty is committed to enriching the national treasury. Commercial taxation is imperative. No matter what, it cannot be stopped." Jian Yi said in a deep voice.

At this time, Chen Ying suddenly said: "Even if you can't stop it, you can't hand it over to the household department, otherwise the whole court will be messed up."

Jian Yi looked at the crowd, "If you don't give it to the Ministry of Households, who else can you give it to? The Ministry of Officials, or the Ministry of War? Or the Inspectorate?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, this broken matter is really troublesome, no matter who it is given to, it will break the court situation.

"Heavenly officials, now it seems that they can only be given to the Secretary of General Administration. After all, they have no specific control other than government affairs." Liu Jun said suddenly.

General Secretary?
With Xu Jingchang's abhorrentness, if he took the power to levy taxes, he wouldn't have pierced the sky.

No, absolutely not!
Liu Jun lowered his voice and said, "Let the Secretary of General Administration collect taxes, but every penny must go to the account of the Ministry of Accounts. In this way, the Ministry of Accounts and the Secretary of General Administration will check each other, and they will fight each other, so that the big guys can breathe a sigh of relief."

Jian Yi frowned, "I have no objection to the Secretary of the General Administration, but let me also say that Xia Shangshu is still one of our people, if it is handed over to Xu Tongzheng, he has never acted according to common sense, and I am afraid it will make a bigger mess." the mess..."

Everyone was stunned, what should they do?
After a long time, Song Li said slowly, "Let's choose the lesser of two evils!"

(End of this chapter)

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