Chapter 54

As the end of the new year approaches, the number of people in the heavenly prison increases wildly. The Ministry of War, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Punishment, Ministry of Rites, Ministry of Households, Inspectorate, and even Honglu Temple, Yuanma Temple, Imperial Academy... the ghost knows that the Hanlin, which has always been noble, also appeared. thief.

If this continues, there are really not many people left in the Ming Dynasty.

The Heavenly Prison will hold a court meeting, which is just around the corner.

And on the day of Xiaonian, a heavyweight person came to the prison—the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Jian Yi.

That's right, the Heavenly Official was imprisoned.

Seeing Jian Yi coming in, everyone was dumbfounded.

It was completely dumbfounded, the kind where the jaw dropped...

In any case, he shouldn't have come in!

Jian Yi, as a heavenly official of the Ministry of Officials, is the head of civil servants, in charge of the election, and one person in the court, even if he is as noble as Yao Guangxiao and tossing like Xu Jingchang, he is not as powerful as Jian Yi in terms of actual power.

There is no way, this is the horror of the official department.

It took the cabinet more than 100 years to completely suppress the bureaucracy. Now the cabinet has just started to operate, which is very different from the bureaucracy.

For a boss of Jian Yi's level, if he were thrown into the prison, it would be catastrophic.

Secondly, Jian Yi is cautious, strict, and honest, otherwise Xu Zengshou would not have listed him as the first candidate recommended.

There are only two possibilities for such a person being thrown into the sky prison at this moment, one is that he is too good at pretending, and everyone has been deceived.What's more, it's really crazy to kill, no one can distinguish between good and bad, and everyone will pretend to be in the prison!
If this is the case, the Ming Dynasty will be in trouble.

Heads are really rolling, and blood is flowing like a river.

"Tianguan, Tianguan, you should say something!"

The courtiers leaned on the railing and looked at Jian Yi with disbelief on their faces.

"What's going on? Are you really unable to protect yourself?"

Jian Yi kept his face sullen and didn't speak, just walked in silently and made his own bed... That's right, there is still preferential treatment for this official, a small bed three feet wide, half-new and not old bedding, Washed very well.There is no shortage of clean water toilets in the room.

There is even a coffee table, which is much better than others.

But no matter what, he was still in prison!

Gu Pu, the left servant of the Ministry of Industry, has been in the prison for almost ten days. He was already anxious, but now seeing Jian Yi being locked in, his defenses were completely broken.

I couldn't help crying, tears falling like rain.

"Oh my god, what's going on? Hundreds of officials were implicated innocently and went to prison one after another. Even the Minister of the Ministry of Officials couldn't protect himself. Is there any law in this court? Your Majesty, I am wronged!"

As soon as he shouted, the others followed suit, "Your servant is wronged!"

After a while, the sky prison was like the market in the Confucius Temple, shouting in competition, the voices rose and fell, and went straight to the sky... Jian Yi had just made the bed and wanted to rest for a while, seeing this scene, he was so angry that he almost passed out.

I just want to take a break, why is it so difficult?

"I don't even know how to mourn, the servant is to blame, I deserve it!"

Jian Yi's words stunned everyone.

Jian Shangshu said that he brought the blame on himself?
So what did he do wrong?

Why was he arrested?

"Master Tianguan, you should explain carefully, otherwise the subordinate officials would not believe it, why did you even be arrested?" Gu Pu asked in a trembling voice.

Jian Yi had no choice but to sigh repeatedly. He didn't want to say it at first, but he had to say it after being made a fuss by these people.

"The servant did not calculate the expenditure of the official department, and the money was spent too much."

Too much money?
Everyone was surprised to hear that we were guilty of tax evasion and ink corruption because the accounts were not up to date. Why was the Minister of the Ministry of Officials arrested for spending too much money?

Is it possible to spend money on your own family?
Jian Yi had no choice but to explain the matter in detail... The root of the bad thing lies in Xu Jingchang!

The affairs of the Ming court are all in one stone, and Xu Jingchang monopolizes eight fights.

When the commercial tax was first introduced, Xu Jingchang proposed to increase the allowances of some officials, and handed over the authority to Jian Yi for him to decide.

Jian Yi also knew that the salary set by Zhu Yuanzhang was a bit low, and it was difficult to get down after four years, and the price of goods soared, and it has long since returned to the beginning of the country. In addition, the depreciation of the treasure banknotes is too fast, and many officials still receive treasure banknotes in their salaries. , have to borrow money in private to survive, so miserable.

It is also his duty as a heavenly official of the Ministry of Officials to increase a little allowance and let the big guy live a decent life.

It is impossible to let the horse run and not let the horse eat grass.

Jian Yi weighed it over and over again, first of all, he should post the post in Tianjin, mainly for the high prices and high housing prices in the capital. All officials in Beijing need this sum of money to live and work in peace and contentment.

Secondly, most of the Beijing officials came from Jinshi background, and many of them were from Hanlin. The highly respected juren in the local area were not in the top class when they came to the capital.

As for the officials who were born in Jiansheng, they are all relics of the Hongwu period and should be properly preserved. After all, if they are gone, there will be no more.

It's not the right path of Kejia, but I still want to mix in the circle of the capital, let's have a dream of Spring and Autumn!
Therefore, it is also appropriate to pay a subsidy for the academic qualifications of hundreds of officials. Hanlin officials receive 18 taels a year, 15 taels from the second-class class, 12 taels from the third-class class, and five taels for the supervisor.

These two items are generally given, and another one is given as a reward for devotion to duty... The rest of the car and horse allowances, servant allowances, pen, ink, paper and inkstone allowances, etc., were all cut off by Jian Yi. The country is not easy, so we still To save a little.

Before the end of the year, Jian Yi finally calculated the salaries and allowances of hundreds of officials and handed them to Zhu Di, and then he was furious by the emperor.

Zhu Di was so angry that his hair stood on end, he pointed at Jian Yi's nose and scolded him severely.

"Jian Yi, thanks to the fact that I entrusted the official department to you and trusted you in every possible way, you just do things for me like this? Look for yourself, the salary of a hundred officials is fully twice what it was in the past few years, deducting my enthronement The subsequent rewards are still [-]% more! A full [-]% of the money, no more officials, no more things to do, but so much more money... I have worked hard to collect taxes and taxes, but I don’t know it in private How many people have scolded me for being a fool, but you charged [-]% more for a flimsy memorandum, and you said, what is your intention in using so much money to bribe officials?"

Jian Yi was so scolded that he was sweating profusely, so he could only kneel on the ground.

But to be honest, Jian Yi is interesting enough, Xu Jingchang messed up this matter, but Jian Yi, as a heavenly official of the Ministry of Officials and the person who actually drafted it, did not shirk his responsibility at all, nor did he mention Xu Jingchang.

Zhu Di was pissed off, he was holding a rake for holding money, but there was a bottomless box beside him... With such a celestial official, no matter how much he earns, he can't spend enough.

In this way, Zhu Di threw Jian Yi into prison on the day of Xiaonian in a rage.

Keep company with the prisoners.

Although Jian Yi was not arrested for tax evasion and embezzlement, he was the biggest person implicated in this round of turmoil. In comparison, Wang Zhong, the Marquis of Jing'an, was nothing at all.

All the heavenly officials of the Ministry of Officials have been arrested, and it is really unreasonable not to come up with a charter.

In Xu Jingchang's General Administration Department, Prince Zhu Gaochi, Rong Guogong Yao Guangxiao, Minister of the Ministry of Household Xia Yuanji, Minister of the Ministry of War Liu Jun, Minister of the Ministry of Industry Luo Qian, and several important officials gathered together.

"Xu Tongzheng, it's useless to talk too much now. Jian Tianguan has been imprisoned. We are going to meet His Majesty together and ask for forgiveness of his crimes. You will go or not." Xia Yuanji Shen Sheng said.

Xu Jingchang rolled his eyes, "What? You want to hold me hostage?"

Xia Yuanji sneered, "You're really right. Now that things have come to an end, many of our six yamen have been arrested. You even snatched away six of my subordinates. Now Shangshu Jian has also been arrested. , we can only die and die, and burn everything!"

"You pull it down! I took away the six officials, and your household department is still doing a good job, which proves that you have too many redundant staff, and this is just right now!"

"You're talking nonsense!" Xia Yuanji was in a hurry, and broke the jar and said: "I proposed to levy business taxes at the beginning, it was to enrich the national treasury, but now it's good, everyone is in danger, hundreds of officials have been arrested and imprisoned, and the country is in danger. It's a mess. I have no choice but to plead guilty to His Majesty, stop collecting business taxes, and everything will return to normal."

Xu Jingchang said bluntly: "If you are like this, His Majesty will abolish you first and make you responsible for the wrong policy!"

Xia Yuanji raised his head and said: "No one in life has died since ancient times, so keep your loyal heart to reflect the history!"

Xu Jingchang is really speechless, can you stop spoiling Prime Minister Wen?

At this time Yao Guangxiao coughed suddenly, "Xu Tongzheng, no matter what the original intention of taxation is, the world is in chaos now, if you have a way, you might as well come up with it, otherwise, I will have to write to His Majesty, requesting the abolition of the bad government."

Xu Jingchang was stunned for a moment, then looked at the officials, he could only sigh.

"If you want to solve the problem, follow me to the prison!"

Everyone was stunned for a long time, Yao Guangxiao took the lead, "Forget it, I will be the first."

With this leader, the officials followed Xu Jingchang to the prison one after another.

This time, the six ministers, the important ministers of the nine courts, the following Langzhong, Yuanwailang, and the principal are all present.

Xu Jingchang looked at the crowd, and suddenly said: "This can also be regarded as the ten-day meeting of the General Secretary. Originally, Shangshu Jian was supposed to preside over it, so I will take over on my behalf. Does Shangshu Jian have any objections?"

Jian Yi didn't even look at him, just turned his face to the wall.

Xu Jingchang smiled helplessly, "My lords, we must reorganize the finance and taxation. The Ministry of Industry's bamboo and wood allocation must be taken out and collected together with the commercial tax. The tax market must also be taken out and merged into the Department of Shipping and Shipping, collectively referred to as tariffs. As for the Ministry of Households, In addition to the land tax, other miscellaneous taxes must also be handed over. In short, we must make the tax clear and clear, and there must be no leaks or holes everywhere, otherwise we will not be able to pass the customs with His Majesty."

The ministers looked at the people in the prison, then looked at each other, and then looked at each other. The minister of the Ministry of Industry, Luo Qian, took the lead and said: "I think it's unlucky, but I can make it clear that in the future, the imperial court must give me enough budget, otherwise I will be delayed." I'm not responsible for the big things."

(End of this chapter)

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