My uncle's name is Zhu Di

Chapter 56 Xu Jingchang's Prison Disaster

Chapter 56 Xu Jingchang's Prison Disaster
Just such an oral order, return his mother's love!

Zhu Laosi, you are too much!

At this moment, Xu Jingchang still had a glimmer of fantasy, he rushed over and said, "Mr. Cheng, but everyone must stay in the prison, are there any exceptions?"

Zhu Neng immediately said: "Of course there are. Your Majesty said that Young Master Yao is getting old and will return to the temple to preside over the prayer assembly. His Highness will follow the Son of Heaven to worship the ancestors, and he must return immediately."

During the conversation, Yao Guangxiao and Zhu Gaochi came out, and the two of them can leave.

Xu Jingchang was in a hurry, "What about me? I also have things to do. It's the end of the year, and I still have to preside over the sacrifices at home and pay New Year's greetings to the empress. I have a lot of things to do!"

Zhu Neng nodded, "Your Majesty has indeed given a special explanation."

"What does Your Majesty say?"

"Your Majesty said... no matter how sweet Xu Tongzheng's rhetoric, coercion and lures are, you can't let him go, and no one can let him go! So Xu Tongzheng, you can celebrate the New Year with the big guys!"

After finishing speaking, Zhu Neng arranged for someone to take Yao Guangxiao and Fatty Zhu away, leaving only Xu Jingchang with angry eyes wide-eyed.

"I have made great contributions to the country, and I have devoted myself to the country. I have been wronged!"

Faced with Xu Jingchang's cry of grievances, the six important ministers present saw that they were happy in their hearts. Some people couldn't help it and simply laughed out loud, and finally turned into a sea of ​​joy.

Live it!

Blame it on yourself!

Let you jump up and down, boy, tell me, how many things have you caused and how many innocent people have been killed in less than half a year?
What kind of tricks have you made of the ruling and opposition parties?
I should really lock you in and let us big guys go back to celebrate the New Year.

"Hey, Your Majesty is still a saint!"

Xia Yuanji let out a long sigh, turned his head and said, "Everyone, let's resign ourselves to our fate. We celebrate the New Year in the prison, and we celebrate the New Year in the prison. Haven't we passed it yet?"

Hearing Xia Yuanji's words, Song Li's noses were crooked.

After being happy, you must face reality.

They have been pampered and pampered for so many years, and they don’t even support the oil bottle when it’s down. Let us stay here, unable to wash, have no clothes to change, no beds and bedding, how do you let us live?

In an instant, in the dungeon, there was a wail of mourning, everyone was crying, everyone was sad.

Your Majesty is really going too far, how can you treat a minister like this?
We are all loyal, for the country and the people!

"Your Majesty, I think you've gone too far. Even if you have to punish a few people, you won't be able to imprison everyone, especially that kid Jingchang, who is innocent."

Those who can blame Zhu Di like this, except for Empress Xu, are not the second choice.

Zhu Di snorted, "You, it's just that your heart is too kind. After checking it now, there are omissions in every department. Do you think this is just an ordinary omission? Bamboo and wood draws points, discussion field, banknote pass, and vassal state tribute, which one? Calculated, it is more than a million taels of silver. The bad government has been reformed, so the money that was greedy for money before will be counted like this? I locked them up for a few days and let them reflect on themselves inside, which is considered an extrajudicial favor. As for Xu Jingchang ..."

"This kid is even more disgusting. He jumps up and down, causing chaos in the government and the people, and panicking the people. If you don't show him how powerful he is, he won't know who is in charge of the Ming dynasty!"

Empress Xu frowned, she didn't like to listen to Zhu Di's words.

"You don't like to see ministers who are greedy and dereliction of duty, filling their own pockets. My nephew is working hard to rectify the bad government, and you don't want to. Why are you so difficult to serve? They say that being with the king is like being with a tiger, but you are like this." " Empress Xu said angrily: "Anyway, let me tell you, don't let my nephew go home for the New Year. I won't finish with you, so don't come to my palace."

Empress Xu made a big move, and Zhu Di was helpless, "You insist on forcing me to speak clearly? After the Chinese New Year, I will chase after Xu Zengshou, your good brother Ding Guogong. Just say it, Should I give it to my father, or let my son go home for the New Year?"

Empress Xu was stunned for a moment, she never expected that there was such a layer?
"Can't we have both?"

"What do you want? You are not afraid of the courtiers' jealousy, so find a way to deal with your precious nephew?"

Empress Xu immediately lowered her head, and she also said the same thing... "The young man has suffered a lot, and it is good to let him suffer a little bit, but you can't really wrong him. Pass my oral order and prepare a good bedding for him." , as well as a heating stove, pots and pans, basic necessities, food, shelter, and transportation. By the way, I will arrange a few servants to serve him, I am afraid that he will be hungry."

Zhu Di's face turned dark, "You are really stupid, that kid is very good at cooking, you just send the things, you don't need to send someone. Otherwise, other courtiers will hate him even more."

Empress Xu just woke up like a dream, indeed.

"Alright then! Hurry up and arrange for someone to deliver it."

Empress Xu was bothering here, and Zhu Zhanji also heard his father's story on the other side.

"Father, why don't you stay with your cousin in the prison? What are you doing at home?"

Fatty Zhu was half-dead with anger, "What can I do about your grandpa's will? You only know that you love your cousin, but you don't know how to pity your father?"

Zhu Zhanji said bluntly: "My cousin is more interesting than you. He arranged for me to study and play with the big guys. He also gave me grasshoppers, crickets, Haidongqing, and fine dogs. Dad was reluctant to give them to me. Yes, that's right..."

Zhu Zhanji slapped his forehead, turned and ran.

Fatty Zhu didn't understand what he meant, and hurriedly followed. The two of them arrived at Xu Jingchang's study one after the other, and ran away fatty Zhu out of breath.

Zhu Zhanji's eyes gleamed, and he whistled suddenly, and a vigorous Haidongqing landed on his arm.

Zhu Zhanji was overjoyed, "Father, take me to the prison quickly, I want Eagle to send the news in."

Zhu Gaochi was startled for a while, and then nodded vigorously. This is a good idea!

Fatty Zhu hurriedly prepared the carriage, then collected a lot of things, and loaded them into the carriage. He and Zhu Zhanji were about to leave, but a small dog also jumped into the carriage.

In this way, Zhu Zhanji held the grasshopper cage and the cricket pot in his arms, holding the yellow on the left, Qingcang on the right, and also brought the fat man Zhu to the outside of the prison.

Jin Yiwei was stationed here. Empress Xu sent something in just now, but the eunuch who was in charge of delivering the goods also passed on the order.

Except for the queen, no one is allowed to send anything inside, otherwise they will be killed immediately!
Therefore, when the two men came, they blocked them.

"Your Highness, don't make things difficult for us."

Zhu Gaochi looked at it, then suddenly smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm a kind person, and I will never make things difficult for you."

As he said that, he turned his head and fetched a carp weighing two catties, which was not alive.In order to reduce the weight, the fish scales and internal organs have been removed in advance.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Hai Dongqing grabbed the carp, spread its wings and soared into the air, and flew into the sky prison with a swish.

Jin Yiwei was stunned at this moment.

No one is allowed to send things inside, is Haidongqing in the forbidden ranks?
Shall we take down Costin?

All Jin Yiwei who came up with this idea, looked at the smiling Zhu Gaochi, and the black boy Zhu Zhanji, don't make fun of the Nine Clans.

Whoever dares to shoot this arrow will be cut off all over the house!
They obediently chose to shut up, and looked around one by one, pretending to be ignorant.

A moment later, a sea dongqing flew out of the prison, holding a wooden bowl in its paws, and inside it was a piece of fat and tender meat with a fragrant aroma.

"It's my uncle's craft."

Zhu Zhanji stretched out his hand and grabbed it with joy, and stuffed it into his mouth.

"It's delicious, even better than the royal chef in the palace."

With that said, he gritted his teeth, reluctantly took out the cricket jar from his arms, and put it under Hai Dongqing's claws.

"Go, I'm having fun outside, my cousin can only be a cricket inside... Grandpa Huang is too much."

In this way, Costin flew again and again, and Xu Jingchang ate sweet and sour fish happily, and got another pair of crickets.

He leaned against the silk quilt and leaned against the ministers.

"My lords, I still have half a fish left. Although it's cold, it's better than the hard pancakes in Tianlao. What's the matter? Anyone who gets hungry can take it away. I don't mind." Xu Jingchang pretended Generous way.

The courtiers are blowing their lungs, you don't mind, we mind!
The cheap don't eat what comes from you, who do you think we are?
We are all moral gentlemen who have read poetry and books, let us eat your leftovers, what do you think?

Even if it's delicious, even if it makes you drool, you have to hold back.

It's about dignity, don't bow your head!
Just as they were gnashing their teeth, a thick voice suddenly sounded.

"If you don't eat, I will!"

As soon as the big guy turned his head, Jing'an Hou Wang Zhong actually passed the crowd and came in front of Xu Jingchang. He picked up the fish and stuffed it into his mouth without even changing his chopsticks.

While eating, he said, "I was born to die, and I can swallow horse meat that is harder than firewood. If you don't eat it? If you don't eat it, you will die!"

As he spoke, he ate the rest of the fish in two mouthfuls.

He didn't stop there, he grabbed the hard pancakes, wiped the soup on the plate, and it was delicious!

"Xu Tongzheng, you sent me in here. If I eat half of your fish, I won't thank you." Wang Zhong turned to go back to his room, when suddenly Xu Jingchang invited: "Jing'an Hou, there is nothing else. Let's fight crickets!"

(End of this chapter)

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