My uncle's name is Zhu Di

Chapter 60 Xu Jingchang is an asshole

Chapter 60 Xu Jingchang is an asshole
A firecracker fired by Zhu Di blew up the sky above Yingtian, and made Xu Jingchang flustered and broke out in a cold sweat.

Reminiscent of Xia Yuanji's words just now, Xu Jingchang's whole body is not well...

Zhu Di is now eager to seek medical treatment and is eager to fill the shortfall in the national treasury, which cannot affect the recovery of people's livelihood.It is necessary for the horse to run, but also for the horse not to eat grass.

He asked the six departments to do their duty, just to do the work of digging out the flesh to mend the sores, and he couldn't complain about the pain, so he got a bunch of doctors to watch.

But the problem is that no matter whether it is levying business taxes or sailing to the west, these bad things have something to do with me.

If you make a mistake, you will give up your excuses. With your current human nature, you may be full of civil and military officials. If you hear that you are unlucky, you will only clap your hands and cheer, and you can't wait to come to eat.

Now that the division of powers and responsibilities is clear, Xia Yuanji only needs to keep the land tax, and at most add the salt tax.

There are fixed methods for these three things. As long as the supervision is strict, it is not difficult to increase the annual income by [-] to [-] percent.

What really kills me is here.

If you can't collect it, you will be scolded.

Received, still being scolded.

No one in the Procuratorate or the Sixth Division will be polite.

Xu Jingchang looked around subconsciously, only to feel that the menacing gazes were about to swallow him alive.

These insects are definitely going to pack a punch!
Zhu Laosi, he is the emperor, and if he is an emperor, he is a dangerous species. You can't expect him to be kind and soft... Even if there is an aunt, that won't work.

Xu Jingchang broke out in a cold sweat, and the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, half of his soul flew away.

Seeing that it was midnight, the midnight drum sounded, and according to Zhu Di's instructions, the brass lock with a bull's head was opened, and the officials could finally leave the prison and go home quickly.

This group of people, like the students who went to the cafeteria to grab food, ran out one after another.

Even Liu Jun and Song Li, the six ministers and high-ranking officials in the department, all ran away.

Finally free.

Get out of the sky prison quickly and never come back.

After returning home, be sure to wash it well, burn the stinky rags, and prepare a big brazier at the door to drive away evil spirits.

As long as I am alive in this life, I will never come again.

They ran out one after another, and Jian Yi and Xia Yuanji stayed at the end. They looked at each other and smiled.

"I'm going to write a letter later, asking all the officials in Beijing to clean up the officialdom, so that I can give His Majesty an explanation."

Xia Yuanji said: "I will also send officials here to urge various places to urge the payment of money and food, and we must bear some infamy. No matter what, we can't live up to the holy grace."

While talking, they glanced at Xu Jingchang, who was still thinking with his head down, and the two laughed loudly: "Xu Tongzheng, let's go, you have to hurry up and think about a solution. If you have any difficulties, come to us and we will definitely help you." Help us with all our strength. Don’t worry, we won’t hold you back.”

The last sentence was light and light, but Xu Jingchang shuddered as if hearing thunder.

He took two quick steps forward, Xia Yuanji and Jian Yi had already left.

Xu Jingchang looked to both sides, the chain was still there, and the bull-headed lock had not been removed.

Xu Jingchang, who saw this scene, was suddenly blessed. He quickly grabbed the chains on both sides, entangled them, and then locked the locks.

He didn't come out, but turned his head and returned to the prison!

I'm not going out!
What is this operation?
Jian Yi and Xia Yuanji hadn't gone far, when they looked back, their jaws were about to drop.

"Xu Tongzheng, what the hell are you doing?"

"Your Majesty has already said that the big guy is allowed to go home when the time passes. What are you doing in prison? Are you still addicted to prison?"

Xu Jingchang didn't care what the two said, he even wanted to hum a little tune.

What a genius I am.

Rather than go out and take the blame, I might as well stay in the prison.

There is food and drink, and the big deal is to stay for another year.

In case the big guy fails to complete the task next year and Zhu Di moves in, I can still be his companion.


Xu Jingchang walked a few steps inside, when he suddenly saw Jing'an Hou Wang Zhong, he was startled.

"You, why are you here? Hurry up and get out, His Majesty agreed."

Wang Zhong chuckled, "Xu Tongzheng, I've thought about it these days. No matter what, I will listen to you. If you don't go, I won't go. Anyway, His Majesty asked me to stay for three months, and there are two more The moon hasn't finished squatting yet!"

Xu Jingchang laughed dumbly, "I said, Marquis of Jing'an, if I don't go out, it will be the enemy of all courts, and no one wants me to pass the test smoothly. You go out to lead the army and become a Marquis, why bother to suffer with me?"


Wang Zhong said decisively: "I scolded Xia Yuanji, that guy is a smiling tiger, I'm afraid he will give me little shoes to wear. The only one who can help me now is you, Xu Tongzheng. No matter what, I will advance and retreat with you .”

Xu Jingchang rolled his eyelids, and said helplessly, "Since it's here, it's safe. Let's stay inside and don't go out."

Wang Zhong readily agreed, and then the two of them were left in the dungeon, and the entire Ming Dynasty Hall was in chaos.

Xu Jingchang is not the kind of dispensable person. Under his management, the General Secretary is likely to become the center of the government.

Moreover, after merging the power of tax collection, the Secretary of the General Administration has the power to collect taxes, and with the addition of private newspapers, he can completely sit on an equal footing with the six inspectors' offices and fight in court.

Now that Xu Jingchang has put down the pick, he can't deal with many government affairs.

The most important thing is that Zhu Di's ambition forced the ministers to issue military orders. What should we do?
Who will implement it?

Are you waiting for the big guys to come in again next year?

Xu Jingchang, you bastard!
The annual vacation is not over yet, and all the ministers are fried.

You bastard surnamed Xu, we're not finished!

They jumped and scolded, but Zhu Di was also furious on the other side.

"What's the matter, what I say doesn't work anymore? He Xu Jingchang is so disobedient, he insists on staying in the prison, can't get along with me?" Zhu Di yelled angrily.

Empress Xu is not used to him, "Your Majesty, I have already said, I want you to be nice to my nephew. If you insist on locking him up, there is no need to show affection. The child has worked so hard these past few months. Your Majesty's way Is it really chilling?"

Zhu Di stared round his eyes, is this still my fault?
"Boss, tell me!"

Zhu Gaochi hesitated for a while, and could only lean down and say: "Father, to be honest, you said that the government is chaotic, corruption is rampant, and all officials need to reflect on themselves. Of course, this is true. But speaking of it, my cousin is Father. The appointed envoy has only been working for a few months. The corruption in each yamen was caught by his cousin, and he didn't put a penny in his arms. He helped the father so much, but the father Lock him up with ordinary courtiers, and it would be chilling to replace him with a child."

Zhu Di was at a loss for words for a while, and looked at the second child again.

"What do you say?"

Zhu Gaoxu said: "My child thought that the emperor should go to the prison in time and invite my cousin out."

"You asked me to invite him? Is he Jiang Taigong?" Zhu Di raised his eyebrows angrily.

"My cousin is not Jiang Ziya, but he is Tao Zhugong!" Zhu Gaoxu replied.

Zhu Di was even more taken aback. When it comes to managing money, Xu Jingchang is extraordinary only with the Jubaomen tax card, and he is still a member of the royal family, so he can be trusted.In addition, he is very witty, and can often break the rules and make shots inadvertently... For example, this time all the officials came out, but he stayed alone.

Zhu Di could vaguely guess what Xu Jingchang was thinking.

To be honest, Zhu Di couldn't help but give him a lot of praise. Apart from being able to piss people off, this bastard is really cunning.When he comes out, he will receive the military order with the officials. If he can't complete it by then, he must be the target of public criticism.

At this time, he stayed inside, but suddenly made things different.

"Okay, I'm going! Don't be idle, both of you, go with me!"

Zhu Di led the two pigs and came to the prison again aggressively.

I have to say, Xu Jingchang is really ruthless.

In a daze, Zhu Di was forced to come to the prison for the second time.

And different from last time, Zhu Di really came in this time.

With the two princes, seeing Xu Jingchang, Zhu Di asked sharply, "Do you feel wronged, do you think I should pay you compensation? Do you want me to prepare a carriage for you, and pull you out like Mr. Jiang?" ah?"

Xu Jingchang was taken aback, "Your Majesty, where did you start with this? It's a great injustice!"

He immediately denied it categorically, jokingly, even if I blame Zhu Lao Si in my heart, I must never say it out.

Zhu Di tilted his two sons, and then sighed heavily: "You said you were wronged, so why didn't you go out?"

Xu Jingchang said bluntly: "I will be arrested even if I go out, and next time I will be the culprit who didn't fulfill His Majesty's request. I'm afraid I won't even be able to stay in prison. I'll send you directly to Caishikou. Why do I still go out?"

"Ridiculous!" Zhu Di snorted, "You're still blaming me. Of course, I will take care of you like a nephew, and no one can touch you."

Xu Jingchang shook his head and said, "Your Majesty, the matter is not that simple. You have given both kindness and power, thunder and rain, even the Emperor Taizu couldn't do better. But you just let the ministries do their duty faithfully, but you still haven't carefully planned how to do it. What is the most important thing, if there is a conflict, how to coordinate, how many responsibilities each department has... These things are not clear. The minister is now out, and he cannot collect business taxes. If not, everyone will blame the minister. Since this is the case, why should the minister go out, why not wait here for the courtiers to come in and reunite."

After talking about this reasoning, Zhu Di fell into deep thought. That's right, I just asked them to do their duty faithfully, but I didn't make it clear how to do it.

We can't say that the courtiers have no conscience, but unfortunately not too many.

Maybe when the first month is out, I will cry and swear to Junqian, and forget about the swearing and swearing, and I will go back to my old ways...

"Since this is the case, pass an order to the six ministries and nine ministers, and ask them to draw up specific strategies as soon as possible, and submit them as soon as possible, without being perfunctory. Whoever fails to submit them will be thrown into the prison immediately!" Zhu Di said viciously.

Pulled the courtiers into the water again...Xu Jingchang is really a complete bastard!
 So what... it will be on the shelves next Tuesday... I'll save some manuscripts first...

(End of this chapter)

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