Chapter 62

Riding a steed, wearing a unicorn suit, and being led by Master Hou... When Xu Jingchang came out, the drums and gongs and firecrackers blared on both sides, and Zhu Gaoxu and Zhu Zhanji were on the show again.

The pair of uncles and nephews seemed to be competing with each other.

Who is the first partner?

Fatty Zhu said that he was emotionally stable. The second brother can only fight with his son. They are already in this age group. Do you need to care about him?

Zhu Gaochi's biggest task this year is to serve his good father and let the government transition smoothly. As long as there are no major incidents, he will be the prince at his fingertips.

There should be no surprises, right?

At this time, Xu Jingchang had already arrived in front of Zhu Gaochi, took out a stack of official documents from his arms, and threw it to Zhu Gaochi.

"Your Highness, hurry up and take a look. Tomorrow, on the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, there are important matters."

Zhu Gaochi received the official document and shivered subconsciously.

He thought it was okay, is that possible?
As long as there is someone with the surname Xu, this Ming Dynasty will be Zhang Yide's mother, much ado about nothing!

Zhu Gaochi sent Xu Jingchang back to his residence with a feeling of apprehension, and then returned to the East Palace. Then he carefully unfolded the official document... When he saw it, it was out of control.

The whole person can't wait to get in.

This describes a very large plan, and it is very feasible.

This is especially rare.

For example, Zhu Yunqi is very good at setting goals, and the crouching dragon and phoenix chicks around him want to restore the Zhou rituals and eradicate the vassal kings, each of them is ambitious and heroic.

But that was the end of the matter. Zhu Di overthrew the efforts of the whole country. Facts have proved that their effect on Zhu Yunqi was completely negative.

The official document in front of me is different. Every item involved in it is very feasible, and there are strict regulations. How to implement it is clearly written.

This is the first time Zhu Gaochi has been taught. It turns out that the matter of governing the country can still be so clear.

It's really comfortable to watch this kind of thing.

From the inside to the outside, it's like bathing in the spring breeze, like drinking fine wine, every pore is refreshed.

He watched it twice in one breath, and it took three o'clock in the morning before Mrs. Zhang came over to remind him, "Look for a while, and you will go to court soon. This is the first court meeting in the new year. If you doze off It would be embarrassing."

Zhu Gaochi couldn't help laughing and said: "With such a wonderful article, even if I don't sleep for three days, I still have energy. You prepare a Tang Pozi for me. I have to go there early and listen to the discussions of the officials. I think so No one will object to a good strategy. If it can be done, even if it is only [-]% to [-]%, after this year, my Daming will look completely new, hahaha!"

Fatty Zhu laughed until the flesh on his face trembled. He had never been this happy since he came to Yingtian.

Mrs. Zhang is also in a good mood, thinking that the new year will be a prosperous and good year.

She specially got four Mrs. Tang for Zhu Gaochi, and prepared the carriage.

In less than four watch days, Zhu Gaochi left for the Meridian Gate.

Today is the day of the first big court meeting in the new year, and someone came earlier than him,

If you pay a little attention, you will find that the people who come here early at this time are mainly blue robes, and they are generally Kodao speakers.

Officials, ceremonies, punishment and military engineering, among the six divisions, the thirteen censors... These people gathered together, looked at them carefully, their fighting spirit was high, they rushed to the bullfight, and went straight to the sky.

Those who know are coming to court, those who don't know are coming to fight.

These people were angry and talked a lot.

After listening to Zhu Gaochi for a while, he understood the general idea.

Then Zhu Gaochi became confused.

Almost without exception, all the officials present at the scene opposed the strategy drawn up by the Six Ministries and the Secretary of General Administration, and even resolutely opposed the plan to enrich the national treasury.

They thought it was a terrible thing, downright treasonous.

Because Xu Jingchang proposed to focus on financial management and enrich the national treasury, from the six ministries of the imperial court to the following provincial capitals, prefectures and counties, without exception, they must serve this matter.

"Since ancient times, the country has been governed by filial piety, morality, and ancestral system... It is unheard of to rule the country by accumulating wealth! This kind of exploitation of the people, the people's power is exhausted, and the country will fail!"

Another one said angrily, "Businessmen are lowly, cunning and insidious. To collect their taxes is to give them a chance to enter the court. They also specifically request that the place not make things difficult for the businessmen, and provide them with convenience, build bridges and pave roads... ...We are the officials of the Ming Dynasty, not the eagles and dogs of the merchants. If this continues, where will the dignity go? Where is the dignity of the scholar-bureaucrats? Could it be that the most distinguished people in the Ming Dynasty have become merchants?"


After listening to Zhu Gaochi for a while, he felt that something was wrong.

He wanted to step forward to say a few words, but he heard someone say: "At this point, our Sixth Division can only use the authority given to us by the Emperor Taizu to reject random orders and not execute them!"

"That's right, the six disciplines are strong, fighting against traitors, risking life and death, I would rather have my head cut off, and the ancestral law cannot be changed!"

"Yes, fight to the end and never back down!"

Hearing the words that almost declared war, Zhu Gaochi's face was ashen, and he stopped abruptly.


He knew that what the Kodao spokesperson said was a bit nonsense and exaggerated, which was not quite right.

But if this group of people is determined to dismiss the chaos, this plan is really not easy to implement.

The problem is that the six subjects have the authority granted by Zhu Yuanzhang, and Zhu Di is the most obedient son of Zhu Yuanzhang. Even if it is just a play, Zhu Di dare not oppose the ancestral system openly...

Regardless of the fact that the official position of the Sixth Division is not high, but any decree, without the consent of the Sixth Division, don't even think about sending it out... Even if it is issued, it is a decree, it is a disorderly order, and it is tantamount to encouraging the officials below to obey and violate.

No matter what, today's court meeting will not go smoothly.

Zhu Gaochi wanted to say something several times, but since they planned to reject the imperial decree, even Zhu Di didn't care, how could they take him seriously?
Zhu Gaochi still wanted to go to Xu Jingchang and let him find a way, but no matter what, Xu Jingchang didn't come.

Not only did he not come, but none of the ministers came, not to mention the ministers did not come, even the servants and vice capital imperial envoys did not come.

Who the hell knows what they're doing?
Fatty Zhu was sweating anxiously here, while it was dawn over there, and it was not far from the Shang Dynasty.

What should I do?
Is it really necessary to fight hand to hand?
At this time, the six ministers, the important ministers of the nine ministers, and Yao Guangxiao, the Duke of Rong, all gathered together.

Xu Jingchang stood in the middle of the crowd, "The news just came that the censors of six departments and thirteen departments have assembled, and they will use their power to reject our drafted strategy."

Hearing this, Liu Jun, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, gritted his teeth angrily, "These bastards are just a group of vicious dogs that bite people. They are really abominable! I propose to take down the leader of the trouble, and we must punch hard!"

Xia Yuanji shook his head immediately, "No, arresting them now will only help their reputation and make them have more fun, unless you can catch all the officials in the department."

Hearing this, Liu Jun was also dumbfounded. Ke Dao is a hornet's nest, and after being stabbed, he will rush out to kill himself.

Even if they are all arrested, the successor will continue to make trouble, endlessly...

This is the characteristic of Ke Dao officials. They have low official positions and live a poor life.

The biggest hope is to find the right opportunity to impeach the powerful, and once he becomes famous, he becomes a model of scholarly circles. From then on, he will escape from the sea of ​​suffering, be promoted to the sixth department, or be released to the magistrate, and be popular and hot.

Therefore, Ke Dao and his group are not afraid of heavy punches at all, and they have the ability to hit the board!
There are even some people who are so mad that they don't even want to die, as long as they are famous, anyway, if he dies, everyone will be happy, and the children and grandchildren will benefit, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

"We were discussing the strategy, and the time was too tight, so we didn't inform the six divisions... Among them, the Inspectorate still needs to supervise [-] provinces, but the sixth division has nothing to do, and they will definitely risk their lives. It was also our negligence, and this matter is troublesome It's gone." Jian Yi told the truth.

In this strategy, there is no room for the six subjects.

I thought that their official positions were low and they didn't dare to act recklessly, but I didn't expect that they would use the big move of blocking and refuting all these things.

At this moment, Dongfang was pale. If there was no solution, he would really have to fight the court, and blood might splash on the Golden Palace.

Everyone was out of ideas, and it was up to Xu Jingchang in the end.

"At present, there is only one non-solution. I remember that in the 12th year of Hongwu, the Sixth Division was temporarily suspended under the Secretary of General Administration..."

Xia Yuanji turned pale with shock: "Do you want six subjects?"

"I didn't say that." Xu Jingchang immediately denied it.

"Really!" Xia Yuanji stared at the boss, panting.

Xu Jingchang said flatly: "Now the Six Divisions must be reassigned to the General Administration Department, supervise the Six Divisions, implement government affairs, and collect business taxes. Only in this way can the anger of the Six Divisions be appeased and they will not come out to make trouble."

Xu Jingchang added in a deep voice: "I have no intention of seizing power, other than that, do you have any other options?"

These people looked at each other in blank dismay.

Does the Secretary of General Administration want to expand his authority?
To merge six subjects!

Xu Jingchang, don't go too far!
"No matter what, we don't agree, you are wishful thinking!" Zheng Ci angrily said.

Xu Jingchang didn't talk too much, and directly took out a beggar's bones from his sleeve.

From the day he became an official, he was ready and finally used it.

"If the strategy cannot be implemented, there is no way to explain it. I have no choice but to resign. If His Majesty refuses, I will return to the dungeon and wait for you."

"You!" The eyeballs of several ministers turned red.

It's still Jian Yi, he thought for a while, and squeezed out a sentence, "Just follow Xu Tongzheng's words!"

Someone wanted to refute, but Jian Yi was in a hurry, "When is it? Xia Shangshu, you go and call all the official departments to Wu Quan in the matter, and make it clear to him that if you want the six departments to be worthy of their name, don't make trouble. "

Xia Yuanji was startled for a moment, turned around and left in a hurry, while Jian Yi led the officials and went straight to the Meridian Gate.

Fatty Zhu was very anxious and wanted to say something, but the gate of the palace opened, and the officials lined up to enter... Then Zhu Gaochi saw the famous scene.

Even though the six ministries and nine ministers talked freely, the officials of the six divisions remained silent until finally, someone suggested that the six divisions be temporarily assigned to the Secretary of General Administration to supervise the tax administration.

Fatty Zhu suddenly realized that this is how the government works!
(End of this chapter)

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