My uncle's name is Zhu Di

Chapter 76 Da Ming's Conscience Enters the East Palace

Chapter 76 Da Ming's Conscience Enters the East Palace

Happy meeting with a glass of strong wine, brothers are laughing about everything... Fatty Zhu sent off his second brother happily, full of confidence, and then it was Zhu Gaosui's turn.

Compared with being cautious with the second child, it is not easy to deal with the third child Zhu.

When the brothers met, Zhu Gaochi said directly: "Third brother, your residence newspaper is suspected of leaking court secrets, and you are too careless in doing things."

Zhu Gaosui was startled, "What secret?"

"Since it's a secret, it's inconvenient to tell you. If you want to know, you can go to the Sanju Department to explain." Zhu Gaochi wrote lightly.

Zhu Gaosui's expression suddenly changed, "Brother, are you going to report on my younger brother?"

"Not to mention, it's just beating."

"Beat?" Zhu Gaosui said helplessly, "Brother, are you so straightforward?"

Zhu Gaochi said with a smile: "Brothers, you don't have to hide it so much, it's not good! You are indeed criticizing the current situation, but you leak some things that the court has not yet announced, and you even criticize the important officials of the court, saying that you want to steal the skin Hemerocallis. You also collect money from merchants, publicize it for them, and spread the word...How much money did you collect, but you paid the tax truthfully, did you give or receive it privately? The second child has paid taxes, and when it comes to you, there is no exception Bar?"

Zhu Gaosui stared at his elder brother, secretly gnashing his teeth.

"Okay, Boss, you threaten brother, I will go to my mother's place to cry, and beg my mother to be the master."

Zhu Gaochi couldn't help laughing, "This is what your elder nephew did at that age, why are you acting like a child? You are like this, even if you sit in that position, you have to deal with all kinds of demands from your father. Downwards, you have to appease the courtiers and govern the people. Look at the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, old and new nobles, who can listen to you?"

Give up, the matter of the court is not something your little baby can play with.

Half an hour later, Zhu Gaosui was so wronged that he almost cried and left his elder brother's house with his head downcast.

Having settled the two stinky younger brothers, Zhu Gaochi let out a sigh of relief.

Everything is going well, but it seems that he is still a step away from becoming a prince.

Right now, there needs to be a just right event to show the pattern of His Highness the Crown Prince, and gain the unanimous support of all the officials, so that he can successfully become the Crown Prince of Ming Dynasty.

Just where is this event?

Is it the Taizu's dream, or the auspiciousness from heaven?

For example, a large meteorite weighing more than 200 kilograms fell in the yard.

It says that the weight exceeds this stone, and it can be a prince!
In that way, Fatty Zhu will be in the position smoothly.

It's just that no matter how you think about it, it's a bit inappropriate. The routine is too old, and the look is fake. What should I do?
At this moment, Xu Jingchang came to the door again.

"Congratulations, Your Highness, you are only one step away from success."

Zhu Gaochi said helplessly: "It's so close, I still don't have a clue."

Xu Jingchang smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, I will send you a good solution to the problem."

"What recipe?" Zhu Gaochi asked curiously.

"Recently, the Secretary of General Administration received a report from the local government, which said that there was a flood in the west of Zhejiang Province, affecting more than a dozen counties and counties, and millions of people were dying. The situation is very critical. The imperial court has sent officials to investigate, and the results will be submitted in a few days. I want to come to the court but also find a way to help the victims and help the displaced people."

Zhu Gaochi's expression changed in shock, and he couldn't help but said, "Western Zhejiang is a rich and prosperous place, and it has suffered a catastrophe, what should we do?"

Xu Jingchang said: "The Ministry of Households means to spend more money and grain, to relieve the victims, and to reduce or exempt taxes... But there is something difficult to solve."

"whats the matter?"

"It's just that Zhejiang is an important place for silk. After a catastrophe, the production of raw silk has dropped sharply... Your Majesty is planning to go to the West, and has already begun to purchase goods. Among them, silk is the most important thing. It is impossible to send it to those barbarian chiefs and trade with wealthy overseas businessmen. No silk. If Zhejiang cannot recover quickly, let alone this year, even within two or three years, it may not be possible to go to the West smoothly.”

Zhu Gaochi frowned, "Father is very concerned about going to the West... After all, the land tax is certain, and the increase in business taxes also involves all aspects, making it difficult. The only way to go to the West is to trade with the barbarians overseas. The goods go, and the gold and silver are transported back. The most simple and convenient , most favored by the emperor."

Xu Jingchang nodded secretly, the big fat man was right about going to the West, but why did you not support going to the West when you became the emperor?

It can be seen from this that you are also a guy whose ass decides his head, or in other words, you have a heart but you are powerless.

"Your Highness, have you ever thought that if we can take the opportunity to promote reform and relief, will we be able to solve the problem in front of us?"

"What is reform and relief?"

Xu Jingchang said: "In places where there have been floods, after the silt has accumulated, the land is fertile and suitable for farming... If the common people are allowed to plant mulberry trees, raise more silkworms to reel silk, weave silk, and sell Western goods. They will make money, and the court will After getting the silk, isn’t it a dilemma?”

Fatty Zhu gave Xu Jingchang a blank look, "You think I'm stupid. Raw silk can't be eaten or drunk. If the imperial court doesn't collect grain and instead accepts raw silk, the common people will definitely be exploited. Then the price of grain will skyrocket, and it will be exploited again. A cow will be stripped." Two layers of skin, if you want to kill someone, just say so, there is no need to beat around the bush."

Xu Jingchang turned pale with shock, what a powerful Fatty Zhu!
"How can you be so agile?"

Zhu Gaochi said bluntly: "Cousin, my father fought for four years, and I stayed in Peiping for four years. I was responsible for money and food. You really think I don't know anything!"

Underestimating the big fat man, Xu Jingchang sighed helplessly. If he had known this, he would have supported the third child. He looked rather stupid.

"Your Highness, there is still hope for this matter, but the court cannot be allowed to do it, and someone else should stand up."

"Who? Could it be Brother Xian?" Zhu Gaochi asked suspiciously.

"How could it be! I don't want to be troubled!" Xu Jingchang said with a smile: "It is still His Royal Highness Han, who asked him to buy raw silk, sign a contract with the common people, and let him borrow money from the common people, buy grain, and survive the disaster year. He bought Raw silk, weaved into silk, sold to Shibosi, and used for voyages to the West, in this way, everyone will be happy!"

Although Xu Jingchang said that the history is not very good, he still has some experience in divine drama.

It is a dilemma to solve the dilemma... This is a good idea, but why can't it continue?
In fact, from the distribution of accounts, it is clear that in the past 20 years, 200 million pieces of silk woven were handed over to the palace, 100 million pieces were distributed by officials at all levels, and the remaining 100 million pieces were used to buy raw silk and maintain Production, running hard.

The profit of silk is not small, but according to this distribution ratio, how much can be left in the local area?

Ordinary people want to live, businessmen want to maintain production... There must be someone who wants to cut their flesh and mend their sores, and no one wants to sacrifice, then the only thing to do is die.

The fundamental purpose of the so-called transformation of rice into mulberry is not to enrich the country and the people, but to fill in the shortfall as clearly stated in the first episode. Every cent of the silk weaves must enrich the national treasury.

It was wrong from the beginning, and the result was doomed to go the other way, the world was far apart...

"Your Highness, the King of Han is hosting this matter, and the court is only coordinating and supervising, providing some money and food to help the victims. The raw silk produced must have a suitable price, and the price of food must not be too high. You can start the mansion to report the supervision and implementation, and correct mistakes at any time... ...Reform and relief, treasure banknotes to the countryside, these two things should be done together and complement each other. From the household department, to the local government, up and down, all can benefit, and things will be easier when people are united. What do you think, Your Highness?"

Zhu Gaochi thought over and over again, and found that there were indeed no obvious loopholes. As long as the execution ability was sufficient, the chances of success were very high.

Fatty Zhu showed a smile on his face, "My dear brother, this is your idea, but you want me to take it and present it to my father, how embarrassed I am!"

Xu Jingchang gave him a big roll of his eyes, "What are you thinking? You can take the initiative to propose this kind of thing? Rumors of the voyages to the West have already spread, and the people have suffered disasters. With so many gentry and rich families staring at them, who doesn't want to get a share of the pie? ? If you directly contribute the strategy, I don’t know how many people you will offend... I must remind His Highness a wise saying.”


"Things are universally connected."

"Who said this? Confucius or Mencius?" Zhu Gaochi didn't seem to have heard anyone say it.

"Don't care who said it, you just have to remember that behind the silk business are interests, and where there are interests, there will be big gentry involved. If you want to become a prince, the first iron rule is not to expose the sores easily, and no one will Know who will be found in the end. Once it is difficult for His Highness, it will be difficult."

Zhu Gaochi took it seriously and nodded vigorously.

"I understand." He hesitated again: "By the way, brother, you won't be involved in this matter, right?"

"What are you talking about? I'm more careful than you!" Xu Jingchang replied.

Zhu Gaochi nodded, but he was puzzled and said: "My dear brother, you told me about this and didn't let me offer advice, so how can I explain to my father?"

Xu Jingchang smiled lightly, "It's not easy. The people are suffering from disasters, and His Highness is in pain. You just need to take out your property, lock the longevity of the emperor's grandson, and take out the gold bracelets of the concubine, donate them to the people, and buy them." Food, just send it to the disaster area. Don’t worry, I will also donate money, as long as everyone can do what they can.”

Zhu Gaochi was stunned again, "If I do this, I'm afraid it won't solve the real problem, it's just a drop in the bucket."

"But Your Highness can gain fame, enough to become the crown prince smoothly... I even thought about it, the front page of the mansion newspaper, a fiery conscience, entering the East Palace, the Ming Dynasty is happy to be the crown prince!"


Xu Jingchang and Zhu Gaochi had a good discussion. In the early court, the emperor came and the officials discussed the matter.

Today's topic is very clear, and within a short while, the issue of flooding in western Zhejiang was discussed.

Xia Yuanji took the initiative and said: "Your Majesty, as far as I know, this flood is related to the flooding of Taihu Lake. West Zhejiang is originally a place of wealth and dense population. This time, the disaster has caused the people to suffer, and the court is also struggling. It is very difficult."

It turned out that Zhu Gaoxu withdrew, and Xia Yuanji was also a sensible person, so hurry up and pave the way for the future prince, or you will be in trouble.

Sure enough, at this point, Zhu Gaochi finally took a step forward and stood up. At this moment, all eyes fell on him.

The attention of all the people, the hearts of the officials.

"Reporting to my father, the people are suffering from disasters, and my sons and ministers are thinking hard, but there is no good way to save the people. Therefore, I can only do my best to collect gold and silver utensils in the house. Over the years, the father has rewarded money, a total of 3000 taels of gold, and donated it all to relieve the urgent need. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Jian Yi stood up immediately, "Your Highness is kind, and I am also very touched. I am willing to donate three months' salary to help the victims of the disaster."

Afterwards, the six ministers, even Xu Jingchang, donated generously and the atmosphere was warm.

Zhu Di watched silently, "My son is indeed the Lord of Mercy!"

As soon as these words come out, the big thing is done!

After all, the word "lord" cannot be used by ordinary princes, only princes, who can barely be regarded as half-lords, have this qualification.

Hanwang Zhu Gaoxu gritted his teeth, Boss, you have won the first game, don't be too happy, the emperor is still here, and you are not in good health, let's wait and see!
(End of this chapter)

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