My uncle's name is Zhu Di

Chapter 81 Zhu Di is a prodigal son

Chapter 81 Zhu Di is a prodigal son
King Ning Zhu Quan was sent to the Ministry of Punishment. This was the second feudal lord who was convicted because of tax issues. Unlike Zhu Gaoxu's soaring in situ, Zhu Quan was punished firmly this time, and he was not polite at all.There is no cheap thing to allow him to lend money.

To say how miserable Zhu Quan was, there were rumors that even Princess Ning's dowry was given out, even so, it was still not enough.

Zhu Quan could only sign an agreement with the Ministry of Households to pay in installments... a part of his salary will be deducted every month. As for the deadline?

Based on the 20-year generation calculation, at least five generations are needed.

Congratulations to His Royal Highness Ning Wang, happy to mention the world's first installment contract.

At the same time, congratulations to the descendants of Prince Ning's Mansion. Before they were born, they were very fortunate to bear a lifelong debt to repay.

I really don't know what evil I have done, the disaster is not as good as the children and grandchildren?
How can such a thing be done?
"Xia Shangshu, are you going too far?"

At the ten-day meeting, Song Li first complained that he was in charge of the Ministry of Rites and was also in charge of the affairs of Zongzheng Temple. Now several vassals are looking for him to make him stand up for King Ning. To posterity?

Xia Yuanji said with a dark face, "Could I have come up with this kind of idea?"

Hearing this, the big guy subconsciously looked at Xu Jingchang.

No need to ask, this wicked ghost must be him.

"Why do you look at me like this? It is true that misfortunes are not as good as children and grandchildren, but there is always a condition, that is, blessings are not as good as children and grandchildren. They are not Prince Ning's grandchildren, and they will not receive salary at all. Now they are just taking some of their salary and paying them back." Is it wrong to owe the debt to the country? If one of them voluntarily declares that he will give up his clan status, don’t want a title, and become like an ordinary person, he will naturally not have to repay this debt.”

Song Li had nothing to say for a moment, it really made sense, but who would give up the identity of the clan?It seems that King Ning's family cannot escape.

However, it seems that Xu Jingchang's words hide a mystery... After dealing with this kid for a long time, I feel a pattern more and more. This kid's words and actions are often just foreshadowing of future things... The typical example is the Secretary of the General Administration, he just from the statistics Starting with the memorials of various ministries, they have gained a huge amount of power, which almost revived the prime minister.

There is also the matter of business tax, from a Jubaomen tax card to today, it is endless.

It's hard to say whether dealing with King Ning like this will be the beginning of something...

Jian Yi said with a serious face: "The matter of the clan and kings is for His Majesty to decide, so we don't need to say more. The most important thing at the moment is to start with the case of King Ning, investigate the tax arrears, and punish the profiteers. Xia Shangshu, you Any thoughts?"

Xia Yuanji said: "The main force for tax collection is the Secretary of General Administration. I can only do my best to cooperate with Xu Tongzheng."

Xu Jingchang smiled slightly, "Don't worry, Jian Tianguan, I have asked the cabinet bachelors to draw up three sets of strategies, which will be presented to His Majesty in a few days, and they can be implemented just waiting for His Majesty's will."

"Three sets of strategies? Isn't that too much? Do you need to discuss it first, come up with the safest one, and hand it over to His Majesty?" Song Li tried to suggest.

Xu Jingchang smiled, "No need, with His Majesty's wisdom, he can definitely choose the most suitable method. As a subject, how can he infringe on the power of the Son of Heaven?"

Jian Yi looked at the crowd and announced that the ten-day meeting was over.

Today was a very peaceful time, hardly any important military affairs were discussed, and there were no violent quarrels.

But Jian Yi always feels uneasy, many things have hidden murderous intentions, King Ning's handling, and the cabinet's strategy, if anything goes wrong, it will be a big mess.

"Xu Tongzheng, I would like to advise you that there are enough things for Daming now, you should restrain yourself and let everyone live a peaceful life. I am currently presiding over the Beijing inspection and evaluating the officials, so don't make things difficult for me. "

Xu Jingchang smiled all over his face, "Jian Tianguan, you have to trust me. In the entire Ming Dynasty, I am the one who knows how to calm things down. Don't worry, with me around, nothing will happen."

Xu Jingchang patted his chest, but Jian Yi didn't feel relieved at all. On the contrary, he was terrified and had goosebumps.

Grandma, if this kid is not honest, even if I risk my old life, I will use Jingcha's opportunity to completely drive this cancer out of the court. The Ming Dynasty does not need such a thing.

In a blink of an eye, Zhu Di summoned several courtiers to discuss a specific plan for tax recovery... Yang Rong and other cabinet bachelors were all on the list, and Xie Jin, a Hanlin bachelor, participated for the first time since he turned from Xianyu.

Xia Yuanji, Minister of the Household Department, and Xu Jingchang, the envoy to the government, as the main counselors, are browsing the strategy in advance to make sure they know what they are doing.

"Xu Tongzheng, how do I think these two strategies are similar! It's just that one discounts the old banknotes by [-]%, and the other doesn't need to discount, and the tax is deducted according to the original price. Am I right?" Xia Yuanji asked doubtfully, "There is no difference." What are you doing twice?"

Xu Jingchang smiled without saying a word, and pointed to the third copy.

Xia Yuanji unfolded it, and after reading two pages, he frowned, "This is completely nonsense, what are you talking about following the case of King Ning, and investigating all the arrears of taxes since the founding of the Ming Dynasty... If you really do this, the whole world will be destroyed." If it gets messed up, all merchants will be ruined. We want to collect taxes, not eliminate merchants."

Xu Jingchang nodded, "That's why I prepared those two copies."

"But those two points are the same!"

"That's right, that's why His Majesty needs to pick one!"

"Is it the same line to pick or not? What's the difference?" Xia Yuanji frowned. Suddenly, he realized something, and subconsciously stretched out a thumb.

This technique is very good, and the Ministry of Accounting should learn from it in the future.

The two of them communicated similarly. The eunuch Hou Xian came over, and the two of them, together with several cabinet scholars, went to meet Zhu Di together.

The three proposals were placed in front of Zhu Di, and Zhu Di hurriedly unfolded them. The first two proposals were similar, and he threw them aside without looking at them for a few moments. But the third plan, after he unfolded it, he actually liked it more and more.

Shouting to my confidant, I couldn't help but ask, "Who wrote this?"

Xie Jin was stunned for a moment, and stood up, "Returning to His Majesty, this is written by the minister."

Zhu Di laughed and said, "That's right. It's very appropriate to track down tax arrears here. There is also half of the silver, which is also very in line with my wishes. It is only appropriate to count from the first year of Hongwu, starting from the 31st year of Hongwu."

After speaking, Zhu Di looked at Xu Jingchang and Xia Yuanji, "If you have no other opinions, you can follow this strategy! It seems that it is really right for me to reinstate Bachelor Xie."

Xia Yuanji's old face turned dark, and Xu Jingchang's color changed too.

Zhu Di, why don't you play your cards according to the routine?
Xu Jingchang pondered for a while, and immediately stood up, "Qizou Your Majesty, the purpose of this rectification of finances and taxes is to enrich the national treasury and fulfill His Majesty's entrustment at the beginning of the year."

Zhu Di nodded, "That's right, Bachelor Xie's method will have immediate results, and it will definitely enrich the national treasury. I think it's pretty good."

Xu Jingchang cried, "Your Majesty, if you follow this method, the treasure banknote will collapse completely, and it will become almost like waste paper. No matter what, you can't do this."

Xia Yuanji also realized that he didn't care about complaining about Xu Jingchang's smartness, and hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, such a tax pursuit is not new. It was like this when Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty planned to sue him. I think this law is for the people, not for a long time. Even if it can temporarily fill the national treasury, it will leave endless troubles, and it is definitely not the work of the Holy Lord, please learn from your majesty!"

Zhu Di rolled his eyes, picked up three more strategies, looked at them repeatedly, and soon Zhu Di said again: "Not good, it's still not good. Except for the master's strategies, these two strategies are said to be registered for merchants. Then they only asked them to pay back the taxes since last year. And they also agreed to use the old banknotes to make up for it. I have heard that the old banknotes are always only a dozen coins, which is not much better than waste paper. I will let you Enriching the national treasury and collecting such useless things, how can I work hard to govern? How can I promote the country's prestige?"

Zhu Di hummed: "Could it be that you can't prevaricate me?"

Xu Jingchang really wanted to slap himself in the face, but Zhu Di really didn't understand!

"Your Majesty, no matter the old or new banknotes, they are all issued by the imperial court. As a result, due to the excessive issuance over the years, the old treasure banknotes have been depreciated too quickly, and even the new treasure banknotes have been falling endlessly. Now only the imperial court first recognizes the value of the treasure banknotes. Only by gradually recycling the old banknotes can the value of the banknotes be stabilized. Only by stabilizing the value of the banknotes can we hope to fill the shortfall in the national treasury in a short time."

Xia Yuanji also said bluntly, "Your Majesty, I have calculated that the land tax needs to be reduced and exempted, and it is absolutely impossible to collect too much. The collection of commercial taxes will involve too much, and it may not make up for the shortfall... The easiest way is to let the treasure The banknote regains its value, and then..."

He stopped.

Zhu Di stared at the two ministers with a sullen face, and said coldly: "Then what? I didn't see it at all in this strategy. What are you two hiding from me?"

Although Zhu Di has no experience in finance and taxation, he is very clear about the careful thoughts of his subordinates.

Especially Xu Jingchang, this little bastard has never done good things.

"Your Majesty, I dare not hide anything. If everything goes well. In addition, the King of Han has successfully issued loans... After the autumn harvest, the people will definitely borrow money to cultivate the land to avoid exploitation by the gentry. At that time, it will not be a problem to issue twice as many treasures. Disaster."

Zhu Di frowned, "Double or twice? Tell me clearly."

Xu Jingchang had no choice but to say, "At least one and a half times more."

At this moment, Zhu Di finally showed a little smile, "It's not too bad. Since I have money, I will allocate 200 million yuan to me first. I want to compile the Yongle Canon. By the way, I will let Bachelor Xie be the chief officer, and recruit hundreds of people by the way." A learned Confucian scholar, study books with him... eat, drink, and scatter, you guys think of a way."

Xu Jingchang and Xia Yuanji were even more speechless. How could they spend the money before they got it?
This is the Ming Dynasty, so you're going too far in overspending, isn't it?

"Your Majesty, do you think it is possible to let the big guy repair the book for free first, and then pay the big guy after he succeeds?"

Zhu Di hummed: "Xu Jingchang, don't eat today, I will give you six meals tomorrow, how about it?"

 Well, there is another one today... three changes a day, and updates from time to time... please support me.

(End of this chapter)

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